VOL. XXIII. AT I’HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHiNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. . , ' ‘ ? “ @112 (imam! ’ {S PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING T. F. McMAHON, D R. L ANGSTA FF. RICHMOND HILL. Oï¬icc Hon 1's : p m Gmdnato of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Danml School, will visit Maple on Monday and Fridayof each week. and Concord on Friday twin 1 to 3 p.u1. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses,c:utle and other domesticatâ€" ed animals treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. Bust ï¬tting tNth, also replating, at lowest, prices. Good work. Oddfellnw’s Bldg†Tm‘nntn, cor. Yonge and Cullege Sts., Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill eve \Vednesday. 0H‘me:â€"-Next dmu- south of I School. Br. W. Cecil Trotter, 84 DENTIST, J. T. McElmy, VETERINARY SURGEON DR. T. A. CUR’EU‘E, Dentist. . ’ (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Telephone 3363 for appointment. Bemodelled, an One of the mos hotels on You; veuieuco. Sm} oravallors. An or driving part1 to or returning pass the door. $1 per annum, in admirch F. J. GALLANDUGH, Calls by JOHN I'ALVEER. PALMER I RICHNEO ND Every Accommodation for the elling public. HULSE HGEELJI Room 1 Cor. Bloor and (Sputum: Avo.. 'l‘oronm. Member College Physicinns and Surgeons, Ont. RICHLIOND Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. DR. L. LAWRASI’JN, BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE-7 ll0lJR§ ï¬loloam: (Hospm VETERXNARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, BIIKP] JE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. VETERINARY SURGEON, Eamon & Paopnm'ron 53mm. \Vm. Rogms Bcnï¬a, 'l‘hornhill. TERMS ’ telephone from Richmond Hill charng to me. and newly 2% Victoria St. Toronto. ttrrixmry thlirnl. p16 10: â€".AND_â€" Ste $1.00 PER DAY 10 21,111.; 12 to 2 9 p. m. pin HOUSE. very she TITT.T (am d throughout. J cumformble modern con< commercial Lpe for riding d: Public ic curs Prop tra V BUNEQN, BRANT & SKEaï¬S Euel Tuttmtn Ofï¬ce. MI. Grant‘s residence \V‘oodbndcr“ everv awning. Thoruhill.euch \Vedneaday from [0 to 12. M\ ‘ay to loan at 5 per cent Suiï¬ 0' IHMIESXONER IN THE HIGH CGURT 0F jUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFIUE. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, F3] ]_4(:}IN 1‘1 1141‘s LENNOX & MORGA N Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. Auroranfliceâ€"Removed to the ‘old post oï¬me. one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors south of the pJSb olï¬ce. T. HERBERT LENNnx. G. STV. MORGAN, Aurora. Newmarkct 311‘. T E E01937. NO'I‘ARY PUBLIC; COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO, OFFICE: No, 1, Adelmde St" East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. 1A5. N EVV'I‘ON SALEM Ecmmnr. 1L8 Weliiugtuu Place, Toronto Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of Yoxk. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stuck-.0170†ntomptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R.Gou1dmg, Newton Brook, agent. for the above. License Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spnctfully solicit your patronage and friendly ntluence. sales attv'xded on tha sLortest, notice and a rensonnberates. P. O.n.duress King Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salesmttended to on shortest notice and at ten.- sonublerates Patronagesolicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Genera] sales of implements, turnitnre,standing timber. etc. .attended on the shortest notice and utl'ensouable rates. J. T. Suigeou. Maple‘ Patronagesolicited . P. 0. address Mn-Dle 25 KING STRE .T WEST, TORONTO. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counï¬es of York and Ontarw. All sales of farm stock. 610., at- tended tn on the shortest notice and reasonubm rates. Mortgage and bailifl' sales attended to. Residence. Stouï¬â€™ville. Ont RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL By J. H. Sanderson, V. 53., Richmond Hill 1 Gladstone Carriage. 2 seats. pole and shafts b0b~slei2b attachment. 2 Set Single Harness. 1 Set. Duuhle Harness. 2 String of Bella. Sale runms in his stable at the rear of drug store, cur. Yonge and Osaka Sta. 12-11 1 House and Lot opposite the High School on Yonae Street. _ _ A A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Eve accommodation to guestï¬. Board.$1 nerds. C STOKES JIBER Underlakers & Embalmc-rs, m éEJIQJV, $$§¥$E E§®$Ra, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5% RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, [900. :u'a'islors and Solicitors. “158 lea STREET HASTI‘TOBGNTO Rickard: & E’I (-nlicc FOR SALE Burxiswrs, Suliciturs, m G F. LAWRENCE, VVRIGHT BRO S, geou. J. K. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigeon at McEwen. Stokes & Bleugh. <ter, Solicitor. Notary. 84c. '78 Freehold Loan Build- ‘Xdelaido and Victoria. ‘Ls, Toronto. J. l). Rendma n, N. l}. Smiih. i’mnl. “fr: Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†A" Richmond Hill on iaturdayéx Telerbcne 2984 J. H. PRENTICE Uniouvme D BLOUGB The results of the exams. held at thv RlPhHlOHd Hill High school during the lust (Wt) weeks are given below. vaerul pupils stand low in the. lists, in csrtnin muses because of absonoe from part (vf examinations just hold. but those lists an- a pretlyfnir index of the presvntstandingnfthestudmits. The parents Shhllld keep this reference until the next. monthly list is printed. FORM I; Switzor,~0live . . . . . . . . l Stat-mp, F‘lnssic- . . . . . \Vohstm'. Edward . . . . \Vl-ighh Edwanl . . . , . Boyle. Sydnvy .. . Gamble. Agnes . . . . . . Lowe, Jnsephin‘v . l . . . I. . Cnnpor. Jnhn . . . . . . . . Marsh, Mabel . . . . . . . . . Re-admnn. VVm . . . . . . . Gnnnn‘n, Mary . . . . . . . . . Marsh. Flussie . . . . . . . ‘ Duncan, Lam-n. . . . . , . Perkins, Rulph . , . . . McNaughton. Bella . .. Gardner, John . . . 4 . . . . “Wight, Osmond (part) FORM ‘11. Harris. Genevieve . , . . . . Lhyd, Everlnn . . . . Newton, Han-y _ . . . . . . . lama-(m. VVillinm . A . . . . Keys, Cecil . . . . . . ~ . . . . Proctor. Berna] . . . . . .. Breakey, Ernest . ~ . . . . . McNeil]. J nhn . . . . . . . . . . Read. Alfred . . . . . . . B91], Max-y. . .. . .... Lynett. Gertrude . . Pox-kins. Lm-ne . . ‘ . . .. Kean), Viola . . . . I . . . . . . Lowe, Arthur . ‘ . . . . . . , Campbell. NvHFn (mnH Naughtnu, Louise (part) FORM III. Read, Alexander . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . ‘ Morgan. John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hui-per, Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . Boylew Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . .... Derry, Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . . McNaughton, John . . . . . . . . . . Stevenson, Daisy , . . . . . . . . . Stevenson. Annie . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton. J. Ezn-le . . . . . . . . . . . McNaughton. Alexander . . . . . . Atkinson. \Villium . . . . . . . . . . Kaiser, Earlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . Klinck, Harry . . . . . . . . . . Lawson. Anna (part only) .. .. Kirby. Roy (part only) ‘ . . . . . . Kel'S\Vill,\Ra]ph (part only) . . HONOR ROLL Form I, Second Class. Switzm', Olive Sturtup, Flossiv . VVehster, Edward Boyle. Sydney . . . \Vright, Renic . . Gamble, Agnes. . . Lowe, Josephine . Christmas Examinations. Read. Alex . . . . . . Stevensnn, Daisy Boyle, Agnes. . . . Hat-per, Chas... . Form II, First Class. Harris, Genevieve . . . . . . . . . . . . Form II. Second Class. Lloyd. Evertun, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cameron, \‘Vul ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newton. H . . . . . . Brenkey. Ermst Read, Alf . . . . . Keys, Cecil . . . . . Bell. Mary . . . . . Lynett, Gertie . Proctor, B . . . . . Perkins, Lorne. Campbell. Nellie N cNeill. J . . . . . Annual report of Jeï¬erson School. Class IVâ€"-Geo. Topper Ella. Casely, Sadie Fisher. Jun. IIâ€"â€"Slel]a M-urphy, Annie Bell. Lorne Clubine, Eva Jones, Stella Case- lyLEl'ny D_i_l}l), Anflrew BIL-Efï¬gy Langstaï¬ school honor list for Dec. Class IVâ€"-Emily Boyle, Mable Good- erham, Flossie Casely, Morgan Boyle. Sr. IIIâ€"Almgdia Clubine. Jr. IIIâ€"Miï¬'gul-ite Boyle, Annie Chapman, Randal Page, Com VVe-ld- rick. Gene Chapman. Sr. lIâ€"Freddie Page, Otto James. Jr. IIâ€"Ernest Richards, Herbie Luesby. Sr. IIâ€"Lnrne Guaderham. J 1-. llâ€"Freddie Chatterly, Ethel Flavelle. Jr. IIIâ€"George Brown, Gladys SeLige-on, Amey Phillips, Jennie Gam- ble, Chas. Hart, Gen. Hart, Eddie Gamble, Ella, Phillips. ' Pal-t 1â€"“71‘nxy Topper, \Villie Pat- ton, Elgin Nicol, Edna Clubine. Promoted to Jun. IIIâ€"Stella Clu- bine Gladys Lt-gge, Jean Topper, Pearl Phillips,. To Sen. Pl. lIâ€"Humld Murphy. To Jun. Pt. IIâ€"Anbiey Nicol.Edgar Phillips, Stanley Cuseley. Average attendance for the year, 31. Form II, Third Clas$ Jefferson Langstaï¬ Fm-m III. ,e-x'ndnnce on- the year, 31. H. J. SAIGEON, Teacher. 690 670 665 ($80 592 578 545 518 451 439 443 393 301 300 198 670 660 6! )7 850 9 602 575 566 565 548 543 539 533 534 63% 57% 53% 50% 670 664 635 N K) 5! 12 586 566 563 538 533 521 4( I3 362 304 144 77% 667; 56% 557, 54% 54% 540 53% 507, 50:, Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Gurlund Langstafl’, Emma. Chapman. J 1-. Pt. I~Flnmnce Richards, Jnsophihe Flavelle. Lo'r'rm \VALDRON, Teacher. Langstaï¬' School contributed $2.60 to the Hospital for Sick Children. The cold snap made plenty of ice on the unds so that the young people cullkFenjny themselves Christmas af- tre‘mnnn Mr. \V. H. Clubine's family had. their customary gathering Christmas Day and Mr. R. Drm-y and family spepb Qhristmus in Toronto. - Miss L. \Vuldl'nn, our opular school teacher is spending her oliduys with 11931pm_‘nn_ts at Fir:_ton_l Miss J. Brown has gone to visit, with friends at, Newmarket. M ;‘. J. Drury,principnl'of‘Bélfbntaih Public School is home for Christmas. After a Brave Struggle with an Overwhelming Debt the Hospital for Sick Children is Within Sight of Freedom -â€" Only $I9,ooo Required to Free It. 3mm BY LEVINE HEARTS Eight years ago the Hospital for [Hospital in a generous manner. Many- Sick Childlen, Toronto, was in a mo.,tI splendid gilts are received from precarious ï¬nancial posizion. Only a' friends outside Toronto. few sanguine friends believed that the\ it costs over $30,000 each year to huge debt of over $103,000 would ever 1 maintain the Hospital. About $100 a. be lifted from it. A piominent Mont- day is needed to buy food, medicine, real ï¬nancier. when asked to loan i surgical appliances and nursing for money and ho'.d as security on Inert; this army of little onesâ€"146 patients gage lhe hospital. enquired as to the being in the cots at the end of this suitabiliï¬y of the building for “factory ï¬scal year. ., purposes." Perhaps it was his re- An appeal is being made by the Hosc maxlrs as much as anything else that l pital Trustees this year for $19,000“- ho‘ped the brave ones who stood by l the sum required to entirely free the Che liaspital. ’lhe veiy idea. of such l Hospital of its debt. They issue, the a possihiEity stirred the hearts and spurred the efforts of those to whom the Hospital wox'k had become d'-ar. Taking the :esponsibility of the load upon their own shoulders the trustee: of the Sick Children’s Hospital 3;)- peaEed to the generous hearts of a rich provinceâ€"Ontario. Here is a Hospitalâ€"they toid throua‘h the newspapers â€" w} throws open its doors in answer to cry of any sick chi‘d, a Hospital ' has nursed and cured thong-an}: helpless an} cxipp‘ed children; a 1 pita! equipyc-d as is no other in: tion cf its kind in the word. 51†charity :0 sweet and deserving forced to ckwe its doors by a n- More than one-third of tha I‘t-‘h chi!- dren admitted to the annltzfl Win-dc came from placcs outside the city The Deople in the province have helped the Hospitf‘. and rec as to s own hn agee who thinks it might AND MAINTAINED BY CHARITY. 151 osnital r011 numhnr- Some spent davq rots at the Hoqniffl. a few dayq. while t to thq doors of the med no. and advice ‘ect a cure in their fCI‘ all Mr. A. Quantz, the popular reeve of Markham, is a candldate for County Council honors. His friends should put forth every effort to secure his election. School Report for December 1000. The following scholars are promutedl to the classes mentioned :â€" Tu Jr. IVâ€"Pem-l Pearson. T0 Sr. IIIâ€"Fred Miles. To Jr. IIIâ€"Birdie Ridden. \Vilk‘ie' Bowes, Estella Batman, and Ethel‘ \Vhitmoro. To Sr. IIâ€"Chaa. Poole. To Jr. IIâ€"Poarl Miles, Mm-y Gol- land zmd VVilfx'id- Keffer. To Pt. IIâ€"Opal Stewart and Dessie' Poole. It costs over $30,000 each year to maintain the Hospital. About $100 a. day is needed to buy food, medicine, surgical appliances and nursing for this army of little onesâ€"146 patients being in the cots at the end of this {iscal year. A1} appeai is being made by the H03. pitï¬l Trustees this year for $19,000“ flxe sum required to entirely free the Hospital of its debt. They issuq the to Lh lift] CT Aggregate attendance for Dec. 379. Aggregugg avttfzmymce for yqj‘u', 5_74?. [REF [Single copies, 3 cts. ‘nl‘S. He believes 1 cheerlly and g4 u the call for be}; the century free morning of the f1 E. J A. J ()HNSTON'. Teacher. tum: month in his 1 Telegram, and con Concord. pecially conï¬ded to our 10.000 donors cont :enance and reï¬ne debt last year. f of these donatinr ;. 1r, Robertson 5 PATIENTSâ€"(Front a I Rob ertson to all donors. 35' be sent to o-xglas Davida , Iiosgital [or ‘n'e-doli 'l‘oron 1‘ h 26 . Rob Secre- k: ChiL )f the 311 Of ishes 301}