VOL. XXIII. IS PUBLISHED EVERY TH URSDAY MORNING HE LIBERAL PRINTINGJ: PUBLISHIHGHOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. D R. LANGS'E‘A FF Ofï¬ce Hours : p m $1 per annum, in advanCc. Bast ï¬tting tocbh, also yvplnting, Glmdumbo of the Ontario Veterinury with diploma from the Unmrio V Dental School, will visit Mu.le an M01 Friday of each week. and Concord 0 iron} 1 to 3 p: In. Gulls promptly utter Disguaes (if [Mr ad unlmgls tram proved methods Oddfellmv‘s Bldg and 00110;“ DR. Ti A. Omani; VETERINARY SURGEON 6‘ Telephone 3368 {01 Roma travallers. or driving I to or rebut: pass the do F. J. GALLANOUGH, hotel Calls by tel Hill PALM E R JOHN I'A L ‘i l Cor. ulcer and Suntan“: Ave" Toronto. HULSE E‘Eï¬TE Every Ac Momber College Pln'sii‘io ioom RICHMXJND (Successor to \Vill be RICHMOND H BUSINESS CARDS. DR, L. LAWRAsoN, F3 to In @119 VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, RIC THOROUGHI VETERINARY SURE lowest prices W. Cecil flatter, B. DENTIST, delled OFFHCE “GEES EDITOR & Pnopnm'ron . MUMAHON. VT “x. Rog-30% B euï¬ s\ , L2, 124 Victoria St. Toronto 'i‘hox'nh Dam: Glogpm HMIOND Wediml. Ictcrin {AC (i0 8 to 10 a. 111.; 12 to: 7 to 9 p.111. Scniai. “ï¬rst, [I] hmond Hill 9% Toronto, cor. ‘. Sbs.. Toronto, iczlerov appointment ‘M’gl Sood wm )ï¬th HOUSE s and Surgeons. from Richmond 5‘? ‘41 i1 Trotter) HII DAY Hl‘ ITTED. ongc Prop at Mon 5K1“ ‘ On Newmar Aurora i565! TORONTO OFFICE Mr. C NE Sale: 501m T(\"E‘ RICHMOND HILL 8: THORNHILL 25 KING saw, (53 U001; will be a afternoon < MONEY TO GH COURT OF JUSTICE. 52c Sara‘ Ban-ism NF ‘M‘ TODID HILL POST 0‘ X & M61 islers and Sour STRE adhn s of implemer attended on t? 9 rates. ‘liï¬ted. P. U Ofï¬ce, M1. Grant‘s residence brhk'n, oven-Iv evening. ci. Wedueeday from 10 to 12. PJXSEXUNBR IN lit-S «Sc Slough. “In Esscnz'ials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†tuners for ehe County of York,re- b your patronage and friendly attoudeéop tho Harte“ notice nn T WES 'Ol‘fl s for the County of Yorl shortestuoticeaud at ten 3.10 éeaidmznn, 01K LOA MACDONALD G. SIV. M PUBLI C, lll Lst \NT) llOI‘S, TA 1‘ i; 'H' 1:“. Enznbalmu's. ND HELL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1900. 6H [J (‘nunty or York. urniturejmnding hottest notice and on Thursday . Is Furnishings FFH 2E AT 5%. 5M5 IiONTO bewinarket Is. McEwen Weston. Lh of the Adela.sz rear of drug s of York so other D BLOUGE SEES. A N mg u The Markham Township Council win snlnnit the followng by-law to the electors an the January election :-â€"- By-Lzuv No. â€" to make provision for making, grading, gravelling and oil)- erwiseimproving and keeping in reâ€" pair thg highways in the township imd lunder the control of the, Council ‘ of the Corporation of Markham Tp.. and to repeal certain hy-luws relating to statute labor and the duties of the overseers of highways. \Vhereus the highways of this mu- nicipalin have been umintaiued by statute lubor perforn‘iecl thereon, sup- plemented by sufï¬cient grants from the township levies to meet all the ex- penditure connected therewith ; And thexeas for several years an agitation has been guiningstieugth to have the. statute labor commutedor paid in money instead of worked out as heretofore by the rate-payers under the direction of pathmasters or over- see-rs chosen for each road division ; And whereas the ratepayers of the township do express themselves as de- siring its adoption, and the council he- liu'es that better results would be possible if the change asked for were. inaugurated, and the commutation [honeys thus available judiciously ex- pended where most needed by four icompetent overseers to he placed in chu.1ge of all the public highways of this municipality; Be it therefore enacted by the Mu- uicip’al Council of the Township of Markham that this hy-lmv be sub- mitted to the ratepayers at the Munic- ipal Elections held January 7th, 1901, Jud it is hereby euarted hy'the Muuic lpnl Council of the Township of Mark 1mm : 'l'hut from and after the passing of this 1) -luw ull stat/ate labor in this township shall be abolished, and in lieu thereof all ratepayers and others liable for statute labor shall [my a commutation in money at the rule of sixty cents per day for every d:~y‘s statute labor for which they are liable in accordance with section 102 of Ohu p. 22:} of the Revised Statutes of Ontario for 1:97 ; and the clerk when he makes out the collector’s roll shall change the amount of each person’s commutation tax in a separate column opposite such person’s name. and shall he kept by the Treasurer in a separate account, to he known as “The Uolnnlutated Statute Labor l’mconnt.’7 2. All persons holding lands in more than one division shall be rated for statute labor hecording to the whole. valuation thereof, but the, (50111- lnutation tax of such person shall he, proportiolmtely divided and expended in the several road divisions in which the property is situated. an" ‘1- .7 . , 3rd. The subâ€"division of the public highwaysoftln-townshipintosevenlry- nine Statute inhor Districts, as at present]. is hereby abolished, and in lieu thereof the township shall be di- vided for _ road purposes into foul' districts or divisions (to he as neain equal as may be) to he known ZISNUI'Lh Division 1 and 2 and South Division 1 and 2. South Division No. l to com- pi-ise and include concessions one to ï¬ve and lots one to seventeen inclusive ; South Division No. 2, the remaining concessions six to townline “ east †and lots one to seventeen inclusive; North Division No. 1 to Comprise and include concessions one to live and lots eighteen to thirty-five inclusive; Noth Division No. 2 to comprise the remaining concessions six to toynline, and lots eighteen to thirty-ï¬ve in- elusive. The north part of thocon- cession line road which Separate-“hose divisions shall belong to North Divis- ion No. 1, and the South part to South Division No. 1. 4th. Over each of these road divis- ions there shall he appointed a. single Overseer. to be styled, for the pur- poses of this hy-lmv, “A Road Com missioner,†who snail hold ofï¬ce con- tinuously during the pleasure of the Council, and who shall have the Con- clusive control and UHLUHO’L‘Hltllt of the maintenance, repair a115, improve- ment of all the public roads, streets, bridges and highways in his division. including the township boundary line loads bordering sulnv, in so far as ihu commutation and otlwr moneys he- longing or appropriated to his dix ision will enable him to do so, suhji-ctzil- ways to such written instructions as he may from time to Linw receive from the road and bridge connnittc he may from time U from the road and lu-i of his division. 6th. It shall he {luv the mud cmnmissiuue appninted to carry out of this liy-law : (1) Tu acquaint liims and must umdcrn in structing and maiutuit and of advantageously tools and implements may be supplied for [h (2) To employ, direct all men and teams he 1 early on his work. (3) To begin the zmm sprig Markham Township. Lion of the PU cubtinuously here must nuveded by four overseers to he placed in All the public highways of LUt‘ uncil TIL, ating f the eacl may public wmty- in the tiun to his division hausted. (4) To plane or scrape any of the l'mHlS in his (livisiun whenevvr in his judgment they may require it]. (5) To ke‘ep the bridges. sluices and ditches in his jui'isdir‘tion open and in i-c-pair and the highways free from obstructions at all times. (6) To pmpvrly protect, by railings m- ntherwisv, all pits. px-ocipices. deep waters and other places dangerous to travel. (7) Tu see that the provisions of the Act, to prevent. the spiead ()f thistles and noxious weeds upon highways and road allowances are (tuaried out. (8) To cause the roads within his division that. are user] by the public in winter to be made and kept, open dur- ing the season of sleighing in each year. in the C(‘lltl‘t‘ so :1 tn the side ditche l'unds not to b0 19 raise to each foot to centre. (10) That. in expending the said com- mutation moneys, ratepayers having teams, vehicles, utensils, satisfactory to the commissitmers, and applying for work on the roads at the rate of pay allowed, shall in their respective localities as far as practicable, he em- ployed at work on the roads. (11) To perform such other services as may be required of him from time. to time under the written instructions of the road and bridge committee of his division. Gth. All expendihn-e for: road ma- terial, tools. 01' mmthinery for jobs or contracts similar to what have hither- to been met out of the general fund of the municipality, shall continue to be met from the same suurce, 10 be still known as the road and bridges account, leaving t‘xe cmmnuted statute labor innneys of each year to be applied in that, year exclusively tmvm-ds the maintenance and >I'epa‘i1' of the, high- leaving t‘xe commuted statute. labor moneys of each year to be applied in that year exclusively towards the maintenance and repair of the high- ways of the township in place of the, statute labor which has heretofore been used for that purpose. The total commutation moneys shall he annual- ly apportioned and expended in the, several divisions established by this by-lzuv upon the basis of the assessed value of the property in each division as ascertained from the assessment; roll of that year, and the treasurer shnllchurge each payment; made by him to the fund and division to which same belongs as defined by this section. 7th. Each cmnmissiimer shall keep an accurate record of the men em- plnyed and the Work done by him un- der this hy-lauv, and he shall fumile to the reeve in such written form :mzl at such intervals as his instructions may require, properly itemized state- ments made up from these records duly certiï¬ed by him. accompanied My any vouchers ertuining‘thereto, The reevo upon 1 ling satisï¬ed of the corâ€" rectness of such stateumnts may issue his cheque. upon the proper fund from at such intervals as his instrut-tious may require, properly itemized state- ments made, up from these records duly certiï¬ed by him. accompanied by any Vouchers ertaiuing‘thereto. The reeve upon l ling satisfied of the corâ€" rectness of such statements may issue his cheque. upon the proper fund from which payment should be made, as per Section 5 above. 8th. In order to remedy the in- equalities that'. at present exist throughout tLux township in the Width of those portions of its highways which are intended respectfully for the use of vehicles and of persons trasu elling on foot, it is hereby enacted that hereafter the road (:t)!iiiiii3si(>iiers in reconstructing or reguarding any high- way shall aim at a uniform standaid width of track or roadway for vehicles of not less than twentyâ€"four nor more than twenty-eight feet (according to the importance of the road) in the, centre of each highway between the inside edges of the side ditches, unless the confines or formation of the road is such as to justify a, deviation from is such as to justi this rule. 9th. Ditches U structed to drain mediater adjau with [be tuxvulle “rating same from apart, by the next s< ditch shall be of suc hour 1H itsc ‘0 crown m cuntl'o so :1 All :city may u outlet to W fn-elv and 19 2h #3 are “dried out. V- the roads \vi'Lhin his re user] by the public in mdv and 1(0pt,0pen dur- n of sleighing‘ in each t the provisions of the the splead ()f thistles *ods upon highways and - round the roadways stu shed the water 3, the crown (m level lss than one inch of ,of width from side rundv ml the fur Lht nL utters shall be con .‘ox'y highway im L to and payalle n‘tions iun width an quire, an hich tlu not be by railings lpums. deep angermls to your fuufj sad nd 513.111 0 water held to intionuf 9 inside nod true ; evenly depth EVEIW 12th. That :1“ hy-lzuvs contrary the provisions uf the same are 1101‘ the commissioners shall ln- twentyxï¬ve cents (2:3 cunts) fur every hour neces- sarily devoted by him to his (lutivs hereunder, and t0 the opemtur of the grading machine and team thirty cents (30 cents) per hour; man and team for any other purpusv not to ex- Ceed thirty cents (30 cents) per hour; mun ï¬lling gravel or other work not; tn excwul twelve and one-half cents (l2§ cvnts) per hour. The cunnnissimr ers shall include a monmmndum of their own and their cmplnyes’ time in the statements to be furnished to [he the l'et' The annual meeting of the Conser- vative Association of the Township of Markham was held Tuesday afternoon in Victoria Hall,Uuionville. President Robert Ash was in the Chair. The election of ofï¬cers resulted in Adam Hood, Hagerman’s Corners, being chosen president; W. H. Shiver, sec- retary-treasurer; Robert Ash and \Vm. Padget, auditors. The conveners of the committees of the various sub-divisions are : No. 1, Stewart \Vilcox, Thornhill; 2. Robert Elliott, Laugstaflt‘; 3, Frank Bliss. Buttonville; 4, Geo. Forester, jr.,. Victoria Square ; 5. Albert VVeighâ€" ill, Uniouville; (5; Alex. Piugle,Union- vi]10;7, Ca t. Rolph, Markham; 8, J. A. Mitche l, Ringwood ; 9, \Villiam Armstrong, Locust Hill; 10, John Turner, Locust Hill. Messrs. Maclean and Moyes were present, but no addresses were made. The meeting closed at 5. In the evening a. banquet in honor of Mr. Muclean’s recent. victory was held in the Queen’s Hotel. About 10?}. guests sat down to the good things provided by Mr. and Mrs. Heming- way. The chair was occupied by Adjam Hood. A plr the presence of a ladies. After dinner had been do justice tn, an adjournment Wu: tn \Vebber’s Hull, where the fa gentlemen spoke : \V. F. M M.P., W. J. Moyvs, Jas. Leys, Man, Ruben-t, Ash, and Messx Stivm', IIugm-nmn ml () )L‘I‘S. A very enjoyath time “ ‘ ~11t. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢4o While Mr. Hill and Mr. Roblnsm of Richmond Hill were putting in tht acetylene gas plant in Mr. Bailey‘ store last week an explosion occurrea7 unused by holding a, light, too near tln machine. AS 2L result Mr. Robinson ‘2 minus his eyebrows and moustache. The revivle services in the. Metho dist, church were brought to aclool last week, and the Epworth Leagu will hold its meetings every Monda; will 11 evonh Rev evening as he†Rev. J. A. ( prmwhed in t‘ and Rov.Mr.1St. Suphen’s Mrs. (Bot) has been visit Mrs. Gen. Hig Miss Anni and Rev.Mr.McKitL1~ick (If 1‘0 SE. Su'phen’s on Sunday lust. Mrs. (Ron) McKittx-ick of has been visiting for over a Mrs. Gen. High’s. Miss Annie Craddnck k spending the past muuth wit] in Purkdule. On “'ednesduy tender] the marriage of hm Miss Man-in McKay to Dr. Tuggum of Ottawa. Miss Goldie Turk of Tm‘ont ing with Mrs. E. McDonald. (in y ant v i llu ge. TMarkham Conservatives “WRK‘WM . exceml twelve a i cents) per hour. shall include a ll' own and their > statements to be ve under section Mr. J DR. B. J. KENDALL 00.. ENOSBURG FALLS. VT. [Single copies, 3 cts. its meetings is before. 1115. E. McDonald. ’an'y of Toronto spent Mon- uesday with friends in the Grant of the Pres' Maple hy-lmvs ()1' parts of ’ or inconsistent with ‘ this hy-lzlw be and oby re-pvuled. oui'rdrugglsl [or Kc'ndnll’u “A Trent.er on the Horse,†The con momum' ‘mplnyes‘ furnislm 15in th' been (lone ml: )ent was mad“ re the following .7. F. Maclezux. Leys. Henry Richmond Hill )ytm'ian church k of Toronto in wit] «lay About 199. good things 3. Heming- rzcupicd by feature was number of done Toronto week w sh‘ NEE Visit full