Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1900, p. 5

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'fl%¥fif¢94¢.~.xnat bri‘Mn-HMSJATJKQISELea-mmmd‘naig f. 4 i. RICHMOND HILL, December 6, WV) L()(3 [4151315. The V5. C. T. I'. will llll':‘l at Mrs. C. Mason‘s next. Tuesday evening. Mr. R. Moodie has returned after slit-riding Lbe’sumnler with his uncle at St. Mary's. Mr. llarry Sanderson \Vl'l‘lt .totbe City Monday to take a position In Kent's jeu'elry .s'l ore. Mr. (1'. V. McLean. .‘~.i. r\.. of Mark- ham, has been appointed Mathematic- all Master of the l’alis High bebool. Mr. A. G. Beck, teller in the Stan- (lard Bank here. leaves toâ€"morlow to take a position in the Same. bank at. Ailsa Craig. Sivers' boot and shoe store is wall stocked up for the tall t'l'utle asour leaders will see by referring to adv. on another page. l‘lt‘. .‘ICUullgllll of'l‘ot'ontn. traveller for Staunton N (fo.. paper manufac- turers, who was visitingr in this vicin- ity, sang solos in the Methodist Church : last Sunday morning and evening. “lesion lligh School will have three teachers emollient-lag in January. Mr. Maclean, M. A., has been engaged as J’rincipal,and Miss; Hawkins, 1‘}. A.. and Miss lifelinant, B. A. as assistants. Mr. Alex. Gibson of Sarnia, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrle.A. Fargulmrson. and incidentally attend- ed a meeting of the Curling Club on Saturday evening. The municipal nominations this year will be held on the 31st. of December, nnd the County Council nominations a week earlier. The elections for both will take, place on Monday, the 7th of January. Good range of men‘s pull down peak caps in tweed, Melton, etc. at. 50, 7;), and $1.00. Miss Wellwood having resigned her position in the Hcadford school. to at- tend the Normal, the trustees adver- tised for a teacher and had 106 applicaâ€" tions. MiSs Maud Truster of Forest has been Selected for the position. The only defended case set down for Division Court here last Monday was that of Cable vs. Vanderburgh. relat- ing to the. sinking of a. Well. It was adjourned till next- court as plaintiff’s solicitor could not attend. Next court on the 10th of January. An exchange says : “ Don’t be afraid to tell the editor of you: local paper those who are visiting you, or when you are leavil'lg town for a visit. Those items help to make. the local page of interest; to all. People often think the'paper shows partiality, but just try and see. if it does not. treat right it' you give it a. chance.” Children’s lawn aprons trimmed with embroidery, and some with frills of self from 450. to $1.00. Atkinson & Switzer. The annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Branch Upper Canada Bible I Society will be held in the Presbyterian ‘Uhurch this (Thursday) evening. at 8 o’clock. .Addreses will be given by Rev. Dr. Parker. agent for the Society. and the resident ministers. A collecâ€" tion will be taken up cu behalf of the Society. Messrs. \V. II. Pugsley, T. Ludford. - J. Tyndall and J. Dean returned Sat- urdayaftera four days' rabbit hunt along the lake shore between Roach’s Point and Jackson’s Point. The hunt- ‘érs got. over 50 rabbits and several brace of partridges. The campers ocâ€" cu led the. Pugsley farm residence and (ii their own cooking. Children’s Persian lamb caps with nice large curl and quilted silk lining at. $2.75 to $3.50. Atkinson Sc Switzcr Mr. \V. P. Rcekie, B. A., who ex- hibited a. large number of limelight cololed scenes in the Masonic Hall Tuesday evening, was unfortunate in having very unfavorable weather. ~consequently the attendance was small. The pictures represented scenes in Palestine. and were accompanied by an interesting description by the "lecturer. . For some weeks the Family Herald and \Veekly Star of Mont-real, have been publishing most flattering testi- monials regarding their two pictures, “ Christ ill the Temple." and “ Home from the \Var.” \Ve notice. the let- ters come from those capable of judgâ€" ing, too, and having seen the pictures. we must say they are magnificent and deserving of all praise. Family Her- ald and \Veekly Star subscribers are certainly gettinnr their dollar's worth this season “ E‘hrist in the Temple ” is the finest piece of art. ever before the Canadian public. Old subscribers to the Family Herald are rushing for- ward their subscriptions in order to get the pictures for Xmas. This should be the banner year for the Family Herald and \Veekly Star. DECEMBER 6. Let each Epworth Leaguer try to be )resent Friday evenng at the last oll Call Service that will be held this year. The topic is " Taking Pains and Spending Time for Christ.”â€"Matt. xxv.. 1-13. This service is not for members exclusively. but is open to any who wish to attend. Men‘s blue Melton oven-coats. velvet collar, good Italian lining well~made, _. $5.00. Atkinson & Switzer. l was nor DEATH. I Miss lll‘ic‘ll I‘llzlin Moyes, sister of Mr. J. '\\'. Moy. :-. Manager of the Met- ropolitan li.-ll\\'fi)'. died at. the family residence in Toronto yesterday after- nooo. 'l‘be (ilobe this morning' refers to the active interest. she took in the woeiai and charitable \\".Ilk of the church. and says ":il“ was a woman of i't-illill kalle intellectual power, and enjoyed the acquaintance of alal'ge cilcle of friends.“ UZJl-l SILK'I‘ING NIGHT. it is hinted that the village council pinposx- having the link open for skating: only on Salulday evenings. This might not suit some people, but when it is rrnzelnbl-rml that the hockey club have the rink two nights a week. and toe enrlels tu‘o other nights. we do not \volalwr that the council think of reserving one night for repairs. A good skate everv Saturday night SllHlllll till the. bill: Special line of men’s top sbiris MM. 75 (its. and $1.00. Atkinson It. Switzer. E (l'l‘lilt) li.’\ll.\\"AY DEAL. A l'v'w weeks ago it was thought that the purl-base of the Metropolitan Railway by the Toronto Street liaiL way t‘ompauj.‘ was cmuplr-ted. A hiieh altm-wards occu red. and pro- ceedings were. stayed. tbo Tuesday of this week. hmrever. the officials of the. Toronto llailu‘a) went over the Metro- politan, and it is understood an offer has been inside which will be accepted by the Metropolitan. TII l'l 'l‘.»\.l.l{ til" THE TO'WN. The talk of the day in Montreal is the opening: of the magnificent new building erertmi on the best site of the principal street. by the Family Herald and \Yeokly Star. The Family Her- ald's Contecliplirarios are paying it the highest compliments. Tile new build- ing is said to be the finest newspaper building in the world. This is saying a good deal for Croatia. The Family Herald and VVeL-Lly Star has made gigantic strides. l l.‘ 14-. Notice our large adv. this week an- nouncing some. special bargains for shrewd buyers. Atkinson & Switzer. EAST YORK LIBERALS. The annual meeting of the East York Liberal Association was held at Union- ville on Monday. There was a good attendance from all parts of the ridâ€" ing. Hon. E. J. Davis was notable to be present. as advertised, but able speeches were delivered by Mr. John Richardson, M.P.P., and ‘t‘J‘ll‘. N. \V. Rowell. The following ofiicers were elected : President. F. Underbill ; Vice-Presidents, G.\V.Ormero.d, Peter Boyer, Hugh Clark, Dr. Milne; Sec‘y- Treas., R. A. Mason, Markham. Other speeches \verc made by the retith officers and the officers elect. and a resolution of confidence in the'Domiuâ€" ion and Provincial Governments, and in Messrs. Richardson and Rowcll was passed by a. standing vote. “"9 are paying the very highest price. for strictly new laid eggs ant choice dairy butter. Atkinson Switzcr. XMAS CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN. The Christmas number of the Christ- ian Gualdian, which will be issued on December 12, will offer many literary and artistic features. Among its many contributors are Mr. \V. E. H. Massey, the manager of the Massey- Harris t."unpany, who, from his great. business experience, writes of the “ Dangers Which Beset Young Men ” ; Mrs. Jean ~Blewettr, one of the lnost popular of our lady writers, who tells “ The Girl in Love " some. things which she ought to know, and Miss Maud Pet-tit, a popular story writer, who contributes a beautiful story entitled, “ In the Face of a Child.” These,with a score of other articles, poems, and stories, appropriate to the season of the. year, will make the Christmas Christian Guardian a very readable number. The illustrations will also be numerous and attractive. In fact, this paper has been noted for the ar- tistic covers of its especial numbers, the Thanksgiving issue being one of the most attractive pieces of work done in Canada. This high water mark will, however. be surpassed by the Christmas number, which will re- produce Bernard Plockhorst’s beauti- ful conception of “The Angels and the Shepherds.” & A winter fog always indicates cold weather, therefore prepare for good sharp weatherand get a suit of our all-wool or fiecced underwear at $1.10 a. suit. A CHRISTMAS NUMBER. From the standpoint of illustrations The Canadian Magazine surpasses it- self in its Christmas Number. This is an age of pictures, and the quality of those presented in this issue are suffi~ cient to engender enthusiasm in the most sluggish of patriots. The reprm ductions of characteristic bits ef“Can~ ada's Scenic Splendurs” are done in colors most. eifectively. The list of contents is just as connnendablc. There are special poems by Ethelwyn “‘etllerald, Eve Brodlique. \Villiam Wilfrid Campbell, Franklin Gadsby and Elizabeth Roberts Macdonald, all well-known singers. There are. short stories by Vil-na Sheard, Stringer, and Jane Fayrer Taylor, all - bright. and characteristic. J. Macdon~ ald Oxley writes a most interesting article on The Bank of Montreal, giv- ing considerable attention to the cir- cumstances of its foundation and its early history. Alfred Edmonds writes of “ The Young Idea. in Japan.” while John A. Ewan takes us to the other end of the world to see “ Mrs. Kruger at Home." The colored cover repre- sents “ Johnny Canuck’s Christmas.” As a souvenir to send abroad nothing could surpass the special issue of Can~ l ada’s national publication. Arthur l l TllE l’liEfiliY'l‘l'll,ll.-\l\' lll‘)VllC\\'. The l’lesbpterian lleview.published by The Poole Publishing Review. To- ronto. contains a large amount of in- teresting matter in its issue of No\'.29, just to band. (in the front page of the cover is an excellent picture of the Rev. l). ('. ilossaek. M. .‘\.. L. L. ll. editor. Then: is also an illustrated article on the wolk of Rev. \th. Meikle, who has been stated pastor of (‘ook‘s (‘buleln Toronto, during the . \’:lt'illl‘"\'i also on llvr. A. B. “'iuelles‘ vtrr. minister-elect of Knox (‘lnu-ch, Toronto; on Rev. A. .l. McLeod. late Principal of the Regina Industrial ‘ School. The number contains an ex- cellent reprodin-lion ol' the central liâ€" gures of those about. the Moderator-'5 deskat the Historical Moment when the Covenant of llnion was signed on- itini,r the two Scottish churches. The news of the churches is exceptionally well arranged. and of the advertising pages the most. interesting is the filli- page illustration showing the mills and Toronto and Montreal warehouses of the Consolidated Pulp and Paper (‘ompany, Limited. At our furnishing counter next Week we will show some of the choic- est. goods. in Xmas ties. including the popular shades of red and blue. made up in flowing ends and l'our-in-hands put up in fancy boxes. for Xmas at 50 and 7.3 cents each. Atkinson d: Switâ€" zers. ANNUA L MEETING. The animal meeting of the Curling Club was held in the )ouncil Chamber Saturday evening Dec. 1. 1900. The auditors’ report of the secretary’s and the treasurer’s books showed there were last yea.r31 members. and that the treasurer had on hand a balance of $3.03. The report was adopted. Mr. Far-(pillarson was Voted to take the chair which was vacated by President Storey. and the Election of Officers took place. resulting as follows ze- Palron. lion. N. (l. \Vallacr. President. l). (i. Savage. 1st Vice-Pres... l". McConagby. 2nd Vice-Pres, J. I“. Rowland. ’J‘reasnrer, H. A. Nit-bolls. Secretary. T. F. McMahon. Auditors, (2i. McDonald, J. H. Bry~ don. Com. on" Main. \V. T. Storey, .1. H. Sanderson, M. Boyle, \V. H. Pugsley. Mr. Rowland took the chair for the. remainder of the evening. Short. speeches were made by the retiring president and by the ofiicers elect who were present. The Vice-Presidents and the Secrc~ tars were appointed a committee to wait on the Villageiâ€"Jouncil relative to renting the. rink for the coming curl~ ing season, securing if possible Tucs~ day and Thursday nights. The joining fee was placed at ‘$1.00 and the. ser~ retary was instincted to get printed 50 members’ tickets. Next Week we will be ready for you with a, complete stock of Xmas goods in fancy china glassware, dclf goods, lamps, Children‘s toys, &c. Atkinson 8; Switzcr. BOARD or'finucxrlou. Eleven of the twelve trustees were day. Mr. Clubine beiue‘ the. absent member. A report from Davidson silowed that every depart- ment of the Public School was in ex- cellent condition. had at a former meeting requested an advance in salary, which was not en- tertained, asked for a testimonial. On motion the request for a testimon- ial was granted. for postage. $4.90. and supplies, $3.50. was ordered to be paid. Mr. Sander- son, in accordance with a former notice of motion, moved that the Board make provision for engaging a third teacher for the High School at thebeginningofthe year. Elli-.SWltzer seconded the motion on condition that the principal’s salary be. $800, lst as- sistant $600, and 2nd assistant $450. The mover and seconder gave several reasons for the. stand taken, and thought that with the. likely increase in attendance that. would follow a third teacher, the tax would be very little more than at present. Trustees McCc-naghy. Naughton, McNair. Mc~ Donald, Newton and Boyle spoke in opposition to the resolution, contend- ing that such a. move would not be ad‘ visable at the. present time. The school is doing good work under two teachers. Messrs. P. G. Savage, H.A. Nicholls, \V. H. Pugsley, J. Palmer, A. Moodie, T. F. McMahon and other ratepayers also opposed the proposi- tion to increase the staff just now. \Vhen the resolution was put only the mover and seconder held up their hands in favor of it. If you wish to maki- a present of something in furs for Xmas, nothing is nicer or more stylish than a. fur cap- crine. See the. line. we are show- ing in Electric Seal and Brown Opos- sum with high collar and nicely lined with silk at $6.50, $7.50 to $14.50. At- ‘ kinson & Switzer. l“ A ‘12“! Afifik MacnltnDâ€"KmeAKDâ€"AL the Manse. Richmond Ilill, by the Ruv.J. A. Grun', M. .-\..on Wed- nesday Dec. 5. 1900. Mr. Roderick Macleod to Miss Euphemia. Kilklanu, daughter 0! Mr. ‘ Charles Kirkland. all of Richmond Hill. DEATHS Commaâ€"pit Maple. on Wednesday, Dec. 5, Mrs- John Coombs. aged 75 years 14 days. Funeral to Currville bur) inga round, Friday. ‘ 7th inst, leaving the residence at 1 o’clock. Foe. spite" In the Village of Bichmond 1-1111, ‘ Modem Brick Dwelling Consisting of ten rooms, with one acre of good lend. well and two tistcr; :, hennen'. cow sheds, stable for two hmses, all up ‘c-r‘are and in first class mnriitien. A rare chance to purchase a. ( good home nth nemmul cost. Ton-ms reason- able. Apply to 13~:f The secretary’s bill. present at the Board meeting on Mon- 1 Inspector Miss Keith, wbo‘ w. R. pr oc'con _ {i Buyers Carefully read our an- nouncements because ex- perlence has taught them thateach quotation means Value Worth quickly com- ing for. “ No place like l\tliirlson & Si'itzer’s for value ” IS a family quo- tatlon. This Vt eekâ€" Extra Good cooking figs,4 cts. 1b.; Best seeded raisins, II, 15, 16c. pk". 19 Lbs. Extra. Granulated Sugar for $. 4,”- \ a 3.5.. V .w’“ x mg,»- it: 21 Lbs. Best Yellow Sugar a for _ p ‘8‘ u Best Lemon peel 15c. lb. .' E5. Best Golden dates 6&0. '1 1b.; 9 bars Happy Home i Soap,2_=,c.; Extra cleaned , , ‘ Voslizzo currants 16c.; . Alymer brand corn, peas, or tomatoes, 3 cans for 25 cents. M..- cgllrmsses a? seamen , we XMAS GOODS, PURE l3 has ticâ€"PATENT ME'DICINES At cut rate prices. including Shaving. Sets. RM hair brushes, qooth brusnes. face pow ‘ Small Boxes 01’ L. etc. Pnrfum 03 from 100.. upwatds: 5 all kinds of toilet articles. ‘ , s, etc. 4 Electric Oil, 2 bottles for 25c Ayznew's Heart Cure 71c. Carter's Pills. ‘1. bottles for 250 leLl‘liLll's‘ Spaviu Cure, 75c, ' Chase‘s Pills, ‘2 bottles for 250 Gill “a bye 10¢ per cm. 3 for 256 l or ase's Cami-rah Cure. 150 Has Poultry Panacea. 30c. Chase‘s Ointment, 40c Chase's Syrup Linse d and Turpentine 15c Pierce's Favorite Prescription 07c Pierce’s Golden Medical ClSCOVel'y 67:: Pierce's Pe lets 15c Williams’ Pink Pills. 350.. 3 for $1 Dodll's Kidney Pills. 30c Donn’s Kidney Pills 350 k‘m‘meele's Pills 15c Mllburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills 35c.. 13 for St lyer’s Hair Vigour. 65c :1 Egg Pr wiucer 25': (makrs hens lay) 'on LLH’l Wine, 50c. - 2.30 l 4 Food lOc Epsom Salts. :50 1b.. 9 lbs. for 25¢ Sulphur, 30. 1b., 9 lbs. fm" 25c. (,‘zlauber Suits 30 lb. 1') lb for '256 Perfect. Eczema. Ointment. “250 Pure Norway Cod Liver Oil Acid for curing cider Condition Ponders. all kind-“i l l Hood's Sarsaparilla. (570 Your own Receiptn made up / Puiue's Celery Compound, 67c Carefully from pure drugs ‘ . Fro t's Emulswn, large 65c, small 3.20 Canadian Water-white 00.1.1 oil, 160 a. gal ’ agnew’s Catarmh Cure, 40c: .A Magnificent Calendar for each customer. 0. D. DANIEL 86 CO. WHOLESALE Al'aD RETAHL DRUGGESTS. 171 KING s'r. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde Hotel IF'YOU WANT .TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN, ll.’ Siiiliit it'llllHlNE rCAL'L ON OR‘WRITE .W. 3”. CLARK, Eliclnnond 11in. Easy terms ol payment. .ESIâ€"éEEIw/KUNCD 1.721,: i‘iiâ€"‘â€" ' fineness a sister Makes nothing but first-class harness and at prices as low as can be . bought anywhere. The Right Place to buy your Horse Blankets of all kinds. . SASKATCHE‘VAN AND BLACK ('OXVHIDE ROBES. ALSO AGENT FOR IMITATION LAMB COATS. with rubber interlining, is warmer, will look; better and wear longer than any other coat on the market for the same money. Call and see them. ‘ Also full line of \Vinter Gloves, Mitts and Gauntlets, \Vhips, Trunks and Valises and other snpplys always in stock. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. (iE O ._ Samples always on hand. 3.19 DONALD;

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