Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jan 1901, p. 1

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VOL. XXIII. AT THE LIBERALPRINTING& PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. IS PUBLISHED EVERY TH UR SDAY MORNING '1‘ . F. McMAHOI‘J. D R. L ANGST A F? Gladuato of the Onmrio Veterinary College wish diploma from the Ontario Veterinary D-mtal School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p.111. Cal-ls promptly attended to Diseases of horsasmuztle and other domestic“. ed animals treated by Che latest and most up- Office Hours : p, m Diseases 6f hm- ed animals trout proved manhods Best fitting teeth, also replacing, at lowest, prices. Good work. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. T. A. CURRHS, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) ’Oddfellow‘s Bldg, Tornutn, cor. Yonge and Cullege Stan, Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill every . \Vednesday. Office :â€"â€"Next door south of Publir School. fir. YE. (335:1 Trams, P; DENTIST,- Remodellad, and One of the most. hotels on Yonge venienca. Sum" crsvollers. Au i. or driving partio‘ to or returning miss the door. I. Telephone 3368 for appointment. F. J. GALLANOUGH, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, JOHN I’ALNIER. Every Accommodation ft‘ ' elling public HULSE EmTEL, DIAP] »E. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. H Room 12. Cor. Bloor and fipadnna Ave" Toronto. “ember College Physicians and Shl‘gnons‘ J. T. M0121; lroy, RICHLEOND RIOEIlVIOND HILL OFFICE IIOWZES flu: 10am: Gtoslpm Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. zipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. DR. L. LA WRASGN, BUSINESS CA VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, RICHMO ND per annum, in advance.] VETERINARY SURGEON, 'Fhornhill. mm Emron & Pnormz'mn \an. Rogers Benfls‘t, TERMS 124 Victoria St. Toronto. wctcrium'y 2mm: 118 â€".AND__ newly turn 93mm. 8 to 10 a. x: 7 to 9 p.111 $1.00 PER DAY marks mat ‘ppiu ‘nuectic FTTT 1' the trav‘ d throughout. .1 comfortable modem conâ€" commercial armor? go Slectnc c Prop ‘ars TORONTO ( COOK Street 5, ' Mr. 0001; will be at, afternoon of East'l‘nronto Otfico. Mr. Grant’s residence Wendbndgr, every evening. Thoruhill.eneh Wednesday from 10 to 12. mam, a“: Money HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 8m Issuer ofiflaxriage License Moimv to louh‘én hm rm. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, LENNO) SALEM Ech Licenfieu Goods sol runes Licensed Auctioneer for the County 01 York. Genera] sales of implements, turniturestanding timber. etc. ,uttended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Pntronugesolicited. P. 0. address Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Snies attended to on shortest uoticeand at 1‘80.- aouublerates Pam-(mags snlicited. J. T. Suigeon. Maple Licensed Anch‘onear for the Counties of York and Outarlo. All sales of farm stock, &c.. at;- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable mtei. Mon-tame and bailifi sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘villo. Ont Aurora. of one 0 m 1A8. N EVVTON A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. License Auctionwrs for the County of Yorkxe- spect-fully solicit. youx patronage and friendly Influence. sales attpuded on the sLortest notice and a reasonabemtes. P. 0. address King RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL Ff.) i SA By J. H Sanders ‘25 KING ISSUE“ MARRIAGE LICENSES, Building 0 STOKES LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Undorinkm‘s & Emhaimors. 289 the above RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. MON BY figflam §££a§$$ Exflfi‘flfle, arrisarrs accommodation :9 guests. Board, S nerds. Eckzu-cu Saigvon a: McEweu. :8 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1901. 1.11%; h } SIRE .T WEST, TORONTO. Stokes 4k Slough. luctionoers for the County of York. Lou consignment. General sales of promptly amended to at remna ole 1 . Uouldmg. Newton Brook, agent .l. D. Readmnn, Richmond Hill ()1 COMMISSIONER IN THE elicited. P. 0. address Maple nd LM opposite the High School on RIGH carriage achmeuc. Harness > Harness 1‘96 Jilrxis stable at the ram- 01 flrug e and Centre Sta. 12â€"“ C & MORGAN, Inge-flaw FH‘} Salicitor. Notary, 55c. I Freehold Loan Build- delaide and Victoria ets, Toronto. ) LOAN AT 5%. & nd and chattel mortgages at. wcifl; rates. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." L y! ’l'hree duors south of tho dz Pncmice md solicitors. 1 to the old post office, of the. entrance to the MACDONALD SALE Iicitors Smith. rl‘llllto Gr. STY. MonmN 25esti,pole and shafts waENCE, ude 1;; Victoria mnto. ilpk‘ on Thursday 1c!) week. 101's, etc. Fr ehnld I de 17'; Victm BROS, SOD. J H. PRENTICB Uniouvule Telerhrne 2984 J. K. McEwen. Weston. IV aw in arket D BLOUGE Oil n Very important farmers‘ meetings will he. held at Thornhill on Jan’y 23, and at Ellesmere on sz‘y 24. The speakers advertised are all practicle and successful farmers and stock- rnisers. The Furmers‘ Institutes axe doing good work in getting together the most prominent farmers of each neighborhood ta discuss among them- selves matters pertaining to their own business. To be. successful in farming, as in all other lines of industry. it is necessary to have co-opemtinn and the mutual exchange of ideas. Meth- ods of farming have entirely changed within a. few years. The active hrain must now be associated with the. strong arm if genuine success is to he. achieved. The farmer of to-day must, rend, must apply scientific principles to his work, must keep an account of everything he. buys and sells. must weed out, the. unprofitable animals of his herd. must recognize and destroy the pestilent weed before they take possession of his fields, must in fact keep wide-awake, and on the alert or he will get left in the race. Let every farmer attend the Institute meetings nearest his home, and while there look sharply after every hit of in- formation that might help him in his Work, the tests. H5 is probably the. best authority nu seeds Ufa“ kinds in (Far)- ada. Every farmer in this vicinity should attvnd the meetings and ques- tion My. Zmitz in reference to the best varieties of grain, roots and fur- age plants. The \Vost York Fen-mers’ Institute will hold a supplementary meeting in the Masonic Hull, Maplo, on Tuesday, Jan’y 22. and the following programme will be carried out : AFTERNOON. 1.30. Chairman’s address, A.T.Orth, Vice-President. 1.50. Composition of Foods (ill’t’d) and Pork Production. by T. G. Ray- nor, B. S. A., Rosehnll. 2.50. Conditions of the Soil, by J.H. Keffer, Sherwood. 3.30. The Selection of Good Seed in its Relation to Fanning, by C. A. Zayigz, §.S.A.! Guelph." 4.10. Five minutes’ talks on subjects relating to field agriculture. Discus- sion on all subjects. EVENING, 7.00. Chairman’s address, Reeve of Vaughan. Farmiu as an occupation, by T. G. Raynor, osehall. Book-Keeping on the Farm, by J.H. Kefier, Sherwood. AddreSS by local gpntlemen. The Ontario Agricultural College and its relation to the agriculture of the Province, by C. A. Zavitz, B.S.A., Guelph. Vucal and instrumental music at evening meeting. All farmers and others interested in farming are requested to be present. especially at the afternoon session,and take part in the discussions, as the cummittee have been fortunate to se- cure two able speakers. Come, Bro. farmers, make the meeting a success and he benefitth thereby. Ladies are cordially invited to be present, at both sessions. It is our painful duty this week to ' record the death of Mrs. Geo. Diury, 1 who died on the morning of Friday last. Her death came. as a great shock to all, her illness being very short and severe. Convulsions prostrated her. If mortal consolation can avail aught in such an hour of deep, unfathomable grief, a. neighborhood’s sympathy o‘er- flows towards the bereaved husband. who after but three short. years of wedded happiness has lost a. loving and faithful companion. Though she came as a stranger into the neighbor- hood, she soon gained many friends and became a general favorite with those who knew her best. Many of the neighbors were present at her late. home on Sunday morning when a short service, conductcd by Rev, J. A. Institute Meetings Farmers‘ institute rm' painful duty this week to ' he death of Mrs. Geo. Dlury, 1 ed on the morning of Friday [9:- death came as in great shock 31' illness heng very short and Convulsions pmstmted her. :11 consolation can avail aught an hour of deep, unfathomable neighborhood’s sympathy o‘er- Iwards the bereaved husband. tel- but three short. years of happiness has lost a. loving .hful companion. Though she Carrville. Miss Josie Bhymm is suffering from an attack of pleurisy. The concert given by the teacher and pupils of the Temperanceville Public school was in every way a. suc- cess. The town hall was crowded to ‘ its utmost capacityfihore being scarce- ly standing room. Mr. T. H. Legge performed the duties of chairman in mm able manner. The programme con- sisted of (alum-uses, l‘ecimtions, uln- logues and two drills, one by twelve boys and the other, “ A Dnil'y-maids’ Drill,” by sixteen girls. Every num- ber on the prugmm was well rendered and was ewrlently appreciated by the audience. The proceeds amounted to $15.50 which is to he used in increas- ing the school library. Grant of Richmnnd Hill, was held, prim'to leaving for Stoufl’ville. The body was interrod in the Stmiffville cemetery, the rwtin place of heij father, at 2 p. m., in l, 9 presence of a large nmnlwr of sol-rowing relatives and friends. At that holiest hour when daylight at evening Doth silently fade from the azure blue sky, . They will miss 1191‘ low tones while shadows arg deep’piug, Om' respected postmaster and mer- chant, Mr. Charles Norman has pur- chase-d a. residence in Aurora. and pur- poses Rimming there short-1y. ‘ fi<$7JfRmeitidn, Mr. w. J. Hm; P., and Mr. Arch. Campbell, Miss Edith Buyd of Creemore, who has been spending two weeks’ holidays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cnsgi-nve, Bond’s Lake, returned home on Monday, accompanied by her cousin. Miss Annie Cosgrm‘e, whu in- tends spending a fmv days at Creemore. The ice at Bond’s Luke is in splendid condition fur skating, and several arties from Tux-unto appraa‘ to be xighly delighted with thé rink kept clear (If snow for their accommodation. Mr. Herman Thompson of Tm-nnto. who has not been home for several years, is paying a visit to his father, Mr. C._Thompson. at; Oak Ridge} Mr. Morgan, chief engineer at Bond’s Lake power house, left here on Satin-v day last to take up a similar position in Toronto, Mr. Bond, Yonge St. ; Mr, Tisdale, manager for the People’s Coal Co.; and Mr. Reynolds, of Tecumseth St., Toronto, had two successful days’ rabbit shooting last week around Bond’s Lake and vicinity. Mn Richard Hon-sley of White RoseI \Vhitchurch, died on the 5th inst.afLer a lingering illness. Read bargain list in Atkinson and Switzer’s large advertisement; you‘ll find pricos touched With temptinguess for Friday and Saturday. The vote for Markham Township Division for County Councgllors stood: Arthur Quantz, 961 ; R. C. Teft 657; R. Ash, 604. These are bright quotations for dull days: Mince meat, 90. ; jellies at] flavors, 9c. ; pure corn starch, 5c. Atâ€" kinson & Switzer. The Statute Labor By-Law was de- feated in Markham township by 278 to 657. The By-Law in King met with it similiar fate. Bzu gains beckon you in these quota- tions tor Friday and Saturday : Heavy double fold tartan dress goods! 13jc. ; 3 spools Coates’ thread, 15c. ; the Best. 5c. bmss pins for 4c. Atkinson and Switzer. The citizens of Aurora on Monday evening tendered a reception to Staff- Sergeunt‘, Hamuchy and Privates Graham. Hartman, Brunton and Hughey, who have recently returned from the South African war and pre- se-nted Pachof the young men with a gold watch. W'orth makes these, as quoted for Friday and Saturday, bargains:â€" Cleaned Patrns cut-rants, 12§c.; best selected raisins, 111:. ; s eeded raisins, 100. package; blue package Malwa The annual meeting of the West York Liberal Association Will be held in Eagle Hall. \Veston, next Monday, 215t inst. The usual banquet, Will be held in the evening. Among the sgeakers will be Honxf. R. Latghffllfl, tea, 131m. Atkinson & Swifzer. They 0, do But hey will think of their loved one with (linden) fadk-less, Now dew-king her brow in the regions almvo: . do not- repirw that God’s infinite goodness, Hath cnllvd her from earth to the home of His love. Temperancevflle. rememhm'her épirit. will oft hm‘er nigh. N ews N otes. Oak Rldges Judge McDmlgall‘s recount in York township Municipal eloctinn gave Messrs. Mnclean, Goulding and Miller 494 votes. each of the two others 495. The returning amoer on the termina- tionuf the recnunt gave the casting vote in favor of Messrs Gould'ing mu}. Miller. York township council will therefore he the same as it was last The price leans your way in these q110tatipn_s for: Friglny 811C! Saggrday : A good 3-string hrbmn fm' good carpet broom for 190. ; 25c. hmom for 23c. Atlkil Switzer. On Friday and Saturday next we make prices talk like this : 10 bars of Happy Home soup for 25c. ; 7 bars Comfort snap for 250. ; 12 bars Castile $0sz for 250. Atkinson & Switzer. The following wore at, the annual meeting elected officers of Vaughan Agricultural Society for the year 1901: President. A. L. McNeil: Vice-presi- dents, J. E. Elliott. A. \Vithersponn; Secretary. T. F. Wallace; Treasurer, Hnn. N. 0. Vanlnce; Directors, H. Creighton ; W. McClure, M. Roaman, G. F. Vanlace, D. Longhouse, N. W. Smyth, W. Farr. Only three cases mme before Hit Honor, Judge Morgan. at the Division Court on Thursday last. They were as follnws :â€" Oster vs. Dohsonâ€" Judgment, sum- mons on Promissory note and interest $59.55. Order to pay $3 a. month,first payment in 39 days. ‘ Dean "5. Cook &Cookâ€"Judgment summnns after default. One of the defendants paid clerk on day of court; $18.00. Ol'der' for each defendant to pay $2.00am0nth; first payment in one month. Cable vs. Vandex-hurghâ€"Claim for drilling well $54.00. The evidence showed that the well flowed over the top for soverle days after which the flow stopped. Defendant. claimed that the plaintiff guaranteed him a flowing well 01' no pay. The Judge could not. see by the evidence that a flow was guaranteed. Judgment for $45 and costs. Next sitting on the first of Apr-ii. The first hintflfi it should be attended to at. once. Pain ever the Eyes W. A. SANDERSUN, Druggistq RICHMOND HILL ‘ar‘. And recommend glasses only when necessary. EEMM Jall and have your eyes tested free. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. HEADACHE! Free of Charge Best of Lenses. full line of gold, gold filled and nickle frames. [Single copies, 3 cts. Division Court Indicate eye trouble. We test your eyes gPRVEN n 101- 15c.; a 190. ; a regular Atlkmson and No 29

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