New Advertisements. Change â€" H. C. Bailey, Cbange- Iulpt-l'iirl 011 Go. Changeâ€"Atkinsoan Swrtzer. \Vest York Liberalsâ€"A. J, Anderson. Notice to Creditorsâ€"William Cook. Changeâ€"Jerry Smith. Elie ï¬lter: Brenner-{D HILL. December 13, 1900 The last of the elections have been held, and once more the wretched incendiary racial cry has utterly fail- ed as it deserves. In spite of the persistent efforts of tory politicians, 'who wilfully and deliberately mis- represented thc attitude of Quebec. and notwithstanding Sir Hibbert Tupper’s reckless onslaught in refer- ’ence to the Yukon the electors of Burrard and of Yale and Cariboo, have given renewed and emphasized vsupport to the Government. Thus the last vestige of excuse for continu- ing the suicidal effort to set section against section and race against race, has gone, and it may surely now be hoped that the senseless policy will be dropped. Monday’s World says that in an interview with Mr. W. F. Maclean, M. 1)., that gentleman has named three Liberals from East York to ï¬ll the vacancies for senatorships. Mr. Maclean says “ If any letter from me would bring the name of some wor- thy farmer Liberal before the atten- "tion of Sir Wilfrid Laurier I would gladly write it.†It is extremely kind (‘9) of Mr. Maclean to offer to do so much for the farmer Liberals of {East York, but doubtless he would lo "a greater success pulling rnangcl ‘wurtzcls. The magniï¬cent banquet tendered Hon. Clifford Sifton in the Pavilion, .Tuesday, was well deserved by the guest of" the evening. The Liberals did well to show such honor to the young statesman of ti e west, who nrade such a mainly fight in the recent contest when his oppo- nents endeavored to drive him out of public life by a policy of slander and nrisrcpresentalion. lllr. Sifton won on his merits and his enthusiastic ~ supporters are to be congratulated on his 'ictor'y. The Quebec electors almost made it unanimous for the Liberals in the Provincial elections last week. Of the seventy odd seats only ï¬ve Con- servatirw were elected. Prince Edward Island yesterday the province went Liberal by 21 to 9. A convention will be held at Wes- ton on Wednesday of next week to nominatea candidate for the next Provincial Election for West York. Everything goes to show that the present member, lll'. IV. J. Hill, will be the unanhnions choice of‘ the con- 'vention. Uakirerges On Tuesday evening last Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Thompson, who have Just, returned from their honeymoon, Wore serenaded by a party of friends . from Bond‘s Lake. evening was spent. The music con- sisted of cow bells, mould boards, horns, sleigh-bells, &c., and was under the direction of the old vetcran,"Billv ~Clifford," whilst the firing party, cori- sisting of six gunsnvas led by Sergeant John Ferguson. Corporal Ern.Phillips acted as tapâ€"master, the duties of which he performed in an excellent manner. Songs, speeches and danc- ing wen-indulged in until the small hours of the morning,\\'hcn the. serenm dais left after giving three r-inginrr cheers for the bride and groom and singing “God Save the Queen." Mr. ‘ Thompson has cuter-ed upon the farm A most enjoyable at Oak Ridges, lately occupied by Mr. . It). “ï¬lliams. who has commenced business as butchcr at King City. W Carrville. in Mnnomur. “ The memory of thejust is blessed." The funeral of the late Mrs. John (‘voombs of Maple, who died on “'etL iresday, the 5th inst†in the 75th year I of her age, took place on Friday after- noon, 7th insL, to the Carr-ville (‘cmâ€" eterv. The funeral obscquios were largely attended. Since the late Mrs. loourbs was taken ill about three Weeks ago, she and those who were near and dear to her had the sincere And in r and in Carr-ville, whore she ll\'('(l for many years until 1598, when her hilslnllltl retired from farming and, they have since lived retired in thcir f prt-lty home. " Fair View," Maple. l sympathy of an unusually wide circle - Sturgeon Falls, Where he has boon for atlases; ten. = nonsense; raiser Thr- last few days of her life hct'i : sufferings were distressing to witm'SS. t. and often during her pnroxysms of pain her loving nttendants though: she could not. live. “'hcn she would see then) Weeping to sm- hcr suffer and powerless to givo relief. sln- would say. “ Don't weep for me. but pray that I may have patience; ‘tis hard work,“ but it will soon be over." ed on, hearing her weakness and pain with christian fortitude and resigna- tion until a short time lu‘fni‘c her death, when sln- seemed much lu-tlvr- and brighter. though it wnscvident that the work of dissolution was pro- grossing rapidly, and about 8.45 n. Ill. on \Vcdnesdny. she pcnccf'ully breath- ed hor- larst, falling asleep in the arms of Jesus. Calm was (homomont and sr-r-cnc, “'th all her sul'f'er ings closed; No agony or st ruggh- sv en, No featuri- discomposed. She has left a sci-rowing husband, four sons and four daughters (all of whom arc rnarricd with the exception of one son) to mourn the loss of a faithful wife, and a loving (IL-voted mother. The pull-bearers were (i. (lonmbs. \V. (‘oombs and (i. (Vim:le of Brad- ford : Fl‘omnbs. Nowlnarket,nephews of" dcccasvd. and \Vm. and Ernest Baker of Carr-ville, grandsons. “('Y. J. \V. Stewart of lilglinton, whom doâ€" ccn'sod lrnd scvcrnl days prior to llé'l' (lcnflrchnscn to preach the sermon, took as his text Ht. .lohn xiv., 24%, and delivcrcd an appropriate discourse with much feeling and effect. Other clorgymcn who assisted in tho St‘lt'lllll I service were the lit'VS. \V. Donn. Maple: S. L. \3'. Marion, Epivm-th Methodist Church. Toronto; A. .l. (2‘. (hrrscnddcrr, Carr-\illc, and \V. Booth. 'I‘odrnordon. Earth has another vacant chair: but heaven has gained another It“ tlcPlllt‘tl spirit. Mr. and Mrs. T. Cook wont to Bradâ€" ford on Monday to spend a few d :_\s with friends. (‘onk anucipa‘rvs having a few days for his favorite sport, hunting, before he returns. Mrs. Jas. Barker and her sister, Mrs. \V. Iioarmrn, visited at Mrs. Arthur Coombs', Richmond liill, on Monday. l{e\'..‘3’.L.“Illarton of Toronto, who has been visiting at “The Elms," rc- turncd home on Saturday. Mr. Hold. L'owen has returned from ' . alr. nearly three weeks. He says there is much snow in that \icinity. Mr. Mcllish and Mr. J no. Baker have been repairing Bleak Breeze Hollow bridge. A huge boiicr has been put in, and it is hole that it rrrry prove more substantial and satisfactory than the previous arrangement has lrt't‘ll. Miss Maggie “'oud, who spent the, summer at Ncwton Brook, is home at present. Mr. llorbert Blake is visiting friends: I in Toronto. Mr. F. E. Comnbs of Ncwnrarkci, spent Friday and Saturday with friends at Moor-wood Farm. Mr. J. Lx'rainger l;:.~ .I:: no] 1mm.- aftcr several months†absence spent with relatives and friends in Mar khanr and elsewhere. One of our young men is away learn- ing motor driving, and will take a, po~ sitiorr on the Toronto Street Railway as motorrnnn when adequate to run sponsibility involved. Cili‘l'\ ille friclrds wish Mr. Bert. Boston every success in his chosen vocation. The date for the Christmas Tree and Entertainment in connection with the church here has bccn nrrangcd for the 215i. inst, and will, in all probability, be held in the school house. A good illllt‘ is expected. cm ’ " W - ï¬erce Reasons l ' Why You Should Insist on Having ‘ assess reassess on ' ' Une nailed by any other. Renders hard leather soft.) Especially prepared. ' Keeps out water. I ’ A heavy bodied oil. ' H a n as see I An excellent preservative. _ Reduces cost of your harness: - [Never burns the leather; its ' Efï¬ciency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. ‘ -. O a. Is sold in all . Localities Manufactured by Iperiul Oil Company. - RICHMOND 311 1;. The Next Sitting of Division Court for l\’o. 3, (:ouniy of York. will be held in the Court lioom, of friends and acquaintances in Maple " l: A 1.4 Hhc linger-1 9, NV"??? 7 . ~ -. Maharishi} glide, l “ONT‘ 9 Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. .‘ulCBIAHON ~ . To PATENT Bond Ideas . may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °“’ENT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. ! ill-,8 TH iii.†[‘1' Qt?‘ did B in) l . So every belle says in her heart. to the absent bean. on looking on my collection of beautiful rings. The beauty of the selling is very striking, and the pr icz-s lllilkt' the love- . ly pirccs all tho llll‘rl'l‘ ntt rat-Live. If you are thinking of ringing the belle, visit my Sltll't‘ » Special pr ircs for Christmas. JElll:‘l'h.\ll'l‘ll, >i’l'zu'tlvrrl \Vntclrmakcr. near; recon 1901' f-Yézalo. First-Class Bow-h and Maple deliver- ed on the shortest notice. Apply to \V. ll. PHUUTOR 'fl‘hérié its Satisfaction In obtaining Honest And a good at ticlo at a Low Price. This result is attained in all orders placed with A. J. Home, Tailor, Richmond Hill. “C7 ’l‘ ‘ ~â€" v Jeri; Call and examine my carefully Sil'lootâ€" cd assortment of 'l‘wvm‘s Ht‘l‘gcs. Fancy \Vorstcds and 'l rousormgs. if i Terms cash. New Fall Fashion Now on View: . Plate 1“ 5-,, :3: a: "a :N “whim? "27"" i s t. this a wi- an EEWTEE Eéit‘iiiii The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he will during the winter rnont bs Chop (air-gain Of al kinds at 5 cents a bag. ping cvcry Chop- E-Wecl :Elrfh‘ï¬ï¬ y :r n c"; s alias-«ix. i On any of those days you can got your grain ground \\ int.» you wait. Also gristing and cxrha: ging wheat fol: llnlli'. All kinds of flour and food always on hand. Choice Family Flour and Manitoba Patent. Try a barrel of my >l‘\‘(,‘l£ll 1)) and of Manitoba Flour for irornennade bread. Market price paid for l‘ced Peas. E5. Schmidt. 5'. H a :3: Union‘vifle. 3m. :- (Of the ï¬rm of Eckurdt 8: Prentice), agent for the MnSscy-llarris Labor» Saving Machinery, \Yagons, I’lows, Scuï¬lcrs, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and ’I'hrcslrcrs, the Branff'ord \Vind~Mill, and [he Upâ€"to- thtc Toronto Fanning Mill. All Masseyâ€"Harris repairs kept by H. A. Nicholls. Richmond Ilill. Business solicited. Wood’s Phosp‘hodine,5 " I The Great English Remedy. Soldand recommended by % druggrsts in Canada. 0111 re.“ able medicine discovere . . at .41. kayo: guaranteed to cure 31 forms of Sexun Weakness. all effects of chest or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use 01 To baoco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelp’ of price, one aokaze $1. six, 3.5. One wzll plaza: ammuwre. nmphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, 011i L? \Vood‘s Phospho line is sold in Kiel-mood Hill by \\'. A. Sandersonbrugglst. FQR SALE In the Village of Eichmond H111, i‘i’ocl rn Brick Dwelling ("urinating of ten rooms, with one acre of road lurui, well and (no ( .crrr. hcnnerv. con 51 is. stable " \vo horses all up-Lr-dute and ‘.Ll first class nonunion. A rare chance to purchase a. poodhome at a nominal cost. Terms rut-mn- able. Apply to l3~tt \Y. R. I‘llO-L‘I‘OI’. has? In Richmond Hill, between (x‘lass‘ butcher shop and Mason‘s Hardware Store. on Thursday evening. Nov. 2!), .1 $21) bill. The finder “ill be suit-rny rewarded by leaving the same at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. . my - 9â€".- (.kaâ€"m‘l _. . ,- unmï¬VJ\(9§-e~\‘m- I ‘Q NO. bu ' -1r~}- ,. Any 3' sterner 2' k, ‘ ‘ ,â€". Coup n and £300. 5 seeds 0 93 {:5 U3 mm...» um-MI-ku-t-‘I-IH- =manvfln 4m-‘Im l l l o 1â€"4., 10,12 15.3. tin Salmon, 10 and 1.2 1-2-3. tin Preserved Cherries and Pineapples Boo. a. Jar. iiiiilLEY, it‘l.4’3ii3i..E. 7:1" 1â€". ,. «cs-4.. . 39.3.11: lit? .33 tundra? 0. Mason has on hand his stock of Virich he will scll at. rock bot tom priccs for c' . A150 Stow 'r’ipos, [Cl ms, and Stoves of all kinds. All kinds of Hardware, Tinwnr’e and cer vthing‘ in the tin and nardxvarc lino rift-up. Eepairing Fremptiy Eerie Richmont Hill 5’" iii . "I ",4? Cr ‘ . ‘ i}. Thifhiï¬ .14-“. , 5n t.» " ‘ ï¬gwrrxrns 1 i533“? “Tr -v :~.., 1 ,_ , at Headlight Ianm- too 11 cross cut saw is . without doubt the fastest cutting cross cut saw made. IS 4 guagt-s thinner on the back than too from, every saw guaranteed, only 50c. per foot. lanterns, 1er coldddaru. one of [he lmst lanterns made usually sold for 7oc., our- pricc, (Lac. each. Linsd \Vmicr Mitts. only 2.3c. per pair. Alarm Clocks, fully guarrauteod, only 75c. each. irisiiimiéiiiécs at 3%.. 160 and 168 King St. llast, 3 doors west of' George Street, Toronto. LE mi’IfetfoAï¬ï¬‚ ull- ELY-Zn?!« 4.x" 1?.Tl'fm'm â€" .4 I- on iiiii ea AGENTS P- THE a? People’s Life sneer nee Company, Head Ofï¬ce, Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto; and The Standard hintaai Fire Insur- ance Company, A purely Farmers’ Company, head ofï¬ce, Markham, Ont. i For particulars call on the agents, ' Residence, Richmond Hill. l \â€" l jRepairs for all kinds of Machinery. r