A despatch from Pretoria says :â€"A force of Boers- attacked Balmoral on Tuesday. Colonel Buckhouse, with four “companies of the Buffs and one Howitzer, defended the place. The( Boer plan was to have four comman-g does make a simultaneous attack on all sides. Fortunately for the Bri- tish. only three oommandoes arrived fighting was severe. The howitzer did y listing was severe. The howiter did “ splendid work. I The British lost six men killed and nine Wounded. Thirty of the Buffs were captured, but they were subse- quently released. The Boers lost_ (heavily. They sent out two burial? parties after the fighting. The Bri-E tish'took a number of prisoners and brought in many wounded, several of 1 Whom subsequently died. i Severe Fighting Reported to the ' East of Pretoria. Simultaneously with this attack a cpmmando of 600 Boers, with one gun Defeated by New Zealanders With Heavy Loss. A despatuh from Bloemfontein. mys;â€"Further details have been received regardimg the fight near Rietfomte‘in, between the British‘ un- der Gem. Puget and the Boers under Oommalndanus Viljoen and Erasmus November 28 and 29. Gen. Paget, towards evening, of the swand day, chased in upon the Boers’ position wi.tLh the intention of attack- img next day at dawn. The Boers, how- ever, \vLLh rejmfomements, including three gums, made adesperate attack and sewers fighting ensued. Gets an Enthusiastic Welcomeâ€"Vis- , its Gen. Symons‘ Grave. A dssputch from Pietermaritzb-urg, Natal, says;â€"Lo\rd Roberts and his daughter arrived at Dundee, Natal, om Friday. The communder-‘inâ€"chief visited Taluna hill battlefield and the grave otf Gen. \Vi-lliam Penn Symons, who was woumuied at the battle of Glencoe shortly after th-u outbreak of the war. and whose holy was interred at Dundee. Afterward Lon Roberts proceeded to Ladysmith-. He was Ern- t~hmsiasticully receivei, and the muniâ€" cipality presented him. an address of welcome. DECREASE IN DAKRY PRODUCTS. It [5 line to Pulling 011' In the Sales of Bum-r. A despatc‘h from Montreal, says;â€" Although the returns to' the factory- men for cheese durilng the past season show an increase of $1,862,000 over those of the previous season, the re- turns tor butter show a decrease of $2,416,000; making a falling off of $544,000 inn receipts for dairy pro- ducts this season as compared with last. The make of cheese. in Canada dur- ing the past year was the largest in the history of the country, the‘ total sales amounting to 2.077.000 boxes. or 180.504 more than those of the previ- ous year. and 177.000 more than those of the season of 1898, which was the next largest on record. The amount received by the factorymen [or their product also far exceeded the returns for any previous year. being $16,560.- 000. or $1.862,000 more than that‘reâ€" ceived in 1899. which was the next largest year in point of receipts, and “€195,000 more than the total re- ceipts in 1898. ROBERTS AT LADYSMITH. Not only were the make and the reâ€" turn in cash the largest in the history of Canada, but the price per pound exceeded that of all other years, so that the factorymen were better re- munerated than ever before. ‘éflERS LOSE HEAVELY. BOERS REPULSED. attacked W'ngeriver, which was held by twp companies of the Royal Fuâ€" siliers. The fighting lasted for eight hours. Ultimately, the Boers retired with considerable loss. The British loss was one wounded. The garrison at Bronkhorst spruit sent two guns to relie As the men retired a ‘ among the Boers, on or wounding 13 of t] or wounding 13 of them The commandoes which attacks were under Ben ' chard, and Pretorius. fought at close quarters most determination. All the garrisons have 1y reinforced. The rrailway has several places, but paired. The places attacked are all a short distance of each other railway to the east of Pretpria Boers Fiercer Attack Brakpan, But Are Driven Off. A despatch from London says zâ€"Lord Roberts reports several captures of stock, and a skirmish at Duinsfontein. where the British had one killed. He says that in this fight Capt. \Vat- son, on seeing a New South Wales trooper fall, turned back and carried the soldier out of danger on his own horse under a hot fire. Lord Roberts also says that while General Clements was marching on Rettfontein he dispersed about 900 Boers with three guns, who were uni der command of General Delarey. Three Boers were. killed. Brakpan was fiercely attacked at3 o’clock on the morning of Nov. 24. The seventeen soldiers composing the gar- rison and the town guard drove the Boers off, killing three of them. Lord Roberts reports that the com- mander at Rouxville telegraphs that Lieut. Newmeyer was found brutally murdered on Nov. 23. He had been shot through the back near Statskraal while on his way to join the constabu- lary at Blcemfonteiu. The command- er-in-chief also details other minor skirmishes. Trnlns l‘rashml Togollu-r at a lime of 80 “Nos an Hour. A despatch from San Antonio, Tex, sayszâ€"A terrible wreck, in which a score of persons were killed and about 60 hurt, occurred on the Mexican Cenâ€" tral railroad on Thursday afternoon, between ’l‘amnmaclha and B‘Symoun, 50 miles south of Jumilico. The first news of the disaster reached here on Sun- day. The place where the wreck ocurred is in a valley art the foot of two imâ€" mense hills. At the time both trains were running 30 miles an hour. One of the trains had on board acoustrucâ€" ti-Jn crew numbering 150 men. The other was a freight train of 55 empty cars. The engines and abount 40 cars were piled up 30 feet high. va0- American train emplnyes were forced to flee to avoid being lynched. CANADIANS' CLEVER WORK. Eluded a Boer Ambush and Killed Many of the Enemy. A despatch from Pretoria, says;â€" Gen. SmLLhâ€"D‘orrien’s column has re- turned to Belfast after afive days’ marCLh from Bullstroom. They had only one casualty. On the return journey the Can- adians, while seaming, rode close to an ambush prepared by the Boers. Realizing Lheir position they sprang1 from their horses, turned them loose,? and sent them galloping back to. the] column. They then sought cover on aslight ridge and poured ahot and accurate fire into the Boers, killing several of them. They held their position until the column of infantry arrived, and did not sustain asingle casualty. lnfurumnam From Private sources ('on flrmi Im- Bullvnu. A despatch from St. Petersburg sayszâ€"Information received through private sources fully confirms the re- cent favourable bulletins, referring to the Czar’s health. His Majesty has made such genuine improvement that his condition seems to promise certain recovery. DELAREY DEFEATED. CZAR‘S RECOVERY ASSU RED. 20 KILLED. 60 INJURED has been torn up in but is now being 1‘8' icked are all within of each other on the Bronkhorst spruit lens the Fusiliers. r1 shell was placed n a kOpje, killing 1 made these Viljuen, Tri- '1‘he enemy With the utâ€" bcen strong- of 80 A despatoh from London. says;â€" The most startling proof that the war in SouLh Africa is still. full of vigour is contained in Gen. Roberts’ desptabuhes a'nmpuncing that 400 British troops with two gun‘s have surrendered to the Boers at Dewetsâ€" dorp, southâ€"west of Bloemfontein. Gen. Roberts’ full despatch 'Iol- Iowa;â€" "It is reported from Dewetsdorp that the garrison†consisting of two guns of the 68th Field Battery! and detachments of the Glouceste’rshire Regiment, the Highland Light In- fantry, and Irish Rifles. a total of about 400 men, surrendered at 5.20 p.m., Nov. 23. "Our losses were 15 killed and 42 wounded. The latter included Maj. Anson, of the Highlanders, Captain Digbvy, of this Gloucestershires, ism] Lieut. Collis. of the Irish Rifles, slightly. The enemy are said to have been 2.500 strong. A column of 1,400 men was despatched from Edenburg to relieve Dewetsdorp, but did not succeed in reaching there in time to effect the relief. Gen. Chas. Knox joined this force on November 26, and entered Dewets- dorp, which was found to have been evacuated, 75 sick and wounded be- ing left in the town. Knox pursued the enemy, and Pileher reports from Smithfield that Knox fought a suc- ressful engagement yesterday near Vaalbank, with Steyn and De Wet, who retired west and southwest. Knox's messenger failed to get through, so I am without details as yet Gen. Roberts also reports askirmâ€" Lab on Nov. 27, at Bultfontein. Three hundred Bot-rs were dislodged and pursued, losing several mun. Bruce Hamilton has cleared the, country 'beâ€" tween the \ViLge and Vaal rivers, cap»- turing eleven Boers and a very large nvumbea‘ of cattle and sheep. Has A despatch from Vrybmg, Cape Ooflony, says;â€"fl‘he garrison of Schâ€" weizer Reneke has been relieved by a c011me of troops sent from here. The beleagueriln'g Boers resisted, but were drhvem oif. The siege, or, rather, the loose in- vestment 01f Schnvei-zer Reneke bythe Boers was one of the oddest incidents of the war. The willztge, which is, in the Transvaal, thlirtysix miles from Vryb‘urg, first attracted the nuoticeof the enemy at the beginning of Sepâ€" tember. On September 22 it was an- nounced that the garrison had been relieved by Colonel (Settle. ‘With the departure of the relieving force the investment was resumed, only to be interrupted a month 11th by a. secâ€" ond visit from Colonel Settle. He appears to have made only a short stay, and his retirement was the signal for the Boers tol return to the attack. Latest news shows that tIh-e town has been again relieved. 400 BRITISH SURRENDER. South African War News Promises to be Most Exciting. A despatclh from Pretoria, says;â€" Lord Kirtclhener paid a flyilmg. visit to Harrismnith, and metal-erred with Gen- eral R-uimdle. His visit is said hm be in cmnnechion with the forthcoming movement to sweep the gluerillas out of the field. Recruiting officers himt that there will be plenty of fighting during the next few weeks, whom it is: hoped that the embers Off the Boer resis- tance will be finally stamped out. The movememt is likely 'to be carried out with all the determilmition which marks Lord Kitcxh‘eumer’s action. Dundee at present presents the striking spectacle of a vast camp. Irregulars are sent thither as they are recruited, and drains [rum Emo- land are also iotminz this base. Dundee a‘t pres stx‘ikhng spemtacle Irregulars are se are recruited. am lbynnmllc A despatc-h from Paris, says;â€"A despatoh tram Aniche, Department of the North, says a quanthty of dyna- mile at the bottom of one of the coal mines there exploded on Thursday, from an unknown cause. Sixteen miners were killed and between 30 and 40 wounded, as many as (Lve being very seriously injured. Â¥ Tile disaste'r his rendered the vil- lage the scene of intense mourning. The wud'ntion of the resued bodies is appalling. Most of them arq rent and torn Lu Such a wav as to be scarcely recognizable. 'nd are also GARRISON RELIEVED. PLENTY OF FIGHTING MINERS 1 the Honour of ï¬Being‘ Reâ€" lieved Three Times. \“llll lmlos “I n I’rt‘ l‘t’arflll Reilxlli. TORN T0 PIECES 30mm a French ' Mine A despatch from. London sayszâ€"A detachment of 260 men, consisting of Companies, "A," "B,". and " I," oi the Royal Canadian Regiment, Colonel Ot- ter commanding, arrived at Southâ€" ampton on Thursday on the Bewarâ€" den Castle. They were welcomed by Major-General Robert MacGregor Stewart. NDON GANADEMS IN General Stewart made a brief speech to the Canadians, during which he said Englishmen rejoiced at their bravery and deeds as much as they rejoiced over the honours achieved by the home troops and their kinsmen from all the colonies brought together by the war. Colonel Otter expressed his thanks for the sympathetic utterances, and after the reception the men left for London. On arrival here they were met by a deputation headed by Lord Strathoona, the High Commissioner, Among those who accompanied Lord Strathoona and welcomed in hearty British style his fellow-countrymen, who have won the admiration of the Mother Country for their deeds of velour 0n the battlefield, were the Earl of Onslow, formerly Governor of Toronto, Dec. 4.â€"Wheat-â€"Ontarios are dull and Mani‘tobas about 1-20 easier. Quotations are as follows:â€" Red winter, 63 to 63 1-20; and White, 63 to 631-20, middle freights; goose whea'ts, 621-2c middle freights; No. 1 spring wheat, east, 660; Manitoba, No.1 hard, old, git, 92 lâ€"Zc; and No. 2 at 87 1â€"2c. MARKETS [1F THE WORLD Millfeedâ€"Scarce. T‘on lots,» at the mill door, sell as follows :â€"Bran, $12 to $12.50; and shorts, $l4 to $14.50, Cornâ€"Steady. No. 1 American yelâ€" low, 470, on track here; and mixed, 460; Canadian corn, here, 440. Peasâ€"Continue firm. N0. 2 sold, middle freights at 610, and east at Barleyâ€"Quite firm, and good an- quiry. No. 2,east, 41 1-20; and middle freights, 40 1â€"2; No. 3 extra, 400 east, and 33c, middle freights. Exporters are liberal buyers of heavy feed barley. They do not object to colour. Ryeâ€"Easy. New rye, 460 west, and 47c east. Buckwheatâ€"Firm. Car lots west,are quoted at 480, and east at 490. Flourâ€"Dull. Holders ask $2.65 for 90 per cent, patents, in buyers’ bags, mid- dle freigh’ts; and exporters bid $2.55 Special brands sell locally from 10 to 200 above these figures. Prices O’Cattle, Cheeae. Grain, 8m mthe Leading Manners. Oatsâ€"Quite strong. Choice new white oats, middle freightsrare sell- ing at 261-20, and east at 27c. Light white oats and mixed oats, east and west, 240. PRODUCE. Eggsâ€"Prices about the same. De- mand good for fresh stack, but re- ceipts are light. Prices are as fol- lows;â€"Boiling stock, 220; fresh gath- ered, 17 to 180; limed, 150. . Beansâ€"Ordinary white beans bring $1.20 to $1.25; choice hand-picked beans are quoted at $l.40 to $1.45. Honeyâ€"â€"Denmnd fair. Dealers quote from 9 to 9 1â€"2:: per lb. for 5, 10, or 60- lb. tins, according to the size of the order. Comb honey sells at $1.40 to we. $1.75 per dozen sections. Baled hayâ€"Steady. Choice timothy, on track here, $9.50 to $9.75; two-ton lots, delivered, sell at $10.25 to $10.50. Bale-J strawâ€"Car lots of good straw are quoted at $5 to $6.50, on track; and ton loté. delivered, at $6 to $6.50. Hersâ€"Dull. New crop is quoted ol. Otter and His Men Receive a Great Welcome. New Zeuland and Under-Secretary 101 the Colonies. The regiment formed in parade or. der, and, with Colonel Otter in com- mand, marched through the streets tn Kensington barracks, and were ten- dered ovations all along the route‘ which was. cmwded with citizens. At the barracks Colonel Otter read to his men the Duke of Connaugtbt‘t letter of welcome. General Trotter al- soheartily welcomad the contingent; in a brief, but stirring speech. The reception was most enthusias- tic. Large crowds at the railroad station cheered and recheered them, and the whole route from the station to the barracks was lined with simi- larly cordial throngs. Flam, in- cluding many Canadian emblem were displayed everywhere. The men marched in splendid order. and appeared to be in perfect condi- tion. While they were drawn up in the barrack square. the Duke 0! Abercorn, chairman of the Reception Ooimmittee, congratulated them on their achievement. The Canadians will proceed to Windsor on Friday morning and while there will be reviewed by the Queen. LIVE STOCK. Toronto, Dec. 4.-â€"At the western cattle market toâ€"day nothing partl- cular came in, and scarcely anything was bought or sold. Secondâ€"class cattle so-ld perhaps a little better to- day for the sufï¬cient, reasom that we had no really firstâ€"class: stuff am the market, and Local butchers had to take, not what they wanted, but what they would get. Mllch cows, feeders, bulls, Shockers, etc., were not at all changed, few were here, and few were wanted, while prices were generally maintained. here at 14 to 150, and yearlings at 9 to 100. The receipts toâ€"day were only about 30 loads, including 1,100 hogs, 220 cat- tle, 400 sheep and lambs, adozer calves, and a few milkers. Sheep and lambs are steady and urn-changed. Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality, and scale got be- low 160 nor above 200 lbs. vance‘ Following is the range of quota- tions; â€" ‘Shi‘ppers, per cwt. Butcher, choice do. . Butcher, med. to good Butcher, inferior. . . chkers, per cwt. . . Export bulls, per cwt‘ DE WET’S CALL TO ARMSo Choice hogs, per cwt. Light hugs, per cwt. Heavy hogs, per cwt. Saws. . . . . Stags. . . . . Burghers Ordered to Rejoiu Their Cmomandoes. A despatch from Lindley, Orange Free State» says :â€"-Mru1y burghers who have laid down their arms are arriv- ing here for protection in conse- quence of a Boer proclamation order- ing them all to assemble in longer on Thursday, failing which the penalty of death will be exacted at the first opportunity. De Wet is in constant communica- tion with the Boer lingers. He in- forms the mun that Lord Roberts is being prevented from burning farms. gt is reported that Hasbroek's com; mando with four guns is ten miles from here on the Senekal road. shortly GERMAN S WERE DEFEATEII Obliged to Abandon Their Dead and Wounded. A despatchv from London. Satur- day, says ;â€"â€"oA despatch to the T'mnet from Shanghai says it is stated thal the Kdlgan expedition has met with a. reverse. It is believed that apart) of Germans were out off by Chinese, and obliged to abandon their dead and wounded. Hogs are firm at the recent ad- 'Prices nominal. that the powers wLLl interfere Sheep and Lambs. Cattle. Hpgs. 20 00 40 00 2 00 8 00 500 350 4 00 275 4 00 2'75 575