Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Dec 1900, p. 8

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Until further notice ‘ (ails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. OtDce as follows:â€" MORNING a 3.00 EVENING “ .. 6.:5 N.B.â€"-RegintercdLocum; must be handed in ‘ least Fifteen Minutesumliar than the above mentioned hours for closim‘. Church of EnginuduSarvices at an. m. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 1‘. n.. m.. nnd '11).m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening; Leave Newmurket 7.30, 9.15. 11.15 a 4.15.6.“0, 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmond Hull 7. 8.10, 0.55 2.40, 15.55. 4.55. 6.40, 8.10 p‘ Richmond Lon dam; on or before Court Rir‘hmm fourth Friday Ivy Lodge, A of 00.011 month Camp Elam. S Werlnosvluy ' GOING- NORTH Leavec P R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. m.; 1.30. 2.40, 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Richmond Hill 3.10, 10.30 11. m.; 12.20, 2.20. ' 330. 4.50, 6.80, 8.35 p. m. Roman Catholic Chm nafie Sundays abs) a. In. Methodist Churchâ€" Se 7 p. m. Sunday School 1 meeting Thursday. cveu‘ Richmond Lodge. A F day on or before full mn Court Richmond, A O mopth Public lemry and Healing Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Suturan evenings Euworth LauguouMeets evorv Friduy. of out We have a full FLOUR MILL METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE R‘iahmafifl Eéifii Eafié Shmgles,Doors.Sash,Blinds, Floori11g.$heeting,Mouldâ€" ings, Etc. Sample Bags of which we will s a. Reduced Price. L. INNES & SUNS. Y rm and l. Lutfll‘ Anyone sending a sketch and descrl tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free w other an Inventlon is probably atentnble. Communion- tlons strictly confident a]. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest n ency for securing patents. Patents taken 1. rough Mnnn 8: Co. receive may” notice, wltAhout. charge. in the 0,... Are .Vl i'hlhth Richnlon d 335" ii POST OFFICE NOTICE liter: Calls from a d Emfiifififie. and we are thc tum to turn the short ESIDENCE, Between Toronto and Newmmketx fi'réfi'cix 651156623 ONEY I hmontfl Brigadeâ€"Meets first Monday of every OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.3C P M M. T‘EEFY. Postmaster prepared to do adies‘ fine linen L and patronage ‘25-Lf LUMBER, Village Directory. 1‘ u LAUNEERY ‘ amount“ vrévnr mm) pu- vcng my («Luna- u' n ufenyperunccâ€"Mcots first Wednesday A very high nning full ve are thor â€"â€"â€"'OURâ€"â€" AOUW GOING SOUTH ‘Ve have now uaugm. Church-Services on alter- n. m. and 10.30 a. 111. i003 at 1030 at m.. and S -â€"M stock of dressed and rough 38 1 Broadway, ' 23 F St... “"ashing'tcn. 1' QCI B FACTORY RICH Kid A M â€"Moata Mon time evm-y day ‘fore in a posi- It Work on b notice. ‘A UK TER, Meets fourth Tuesday ‘ets second and fourth â€"-Meeta second and III I10. T .‘R TNT? MOND HILI Ide of LIF SQN General prayer )l'omptly W 11 at 0‘ lPRACTIGAL COURSE In the matter of the estate of Rosanna. A. MonkmanJate of the Township of Markham, Tounty of Ym‘knvife (if George Monkmau, deceased. PURSUANT to the statutes in that behalf, notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against, the said Rosanna A. Monkman are requir- ed on 01- before the 5th day of Januzuy 1901. to send to Arthur Quantz. Lung- staff P. 0., one of the Administrntm-s of the said estate. their names and ad- dresses and the nature of their claims and the security (if any) held by them. And notice is further given that af- ter the said last nwntinned date, tht‘ Administrators will proceed to distrib- ute the said estate among the parties entitled thereto,h:wing regal-d only 10 the claims of which they shall then have received notice. __._0N__ wednesday, Dec. 19, 1900, DR. P. D. MCLEAN, A. J. ANDERSON, President. Secx-ehzxry. Freehold Building, Toronto. Solicitor for the Administrators Dated December 11th, 1900. 2-1-4 Nniiae m credimrs P OTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 1897. Chap. 129, Sec.38,zmd amending acts that all persons liming claims against the estate of the late Levi Gaby, who died on 01‘ about the. 10th day of November, 1900, are. re- quired to deliver to the undersigned, Sarah Jane Gaby, Richmond Hill 1&0. York County. the adiniuistrntrix of the. estate of the said Levi Gaby, de- ceased, on 01“ before the BIst daynf December, 1900, their names, address- es, and description full particulars of For the purpose of nominating; a. Candidate for the. next Provin- cial Election. . Speeches will be delivered by HON. R. HARCOURT, Minister of flu uni-ll finial. um we“ In the matter of the estate ()chvi Gaby, late of the Village of Rich- mond Hill, in the County of York, Expressmuu, deceased. their claims; and SGCllIfit‘iPS (if any) held by them duly verified. After the said 3lst day of December the udministi'atrix, will proceed to dis- tribute the assets amongst the pal-Lies entitled there-tn, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that she will not be responsible for the assets of the said estate or any part. thereof to any person 01- persons of whose claims she shall not, have received notice. A CONVENTION RICHMOND HILL, Dec. 5th, 1900. Ch( All Liberals are cordially invited. Meeting to begin at 2 p. m. Talfixcdtimi; HON. F. R. LATCH- FORD, Minister of Public 212w ganmismmts. wAEsT YORK “Sims â€"\VILL HOLD-â€" WILLIAM COOK. Possibly arrange to spend the \Vinter Term in our College from January 2nd. Do the next best Thing, and take a. ‘VESTON. 'Wm'ks;W.J.HILL,M.1).P. ARCH. CAMPBELL, ex- M. P. and After several months’ prepara- tion we are now able to offer first-class instruction in Book- keeping and Business Fm-ms, Penmanship, Shorthand.,&c.,hy Mail. From a reliable school with eleven regular tenchels and a guod reputation for honest work you may expect; good results. \Vrite for particulars, MAIL. CEQE‘PEE God Save The Queen. At Eagle Hall, SARAH JANE GABY. EEE ES m fiffififififi others. :nnrwrn any d Esssénass Administratrix. 23-3 SEEEE§§ of the week Received in ,Sax-ings‘ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at For other p :5' N \.1 and No. 2 so]! in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Dl'ugéiist. Remedies. I composition is composvd Pine, \Vild Buds. Spilu Syrup, bean Banking Business 10.002 Ladies. Safe, efiectual. Ladies ask your druggis: for Ccok‘s Cotton 900: Cozu- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and ;mitsx_tjon§ age gaugercus. Price, No. 1, $1 per ,,,_ Inn._4_ L,.â€" “A Is successfully used monthly'by over Cough Syrup for Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc.. gives im- mediate relief. It, is composed of the best. remedies in the market, to-day for the treatment of cuughs and mlds. Yuuask, whatis it. anyway? \Vell, I can tell you. Other Remedies, I don’t, know what is their composition, but this remedy of mine is composvd (If Fluid Extract; of V‘Vhite Pine, \Vild Cherry. Balm of Gilead Buds. Spikenzlrd. Blond Root and Syrup, beautifully mixed and nice to take. It is prepared by me, and me only, \V. A. Sunder-sun, Richmond Hill, and snldnt 25 cents per bottle, and called Magic Cough A farm consisting of 50 acres, being part of lot, 8, 3rd con. Vaughan. There are 14 acres of fall wile-nit in the wound, 10 acres seeded down. The i'ulunce is 2:1 plowed, and Micro is no wasteland. A good stream of water L-i-msus :1 corner of the farm. Frame house, frame bum. driving shed, stables and other nutlnuildings. The land is clay loam and in guud condiâ€" tion. Half a mile f1 0111 school, church and past ()..lC(’. Tut-ms moderate. szsr-seiim given at a my time. LVm'. .m.......uw u... “flown”. _ n“, , ,7 ,_ _ 1303' No. 2,10 degrees sironger.$3 per box. No. l or , mailed on receipt of price and two Scent sham s. The Cook Company Windsor. Out. 03. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all responsible Druggiets 131 Canada. RICHMOND HILL Rig}; Grade Family Flour jOS. HALL, A. MC Notice of \x‘iilldrawul not, neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Jam-Edam given at Apply to To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist longer, and br-tter flavor- ed bread with less lab- or than any other flour. Made to suit. the people. and $014 at, a roasonullle price. E lust .10 COUCH GAUGHTON BROS. SYRUP Cook's Co’c’fioa Root Compounfl J'. F. RQWLAND. FGR EEALE MAGlC (311‘ Canada strictly fl 2m E 1 IOSITS Trimmed. -â€"AN Dâ€" iculm's call at the Bank. ‘El 2:3 R 53!,000009 7905300 Broad, but we ltee BELLE KEY Concord P. O OODIE {556$} BELLS. ENT CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATED)! : DEAR SIR, Kindly accept our thanks for the pl-nmplnvss in “ have paid the claim on the late John Bray. Chpque handed to 11¢ your “grant. P. G. Savage, for the fuii mnuunt. Claim pnpr-rs were at; your Office on Oct. 9th and cheque issued the same day. Yours Truly, TBOLBY ANDREWS, JAMES O'BRIEX, ELIZABB \‘v’oomszGE, Oct. 13 CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION : DEAR SIRâ€"Kindly accept nu: thanks fl have paid tlw claim on the late E. B. Harris. your agent, P. G. Savage, for the full :mer at your office on October l7'rh and cheque is: MR. P. G. SAVAGE : DEAR SIR,â€"â€"Accept my thanks for the elk-git: the amount of Inqumnce carried by my latgzfiusbx Lifo Association. Cheque issued Nov. 27th,‘the 5‘ presented at their office. P. G. Savage will be pleased to fm‘wnrd pamphlets of t 01' Policies issued by the Confedetion Life Association on ; P. G. SAVAGE, District. Agent, Richmond I An excellent stock of Youth’s and 1303’s Ba revised ever so often. No.1 hing; is allmved = Prices are figured (1] lowest Cash term and see us. No trouble to show gy Of the way the Confederation Life rIfihe Liberal and Weekly Globe to Jan’y ‘1, be. - The Liberal and W’kly "Mail? and Empire to Jan. 1, K3235» The Liberal and Daily Star 2 for one year 6 lThe Liberal and Daily V‘Vorldg for one year ‘9- The Liberal am Daily Globe [gt for one year â€"â€" ' rI‘he Liberal and Evening“ 9 Globe for one year . 5% The Liberal and Daily Mail lg and Empire for one year i" The Liberal and Evening 3 Mail 80 Empire, 1 year ' The Liberal and W’kly Mail and. Empire to Jan. 1, ’01 The Liberal and ‘Neekly Globe to Jan. 1, ’01 Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentâ€" ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” Bent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special hotice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and Widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE: Ar'ivlress, Another stock of Fine Boots and Shoes just arrived for Men, W'omen and Children. In Buff, Dongola Kid, French Kid, Cordovan. Boxcalf, and Calf Perfect iu \Vorkmanship. Fit and Finish. Also a stock of Ladies' and Misses’ SEKlkrI‘IN-(Er BAL‘Se Repairing Promptly and Ne BOOTS gig}? Custom \Vorx, Pegged, a Specia PEEOGF ~to-datct in style. RQ 8'3 E. Susmess. ‘r the chi-qua handed to me today being my latgffihsbnnd with the Confedewutiun '. 27t'n,‘the same day as chlim papa-rs were Yours TI uly, SARAH JANE GABY. vumw] mmnhie‘fs of thv diifwrent kinds r the pl-nmplnvss in which yoli Chpque handed to 11¢ tnâ€"day 11y t. Ulaimynpv-rs were pxes'ented is allowed to get o‘i Cash terms. Call to Show goods. STOUFvaLLE, Oct. 12, 1900. atly Do SOC13 HOD ht- difl’erer application “jig/3.75: Stocks are BETH BRAY. 13, 1900. 6 J.‘ it! s an!» ifli- a} fi their

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