The question of a. big abattoir is being investigated thoroughly. Hon. John Dryden, Minister of Agriculture,- is in Chicago now. .He went to attend a. big cattle sale. but he has another mission. That mission is/to visit some .of the Chicago abattoirs. which are meted the world over. Hon. Mr. Ross has decided views on the subject. and can see a big thing for the province in the scheme now on foot. He will be pleased with no- thing less than a firm that would kill in the neighborhood of 100,000 animals a year. In connection with the abattoir there would be cold storage cars. With the meat properly chilled it would be transferred to cold storage compartments in the ocean liners and carried to Britain, and be in the very best condition on arriv- l'ng there. Mr. F. \V. Hudson will take atrip to Chicago, Mil\vuukee,‘5t. Louis. in fact go all through the west and look into the methods of chilling mat for export and the way the big abattolrs do their business. Though \Vomen‘s minds, like Winter windS. May shift and turn an‘ n'lhut. To love of Scam-dal, Tea. and friendsâ€" They're Constant still, for a‘tbat! An‘ so awn‘ wi’ [-‘nwiqn 'l'u-M Doon wi' Japan un’ 11'. that! Ceylon Gwen ’i‘ea they 100‘ [he hast, And wha’ a Crime daul‘ cn' that? Mr. Dryden will see {these big- abat- toir men and get all the available in- formation. Just how the Govern- ment will assist in the establishment of the one proposed has not been set- tled. but one thing is certain, they will give aid to capitalists who can see their way clear to give to the province an abattoir of no modest Size. For it’s the tea. They dearly 1: Blue Ribbon. and Anti braw M011 Because, you see, Japan. the Lin For syme the firs Japan. the Line they tira‘ at, For syme the first are British Teas. They loe’ them \veel. an†a’ that! Though some may prate 0’ ilther tea. An' flaunt Japan. an‘ a’ that- The Lassies say they‘ll hue their way. An drink Ceylon for a’ that! For a' that, 311’ a’ thatâ€"- Awu‘ Japan. an’ a' thatâ€"- The bonnie teas they 103' the best Are Empire. Grown. an’ a.’ that! The above suggestion. trom a fair Camadian aorrwpondem “with apolo- gies to Bum." has been gratefully received and immediately adopted by gies to Bl received a: â€" TO HAVE A BIG ABATTUIR. THE DRESSED BEEF AND POULTRY TRADE 0F ONTARIO. An Immense AlI'ulr to lie null! lo Slmmh (er for Trade “'lth the 0m Cull-(ryâ€" llon. llr. llryllon lnvvsllgntlng ('IIII-agn Hellman. ‘ There is a project on foot for the establishment in Ontario of alarge abattoir. The Provincial Government is anxious to see one started and will lend aid to such an establishmnt. The scheme is shaping nicely, and something definite my he look- ed focr at the approaching session of Legislature. which is, in all proba- bility, about six weeks distant. IMPROVING COLD STORAGE. Just now the Gowernment is con- sidering how these cold storage sta- tions can be further improved and their usefulness extended. The sys- bem of cold storage used in‘ Ontario is being copied by the Dominion. When sending experimental ship- ments of fruit to ‘Manerhlester this fall the Government; went to the expense of fitting one of thJe boats up in ac- cordance with their system It wasa success, and the Dominion Govern- ment immediately adopted it, using it in all the boats in which they shipped Canadian produce to the old country. Trouble was experienced in the past inkeeping the fruit after it was tak- en out of cold storage. The trouble was that the fruit would sweat and soon mildew when exposed to the air. Under the system. adopted 4by the On- tario Agriculture Department the produce is given plenty of air, and as a consequence it keeps much longer and is in perfwt condition when brought to the light ready for the market. Hon. George W. Ross has had the question in his mind far along time, He firmly believes that with :1 big abattoir inthis province 'there would spring up a large trade in beef and poultry between Ontario and the motherland. Great success has at- tended the shipping of poultry! to the old country. and the Premier wants to see this grow and include beef and mutton. Great strides have been made in cold storage. At the last session of the Legislature concessions were made to those people who were build- ing cold storage stations. The Gov- ernment proposes to assist the estab- lishment Of these stations. believing that they will be a great benefit to the farmers. Further legislation may be passed. "\VE‘LL TAK‘ .v\' CUP 0‘ KIND- x NESS." MR. DRYDEN WILL INSPECT; aboon the lave, '. am} a‘ thatâ€" Salada. too. )on, an’ a’ thatâ€"- ‘Lwixt you an’ me. they dra‘ at, are British Teas. Neel, an‘ a’ that! u. tram a fair L ‘wit-h apoloâ€" Iwu‘ gratefully ely adopted by They. too, had noticed the change in the sky’s aspect. and had heard the short altercation between‘ the captain and Lampsey. They had seem the threatening gestures of the disputants, and without understand- ing what was being said, had guessed its purport. Then scores of them, suddenly shaking Off their lethargy and ignorant of marine etiquette, swarmed up the puop ladders and ask- ed What was the matter, 'Was a. breeze coming at Last? If so, why did not the Isailors do what had been ordered? 01190 I The only man conversant with Pun- jabee Hindustani hastily exphined the situation; the advancing storm, the consequent danger to the ship, cLotrhed as she was to the mastheads. anl the refusal of tin crew to do their duty. No one knows what he contemplat- ed, but at that moment an unwonted commdtion was observable among the hitherto apathetic Punjabees. Before they could he stayed, some two hundred Punjabees rushed along the main-deck and mounted the foreâ€" castle. The crew was ready to re- ceive bhem. There ensued a fierce No one knows what may have pass- ed through the captain’s mind 'at this terrible juncture, for every sail was set, and a squall fast bearing down om hits shipâ€"a ï¬lm-rigged ship, fitted with the cumbemome, oldâ€"fashioned tackle of the dayâ€"carrying quite five hundred souls. death becaus to their Isalt‘ of the passengers. and they were ï¬ght; KNIVES WERE FREELY USED against this now infuriated natives, who were entirely unarmed. their cutâ€" lasses being- in chests below decks. All Japan teas are colored llow n (fholern-iirlrkon Ship “'11.! Saved by the I'llllquDN-S. The Zenobm. While on its way to Bombay, carrying passengers, and paclned between decks with cholera- strickan Punjabeea, had (been ten days becalmd. She rolled gently on the oil-y swell, with all lner sails set to catch the slightest stir. None came The wretched Punjabees crowded to' the door of the cuddy. where the pas! senigers sat, invoking Allah to grant them a wind which would not only till Khe sails, but blow i;th cholera o'ut oi the ship. At the welcome words the passem gens followed the captain and rushed on deck. The mate “Stow yer slack as well as yer sails yerselves!†retorted Lampeey. "We amt a-goin’ to budge!" On t‘hne’afternoon of the tenth day the crew mutiniled. Comimg (1ft they declared through their Spokesman lampsey. that they had made up thodr minds to take to the 'boats. “and leave the tub and the niggers to them- selves.†"More nor one can play at that game!" exclaimed Lampsey. "Game on, mates!†‘he added to his fellows, and the whole crowd made off to the forecastle. "Sure, it looks black and threaten- ing to the west; it’s a breeze of wind; I'm th-iknkinlg‘.†"A sand-squall!" exclaimed the cap‘ tai'n. "’Twill be down on us in no time! All rhands take in saill" he roared im the direction of the fore- castbe. "Be smart. lads 1" The skipper. his officers and the passengers arde themselves with re- vodvers. O'Kelly, chief Inmate. went on deck to look out for steamers; the rest remained in the cuddy, While the crew gathered on the forecastle head. "Below there!" suddenly called 0'- Kelly through the skylight. “Well. all I have to say,†replied the captain, "is that I‘m put a bvul- let through the first as touches lift or tacklle." 15 sent “Hello!†responded the skipper. \Ve bricks and groans assailed the ears r duty POINTED TO THE \VEST. CEYLON GREEN TEA 11 blood thoroughly up. ‘ the wind to drive away and shall we go to arm HEROISM AT SEA. 11 mike them Iha me (1 zed Wh’a is pure and uncolored‘ “1‘ men are 1n muleâ€" go to another nee 1r vet‘s at untrue ‘ut- 30d the The next mm‘nimg the crew express.- ed contrith for their behavior; the Pumjabeea, new full of renewed spirits, came aft in a body and in- terceded for their late antagonists; cuts and bu‘uilses were forgotten, both 'parties shook hands in token of amity, and thb skipper, nothing loath, ac- corded his forgiveness. In 1895 as*cel rail on the Great Northern Railway in England broke into 17 pieces) causing asericus ac- cident. A cummittee of the board of Thc policy of yomr newly-elected rulers is in fawor of trade‘ ,within the empire. ' Your patriotism approves 0d: it. But, setting that aside, I ap- peal to your dainty taste and ground my faith on QUALIFY. If you try Ceylon and India machine-made GREEN teas you will miss something. “'hat? The impurities imparted to Japan and China greens by the FILTHY METHODS OF HAND- FILTHY METHODS OF HAND- ROLLING. Think of this. Blue Rib-bun, Monsoon and Salada packets are on sule.â€"-Colc«uist. Fa‘u‘ Canadians; What‘ do you think? said Miss Kit- tishto Miss Frocks‘ Ethel is actually going to marry the man she loves. Ethel always was an original girl added Miss Frocks. PRECIPITATE. Heâ€"Do you object to the word ‘obey' in the marriage service? Sheâ€"Oh, Mr. Walter, this is so sud- den. \Vith a bow rumble the squall came on. Sand was in the air; it filled the eyes, nostrils and month‘s. The hur- rimanc struck the [ship with terri- fic force, and swept on, leaving them well-nigh on their beam-ends. but safe! The gust proving to be a pre- cursor of a stiff but favorable breeze, sail was speedily made om the ship, and in due course they bowled along toward their destination. thankful for their deliverance from a combin- ation of perils that once seemed to threaten them with annihilation. about charging forward. revolvers in hand, to quell the disturbance, when, numbers having gained the day. they saw the sailors driven along- with kicks and cuffs by the victorious Pun- jlb-ees. They saw them ascend the ratlines, followed by the swarm of mulezlrivers. who threatoncd by ges- tures to throw them into the sea if they did not immediately furl sail. The seamen. not daring: to disobey. worked in fear of their lives, and in a few minutes the Zemobin floated 'un- der bare poles. Omly two deaths occurred after that terrible day. and without fur- ther adventure or unflsadventuro, the Zemohi'a arrived safely in Bombay h‘a rbor. J75 i . Macy/f 523w \VHY STEEL RJAILS BREAK Ont ous a: Kidne r74 / for which Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the only certain cure. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed up, and the water, which should be expelled in the form of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the filth which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine One of the most dangerâ€" ous and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease is LET‘S TALK I'I‘ OVER‘ ORIGINAL 95m A; French naturalist asserts that if the world should become birdless man would ,not inhabiq it after nine years' time, in spite of all the sprays ‘and poisons that could be manufactured for_ the destruction of insects. The inamls and slugs would simply eat all the orchards and crops in that time. There is: more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases but together. and un' il the last few years was supposed. to be inr urablc. For agrcnt many years doctors pro- nounced it a. local dies 15?, and prescribed local remedies, and by comtantlyf iling to ru e with local treatment. pronounced it incurable. Sci- ence has proven catarrh to be a. constitutional disea>e, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure. manufactured by F. J. Cheney &. Cy., Tolodo. Ohio, is the x-nlv or nrtitlliional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon- ful. It acts dinotly on the bloc! and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one bund- reo do lllI‘E for any care it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY & 00.. Toledo, 0 Sb] by Druggista. 750. Hal ’8 Family Pl'lx‘ am the best; yt‘ars of work on the subject. The committee ascertained that the parti- cular rail which broke on the oc- casion described possessed certain abnormal features the precise origin of which remains mmiertermined, but the investigation led to several dis- coveries of Scientific and practical im- porlamce. Among these is the sur- prising effect of cracks in the up- per surface of rails. It was found by experiment that arail nicked with a. chisel to a, depth of a6~lth of an inch broke under aweiight of 600 pounds :falling from ahoight of 12 feet, while the same rail not nicked resisted the {all of aton weight from ahoighi: of 20 feet Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tnblau. All drugth refund the money if it. fails to cure. E. W. Grovel‘ signature in on awhbox. 250 AN INTERVIE\V! TO AVOID. It is folly to meet Old Age half way. I thmk so. I wouldn’t meet him at all if I knew how to get( out of it. Yes; he makes everybody that kows him talk about how lazy he. is. MES WINSLOW'S SOO’I‘HING SYRUP has been used by mothers for their children teething. It. soothe: the ch Id. softens the gums, allaysp 11D ewes wind ca 105 and i a the best remedy for diarrhom, 25¢ a boztle. Sold by all dru zists tnroughouc the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. ï¬VinsIow‘s Suothing Synlpï¬' Skitts doesn’t do an earthly thing, does he? PERH’APS NOT. Uncle Joshâ€"The detectives say they‘ll bring the crime home to the criminal. \\- MONTREAL HOI'EL DIREGTORV. The “ Balmoraé,†Free Bus 3;}; AVENué'swiissii‘ “iiiâ€"College A Hv "mm rutnu Jonsonâ€"I’ve only been married six months. Come around a year or so from now. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARs 13mg. WINsLoyv'suspoqï¬u‘mo SYRUP ha- Uncle Silasâ€"I reckon they won’t ï¬nd him at home. Your brothers and lovers are re- t'urnin-g covered with glory. The whole empire attests the credit of their achievements. In Africa they met their cousinsâ€"the British tea pha‘nte‘rsLâ€"also fighting for the cause. Dear Cousins; You can aid the com- rades of your soldier brothers. Try OeyLom and India GREEN teas, if you 11on drink Japans. Leave the rest to your dainty palates. Salada, Monsoon, and Blue Ribbon packets await yumâ€"Colonist. Tomsonâ€"Say, old you join our club? Fair Canadiansâ€; The Dawson DON'T TAKE anything that is offered you. but see that you get whim you ask for. N AM E LY OEYLON TB A, the people's ï¬rst. choice. It has become so bacauae it is best to be had. Lead Packets. :5. 30. 40. 50v 60°~ 1'0 CURE A ('0le IN OVE DAY PASSIVELY ACTIVE. Poultry, Butter, Eggs If you have any correspond with us. We want I00 OARLOADS to supply our trade. A BIRD‘LESS \VORLD T00 EARLY II I“. PAT“ IIDTIC‘. - .1’1 ' ’ Free Bus $053; Icuillâ€"Uollega Avenue Luxuuy HuL0| mtes 81.50 per day. man, why don’t Commission Co, Limited. Toronto. The flanada Permanent AND WESTERN CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION. Toronto Street, Toronto. annu m, payable Half-yearly} Some of our Best Deposit Accounts were begun in a modest way. By adding small sums at regular intervals, and by the accumulation of interest, .they have grown till they now show handsome balances. It is not necessary to wait till you have a considerable amount to make a commence- ment. \Ve accept smnll sums on deposit and allow interest at 35 per cent. per THE QUEEN CITY OIL 00.1.QO Sam“! Rogers. Fresh. Toronto Public and High Schools, Toronto). Rooï¬ng F015. Pitch. Coal Tar, etc. ROOFING TILE (See New City Build- ings, Toronto, done by our ï¬rm). Meta) Ceilingl. 00r- nicea. etc. Estimates furnished {or work com flow or for ' hippfglgg up}; pur_t_of_t punlqi hgne 196} 9. mmâ€: &'sons,n&e'xalda Bszdmerété; Torohtb Hon. ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE, in Black, 599.9’0'962: .SIJN‘F} BEA'KBUIARDS- Ne awn}! Music 1eachers Wanted . ' Books Rosaries Cru- Prayer olflx'eu. Scapu’hrs, Kvlixious Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornament-l- Elluoaï¬oual \V‘or_ks._ Agni s‘rel‘cejv‘e pygmp} an} n. TELEG RAMS 0F TRAVELERS. \Vhen a traveler in the Grand Duchy- of Baden,Germnny, wants to send a. telegram while he is in the train he writes the message on a postalâ€"card with the request that it be wired. puts on a stamp, and dnops lt into the train letter box. At the next station the box is cleared and the message sent out. All your (sale! for It. From Smail Beginnings . . . Sheep 1nd Améimn Hon dwinzuâ€"rerliigligggtï¬lv It right prices. PARK, BLACKWELL t (‘0‘. Toronto. STREET M ETAL lzgogclilrfs‘ BR03.. commas “ iii-sum. on and faded Suits would look better dyed. If no agen. of ours in your town. write direct Moncrcal. Box 153. ausage Gaslngpâ€"Ngv'v in'x‘poflntiunahflprelb English TORONTO GUTTENG SGHQOL CALVERT’S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. IVIIVII Iv Uv I III!“ vullvvlu Yonge 3‘ Lane-m. unto-date. reliable systems taught for gvncle men's garmenc's. Tun-ms moderate. Write for Partial) lars. " ONE POUND CAKES" FOR as] Atrial package 0! Cox's Positivl Cure for Piles will be sent free '4 any address on receipt of two cent stump. No knife, m greasy ulve. Address, T'rl H HUTOHING MEDIUIAE 00.. Toronto. Ont. _____, MILLS, MILLS 8 Barri-tors. em Removed to Wesley E RichmOAd 35. W.. 'I Laundry. Washing Clothe '11}; Selling Prq and. For ail skin ailments. ‘. c. Calvert & 60., Manchester. England and other Produce Bolfast, it is said, is the greatest m-drinking 'city inI the United King- BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINO CO. MONTREAL. GRATEFUL GOMFORTI N0. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- YflUR GVERQBATS BREAKFAST~SUPPEK IRISH AND TEA. D. a J. SIOUVERV $60.]Mon'troal; PARAFFIN'E Removédwto WealEey Buildiun. Richmond St. W.. Toronto. MILLS, MILLS & HALES W P C 1054 To send for our comnleto Gaza- logue of Shout Wuglo and Book With Special rat“ of discount. WHALEY, ROYCE & 00. 158 Vongo 8t. . Toronto, Ont. ll3