Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1900, p. 5

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tilts gimp l.% ,7 -~ 7 v V i RICHMOND HILL. December 27,1900‘ 14(7)(7 AIM'N‘. Regular meeting of Court Richy inimd on Friday evening. i Get a Canadian Almanac at T1112.j LIBERAL e ’lice. l’I ice 2.3 cents. A number of public meetings. will be held next week in Markham township to discuss the proposed bydaw to Coin» mute the statute labor. ’L'l‘he Richmond llill Fiie Brigade 4Will not hold their annlial entertain» 'menton New Year‘s Night as Miltlc‘i- palcd. Arrangements are being: mad»- for .ét'he aunnal banquet of King l’low~ men’s Association to beheld at'l‘rcnt’s Hotel. Nobletou, on the evening of 'l‘liursday, the l7lh of Januaiy. Mr. J. H. qanderstm received word 'a few days ago of the death of Mrs. John Southrotl, widow of the late lleIn-y Sanderson. She died at her home in Goderich on Friday last. “An auction sale of horses,rat[la-aha, will be held at The Palmer llouse on \Vediiesday next, the 2nd of .lamiaiy to (ftllllllll‘llt‘l' at L3H ,Tei His-i months. Saigrou tk' whit-Ewen, auctioneers. The East Yoi k Conservative Asso- ciation will hold its annual meeting on Friday afternoon, the lllh of January. The meeting will be helzl in East Toâ€" ronto, and a candidate will be nomin- ated for thr- ‘r election to the Legis~ lative Asseii ‘2‘ \'-,. \Ve would res": :Iett'ully remind our \ illage subsi- 'ilil'l'\. to whom Tim Lin- ERAL is delivered weekly by our Carrier Boy. that be will make his an- nual call on New Year‘s moining. when he will llt‘ pleased to present his house t'aleiular and his; good wishes, hoping to be kindly reuicmbeiei‘l in return as in former years. ‘ The general reading public have unanimously derided in,l.'aror of The Montreal Family llerald and \Veekly Star with the two famous premium pictures. “ Christ in the Temple.” and “ Home from the “'ar." It. is simply head and shoulders above anything in the newspaper line. No other neu‘s- paper pretends; to issue such beautiful pictures or such a paper. \Ve stillhave something very nice in fancy eliiiia glassware. tlclf goods, ete., suitable for holiday goods. At» thiusou S: Switzvr. ‘B‘Y AUCLAMATION. tThe following wrre elected County Councillors by acvlamation on Mon- (lay: North Toronto, No. 2.,â€" R. J. Gib» son. Frank Turner. Etobicoke, No. 3.~J. D. Evans. J. (lardhouse. Richmond (lantre. .l’ugsley, G. \V. lligh. Elections will be held in the remain- mg Divisions on Monday, .lan’y i. No. l.-â€"-‘»\’. ll. Ladies" tweed skiits. nit-e dark and light patterns, nicely trimmed with braid. at $3.75: Atkinson 6‘" Switzer. A REASONABLE REQ U EST. \Veare this week sending: out our :lccou'ils for 'l‘nr: LIBERAL subscripâ€" tions, etc., and hope our friends will cheerfully respond. The beginning of the year is a good time to settle up acâ€" counts, and start with a clean sheet. This THE LIBERAL always endeavors to do. \\'e hope, therefore, that our task will be made easy, by our subâ€" scribers remitting: the amount of their accounts, or calling at out ofiice to settle. Remember we always have a very choicestoek of Patterson‘s lion bons aiid choi-olates. maple creams, French fruits, etc. Atkinson & Switzer. POli K PACKING (.‘U. ‘A public meeting is called for Thurs- day. January 3rd, at the Town Hall. \Vestoii, to organize a pork packing company. The (T'lliillil ot‘ the same is to be, $150JlUU. A laige amount of the stock has been subscribed in Toronto, and it is desired upon the part of the village. as well as the promoters. that p the farmers attend this meeting. ‘They will find it to their interests to do so. Fl't‘slljl‘tnlfiit‘d eoli'ee, ground while you wait, at 23c. and ‘ltle. per lb. Atâ€" kinson &. Switxer. \Y. M. N. The. \\'.I\I.S.of the Methodist (‘hureh will meet at the home oi .\lrs. Tieiich Thursday :Il‘teinoon, .lan‘y 3 at tl-iee o‘clock. The sulijertior prays“ and study for theâ€"«nimiih is ‘ The Mission- ary SUPiPlivs ol' the Methodist (‘liUi-rli: Uur Duty toward Them." An invita- tion is extended to all \voine-n interest- ed in mission work to attend the meet- ing next. Thursday afternoon. 1 FOR COUNTY e0rxc1mous. ‘ The contest for County Councillors for )larkliam Div on. No. '3. \\ ill be . among Arthur Quanta. pri sent ieeve of Markham township: liobert Ash. and Ii. (‘. Tellt. There should bea lull vote polled from the front part of i i the township as tin-re aluays ’is from 1 i the back. Each votei may votet'oi- each of two t ‘.di.lates, or he may make two X . for one candidate. Mr. Quantz has given excellent satisâ€" faction as reei‘e and should make an ' equally good county representative. 1 Bright golden dues, 7._. per 1b.; table tigs. 15c.: sweet oral . 250. per (huh: table raisins, 18c. per lb. Atkinson \‘\'. Switzer. TllOllNll ILL. (‘ourl l'nion, A. t). K, have elected the following otlim-rs~ i‘orthe year 1901: (7. ll.. (l. A. l’earson: l’. U. lt.. H. A. James: S. (7. kt, J. A. l’eaisou; Secretary, A. Pearsl'lH Treason-r, J. E. Francis; \‘v'.. Dr. Dame; .l. \\'., .l. Moore; H. l'l., .l. \Vhiie: .l. li, .l. llrikei'. Good and warm is the underwear w»- are ol‘fi-i log in lit-ere lined, also in‘ Atkinson &. all wool at $ a ljiritza-r. l‘Il’\\'()ll"ll LEAGUE. An invitation is given to every omI suit. to attend the Christmas Service of the. l‘lpworth League Friday at 8 p. in. Tin- programme for the evening is to he as follows: Opening: exercises. llynin Ti. l’rayer. Scripture Lesson. Is. xix. l. l'lyion Jitll. 2. The Promise of a Saviour. .{ la) The Story of the Shepherds. UN The Story oi the \Vise Men. 4. Solo. “ Hosanna." f). \Vhat the Star Means to Us. 0. llynm. Dismissal. Next Tuesday being a holiday, the store will be closed all day. but the day before we will make an extra effort to supply your wants for the holiday. Atkinson & Switzer. T\VO DEATHS. Two deaths occurred within the past week. l‘iiiil the youngr men called away being former residents of this place. Alli-ed Pugsley, brother of County Councillor l’iigsley, died at his home in Davisville last Sunday. and George Savage. brother of reeve Savage, died at. his home in Toronto yesterday. \Vhile the immediate relatives knew in each case that, death was approach- iii;>'.ilie news came. . a shock to many i'Iie-nils and actpiaintances. Both who were ri iuparatively speaking young men. spent a good part of their early life here. and Were \W‘ll thought of by a wide circle of friends. Always something nice and new in our ncekwear, something that is neat, and still attractive. Atkinson and Switzer. STATEMENT CORRECTED. The Richmond Hill ‘correspondent in Monday‘s \Vorld threw out the iii- tiniation that MI. D. Lynett was “anxious to secure the seat in the Markham council now held by Mr. Sisley.” Mr. Lynett wishes to say through THE LIBERAL that there is no ground for the above statement, that he has no intention of opposing.r Mi. Sisley, but that on the other hand he is prepared to support him for councillor, as he has given the best of satisfaction during the time he. has been a member of the council. Mr. Lynett says he was asked to accept a. nomination as councillor but declined the otter. Something;r very pretty in dress plaids suitable for waists, children‘s dresses. etc.. at 150. per yard. Atkin- son 5; Switzei'. ' VICTORIA SQUARE. A very pleasing event took place on \Vednesday, Dec. 26, at the residence of Mr. 1. liciSe, when his grand- daughter, Miss Mary Louisa Doner, was united in marriage to Mr. Ralph \Yidenian of Gorinley. The ceremony was pertormed by Rev. F. Elliott. in the presence of a number of invited guests. The groom was supported by Rev. Louis Burkholder of Box Grove, the bridesmaid being Miss Blendina \Videinan, sister of the groom. the ceremony all repaired to the dinâ€" ing-room where ample justice was done to the good things provided. The happy couple left early in the afternoon for a short wedding trip. An excellent; assortmei-t of gloves in lined and unlined kidanoeba, or buck at from 50c. a pair to $2.00. Atkinson & Switzer. . Perish YTERTA nâ€"tiiIIJROH. The Animal Entertainment in the basement of the church on Thursdav evening. The chair by the children. recitations, drills. thoroughly enjoyed. etc.. and and girls was particularly well done. A Rev. Mr. Grant, church. In Mr. limes a well-worded address the pastor of was read by Miss Beulah Brydon. and Miss Ivv Newton made the presentation. Bdth recipients made neat speechesiu returning thanks to the doneis. But interesting as the above part ofthe programme was. the part to follow was still JIIore intereS'tipg. especially to the younger portion of the audi- ' ence. the distribution the Christmas This _ was presents from the other decorations. jr.. made a good Santa Claus. and di- I vided the presents with quickness and impart ialit (‘ertain‘ly the Raglan coat is all the .go now, and we are showing some- kinson & Switzer. int ‘1' men’s and (llll'lSillliLS Tree in connection with the Presbyterian Sabbath School was held l was ably tilled by Mr. \Vin. limes, superln~ tendent of the school, and a nice little programme was presented. principally The entertainment consisted of solos, duets, quartettes. ‘ was A May Pole ill-ill executed by about a dozen boys very pleasant break in the pro- grannne was the presentation of four ‘ beautiful volumes of poems to the su- i petintendcnt,and the same. number to the presenting the bucks to of Tree, . which lookedvery pretty along with Mr. Geo. Sims l GOVERNOR \‘ANZANT. Mr. G. R. Vanzant of Markham Village. has been appointed Governor of Toronto Jail in succession to the . late Governor Green. wliodied on Sun- day. ltith inst. lie was for a number of years reeve of Markham. and was a l prominent figure in Yolk County Council. For many years he has taken an active interest, in Liberal polities. ‘ and has always been popular. lie is a : native of York County. and about 50 . years ol‘apze. The posililill its one of coiisideiable importance, and Mr. Vanzant's many friends will be pleas- ed to hear of the. appointment. ME' ‘HODIST S. S. Special sermons bearing on the life of (lhrist were preached in the Metho- \ dist. church last-Sunday by the pastors. in the morning liev. Mr. Large spoke particularly to the children, taking for his subject. “ The Star of Bethlehem." Exr‘ellent music was furnished at both services by the choir. On Christmas night aneuteitainment was given in the school room of the church when an at- tractive programme was presented. Mr. Hwitzer, superintendent of the school,who piesided.iii openinthanR- ed the large audience for their gener- ous patronage. and gave a short and interesting account of the Sabbath school. The solos, choruses. recita- tions and other numbers were al given by scholars, ot’licers'or teachers, and the applause after each selection was well merited. Santa Claus ap- peared at, the proper time and after renewing acquaiiitaneeship with old friends and an introduction to new" comers he proceeded to distribute his presents with a lavish hand. Many beautiful gifts decorated the rurtaiim while scores of others were shot from the modern gun specially manufactur- ed for theoccaslon. Mr. \V. A. San- (lerson, as Santa, feailessly stood at. the muzzle. and Mr. Hume did eti‘ee- tive work as “the man behind the gun.” liesiilesthe presents given by relatives and friends, each child at the entertainment was presented with a bag of candy. I‘l A lili‘AfllE-‘JS wll)ICML‘lâ€"-T)IINI‘.'\ .Ou Tesidmieeot Mr i‘, lleisn, Victoria by the llxinF‘. I'll io‘t, Mr Ralph \ I to Miss Mary Louise Doner. all of Markham. n i-JA'B'HS PUGSLrYâ€" ll: hm late resilience Dntvisviile_ on Sunday. Dec. 243M, Alfred Pugs] .y. fourth son of tin lute Joqu Yucsley. Dcvonshire, England. Interineu: at Mount Pleasant ceiuetevy \‘v'edâ€" nostlny afternoon. SM‘.\Gic~-(iii \Vodnrsnlay. l‘ec. QC. 1900. at his into residence. I46 Shaw 9t, (‘veorae Savage, lute (improve, of Massey-Harris I‘oinpuuy. Funeral Friday at i030 a. In. to Riehmond l'lill fll'l’lVlllL’ at. cemetery at €110 D. m. Friends and {Statistics ‘ fipflifl‘d (Emu a The old rallahle remedy for Spnvlna, Rlnwbnnea. Spam-I. (‘nrm and at. forms (it l..’|m(‘ne§l. l; cures ’ wituout a blemish because I: does not blister. 7.} D P ‘ r i H Fromm: tagcnet, ()iil., Feb. 10, ’08. ‘ T. J. . . want 5 .0. a Du: sumâ€"Wm you pl» 52 give me a remedy forhesvea. have a mare tli ill» :linlf"'tl. li'tlge pitasum in sml‘ngthnt )eur Sprin'hl Cure. x. lnn': ssl h min memlirlilnot be without litudail's 5p.\\‘in( im and Ken nll's Blister In my . Price $1. Fulv (or E5. As a llniment for family use it x has no equal. Ask your druggist for Kendall’s DR. B. J. KENDALL C0., ENOSBURO FALLS. VT. ' i ONNM'MIX‘MES'I‘K‘Z‘K V [have currdn la I cl fuur )onrv.’ “and”; with your ankle. \Lry truly yours, anvln (Hire, also ‘*.\ Treatise on the “one,” Mortgage Sale ‘ Kendall‘s llti.l~:. by wingith v once and turn applying ADULI’HCS GAIITHIER. the book free. or address I l of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale. there will be offered for sale by public tionecr, at the Palmer House. in the ‘ Village of Richmond llill, on SATUl-t~ following property: Part of lot No. i 2.3, in the 3Id concession of the Town- ship ‘ York, better known and described as lollows: Commencingr at a central point. between the 3rd and 4thcon- eessions of the said Township of Vaughan. thence in a southerly course 'along the middle of said lot. twenty chains. thence easterly along the southern limit of said lot seventeen chains and fifty links. thence in a northerly course twenty chains to the I side road, thence westerly along said road seventeen chains and fifty links - to the place of beginning, containing ‘ thirty-live acres more or less. TERMS OF SALE :â€"TeIi per cent. at the time of sale and thcbalanec within thiIty days thereafter. or a poition of such balance may remain on mortgage of said property as may . be arranged. of sale may be obtained {tom the Auc- llill, Esq” Barrister, Richmond or 1 thing very choice in Oxford chevlots, from ‘ r Y nice soft finish goods, to make up a. _BlGGAI’» &BPHTU_Z\_. beautiful Raglan coat for $15.50. Atâ€" ,20â€"4 V endoi s bolicitm'sy H46 King St. \V.. Toronto. i iiiii ariiiii. l Under and by virtue of the power‘ ‘ auction by J. T. Saigcon, Esq., Aiic- ‘ DAY, Tlll‘319th DAY OF JANUARY, 1 ltllll. at 2 o‘clock in the afternoon, the, ‘. of Vaughan. in the (‘rounty of" 1 Further particulars and Conditions. @flflfiifltflflt’tfi EitiTKINSO'N 8c SWITZER a YEAR TO ALL XMAS GOODS, PURE DllUGS & PiiiENi’iiiEijiuNE‘s [it cut mte prices. including Sharia: Sets, Razorsetc. Farming. from 100.. upwatgle hair brushes, qooth b-‘mhes, face powders, all kinds at toilet. articles. h‘unLll Boxes 0t Cigars, etc. lilewiiv Oil, 2 bo‘tles for 25¢: (Hui tenâ€"’24 l’i 15,: bottles for 25c ('hrise's Pills, '2 bottles for 250 (it Itsu’s Cdtfld’l'ilh Cure,15c (‘hase's iiin niezifi. lilo Chase's Svrup Linse d and Turpentine lfic Pievee's Favorite Prescription U76 PI “00': Golden Medical Uiscovery 07c Picrue‘s Fe 101.5150 Williama’ Pink Pills, 3:30., 3 for El Doda‘s Kidney Pills, -)c [man's Kidney Pills 350 Parmeeie‘s Pills 150 i‘.lilliurn‘s Heart. and Nerve Pills 350., 3 for El Avcr’s II Iir Vigour, 65 ‘. Hood's S Irsaparillii. (37c l’uiue’s Celery Compound G71 Fen t's Emulsion. large UF small 35c Agnews Cuzitrrah Cure, 43c Aenew's l-Ieurt Cure 710 Katrina: Spiivia Cure. 73x3 (iiilett’s Lyu 1‘.lt: per tin, ii for 25c llasse's Poultry Panama, 300. c in 16g: Pro/tuner 9.5-3 ( hens lay) ' ,Iron and Wine, 50c (‘nstoriu 13c Nestle‘s Food 100 Epsom Siilts,tlc lb..91bs. for '25.: Sulphur in. ib..£) lbs. for ‘50. (llaubei- its 30 lb, ii) ii) for '25:: Perfect um Ointment. 25¢ 'r’ure Nor ' Coil liner ()il Acid ft thing: 'der Coutlit in Fund s, all kinds Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure «HUSH Canadian '\\'u_:er»white ('otll oil, we ti. gal . 2 " , . .tl. eat: -.o - t-ac. cusminer. A M ignificent (‘ l I in F I i h ‘ C. D. DANIEL 80 GO. WE'HOLESALE AND RETAIL “RUGGESTSO 171 KING sr. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde Hotel IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIA N0, ORGAN, UR Siliiliii‘i liliitlHlNE CALL ON OR WRITE C LfiRK, ? llichnuoud Eiiii. Easy terms 0t payment. Samples always on hand. IdiCiiiNE<>NEE EEEEJEJ ~.... AR 5? digit)? Sonn- Bargains for the balance of the century: ' Three dozen full length solid l'.l\\‘lil.l“ whips. r ul-ll' prire 7.3 cents, Will sell while thev last at. 4” cents each: .lllti‘ Blanket s from 50 cents nil: bound Dutch Kersey Blankets from .‘5l tip: all wool Blankets. weight from 5 to 7 lbs., from $2.54) earn up ; the best liobws on the nrtrket from $8 up: lined and unlined Mitts and Gloves fioin ‘35 (Nuts per pair up: Fur Gauntlets $1.25, 81.50 and if) per pair; filngle harness, our own make. at $12, $1.). $13. $21) and 5;). cl tioneer. or from A. (i. F. Lawrence. Full stock ofall lines at prices below what can be yi‘t elsewhere. with special reductions for balance of 1900. Call and 1 can do for yoi‘. (z? . Eff/Li:- . / V 1' W yourself what , R1: A s

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