Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1900, p. 8

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v" METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE; Between Toronto and Ncwniiirkct. GOING Nt-ltTll LeuvoC P RC1‘o.:si11;,iiti.f‘1. 7.90. 9.111. 11.30 11.. 111.; i 1.30. 2.11). 11.1111 5.111. " ' 11. 111. 1 Leave Richmond 11111 11.111. 111: : 21:9. 1.511. 11.311. 1111:. i1. 111. GOlNG StlUl‘H Leave Newmm‘kot 7.110. 9.13. ll.l.'1 IL. 111.; '2. 4.15.“.(0 7.:51‘111. 111. Leave Richmmnl H111 7. 11.111. l 11.55 11. 2.10.;.1u,s.10 11. 111. 3.1.7. 111.. POST OFFICE NOTlCE Until furthni' untim Hulls will be closed at the Richmond Hill l’ost. Uilica us 101101111:â€" MORNING . H.110 EVENING ... .. 13.1.1 N;B.-â€"Rogistorcil lmttui'ri must he 111111.101! in I least F1fteon)li11utr-‘ vii-licrtliiin tho above mentioned hours for cl OFFICE CLUE S .\T 73': l’ M M.TI"1F.FY. 1‘11: 311111311131. Villaggbii'eotory. Church of Englauilecrviccs (it By. 111. every Sunday. _ Preabytm‘iun Cillll'ClliSt‘l‘Vlt‘GF rit 11 :1. 111.. 11ml '1 p. 111. Sunday School tlt 1.311. l’i‘iivei' meeting Wednesday oveninu. . Roman Catholic Clilll‘t‘ilv‘st’ll'VlCCS on mite SulliiDVBtLt 9 11.111.111111 111.2111 :1. in. Methodist Church Aficni 111 10.30 ii. 111.. and 7p. m. Suuiliiy School at " 0. Gout-1111 prayer meeting Thursday. evoninh. Richmond Lodge, A F 111111 A M â€"1\Ieets Mou- day on or before full 114111111 Courtltichmond. A O 11‘â€"1\Icota fourth Friday H Ivy Lodge. A O U W-~ Meets fourth lutsdny of each month Comp 1111111115 0 S ‘â€" Weducsduy _ R T of ’l‘enipernncoâ€"Mcois first Wednesday of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first month _. Public Library (11111 lion-1111;: Roomâ€" Open Tuesday. 'I‘liursdiiy uud Sili-tll'till" e?(‘11lllgs Epworth Leuguo-Mcots cvmv Friday. (Ll ter- socoud and Moots second and fonith Mondny of every iiicilmiiitijiillisiiil Are running full time cvcry (lay, and we are thcrctoi-c iii :1 111151- tion toturn out work (111 the shortt st noticc. ‘Vc have a full stock of drcsscd and rough LUMBER, Shingles,, Flooringfiheetlnguloull lugs. Etc. “'c also have I’LAN 1:? Prepared for building; 9:5 1 L ()9 SK,“ \Vhich we will scll :1t ."1 rczisoiialilc price. , .1 i will Lil L. lliNiLlL.--” 50 YEARS’ IZPERlENCE RACE M 1:12:15 015310133 Comma-:13. £1. invention is (1011391111111 1 cont. {rt-<1. (ll 1 Pmunts 1:111 1 spatial noticc, '1 _ . “W , '11: 12. L .' 433.79» -.1~‘»;~11‘.-11im~~ iflissvy’ lazuli, A huntismnciy i {mtml wank]: : emotion of nnv :11111‘11‘ your: 1’11111‘1111.. Mititcepmanw Br: - -. ‘ ' 1%} ivhxacnm‘ LE1. nnill :Iil' _ unwed 1-11111 u..;_. _ .. '_‘.v»\l i H u 7! 5‘": 5 W 1% '7 N I bl- . . 1 -~. .~ A?) r" .“fi‘,".ps_4 430;” 2..“I‘."M Glutâ€"16!. , L (malt... ~11: .L‘. n‘. ski - .5.” Ler- >1. 11.11»; 111(1'111l1'1'1‘11‘. - 1 i l i i i .i .20 hill. rewarded by leaving the same at THE 5W 1.. 7212111 gzlvtstisrnimte. Clerk’s liotice. 1 lil1~ll<‘\illl1‘t‘ilnfl ot the Council of QlIOTtl'C-‘n‘ilip _ 111 .11211'l1l1uiu \\ ill be held at Unionvulu on Saturday. Dec. 15th. 192.111,? At 11 1 Kilock 0.111. C H S'l'lVIill, ('li‘ik .. ..,,. l _. . I Vaughan 001111011. 0+- 'l‘lio1mm1111-1:Eiizlofthot‘ouncilof tho Munici- 1..;l1'1(oiVaughan\iilllioliclti 111 the Town Hull Vollorc. ou TUESDAY, DEC. 11,1900, at 1011. 111. JAE B l\i('Ll‘l.-\1‘i.(.‘lcrlt 11111311 in difitiiitis in thc muttcr {if tho csiutt‘ of licvi i (luliy, 1:110 of the V'llzigo ot'ltii-liâ€" llltillti Hill, in the County of York. ‘ Exprt ssanin. (loci-1151111. IV O'l'lt‘E is hcrchy given pursuant to -i it. 5. 0. 1897. Chap. 129, St‘t‘.ii.‘i,:lllti iiiiiriiiiing acts that all poi-sons 11:11 iiig ciziiiiis :igniiist thc cstiitc of thclnlc Li'vi (luliy, who tii(‘(l on or :ihont tlic ‘ lilth il:i_\' of November, 1900, :irc ro- qllil‘t‘ti to (il‘iiYC‘l‘ to the undcrsigncil, Suinli Juno Gaby. Richmond Hill i'.0. York County. the :idininistrnirix of tho cstzitc of the said Levi Guhv. (it‘- I cmiscii. on or before thc 31st tiny of- Dcccnilicr, 1900. their 111111195. :itltircss- cs. onil tlcscription full particulars of tlicir claims and securities (if unyii iit‘iti by them duly verified. After the said 3lst day of I)t’('t‘lllil(‘l‘ thc :nliiiiiiistruirix, will procccd todis- ti-ihiilc the :isscts :iiiiongst the poi-tics Piititicdthcrcto, having rcgarti only to thc claims of which she shall then il.‘l\".‘ lizid notice and that slic will not ho rcsponsihle for the :isscts of tho Sititi cstutc or any part thereof to any poison or persons of whose clziinis sho Sililii not have recoile notice. SARAH JANE GABY. Adininistrutrix. 233 RICHMOND HILL, Dcc. 5th, 1900. FOR SALE A frcsh niilch cow, on lot 9. con. 3, Markham. CHAS. GOlIN, Dollar P. O. *Lgsr Iii Richmond Hill, between Gloss” hutchcrshop and Mason‘s Hardware Stow. on Thursday evening, Nov. 2i), The finder will he suitrilily LIBERAL Office. §TRAYED Came to the premises of the uiidcr- signed, iot114, 11nd Con. Vaughan. 011 or about the 10th of Nov., 1900, one Sillz‘iil black pig. 'l'hc UWnt‘l’ may have the same by . proving property 11nd paying cxpcnscs. GEO. BAKER, f 3% (‘wrrvilltn ” (mugging Chopping doncany day of the \Vcck at iiiAGER'S MlLL, Half 21. mile west of Richmond Hill \‘iilngc. f‘ 1% i a. 2': ii to 3111111 Possibly 111-171113.11 to Spt'llti the. \\ inter Term in our (‘oilcgc from January 2111]. Do the licxt host Thing, 11nd tzikc a. ‘ “t it 15E PR A C’l‘IO AL COU BY MAIL. After scvcrzil inmiths’ prcpiirii- tion wc air now Eli)it‘ to otl'cr inst-class instruction in Bookâ€" kccpnig 111111 Busincss Forms, i’cniimiiship. Shkll'tllillld..t\:(5.,ilV 11.111. ' From 11 l’L‘iiille school with elcvcn regular tmiclicis 11ml :1 good reputation for lioiicst work you may cxpcci gootl rcsiilts. \Vritc for particulars, , )‘~9__=».V_L.\..._-.‘ / 1m 4‘ â€".‘â€"_x..~~‘.':-â€"~.;-iy ¢~rfi 2‘21, 4.7;- ‘ AT: {’31} W ",4 map can; $1143 layâ€"'5'“ i1. 1: put-czar If?” 619:9 um:- cm W L. f) @2013 3’31 9., . . A}: 1 '1 1 1r r:/ @173 Emu-ca maul. ‘- $53 [$923 in ) -39". "0. AM . Pl'lllt‘lpili. Yoiigc :iiitl (it‘l'l‘llti 51x, Toronto. i "fl v , l v - i .\v\\ m". oi iiiihlicr iltll'ii'N’S, \ilii st-ll . . Cir-11p or 1‘Xcl1;iii;:c for tidiN ' iliil..‘1111isoltl:it 1 _ I". J. (l.\Ll..\.:{tlt'(‘1l-l. LOâ€"lf 'i‘iii 1i|iii l. '1 Ta Piiiléii Goad ideas 11.1: :1: scour :l by 01.1: Aid. Ad Tess, T325 D“'EitT RECORD. Baltimore. Hd. ("11115111 Syrup for (‘oliglis :iini t'olil~, Bronchitis. .\.s‘ii1111.'i. 11112. girl-s i111- Illl'tiiilit'l't‘iit‘f. it iscoiiiposi-(i of tho host i'i-iiimiit-s in tho iiiurkci to-tluy for lilt' trcntiiit-nl of coughs .‘lllti i-olils. You Ask. \i'lnit is it. anyway? “'1'”, icon it‘ll you. ()iilt‘l' l UOi-l it'nicilics. itloii‘t know what is llicii- composition. illll this i't-iiii-tlv of lllilll' is ('oiiiposcil of lsluili iixtruci‘ of \\'liilt' i’inc. \\‘ilrl (llii-rrv. llnlni of (lilvutl Buds. Spilti-iiuril. illooil Root niul Syrup. limiulil'iilly llllXt'ti illltl nicc to toktu it is Pl'!'[i:llt‘ti hy 11111.111111 11111 only, \V. A. Huiiih-rsoii, itii-liiiioiitl 251 t't‘lll\' pci hoitio. £1l|tl('illit‘ti Magic (Tough SYHUP $221511: Jaw! “C” “â€" mgr y‘rra »» . ~ g L“ ,' 3. "-7.4 x. .p, \_, ,» k/A £1.21. .4». A fwd Sill ii ii (OPE. Canada it‘ll MON" li il1l1 2.4130043690 760.6{20 ll. impair“: - Etc-st ~ DEPOSITS Rt‘Ct‘i\'t‘tl in Roving-5 Rani; Ucpurt- 1110111 and intcrcst. ziilmvcd zit ".lli arc . r a - - in 1.1.11 fillitiltiil'i' @7558. Notice of \Viiiltilil‘V-‘li not 11cccs- sury. All (lcposits piiyul1l1~ on tit‘lllilllti. ii trial Business For other particulars c1111 zit tho Bunk. I. F. RCWLAND. At} EXT Cook's Cotton Root: (301113511115. % Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Satc,cfl'ect11&l. Ladies ask \ your druggist for cook‘s Cotton Root Cour usd. Take no other. {1.3 all Mixtures. pills and mutations are dangerous. Price. No. 1. $1 per box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$3 per box. 110. 1 or 2,mailed 01: receipt. of price and two s-cent stain a. The Cot-k Company Windsor Ont. 09. 1 and 2 sold and recommended hy all responsible Drugglsta in Canada. IS N1.1 and Ni, 2 ml I in Richmond ltiil by \V A. Sanderson l>11i.'.'.~i. Fall A form consisting of 50 :icrvs. being part (11' lot 5,3111 coo. Vaughan. Theié are H: ncrcs of full win-211' in thc trioiiini. it: 111-11's sl‘t'tit'ti 11111111. The L 11cc 1s :zil l)itl\\t'ti. and tlicic is no unisic 1111111. A gl‘uti strivoni of wutrr ('l‘iis‘It'S El Coi-nci- of tho 1311-111. Friiinc iltltlr, fronw i):illl, iii-hing sin-(l, stuhics :iiiti othcr outbuildings. 'l'lie 1:11:11 is any 111.1111 21111] in gtmti (‘tllltii- tioii. Half 11 mile l'ioiii school, church tiliii post hill-~11. 'i‘ci 111s inotlcriitc. ‘ Posy sszoii ghcn iii any lllilt'. Apply to T. ii. KEYS. L‘iiti'wu'tl P. O. \' 23‘ -11)\‘. ..._.. 2111 Any Flour will make lil't'lltl, but. we will glliti'ullttt‘ gflfifififl EEitE .l . - ' . h- 'J 1 2’1; ill Hi E} El ii To niolt'c iiiort- hrcuii. ligliicr hrs-2111 zlllti i)l't’£ltl 1th1 will lurcp iiioist loiigcr. 111111 lu'lii-l‘ llil\'tll.‘- c1l 111111111 with loss inh- ortliaiii iiiiy othcr lioiir. ii is Silit‘ii)’ Eligli. tirade E‘amily Flour Mutli- to suit {in- [‘vopli- 11111'1 so'J :11. :111's.~1111.ii»11-pi'ii-c. 103. 11.1. LL, .1. MOODIE, ANDâ€"- L' (j HTON BROS. N} bill. 11. 1‘1 :3 '71 .r' X. . .1 r ‘ if: 9;: balsa}. 39.3 it“; a. "1:13 Elgin Mills. Sliocs just Ili'i\".{l {or 51111311111. Another stocl: (Ll \' ‘1 .ocn, \1 1111.1;11 .111.,| ‘ in Box (vii. i201 gob, Perfect ill \Voi'lui..1iiuliip. Fit and li‘iiiisli. i Also :1 stock (l l..:iilics' and Men's ' N T “ Y‘ 1 r ‘ Slxik'l‘ifli 1'13â€" BLXSJW'S. lli"i()‘tl11tCill :tti'lc. An excellent stock of Yiilliil’s .'lii(i lloi's l'itals. i'cviscd ever so citcri. Nothinginallowcri111:1:. Proms 1111; ingurc 11 11 lowest (Cay-ii 1111111: and .5131: us. lio trouble to show gootls. Custom \‘1'111‘11. Pegged, a Spctzii Of the way the Conim‘cmtion Life 1‘1s:‘~,oc1.1iion do their thinness. S'l‘t'rt'F]‘f~'ll.l..lZ, 01 t. 12. 1900. CONFEDERKNOX 1.11111: .\:-5t4(it'l.\.'i'lt1‘i : DEAR SI1<.â€"~~Ki111ily :1(-1>1~pt our (hunks for tho pi-oiii,1~tiiii-;~~ in which you have p2llf1ti](’1‘i:lllll()ll tilt‘iilit'1iilitil i111}: (‘ln-iiuc il:lil(1“ti to 11s it -llay by your agent. I). (1‘. Stflilgt‘, for tho lilii .«iiiouiit. ('luiiii pup-rs 111-1'11 picscntid at. your Ofl'icc on Oct. Mli :iiizl 1-‘111 till" i:-~111 (i tho sziiiic tiny. ‘ ' :‘i-iily, {on Tiiomiv .‘1. 11.11:. Juno: O‘llniicrs, l<'..'.i7..\izi<:'r11 BRAY. " \Vi1oi1iiionotc, Um“. 1'“, 1501'). UONFEDERATIOX Liirir. .-\.~:s1.<'i,i'rm.\: : DEARf4111.-~I{iiitllyHump: (-11; 1'11 mic-’1' for thc [)l'Hll'pil't’SS in which you have paid thc claim on tlic lutc ll. F1. lliirris. ('liwqiw ililllait‘ti to us today liy your Hgtâ€"‘l’lt, l’. (l. Suvago. for thc full .iiiioiiiit. (‘irllll p'iiwrs 11'1-11- pr: scntml zit your ofiicc on ()ctolicr lirh tllltl cheque ih'lelL‘ti the 5.1 111-.- (luv. Youis Truly, 2211111}. J. il.\11111.s. llit'nivtoxn l11L1., Flor. 2*. 111110. DIP... P. G. SAVAGE : DEAR Sli€,â€"~A\('L't‘[)t my thonf‘s for tho chmiuc ilHllLit'ii to inc today living the amount of Insurance cnrrictl by my izltv hiisiniiitl with tho Ctllli't‘tlk'l'éltltill Lii‘c Association. Clicquc iSsiit-d Nov. Zilli, the s:1111c<l;1)' :zs t‘i:1i111_p:1p1:1'5 were prcsentcd at. their otllcc. ‘ {inns 'l'i'iiiv, 5211:3111 .J 51:: 11: 'l.\}}Y. P. G. Savage will he pimist-tl to foi word p:\lnplilt‘i:~‘ of tho (illicit-111, kinds 'of Policies issut-d by tho L'oiit'vilcriition Lil'c 1‘1:,.~'r11-i111211n i111 i1p[llll'.|il;;ll. 1'. G. SAVAGE, District Agcnt, Richmond Hill. .mxyu-t'. _ . 1 «11“; “l?” - “w...” gl»::% 4 ’ r 'V i J ‘ i ii -. , ... :1 1.1 his} “L1: max 359:: 1145ch tits 3 (TLC EZE [1 ‘5 Ibém 1 3‘ :5 ft 0 '1 994 L1 v The Liberal for one year . The 3.111% ,:,>e.ily 'r‘1"r\.r31«1 (‘5) u ‘1 it; u; 4. I) 6.31 W ‘1! CF: The liberal 3:1; ll ally for one QIQQQQ 1.72.91 The lidberal an: Evening 6 Globe for one year The Lib-era: 13.1251 Daily and Empire for one 3762‘: l. The Liberal and. 3531731.. Mail (35 Em; ire. 1 ye ‘1‘ 7" The Libero." and 1.11/5le and Empire to l, EThe Liberal and. 1 to 38.11. 1, ’01 -I‘, :. m’fr.z:”_1%'fl‘ '- ‘fl‘i ‘ $145.77 .. («R3331 '_\‘ ‘ r21 " 3’. V“ ‘5 1'! "xi". Â¥>.T)Sr!:‘£ 1, .\~ m5 _ 1.. - . ,- u ‘ r - 1 Our fee returned if we fa}. . Any one sending any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a. Patent” sent upon request. Patents 1 secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special not/(e, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and Widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for 5111 o.‘ 3 copy F? A 53.. Address, "11"”; “it: .12 fl . ET A F} 1 ‘.'_’..3,»:/~ ’17.. Tilâ€"K, Du as l Evans '

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