Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Feb 1901, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, February 7, Inf) ‘1 A3196. Fire Brigade (.‘ai-iiival on \Vcdiiesâ€" ,day evening next. Court Richmond will meet tO-XDOF row evening. Mr. Baldwin Teet'y of Stockton, Cal.â€" it'ornia, is home to :pend a. few weeks rwith his parents. Mr. Thorbiu-n, principal of the Maple Public School, was in the vil- .lzigc on Hatiiiday. drive last ev ;_. Uii their retuin‘ they \Vt re jt :‘i at the Temperance itnl by a lilllllilt'l' of our citizens, where a prograiiiniw of toasts and re.- spoiisu-s. llill‘»l!';ll and vocal selections, Various games were inflamed iii. “'t'lt‘ played, and dainty refreshments neie s: iveil. Ml‘lfvi'illtlAI. SEIIVlt v13 H. An appropi iato ieiI-iiiorial service in ‘ honor of our late below-r1 Queen was lielii in Til" Methodist. (diureliSatur- day aftri noon. lll front. of the pulpit was the picture of Yictoiia the Good. l\u‘('l'\' draped. Interesting and in- structhe addresses relating to the life. of this good woman were given by ' Rev. i{.h.l‘l.l.arge. Mr. .l.l'\.l“..b‘wit7.t.'r. Mr. Torrance Brown and Miss Edna , 'Itupert of Toronto, spent. Saturday with relatives in the village. Mr. \V. A. Ilelmkay of Crecnioi-e, is spending a .week with reiatives at {cadl'ortl and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. \YJI. Morison return- -cd Friday after a. couple of \veeks’ visit at (lrceniore and other places. Ileinz's hulk pickles, very tine, Fri- day _and Saturday t-{,t:. per quail. Atkinson 8:. Switzci. Mr. \V. A. McLean of Stom’l’villc, Va rout for the. National Police Company .1\ errickville. and also agent for Noxon liiiplcinents, was in tho village Satur- day. .Rev. A. J. Johnston, of Victoria *-1J.niversity, and brother of Mr. 1“. J. Johnston of our 11':in School, preach- ed two excellent. sermons in the Meth- odist Uliurch last Hudday. The Quarterly Board of the Thorn- '.~J:l'li-'circuit passed a unanimous invi- ' tation invitinbr their pastor. 'Rev. Mr. Keain, to remain on their circuit a fourth year. The Bible class. oi’lloers and teachers -of the Presbyterian Sabbath School indulged in a sleiin drive Saturday evening, alid on their return had rel .-i'resliiiieiits in the laasoiiieiit of the church. If you can tell us how to serve you better we shall obey the hint. Atkin- \SUI] (V: Switzer. Mr. Geo.Sehell, late of South Africa, has returned to this village after a week‘s visit in Toronto. \Ye. are. glad to learn that George has decided to beâ€" come one of our citizens. Mess s. Saigvoii & {\li-Ewen Conduct- ed a successful auction sale for Mr. Vim. Shunk at. Sherwood yesterday. A colt rising two yeais brought $1- yearling heifers $10, and inilch cows 'n-v- am). Mr. John Beviioii, an old and highly esleetiied citizen of 'i‘eniperanccvilie, -.»died Saturday morning, aged 70' yeais. Deceased was father of Mrs. \Vell- wood of this village. lie was a life- loiig Methodist, and Was a Liberal in .» gmlitics. \Ve sell the best goods going for the lowest price ever marked on them. ,J‘itkmson N Switz Messrs. Gla s Bros , butchers, lost a _ valuable horse, 6 years old. a few days ago. They had been doetoriiig the old favorite fora sprained leg, and he ate .‘his feed on Sunday. The next. morn- - iug, however, he was found dead in the stable. MONTREAL. Dec. 1900. To the Public :â€"X'our druggist is hereby authorized to refund the pur- chase price on a twenty-live or fifty «sent bottle of Greene’s \Variauted Syrup of Tar, if it fails to cure your cough or cold. (Signed) The Lester H. Greene (‘o. The store that gives you the most ,libcrt-y to look. gives the most en- couragement to buy. Atkinson and Switzer. The funeral of the late Rev. John O. willuhine took place from the residence of his father, Mi. 1V. H. t‘luhine, Yonge Street, Saturday forcnoon, to Newmarket. Deep sorrow is felt for the sudden death of this promising young man who was loved by all who knew him. Tlioriihill Methodist Church was packed Sundayeveniug when a memorial service was held, several clergyman taking part in the solemn service. TENDERS \VAKTED. For the horses, sleighs, basses and other \‘eliloles‘ and other articles iii- cluded in the express business of Mrs. Levi Gaby. Particulars may he had by applying to Mr. “7. II. Pugsley. CARNIVAL AT THORNHILL. Another Carnival will be held 11‘. the rink at. Thoruhill on Tuesday evening. Feb’y 12. The band will be in attend- ance. An open race will take place for a silver cup, to he won on two different occasions. Rink open from 7.30 to 10. Men’s white dress shirts, fancy col- ored shirts. collars, cuds,ties, the very latest, at Atkinson & Switzcr‘s. PAR LOR SOCIAL. A Parlor Social will beheld in the Church of England Rectory. Thorn- hill, on the evening of Thursday, Feb. 1t (St. Valentine‘s Day). Refresh- ments will be servod. and games and other amusements provided. A inti- sical programme is being prepared. Doors open at '1 o. in. There will be no charge for adini ‘ion. but a silver collection will be taken, the proceeds of which ,Liiictiou of the church debt. and Rev. I. G. (.f Lenionville. Mr. F. J. T1in\‘.l‘.’.~'. i‘». Johnston, A., ll. l)., 4 The choir furnished music suitable for Ethel Switzer "Jesus Saviour the occasion, and Miss contributed a solo, l’ilot Me." tiAliiiViLLE. The passing away of His. Francis Lea f, wile of the late George Leaf, on the 1st iust., is a matter of deep re- git-t to the many who will always havctlie pleas-iiitest and most alfre- iionatei-eiiioiiibeiance of this kindly lady \\'li(ist' lit.- was marked by many acts of kindness and liberality to those less fortunate in life than she was. Her charity was of an unpretentious character and was the outward evi- dctice of a heat t glowingjr with warmth and good-feeling for her fellow- crratures. Deceased was laid at rest besidelicr late husband on Monday, Feb‘y tth. in the cemetery here, the Rev. \\'. Dean officiating. Deceased was .63 years of age. For sale. one No. 9, six-hole Happy Thought Range, with taiiiz, $38.00. U. Mason. FIR E BRIGADE CARNIVAL. A \Vil eh t‘rariiival under the auspices of the hire Brigade will be held in the rink on “'ediiesday evetiing,,Feb’y 13. Elaborate ai-raiigeiiieiits are being made under competent management to make it. one of the most interesting and unique carnivals ever held in this section of country. Real \«Vitcli Broth will he on sale at. 5 centsperbowl.. [.adies will all appear as \Vitclics, and the gentlemen are expected to he in corresponding costume. One feature will be the decoration of the rink. Good music will .be provided. Ad- mission :â€"\Vit:ches,free ; adult skaters and spectators, 15 cents: children. 10 cents. Special car will leave 0-1). H. CH) ‘ing at 7 o'clock. and return after the carnival. Return fare, 2.3 cents. Save your dollar" -Economy is the parent of prosperity. You become a practical economist by purchasing here. Atkinson t1: vaitzer. TESTON A grand oyster supper will he held at Teston in aid of the church on Thursday evening. Feb‘y 14. Anniver- sary sermons will he preached on the Sunday previous February 10, by Rev. A. J. Johnston of Victoria University, at 10.30 in the morning and '4' in the evening. Tin-school will be address- ed in the afternoon by Rev. Mess . Johnston and \Vehstor. The tea will he served in the Temperance hall from 4 to 7 after which an interesting entertainment will be given by the following talent :â€"Miss McNeil, Vel- lorc; Miss Ketfer, Maple; Miss Mc- Donald, Kleiiiburg; Miss Farrier. Lloydtown; Rev. S. L. \V. Hinton, Toronto; The Nashville Orchestra ; Address by 1.". Adults, 30 cents; years, 23‘.) cents. \Vebster. Tickets, Children, under 1?. MARRIED. A very pleasant. event took place at the residence of Mr. Nicolas Shet’fer, lotzf), 3rd con. \Vhitchurcli, on \Ved- nesday. January 30th when his darugli- ter,l\iary Ethel,was united in marriage to Mr. Geo. A. '1‘. French. The cere- mony was performed by Rev.F.Elliott. The groom was supported by his brother, \Vin. French of Toronto, Miss Mabel Shelter, sister of the bride, act- ing as bridesmaid. After the cereâ€" mony the company adjourned to the diningâ€"room to enjoy the good cheer provided for the happy occasion. Fort yâ€"five or more friends and relatives of the bride and groom were present from Toronto, Lemonville, Vivian, Tempeiancevillc, Mariposa, Grormley and Toronto Junction. A goodly number of valuable and useful pres- ents testified to the esteem in which the young couple were held. Remember the Fire Brigade‘Carnival next \Vediiesday evening. SCHOOL SERVICE. A memorial service in honor of our late Ielaved Queen Victoria was held in the Principal‘s room of the, Public School on Friday last. Th3 school- room and picture of the late Queen were appropriately draped. The pupils seemed to be u sympathy with the solciiiiiity of the occasion and the majority of them \vore some token of mourning. The service began with the singing of “ Blest he. thc 'l'ie that Binds,“ after which Itev. J. .A. Grant read the xxiii Psalm, followed by prayer. During the service suitable rccitatioiis Were rendered by the fol. lowing pupils of the school zâ€"Eva Hill. Marjorie Boyle.IJonald Atkinson, SusieStai-tup, Lizzie Lealess, Emma Sisley, Elsie Palmer, Murray Storey, Annie Keiswell, vNora McMahon, Keith Hill, Jean Boyle and Olive Yhamberlin. A veiy interesting ad- dress was delivered by Rev. J. A. Grant. who reviewed the early life of -the queen and described her good will be devoted ts theexn qualities as a girl, a. wife. a. mother and a queen. A short address was a1. so deliverud by Mr. A. E. Atkinson of Orangeville. The service closed by singing, “He giveth His beloved sleep." HIGH SCHOOL. The Richmond Hill High School Literary Society will hold their first‘ meeting this afternoon (Thursday) in ' Form 1, the chair to be takiu by Miss . Agnes Boyle at A good pro~l gramme composed of songs, recita- tions and speeches by the iiieinhers of the society will be given. Subject. for debate: “ Resolved that the death of (Elias. Iwasjustifitiblc." Theleadei' of the iLHii-iiiativc is Mr. Alex. Mc- Naughton supported by Mr. 1). Derry. The. negative is led by Mr. \V. J. At- kinson supported by Mr. J. D. Gard» ner. These gentlemen are burning the niidiiightoil to make the. debate profitable and enjoyable. HOCKEY MATCH. Tho fastest and inth interesting game played here this season was played Monday night between tlic ‘lx- eelsiors of Toronto and the home team iesulting iii a victory for the visitors by 4 goals to 3. Fioiii the blow of the referee’s whistle to the call of time the game was in doubt so evenly Were the teams matched. Gill, Marks and Allen on the forward for the visitors played a, very et'fectivc combination and keptthe Richmond Hill defenco ,always on the alert while ’l‘ooze. at. cover point and Callahan in goal saved them from defeat time after time. The home team have adopted a new scheme of playingr three forwards and two cover points and this proved to be a great success, the forward line. being able to pliiy better combination than formerly and making: the dtfencc al- most iinprcguable. The local septette were handicapped by the absence of \V. Clifford ol‘f the forward line whose place was filled by A. Boyle who play- ed ii very good game." The ‘lxcelsiors have promised to giVe the locals an- other game later in the seasmi when thclatter hope to turn the tables. MLA. Savage gave. entire satisfaction as referee. The. teams lined up as fol- lows 2 IJIXeelsioi-sâ€"Goal, (hillalian: Point, lowdie; Uover point Tooze: For- wards, Roach. Marks. Gill and Allen. Richmond Hillsâ€"Goal, H. Glover: I’oiiit. G.Siins; Cover pointleGlovor, A.Ifiloyle; l<‘ A.Glass, LEllston, H. Sanderson. if! /‘ 1‘35 5 Ifidii E3 t'nESCRrStIl‘l .mâ€"On Wednesday. Jaii‘y 2 , by Rev. F. riluott, Ml'. than. A. 'l‘.1"ieu:‘.ii Lo hllts Mary lbtnei, itau ilizer of N. b‘atfi‘cr, 1‘1:q., all of a hicrziiurcii. EA’L‘IER BEY toyâ€"At his homo, " Broudvicw," Temper- aucmizle, on Saturday, Foo. :5, John W Bu) non, in his 7551) vvtr. [nitrnicut in Aurora Cemetery Tuesluy, February 5. Sale Register. pigments, are, at Mcb'nriuiie's hoteij‘nuu hank. Sweat. l. “twins 8 months. (‘L Meliuen, Elltiilollt‘el‘fi Mommy, Feb‘y 11â€"point 5.110 of liorsusyehio‘ms and illl'lllLul'e at llioinhlll the iiropoity oi the. lulu Dr Nell-gs. LIIUIILUS Siti;c:in 5 tie at 1. Terms suvei. Ecknrii: (‘v Prentice, uuct-s Tut-3mm“ ‘v'n‘o'y iaâ€"timiiit side 01 innit. uts iui'uituru, etc-"on Yes: York. tile propcz‘L‘.’ of lliii It Stilt: at 11 0’0! '-'.' i‘reuiice, . tin :11 stock, lot. ism n ti... . . ' . 'l‘eims dmuuijzis. Lemme. i 1“1{IDAY,FUI)8â€"Cl‘edit sale of {arm stock. i‘u- . TUESDAY, idilu‘llifi_tir(‘,. in: or merry oi Ln- .. W811 ,I' uctis. can :itic oi Lu'ni stock, the piope. \ ofJanu lluiimolilci', J r. Stir: ims‘.) HIULIlhh, b’tictcan L‘.‘ McEwui ttlli l‘imusigu', I eb'y J-t â€"(‘re(lit sale of farm stodt‘ iiuio .,,). Sturgeon ...ia iinpicuisuts, eta, on lot. {12,1‘C con Ma. (iwgiu Hills) the. property of DrJ l i\li bale at. l. loruis 9 minimal. Mciiiwmi, aucts. THURSDAY, b‘eb it~Ci~cttit sale of farm stat-1i, llu}l.elll6li[$.etc, on lotil. rear Eltli con oi hlalklllllu the property of CoilllD Itour‘tii'. Sale at 12. farm: a months. Leliiiidt and Pr. ntir-o, auctioneers FRIDAY, Fub‘y 15AC1'L2LIIY: sale of a. farm iii ’ihisttctown hotel. 51:16 at 1 o'clock. Siogcoii & Mcrlwou. nucts. FRIDAY,1"(4I)'y15 Aired“. sale of farm st wk, Linâ€" pleuiciits, etc, on TNT. Lil. 1st con Markham the orupcrty ot' Geo H lTiiui-ltaii. o'an at l. 'J eiuis 7 months. Ecsurutik Prentice nets ’I‘Ui:son,1<‘eli'_c 19 #iut'tlon salf of farm ' itopieuieuts.ctc, on lo' 7, 3th con You the property of .\\ltl.lll Yalie. Sa'eunoiio. Terms cash. l‘ltiilll'kll. N. Prentice. aunts Tut RSDAY, r sh.'£l~t‘reuit tulle of farm stockavc on lot. 10,0011. lt‘, bilingthe property of Mrs. Archibald, ’l‘mniso' mouths. Saigeon and lllcliwcn. uucts. FiHDAY, Feb') 21â€"Auctian sale of n. farm. iai ui httltk, it‘d, on lot I7. Itli con MailiLizv- the. prui-citv 05 E. H.4-li 'lcy, Sale at 1 0‘ och Terms tor cl . 8 months. Sa ' nix itlc‘ajweu, Ll‘lx‘ 'oiieci‘s. SATURDAY, Fob iiiâ€"Auction sale of the Golden Lion Hotel, Lansingon the premises at It) o'c.ocl(. Also a. HUIIIUJI' ol' llllli‘h tows. Ee .m'ot. rt Prentice. auctioneers \V’coxrzsnav (“001177 ()rertitsaie of farm stock, etc on lot 22:, can. 5 \‘tiusliiiu, the p10 . L)’ ofJanies Guam. Torinsb‘ mos, Suigu :\ is; M :Eiveu. auctioneers. \VEI).\' siiAY, Fob '27â€"(‘i‘elit sale of fresh mith cows, swingers, stasis. etc.. at. Hugneu’ ‘notsl 'I'liiii'iihili. Slee at. l. Terms «1 m- iiths. Eclmrdt .‘t' Prentice. aiiotioiiooi‘s. Tuuasimv. Pet/y xii-Credit. sale of farm flock, llllUIClilCIltS, ctc on lot 8, 5th con \'u~.i.;i.un the property of Henri l‘evius. Sale at. \ iie. Tn; HS 3 months. Suigoou and McEwau. aaaiouecrs. incaa.ah HHJ. SKATEEG BEER The above Rink will be open for Skat- ers during the season on SATU RDAY EVENIN G Cfcach wee ‘ from 7.30 to 10 o‘clock. GOOD LEUSIC. Rink open to Curlers eveiy day, and on Tuesday and Friday evcnings. Admission for skaters, ICC. : Children, 5 cents. Fifteen adult‘s tickets for $1.00. Thirty children’s tickets for $1.00. A P. o. saviuirz, Ree‘vc T). TECEQUGALL Representative for Fire and Life Insurance Companies. jRIUHMOND HILL, ONT l I l oakinâ€"‘fl __AT_ ittkinsou 85 Switzer’s We want to reduce stock and will offer on Friday and Saturday, Feb’y 8th and 9th, the following o Best quality green coffee . . . . . . . . . 12c The 150. Package Salada Ten. .. . . . .135 Benson's No. 1 Corn Starch . . . . . . . . 7 230 “ i “ “ ..... .18 “ Enamel Starch . . . . . . . . . . 9 15 ” Malwa “ .... . .13.} (lelluloid Starch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 20 " “ “ .. . . . .18 \Vetliefs Mince Meat . . . . . . . . . . . . t) 15 “Blue Ribbon“ . . . _ . .135 Seeded Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . )5 20 ” “ ” .--- . -18 “7 Raisins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Our regular 300. Japan Tea. . . . . . . . . a} Best Cleaned Pat ras Currants . . . .11 “ “ 25 “ “ .. . . . . . 22; Iiiest Selected Valencia. Itaisins .. .. 9 Ralstoii's Breakfast. Fond, 15c. f01‘.1~1 l hotogene in 4 gal. lots, per gal .. .20 Farinosa, regular 150. for . . . . . . . . . .14: 9 Bars (‘vaineo Soap , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Swiss Food. regular 150. for ... . . .14 10 Bars Happy HomeSoap . . . . . . . . ..5 Italian Macaroni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 J‘Iada‘m Roy‘s Toilet Soap, per box. 85 Best I’ure Lard . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..11& baby ()wn Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..27 (lillett‘s Lye . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8i IleinstBulk Pickles, pcr qt . . . . . . 8.3 Jellies, all flavors. regular 10c, for. 9 Royal 1 east, 50. Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 The Regular 25c. Broom . . . . . . . . . .22 .lames’ Dome. Lead, per box . . . . . . . . 11!; “ “ 200. “ . . . . . . . . .18 Royal‘ Dome Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8; A Good 3-String Broom . . . . . . . . . .14 1*, till Lount Matches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Faii-bank’s Tar Soap, regular 100.. . 81; btarlight Shoe Polish . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cowan’s Cocoa, regular 250 . . . . . . .23 We have some Men’s ovcrcoats, Ulsters and suits left that we Will slaughter as follows: I Suit, regular $11.00 for $4.00. Overcoats, regular $5.00 for $2.00. Overcoats that were $9.00 for $4.00. Ulsters, regular $6 00 tor $2.75. Ulsters, regular $8.00 tor $4.00. During the two days named we will give Ten per cent. off all Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. These are genuine reductions. It will pay you to buy liberally. Atkinson dz Switzer RIGHMQND HELL Owina to oor health I am rrivirmr 11 business. t) n "â€"â€" I have NINE NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES The latest drop-head, which I will sell at bargain prices on Also Three Seeoud- Eâ€"Iand Organs easy terms. Very cheap. W. 3". CLARK. Riclnnond lâ€"lill. .... Pure Dru gs and Patent Medicines At Cut Rate Prices. Steam Refined Seal Oil for rice on cattle. Used by all tho lnrze rattle exparters. We will guarantee. this Ull to kill all Ll i: tic.) wherever put. on. 2o cts. quart or75 cts. gallon. or Electric ()il, ‘2. bottles. for ..x: Carter's Pills, 2: bottles for ‘23: Cruise’s Pole, ‘1 bottles for 25c t'i usu's Uittlll‘i‘tll) Cure, 15c Chase's oiuzmcim 400 Cha. “5 H‘v‘rup Linse d and Turpentine 150 I’m. ce's Favorite Prescription 670 l'iei‘ce's Golden Medical Disc-Ovary 67: l’iei'cc‘s 1’0 leis 1.7c Williams’Piiil;Pills,115c.,310r $1 TJOIln'B Kidney Pills, 3m.- Dcuu’s Kidney Pills 350 t‘nrmeele’s l‘ills 15c Milburii’s Heart. and Nerve Pills 35.2., 3 for s1 Aver's Hair Vigoui‘, 65c Hood's Sut’suparilla. U70 E‘coit's Emulsion. large 65:, small 33c Little's Sheep Dip McDougull’s Sheep Dip Liliott‘s Sheep Dip Seigel's Syrup, suia1125;.,largo 50C. Agiiew's (latarrah Cure, 4ch Keiiilrzli‘s Spaviu Cure, 15¢ (intent/s Lye we per tin, ‘J for 25¢ Hesse‘s Poul: ry Paint: it}. 300. Mexican Pig-,1 Producer he (makes hsna lay) 3091', Iron and Wine, 508 Castoi'iu 215:: Nestle‘s Food 400 Epsom Salts, 15c lh., 91bs.for 25c Sulphur, :Zc. lb.,:l lbs. for 25¢. (Haubor alts 30 lb, 10 lb {or 250 Pei‘t‘cnt Eczema. Ointment. 25c Pure Norway Cod Liver Oil Acid for curing cidi 1' Condition l'owdurs, all kinds Your own Rdlf-elllfm made up (‘melully fr nu pure drugs Canadian ‘i‘.'ii:ei--ivhi;e coal oil, we a. gal A Magnificent. (‘alendar for each customer. 0. D. DANIEL 86 GO. wuouâ€"stLr-i AND “Evan. DIIUUGIS’I‘S. 1 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde Hotel If ICPI EEO .â€" Ii Earl“), 211131;! EARNESE - EEOP Is the place to buy harness of all grades at right; prices. Single Set. Harness, our own make. from $10.00 per set up. All VVork Guaranteed. A few good blankets and Robes left; from winter stock. Call and get ,5, bargain while they last. Gloves, Mitts, Whips and other supplys always in stock, at: prices as low as can be bought anywhere. Now is the time to order your harness and collars for spring. Repairing prompt- } ly attended to. G 0 . 1319‘!)

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