Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Dec 1900, p. 8

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Until Iurther uptive Hails will be closed at the' Richmond Hi‘ll Post Oflice as follows:â€" MORNLNG ........................... $.00 EVENING ........... .. ............. 5.15 N. B.â€"â€"Registered Letters must be handed in I 10351; inteen Minutes outlier than the above mentioned hours [or closinn OFFICE CLOSER AT 7.30 P M M. TE EFY. Postmaster. Lone NeWmnrkot 7.3m 9L1 Leave Richmnml H1” 7 2.40, 3.514 55. LeuveC P R. Crossingat 7 1,30, 2.40, 41m 540. home Richmond Hill 8‘10, 10‘ 3.30. 30, 5.30, Church of EnglauduServices at 3 p. In. every Bu lav. Pxesbyterian Clmn-hâ€"f'mw icon at. l: a. m., and 'l . Lu. Sunday School an 13‘). Prayer meeting ednesday evening. Roman Catholic Uhurr-hri Services an alter- nate Sunvlnys an) n. m. and “#150 n. m. Methodist Church ~Servirus (“210.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Snndu School at 2.30. General prayer 'mgetjug Thurs my. ' mm. ‘ . .. \I.AL.Â¥ ‘1-â€" CourtRichmond. A O F â€"Meets second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€" Meets fourth Tuesday 0! each mnuth Camp Elam, S O S Aâ€"Mocts second and fault-h Wadues’luy R '1‘ of Temperanceâ€"Mods first Wednesday of each moutu “ Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets that Monday of every mouth ’ I Public lerary and Hemling Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Sntlmlrw evenings Ebworth Leagueâ€"Meets even" Friday. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE 7 Richmond Ll‘HiLT‘ day on 1;l'>ll_ef0l' Bichmangfi 2% â€"â€"O'U3i- FLOUR MILL Shinglesfloars,SashsBlinds, FlooringwheetinggMould- Sample Bags of which we will INNES L. POST OFFICE NOTICE Anyone sending a sketch and descrl tlon may qulckly ascertaln our opinion free w \ether an invention is probably pnlenmble. Communica- Mons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents um. free. Oldest nacncy for securmg patents. anms mkcn Lhronrzh Mum) (1: C0. receive Paiélifs taken _Lh Ups-glut noiiue, xx imu Stifiiéifi A handsome} culntlon of n Are running full and we are (her {ion to tum n the shurt: 'l’ Between Toronto and Newmm‘ket GOING NLRTB fnur .v' lir ~ 3th ( Village Directory. 11‘14()UR. A vex y high grade of a Reduced Prior GOING SOUTH AND FACTORY As County Councilior for Division No.5.comprising Markham Township and Village. 1319‘ S nlr We have now final? 5 11mm (7.: ‘ nuut. c urge. 1n the ARTHUR QUANTZ ELECTION ON MONDAY, JANUARY 7th. 1901. isâ€"Meets second and 30 p. m. 8.20. 9.55 Hid A M â€"Meets Mon. 8.35 p. m time every day “for? in a p051- It Work nu ‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. 1L1 rSm'V’ices an alter- M'.30 u. m. or: 11610.30 n. m.. and 310. General prayer 20, 9.40. 11.30 :1. m 7.45 p. m. 3()u.1n.; 12.20, 2.21 :kTy. Largest. fir. 'Iml. Tormn. 3."; a ‘yull newsdpmeng 'E‘iéwjiark 2, 3.15 Came to the premisvs of the under- signed, lot 22, 2nd con. Markham, on or about the 14th day of December, 1900. two ewes. “Ovvvvfiér may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Dec. 27-2-3w D. LYNETT. URSUANT to the statutes in that behalf, notice is hereby given that all pun-ties having claims against the said Rusamm A. Monkan are requir- ed on or before the 5th day of Junum y 1901. to send tn Arthur Quantz. Lang- stnfl' P. 0., one of the Administrators of the said estate. their names and ad- dresses and the nature of their claims and th9 socmity (if any) held by them. And notice is l'ul'thm‘ given that af- ter the said last: mentioned data, tho Administrator-s will proceed to distribâ€" ute the said (state among tho purtivs entitled therethmving I-vgzu-d only to the claims of which they shall then have received motive. To write for nur New Catalogue if you m-v interested in tle selm-tim‘) of the Best Schnn] in which to train for business pursuits. Dated December 11th, 1900. Mae 1:: Gmfliim In the matter of the estate of Rosanna A. Mnnkmszate of the Township of Markham, County of Ym-k,\vife of George Monkmun, deceab‘cd. emplnys 11 regular teachers, owns 60 typmvriting machines and uses 20 splvndid mums in its work. Its cum-- . svs are thorough and practical and Its students and graduates are 11] strong detlmnd. “’INTER TERM frnm JANUARY 2nd. ENTER ANY TIME AFTER that date. \Ve also give splendid cuursos BY MAIL for tlmne who cannot, at- tend nur ‘lchuul. All pumiculurs cheerfully gjyen. Yonge and Gen-a1 (1 Sta, Toronto. Is successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe,eflectual. Ladies ask your dru gist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Com- und. Take no or er, as all Mixtures. pills and Imitations are giangerous. Pricg, No. 1. $1 get LA amnuuvua uh. “warp.--” _ 7 _‘7 box‘ No. 2. 10 degrees stronger.$8 per box. No. 1 01-5, mailed on receipt of price and mo B-cenh Stan: a. The Cook Company Windsor 0m. 05. 1 and 2 sold and recommended By 511 W responsible Dmggists in Canada. \VA Ne“ Set of Ruhln :heap m- exchnngt- I One Set of hub-sleighs : A quantity of nut. straw. . Apply to \V. R. PROCTOR. RESIDEN( \VILLIAM COOK. Fl‘Efi‘hnld Building, Tm-nntn. Solicitor for the Adminisbrntn DON’T NEGLECT J. HEWiSQN, HOUSE PAIM‘ER, 31m: gdvtrtiscmeuts. STRAYED FOR SALE . 1 and No undersou Cook's Cotton Root Compound FOR SALE 20-tf Electors oi Division No. 5. 132nm Wain i’v. H.7SHAW, Principal. TO RONTO. mafi Wflmnm Are Respectfully Solicited for a distance {ended to. Hanger. E11. GALLANOUGH. HIE. ‘01] in Richmcud Hill by If Wu‘ «refit-‘3 1- hm-nvss, will sell 91' nuts. 1131031) HILI l‘hurn hill. xtm-s. 24â€"4 Cough Syrup for Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma, P,th gives im~ mediate I’Piit‘f. It, is composed of tho best rcnwdios in the market tn-day for the tI-mtuwnt, of coughs and colds. Ynu ask, whatis it. anyway ? “701], I can tell yuu. Otlwx- Rcmodios, I don’t know what is their C(wnpusiliml, but this vome-dy 0f mine: is composed of Fluid Extract, uf White Pine, \Vild Cherry. Balm nf Gilead Buds, Spikenurd, Blond Root and Syrup, beautifully mixed and nice to take. It, is prepared by me, and me only, \V. A, Snndorsun, Richmond Hill, and "Old at 25 cents pex bottle, and C'iillt‘d Magic Cough Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at SEMEfigEgi-fiéii HEGHEST CURRENT fiATEfi. Any Flour will make Bread, but we ‘ will guarantee ()‘f C an: :ula HORMONE) H} High Grade Family Flour jOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, â€"ANDâ€"- Zen‘ml Banking Businesa Tsansmted, [IO 'nr other particulars call at the Bun Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. To make more broad, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist longer, and better flavor- ed bread with less lab- 01' than any other flour. Made to suit the people and 50].: at, :1. reasonable price. (‘2; Mun? It is strictly NAUG FITON BROS. CDUGH Rlchmoud E SYRUP MAGIC Emma, WS- fEY! MONEY! F. ROWLAND SELL IT. l on Satur‘ $ 700,000 HIM 15 to loan on x per cent. in- AG ENT oranto fiflMPlEIE 3-338? Efié CONFEDERATION I ,1er ASSOCIATION DEAR SIR,â€"â€"Kindly ncuvpt nm- 1 have paid th? claim on the late Juln your agent. P. G. Savage. fur the 2'11 at, your Ofiice on Oct. 9L1) and choql An excellent stock of Youth’s ‘ revised ever so often. N0 PliCES are figured < n 10‘ and see us. No tzo Custom \Vork, Pe Of the way CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION : DEAR SIR,â€"â€"Kindly ;l('(:(’p[ nu; thanks for t} have paid the claim on the hue E. E. Harris». (1} your agent, P. G. Sm'ngv. for the full unmnnt. 1 at your office on October 17th and cheque issued {resented at their offieé. Mp. P. G. SAVAGE: “11$. 1.. U. Unvnuua DEAR SIR,â€"Accept my thanks for the cheque hnmh the amount of Insurance curried by my late husband wi Life Assncintion. Cheque issued Nov. 27th, the same (1:1 P. G. Savage will be pleased to fm'wm-d pnmf of Policies issued by the Unnfederatiun Life Assw P. G. SAVAGE, District Agent, l‘ The Liberal and erelily r w Globe to Jan’y l, ’82 ~ 7a The Liberal and W’laly lviailg 5 and Empire to Jan. 1, ’02 i The Liberal and Daily Star for one year The Liberal Daily World 6‘ for one year The Liberal and Daily Globe r“ for one year 1%» 00 The Liberal and Evening 67% F’ Globe for one year a} ’30 The Liberal and Daily Mail LE P“ and Empire for one year JC' ‘3’ The Liberal and Evening" 1" Mail 86 Empire, 1 year 3 ° 3)” The Liberal and ‘W’lily Mail 59 and Empire to Jan. 1, ’01 The Liberal and Weekly Globe The Liberal and Weekly (3.103064% to Jan. 1, ’01 ’ Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent take‘ioui; through us receive special hotice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustran and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers 3113-. Investors, Send for sampIe cm;r F Address, VIE-143'!“ 1'5": J, 351,73. R’S 053.; Evans Buildi Another stock of Fine Bums and Shrubs just arri Men, VVnmc-n and Children. In Buff, Dongola Kid. Flcnch Kid, Cordovan, I and Calf Perfect in \Vorkmanship. Fit am] Finish Also a stock of Luiies' and 1\-Ii\‘s:s" *E N .. £23.;- BOOT‘ Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done 31$ PK AL'E. the Confederation Life Association (1') their EQKEOF clgfqm o-date in Business. 1’s and 1305's I Nothing iSRHOWE ‘ lowest Cash tc-r txouhle to Show 5‘2": Mi“ (7L! $53 Sfifii STHRE. RICHMOND HILL, mphlets of tho (“Ewen sucintiou on application. STOUFFVII a Specialty '19 prmnptness wquo handed t, Claim papers ‘ the sumo day Yum-s 'J hoiss just arrived tor lllded t0 ‘ with t mmzd Hill. ms. Call goods. (1111 I‘rnly. MARIA J. HARRIS. , Nov. 28, 1900. Oct. me today being w (hmfuloratvim'i lain: pnpm‘s were ‘ T l-uiy, RAH JANE GABY. s in which you {nus ‘m-day by Wk‘lC m't'sunted I OH 50XC" 12. 1900. (“(125 are ht, kinds ‘33 Q?

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