=_rvc.. n..- "Rica-Mono HILL,7Deeembcr 13,1900 I; ()(3‘ Adai'. The last addition to the High School I is Mr. John Gardner. ; (hurt llichInond meets to-morrow cradling for the ('lH'tltIll nl otncci's. THE LmEnAL and Toronto Daily Star ‘one yc; r for $1.50. Mr. Chas. Muieahy cf ()rillia,_ start.- ed Monday as junior clerk in the Standard Bank. a._._ __ _. Miss Jennie llollingsltead of Toronto spent. over Sunday Vith lici taster, m rs. J. Smith. Mr. H. McMahon of Aurora, spent a few days with Mr. T. b‘. McMahon amt returned Monday. I I l I I Master Morley Barker is taking a; business course at Nimmo & ltarrIson s I 'Uotumercial College. Skates ground and CH ."III saws gummed and illt'ti, on shorttsi, notice at Magcr’s Foundry. Richmond Lodge. A. .1“. 8.: A. M†granted :55 to the Hospital for lSIclt Children ac their last meeting. Next Division Court on Thursday, January ll). haturday, 259th inst., will be. the last. day of service. Go to Tun LIBERAL Ofï¬ce for Christâ€" was books, Christmas cam‘s, booklets, calendars, etc. Rev. 1“. Elliott. left. Monday last for Buffalo to; st lit \'. John llmn'el‘ in holding revival services for a couple of weeks. Miss I-Ilta Ill twser of Toronto and Mr. lilmcr Lie... of Peter-born Were the guests of the Misses Marsh over Sunday, at {ï¬lm‘s Lea. Mrs. \Vm. Marsh returned Tuesday from Peter-born \\ here she. had spent three. weeks at the home. of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mal-lean. The Board of Education are adver- tising for 2.3 cords of ï¬rst-class green hardwood, beach and maple. Tenders to he in by the tirstofJanuat “'ood to be delivered by the end of Fcb’y. Mrs. D. \V. Eyer desires through THE LIBERA L to express her heartfelt thanks to the many friends for their kindness and Words of sympathy in,her recent bereavement. Boots 5; Shoesâ€"Our stock is l: and vi'cll-sclectcd. We buy for c 1. leO sell for cash. Men‘s Solid leather working boots $1 a pair. Naugliton Bros., ngin Hills. ' Special this weekâ€"2 lbs. rvood cur~ rants, 23m; 3 lbs. good rasins, 25 .; good salmon, 10c. ; :5 bars cameo soap, as orood as ( ' fort 23c. Nalwhton I) ‘ Z) Bros, lgligin 31 Apairof nice warm b splendid thing Io:- moil‘ Look at the blanket-3 Atkinson & bwitzer offer. The. Metropolitan Railway Company have placed live electric lights opposite the \Vaiting Room. "he lights an- swer a good purpose at this particular place, and quite outshinc our ordinary ctr-eet lamps. â€" l Srcurc your tickets for the High School Concert and ComInencemeut Exercises in the Masonic “all next Tuesday evening. The admission is only 15 cents, and excellent talent has been secured. Mr. II.C.BaIIcy, merchant at. Maple, is circulating a Christmas card show- ing that he is bound to make havoc in . the prict-s of his store goods. Custom- ers who get a card will be. pleased with the quotations which he gives. Something very choice in men’s ties for Xmas gifts, at. 25-, 5t) and 750. Atâ€" kinson & Swuzcr. The \Vest York Liberals will meet next \Vedncsday, Dec. 19, to nominate a candidate for the next Provincial Election. Among the speakers will be Hon. R. Harcourt, Hon. F. R. Latch- ford, \V. J. Hill, )1. P. P., Mr. Arch. - VIampbell, ex-M. P. Meeting at 2 o'clock. Special line of fancy candics and hon bons for Xmas. Atkinson <\' Switzer. Dr. Coultcr, Deputy Postmaster- Gencral, who has been granted leave of absence on account of illness, spent a. few days with his parents, and re- turned to Aurora Monday evening. The Dr. appears to be regaining his former strength. The usual Christmas Tree and En- tertainment of Presbyterian Sabbath School will beheld in the. church on Thursday evening. the 20th of De- cember, comnrmcing at 8 o'clock. The programme will consist of diaâ€" logues, recitations, m:sic.. etc. Ad- mission, 10 cents. Cheer for the cheerful at. this season of good cheer. Atkinson & Switzer’s grocery is fairly blooming with holiâ€" day attire. Proclamations are out for Division 4. Richmond Centre, comprising Vaughan, Richmond Hill and \Vood- bridge, for the nomination of candi- dates to serve as County Councillors in York County. Nominations will be I held at Vellure on Monday, 24th inst. At present it looks as if the two who _ now hold the positionsâ€"Messrs. I Pugslcy and Highâ€"will be elected by :’ sacclamation. Mr. A. E. (loombs, M. A Principal of the NewmaI-ket High st'ln'ol, has been appointed examiner in the s‘t:l'>jects of History of Education and School Management for the Nor- nIalCollt-ge, formerly known as the School of Pedagogy. The appoint- ment is good for three years. Shelled almonds, shelled walnuts, «h-mon, orange and Citron peels. ex- Atkinson & Switzcr. LOOK INSIDE. Au esteemed farmer \vI-itcs us that we do not give proper attention to the I‘ol'onto markets. An accurate ac- count of The Markets of the \Vorld will be found t'lll'll week on one of the inside pages of THE LIBERAL. ti acts, spit-es. T it' best. Japan rice, u’lér‘. ; Rangoon Her, 31:. Atkinson & Switzcr. SllER‘VOOl). A mcnIori;d service on the death of the late Rev. J. Fishburn, who served the Lutheran congregation at Sher- wood for 2.3 years, will be held next Sunday. December 16, commencing at It o’clock. :‘u'r. Fishburn died in Leb- anon, Pan 1". 8., on the 29th of Nov- ember, aged 77 years, 4 months. 2 lbfz. fox-EH; ; good coffee ‘I, ZUe.: cleaned l’atras Atkinson & Switxcr. XMAS TREE. The lllclillI-gl's‘ of SLStt-phvn’s church, l‘viaple.intca.. Inkling their Xmas treat for the SL‘iI’II'Zl'S on Friday evening, December 2:]. Thole will be dialogues, recitations and singing by the schol- ars; also singing: and instrumental music by olhm who have kindly con- sented to as. .. Entertainment to commence at. 7.50 p. in. Silver collec- tion wfll be taken at the door. All are welcome. Leeds Richardson,limp, of Maple v. ill act as chairman. I’urc lard ground ft raisins, 1" Dr'awi g neaI'â€"Ohrist.:nac. Draw- nt-arcrâ€"tlwcimvds at Atkinson and b‘wdzer’s counters. UHOOL UONCER '1‘. ._. _. P t (T. *7‘ bâ€"q U) enter- .mI-nt in Connection with our High School. Thc date is Tuesday. Dec. 18. the place the lilasonic Hall. and an en- joyable, time may be looked forward to. The following will take pat-tin the prograuune: \". J. A. Uarnahan, baritone, Toronto; Jos. H. Shepard, elocutionist: Mrs.(Dr.) Sisley,soprano. Maple; Miss Stevenson, Newton Brook. ' here will also be choruses by the, High School. The Marshall coni- niittee will be I‘lt'SSl'S, J. H. Sander- son and l". J. Johnston, and :tll‘S Clark will act as piano accompanist. I Sish-y of Maple. will occupy the ir. which will be taken at So'clork. Admission, 15 cents. FATAL AGOIDE. T. It is our painful duty to record tl: week the untimely death of one of m r esteemed fellowâ€"citizens in the person of the l- c David \V. Eyer. Illeccasnd was a (in: to put stone on Yonge St. neat-Jed: myon last Friday morning, when an unmanageable horse caused him to come into collision with a pass- ing car, killing him instantly. The funeral tool; place from his late. res- ide-net- Sunday morning to the Tunkcr buryinggiouml near Gornilny, Service being conducted by Rev. F. Elliott. Mr. Eyer was a quiet, inoffensive tnan, and the unfortunate accident is a great shock to the. citizens of our vil- lane and vicinity. His sorrowing wife and other relatives have the deepest sympathy of many friends. IS 1 Christmas thoughts combined with economy thoughts are found among, Atkinson & Switzer’s fancy goods. The artistic merits of the two bean- tit'ul pictures given to Family Herald and \‘t'eckly Star subscribers this year avert-calving no end of praise from the best people in the land. The Ii‘anr ily Herald and \Veekly b‘tar pictures improve year after year. and this year‘s effort has been the greatest ad- vancement. “ Christ in the Temple†simply beautiful and well worthy of - the magnificent reception it is receivâ€" ing. flame, and good judges, too,seem to favour “ Home from the \Var,†but when it is understood that each sub- scriber gets bothaictures, then it is no surprise to see the thousands of com- plimentary letters appearing in the. columns of that great paper. There should be an enormous number of dolâ€" lar bills floating into the Family Her~ aid this year. It is the biggestdollar‘s worth in the market to-dav llolly for Christmas decoratingmicep green leaves. with bright red berries, cut in small branches at. 5c. each to large pieces at 15c. each. Atkinson 8: Switzer. CHEAP BOOKS. The, giving of books with newspaper subscriptions is a feature of circulation piomotion now very widely used. But we doubt whether any newspaper has ever made quite so generous a proposi- tion as is made by The Toronto Daily Star. The Star offers itself for one year through the mails, and a copy of that beautiful publication, Picturesque Can- ada,"for the sum of $2.50. The origin- al edition of "Picturesque Canada"sold ' for $21.60 some years ago. The book Tie Star is gIvmg contains all the original pen drawings and letter press. It is printed upon heavy coated paper, : and is bound in cloth. It is probably the last edition that will ever be prints ed of this famous publication, and the. marvel to everybody who understands the cost of book-making must be how 3 The Star is able to sell a. book of this ' kind at such a price. No such $2.50 worth of reading has ever been offered 1 before. Any of'our readers who wish to take advantage of it should drop a post. card or write to The Toronto Star for a blank orde: , ., B. Pacd,, Canada Branch Bible Society was held in the Presbyterian Church on Thurs- } day evening. The chair was occupied ' - by the president, llev. N. \Vellwood, I and an interesting,r address was given I by Roy. Dr. Parker, agent. for the So- I cicty. Rev. R. S. l'.‘.. urge also made , a few remarks during the evening. The depositary‘s Il-port showed that. the stock of bibles and testamcnts on hand amounted to $21.68, and that the ' sales for the past year \vcrc $4.59. The following otlieers \vrre appointed: I‘residcntâ€"vllev. J. A. (lrant. Vice-Presidentâ€"\V. Innvs. Sec-'l‘i-eitsâ€"WV. A. “'1 ight. I)cpositar}'~â€"'l‘. l“. McMahon. ' \v Newton, T. H. :hy, .\V. Furyt J, Storey and the resi- I l l Directorsâ€"â€"And1 ," Trench. F. Mctlv H. Sanderson, \\ . dent. ministers. Collectors were appointed as follows: l'last Side-Misses Storey and Mondic '\\'est sideâ€"Missm Switzcr and Mcâ€" Conaghy. Victoria Squaresâ€"Misses burgh and Alt-Kerwin. lit’lldftil'tl‘â€"l\1irlflt's Thomson and E11- eon. Pattersonâ€"A3155 Bumble. Stoutcn- .V‘IAKEEI 155E“ Emanmosmwitn~Iizvtxr At the Manse, Rich- mona “In, Do". rah, b‘: rim Rev. J. A. Grant. f-htmunl Hollingshettd to Eden Irvine, all of Vaughan. [3 E l. '2‘ E! S HEMINowATâ€" M II Herman. on Sunday, Dec. 9 Jane, wife of the lat.) Moses Hemingway, in her 8";ch your. 7 AI‘leWS Not, BS. Dr. Nt‘llt's of ThoI-nhill is at present suffering ftom typhoid fc\ (-r and is be- ing treated in Grace Hospital, 'l‘ozotr tr). Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without a nice din: 4r, would it? All the delicacies of the season are to be found at. Atkinson & Swit/mr's. From a careful review of the list of Liberals just elected in Quebec it is found that 16 of the Gt so far returned are linglish-spcaking. The very best cookng figs, 40. lb. ; golden dates, ï¬lm: Pure Gold jelly, 10c. ; mince meat, l’Jc. Atkinson 8: Switzcr. Mr. \Valtcr D. Bcaidmorc, the well- known leather maiInfactuI-cr, has been appointed license com . ioncr for the, City of Toronto in place of Mr. \Vni. Roaf, who resigned a fortnight. ago. Some, girls like a man with a. past; others with a future; but; most girls like. a man with a present. about Christmas time from Atkinson and Switzer's fancy goods. Mr. Robert Clark, himseifan enthu- c curler, has leased the. Thornhill aling Rink for the present; season. Both skating and calling will comâ€" mence as soon as the ice can be made. ____ “WM Liable The funeral of the late .‘Il'i-s..l.t"vr:ombs who 1 away last. Vfcdi: allay morn , =r a lingeri g illness, took place to dart-ville. on Frid y afternoon. A large. number of friends and ac- quaintanc 's followed the remains to their last rcstingplace. Rev. J. W'. Stewart of Eglinlon conducted ihesr-r- View and preached a .‘jt'l'tllult in the church. The ('JlillliitUH‘ of the Public Library have expended the sum of $65 in purâ€" chasing Iiew books, and have Secured all the. latest works. In the future the books will be kept iIrThomson’s Hall. Tickets of membership may be had for 50 cents, and it is hoped that all who can, will take advantage of the oppor- tunity of getting; so much excellent reading for so small a sum. Mr. lid. Nime of Hopâ€, Is moving,r this week into Mr. \l'.J.-Ickson‘s house. lie has been engaged as cltâ€"ik by Mr. H. G. Bailey. There was a plowingr bee in theficlds belonging to the Mans» last week. Quite a large tract of gIound was gone eve". Some of the villagers have proposed organizing a temperance society, and a meeting for that purpose will he held l in the retry of the Methodist church on Friday cw-ning. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Saigeon spent. Saturday and Sunday visiting friends at Tormore. Miss J. Thomson of Scarboro 1S visit- lug,r her brother, Mr. R. Thomson. Rev. and Mrs. \V. (l. Beck were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Sisley fora few days until the Manse. was ready to be occupied. Mr. Samuel Hollingshcad and Miss Nellie Irvine were united in matri- ‘l mony on Thursday of last week. Rev. J. A. Grant of Richmond Hill performâ€" ed the ceremony. Miss Rich: son of Pine Grove is visiting her friend. Miss Ella. Kinncc. The induction of Rev. \\". (l. Back took place. in St. Paul‘s church on Thursday, (3th inst. The .crmon was preached by Rev. l\ir.Bennett of Fish- . erville. Rev. Dr. Carmichael address- ed the Minister, Rev. Alt-x. McMillan, of St. Enock’s, Toronto, the people, and llcv. J. A. Grant of Richmond Hill took an active part in the proceedâ€" ings. Rev. J. C. Turnbull of Toronto ' Presbytery was also present. Tca was ; afterwards served in the, basement, Iand a short programme given, and . asociable time spent. t ' Sale Register. anAY, Dec. litâ€"Auan S-tle of furniture. etc., on lot L5. Pen. 4 Mailman}, Victoria nqunre, pruecrtvof \i 1. LRWSUH. Sale at 1. Terms k‘ush. C. H. St er, auvtn new. I SATURDAY. Dec. lSthummn sale of fnrvn stonk, ? etc. ca lo? 1, can. (1 Markham. Millikan, the , property of ('lms. l' u}. Silo at I. Terms 1 "' 3 mos. Ecliullit ana . railicr, :uuetIoneers. SATURDAY, Dec. 15 â€"t'IcIl:’L stile oi LISTâ€"20,010.. on lot 59, con. 1, Markham, prouurty of JcSeI-h Fl her. Sale at 1. Terms 101-103. Stokes d: lilo zirauctiiunccrs. Want: may. lie.) implenwnts, A ., Iota con. l Vnu,.l.aa, the , property of El a Flatt“ .. Sale at 3. Terms 10 mos. Eckardc k Prentice, auctitueers, t . The Annual Meeting of the Upper1 Trying to think What you want For Christmas Come over to our big store, Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill. and let us help you think. §ATKIN80N & SWITZER ll» I? \Ve have everything, and it’s easy to think of what you want when you see it. We want to show these Christmas goods R, anyway so come over. is}? The goods are desirable ls. V '11] quality and quantity and the prices are allur- Fzmcy Ties, Suspend crs, Gloves, Silk Hand- kerchielsd‘dufflers, Fancy China, Glassware, Lem- onade Sets, Toys,Games Full Stock Fancy Dry Goods. ATKEESQN (ll: S’lï¬HTZE l .71, r K' _ T, ., “Pm,†' , a ', ..._,.,. ‘. 2/ Qï¬fw 1* mazgcwzcgmég “warâ€"n... m... missing, PURE lacs & prim MEDICINES At. cut: rate pncc including Shaving Sets. Razors, etc. Perfumes from 100. upwatds; ullll‘ bruchs, goc‘th Lt es, lace powders, all kinds cf toiict articles. Sta ii 13st5 of Cigair, etc. ac ‘-: tel s I’llls, :4 bottles for 250 (‘naen‘s 1’nls,‘.2 bottles for 250 (Eta Aguew’s Heart Cure 710 I Ktlfl'lllil {Juviu Care. 750 . th'ett’s Lye 10c per tin, :3 for 250 ‘ CtvLï¬l‘l‘tLD Care, 150 ' Hesse's Poultry Panama, 300. . l l l 'Uizr meat, lac Moxie-tn Egg Pro luae 2.5a (Inakrs hens lay) §vrup Inase d and Turpentine 150 licefdron and Wine, 500 din-Norma Prescription CR: ‘ Golden Medical Oiscovei'y U76 s l’elcts 15¢ I‘amtoria l 40c lts,2lc lb.,‘11hs.f)r 25c "liams‘ Pink Pills, 35c.., 3 for $1 .ll).. 9 lb, for mac's Killucy Pills, :ne (imam.- its 3c 1b, a ll) for 275:: I . I l I Ljunn‘s Kidney-Pills 3:30 Perfect 'cnI-I. Ointment, 25c l armeele‘s Pills lac Pure Norway Cal Lner Oil .‘mzd for curing f‘ltll.l' Millntrn's H cart and Nerve Pills 330.,3101‘ Chl Ayer’.‘ {air Vigetu‘, (55: (ltimlitton I’ornlurs, all kinds Hon S‘umpuailla, 67c Your own He It~ m Lde ll') .t’uh' L‘elarvcompound. 67c I (lawfully f .re fun 5; ‘ Fen‘t Emulsion, large the, small 35c ' Canadian ‘I ..torâ€"\».'h:t.-e can oil, 16¢ a. gal Agnew s Cuiutrah Cure, 104; A l‘dagniï¬cent (,‘alcntln' for each customer. 0. D. DANIEL 66 CO. WHOLE.st Ann warm“. Duc'uols'i‘s. I71 KING ST. EAST, TORO..-T0 - - Opp. Clyde Hotel .__.4 IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PI AN 0, ORGAN, O R 353 ll ll? llillBHlNE CALL ON OR WRITE C5 Lï¬RK, Eï¬ichnaoud Jill}. Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. "Ric H 331 ONE) 1 1 5; LIZ Makes nothing but first-class harness and at prices as low as can be bought anywhere. The. Right Place to buy your Horse Blankets of all kinds. SASKATCH E‘VAX -ND BLACK COXYHIDE HOBES. ALSO AGENT FOR IMITATION LAMB COATS, with rubber interlininrt, is warmer, will look better and wear longer than any other coat on the marktt for the same money. Call and see them. Also full line of \‘s'inter Gloves, .Iltts and Gauntlets, “'hips, Trunks and Valises and other supply; always in stock. I I-c-lit sale, of farm stncs, l ReyAIRING PROBIPTLY JXTTENDED TU. GEO._ BIC:I)ONALD: