THE PAARDE BERG GATE. â€"â€" ‘Memnnlrs of the British Cniumblnus Who Iliad for [he Fla: in South .Urica. The citizens of VictOria, 13.0. have deeded upon th‘ fo:mi of their mem- Ol‘l.ll to the brave British Colombians who gave their lives for the Empire in South Africa. The project is to erect on the water- front of Belleville Sin-8t, Opposite main entrant‘e of the government- buildings, a public water gate or zip- proacll [12111 the, harlour to be known as Llie "Pu£li‘tlcl).'rg Gate." This stzuciur: will comprise landing steps about 10a Il‘Ol. long, leading real platform atom 30 feet \\ ide; from} thence the level of the roadway is; reached by twu broad flights with bal- ustrades. The c.-ntre of this platform is to be oocup'cd by a bronze bas- relicf a/bout lift-ct by3feet U inches-fl representing the incident of the deathi of Sergeant Scott at l'aardeberg while leading his comrades to the attack of the Boer positions. This btts-rrlicf set in the wall, fronting the harbour}; within pilasters and under a pcdiment l auamvuuted by the word Paardt-berg will afford the central motive to the construction. The piers at the lower end of. the: stairs will be surmounted by lions supporting the arms of the city, those of Lhe upper end by ornamental light standards. ‘ This plan provides alarge amount, of masonry work with a very smalll portion of actual sculpture or bronze} casting; yet the prominence given to, this later feature at the head ofcon_, verging steps and {rowing the harâ€"l hour will give great dignity and point to the event tommcmarated. It is liiltlllti PriiltrtCY. SOME MEDICINES ONLY RELIEVE FOR A SHORT TIME. Dodtl's Kidney I'Ill (‘nrns Stay (‘nredâ€" The (use of llr. Gilchrist, of Port Hope. 1' roves :rhls Port; Hope, Ont., Feb. 18. (Special).â€" Away back in 18E6, Mr. Chas. Gilchrist Ex-Chief Constable of this town, wasi suffering with Diabetes. He was ini very bad shape, and never expected toi be well again. He was cured byl Dodds Kidney Pills in March. of that year “8.6;, but. some thought that the. disease would return. Five years have elapsed, and Mr. Gilchrist is still enjoying good health. 011 April 24, 181.6, he wrotezâ€"“I have been a sufferer for ten years with Diabetes and. Kidney disorders. My urine was of adark, bricky color, and the pain while passing was something waul. I have been treated by the doctors, and have used almost every medicine advertised, but could get no relief. Lately I have been very bad. The pain in my back was dreadful. I could not sit in a chair without hav~ lug a cushion at the small of my back. [ hard 0; Dodd's A Kidney P Us and deemed to try once more for a cure. They cured me Completely, and I can heartily recommend them to anyone. ’ On July 2. 19UU, he writes;â€""l am Wary well. and have been so since the spring of ’96. My urine is anatural healthy color. 'l'here is no pain in my back. I am. sure I would have been in my grave now, but for Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. rthey certainly saved my life. There is no medicine like them," and to this letter he adds "all LhatIsay about Dodd‘s Kidney Pills in the truth. If they Were not good, I would not say they were good. The citizens of Port Hope all know me. and can vouch for every word Ihave written." Some medicines only relieve. Dodd‘s Kidney Pills cure, to stay cured. If you want asalisfactory, permanent and sure cure for Kidney Complaint, use the only remedy with an unbrokâ€" en record. of surcess in every case. and not a single failureâ€"Dodd's Kidâ€" ney Pills. also prop‘sed to acquire, ifiossible,a captured Boer cannon which will then occupy an upper platform above the bronze to be approached from Belle- ville street by three or four broad stepS. The work is to bcexeculed in gran- ito atacost, including the bronze, estim'tted at about $15,080. It is thought that: am additional 810,000 would enable the carrying of the flanking walls on each side as far as the bridge. and the foot of Menzies street. â€".___ RUSSIA'S BIG RIVER. Government Statistic: Give Some 'I'ferl In: Detail: urns Traffic. Rollin“ Gommmmnt statistics of in- land navigation just issue-A contain an: my ~attarelstilng' information re- l on) the To THOROUGHLY APPRECIATE TEA you have on y to use E deliciously flai‘Onrl-(l and absoluto‘y pure. CEYLON . l v-nly blended, ‘ garding the immense amount of traf- fic cu-ri-ed on Russia's great inland; ritur. the Volts... l Ev‘t'rywht-rc. up t.nt: vuiga and its, hundred tributaries ascend the iron burgt-s of the Casp'an Sea oil fleet.‘ wh/ilc. through the canals to St. Petersburg alone tpass annually, dur- ing llll‘ 1115 days of free navigation, thousands of steamers and bearing millions of tons of freight. [Cw-cry known Hymns of loromotlon is uswd, from mcn. who, like oxen, trump the tow paths, hauling the smaller lurgcs, to powerful tugs that creep along by means of an endless chain laid in the beds of the canals and minor riivers, dragging after them at isuail pace great caravans of heavy barges. From the greater streams immcmse craft nearly 400 feet long, 15 feet im tlcpthi, carrying 6,000 tons 10f freight, drill; down the Caspian, where they are broken to pieces to be used as firewood on the steamers go- ing up stream. 15,000 MILES OF RIVER. In all there are 8,000 miles of navig- able waterways im the valley of Vol- ga, or, if the streams which float the. giant rafts from so large a part of the traffic of the riwrs arc includ- ed, the mileage is increased to nearly 15,000, or as. much as that of the val- lcy of the llIEssissippi. a... V I was cured of lame hank. after sul» l'cring 15 years by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. Tu‘o Rivers. N. S, ROBERT ROSS. [was cured of D'phtthIH, altcr doctors failed, by MINARD‘S LINIâ€" MILNT. lintigon‘sh. JOHN A. FORI‘IY. I was Cured, of contraction of mus- cles by MINARD'S‘ LINIMENT. MRS. SAUNDERS. Dalhouisie. _________â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" THE MAN BEHIND THE MULES. During General \Vhite‘s sortie from Lady'smith, the British battery mules left were stampeded. The captain of one of the batteries. see- ing his first sergeant flying by with the first gun, shouted angrily: Hi, sir I W'here are you going? To which the gunner curtly replied: Banged if I know I Ask the mules! Mlnard’s Liniment Cures Garggt in (laws. FAMILY TIES. How close is your relationship to that millionaire? ., Oh, his brother married my broth- erâ€"in-law’s sister. M llinartl’s Linimcnt (lures Distemper. These folks next door didn’t invite use to their reception. How quee’rl Yes; afterwards they sent us over a platter of the refreshments. Minard's linimont Cures Diphtheria. IT MIGHT BE WORSE. Take the trouble life allots you, Bear it with a courage bright; If ymu had to choose your trouble, You would be in sadder plight. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR: m WHISIIOW'E BOOTHING SYRUP has been used b mothmior their children teething. Ii. soothes sh on d. when: the gum). Alleyspntn, cum windco in an. I Ithc but remedy for diarrhoea. $0 I bottle. Sold by .1 ' u throughout the world. Be nun and MB for "In. inflows floarhlu: syrup: .._â€" HEAVEN PRESERVE US. Hnâ€"VVe-rc yt‘h caught in that jam at the theater door? Sheâ€"Yes. and I thought I be crushed into jolly. would lllinard’s lillllllltlll titres Colds t" _â€"_â€"â€" NEIGHIBORLY. Husbandâ€"Isn't it about Borrore was returning our call? NVifeâ€"Yes. but if she docs return it it will be more than she does with the other things she gets from us. time Mrs. lllll GREEN OR BLACK, 1% PURE TE.&. " Pure tea calms; restores and DRINK IT. M A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of postal mentioning which you drinkâ€"Black, Mixed, or Green Address “ SALADA." Toronto or Montreal. tea. 7 _._...__._. barges ‘ “" Music l. Load Packets 25, so, 49, 60 and 60°. MO RI“. 1“}. RMERS‘. on good authority It is Stated that only [our ‘mt-n out of t-Vcry hunâ€" dlrcutl who start in business I‘l‘ili'll Sucâ€" coss,if the stnic number with the same ability, were. to go with the same energy into farming, forty out of every hunlrml would make good farmers, and enough money to be MDNYREAL HOTEL BIREGTORAY. Avauuc VENUE "uneasiness... N. pot a". RESIGNATION. Sheâ€"Didrn’t you. marry me for betâ€" ter or worse? Illaâ€"No; my dear. You were good enough. I didn’t want you any betâ€" «acriéh... I'll- Ilgmamro in on every box at the guanine Laxative Bromo-Quiuine Niel. 00 M can m n cold in one In] FAMILY PRIDE. thdâ€"I notice Sawyer is very proud of his family tree. ’ Slabbâ€"JVVell, he taught to be. His father got his start in the lumber business. \, ,ï¬ $100 Reward. $100. The readers of this uper will be pleased to learn that there Is at. emit one dreudtd discus. that. science has been able to cure in all in stage-I and that In Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ( are in the only positive cure now known to the medical Iraternity. Cntnrrh being a cons- titutional air-0m“), rtrquiree a conititutionnl cram nont. Hull‘s Cntarrh Cure in tak ninter- natty, acting ‘dircotly upon the hood and mucous surlaceo of the system, thereby del- i.roylng the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con-tituticn and auditing nature in doing It: work. The proprietors have so much faith In It: curative powers. that they offer ‘ ne Hun- dred Dollerl in any case that It falls to euro. Send for list of testimonials. F. J. CHEN!)ch 00.. Toledo 0. Sold b druzgla‘e 750. Hall’s dimly Pills are the heat This 0 There are 19,602 workng tives in Great Britain. W l’ C 1064 CALvERT'S CARBOLIO OINTMENT. for all skin ailments. J. 0. Culvert & 60., Manchester, England from Consumption, wanting distances or Inflammatory conditions of IIOBO throat and lungs. The treatment is free. only to write to obtain it. Its efï¬cacy is explained as simply as possible below. By the new system devised b DR. T. A. SLOCUH, the great: specie ist'. in pulmonary and kindred diseases, all the requirements of the sick body are supplied by the Four remedies consti- tuting his Special Treatment known as The Slocum System. Whatever your disease one or more of these four preparations will be of beneï¬t to you. ’ According to the needs of your cese, fully ex lained in the Treatise given free wit the free medicine, you may take one, or any two, or three, or all four, in combination. A cure is certain i! the simple directions are followed. The Remedies ere especially adapted for those who suffer from weak lungs, con he aoroth ut,bronchitis,catsrrh, co dePTI N, and other pulmon- ary troubles. But they are also of wonderful eï¬icaoy in the opbuilding of weak systems, in !purifying the blood. maklng flee I, and restoring to locomo- You have Sausage Casingsâ€"New importlï¬onl linen lingual: Sheep and American Bog Ouln â€"rolinblo good: at right pricu- PARK, BLACKW at 00.. Toronto. Atrial pack... o! 001‘: Palm" Cure for Pilu will he uni {no a any dares: on reode of two can stump No talk. in may “he Address. THE EUTOHLNG IEDICINI‘. (70.. Toronto. One CARPET DYEIN and Cunning. This in n specinlily wlth the BRITISH ‘AMERIOAN DYEING CU. Send particulars by post one we are sure to satisfy. Addraao Box 158, Montreal. llEEl’tl ulcramlt. Her Life and Gloriou- Reln union the grantee: Biography ever written. We rant a few more Agent: Massive memorielvoluno lavishly ill-mm. lows- {My low price for such I magniï¬cent. book. No ex Home: or cnpitsl necessary; expansive outï¬t free; fret: .l paid bnnkl on time. Anybody can mike from 5 no :1 .r day svi-itedqulck. J. L Niolwllb 00.. Publishers. 'Il’o‘l‘entn an; a. You or aggogwt an??? ,"g'ffl' Persons in Canada. seein ma or Green. sLA'ru ILAt‘ nonnnsf (3. supply please send. for samples to the Public Ind High Sohoo Torontot Roam Foil. Pitch Coal an, eta ROOIIl OTILI (St-o New City Build- ings, Toronto. done by our ï¬rm). Lieu] t‘oilian. Our nicee, em Katina-ks {tarnished {or work caught. gr for materials alii pwd to my pan of the country. Lea- 2963 D. BUTRIE d: 80N8.Adolnldo lWldmor 1... Toronto litâ€"Will Pay i‘v’ou Dawson Commission Co. Limited Cor. Colborne and West Market St... Toronto. That will get you highest pas-ibis prices. A In Mun-l io‘ the mud Jubilee oi 1W1. «inning Ll that in lain to 3,- dm Qi- lolly l- nlnlng iiq lie-elm“ Lh- Ju the. Prim lunch. 81.50 per Inudrol D. .J- lalll or I. Go ., Montreal. To send for our 00â€"pin. Onu~ luau. of Moo! Mualo uni um with "will nun DOUGLAS, BROS. METAL ROOFS r.Ԥ$.‘lï¬f‘“‘5's"' SLATE, TILB and T h of discount. 0"“ GEHTB toll uoan'. Mourning and ' King Edwasd eonulnc Photograph &c° Button-Alon unto ouch. flirty unto “zen. ‘ PHOTO JIWILLEHV MAIUï¬ITUIllI 00., To- an e I“ Yong. fl. HORTO. Houhun IILI paper. Toronto, Ont. [SGFNTSâ€"“LIFE AND TIMI‘A HF QI'ICIN Vic‘- “I tortn' can‘mntl:ar'. l nun! of the i (r .lltu Llif‘lll tom-in lb- quor oi the world, In {ding tho early 1ti oi he: Mainly. lIPT a com-u to the throw Ind U'N'OIEUOD; IBI'YII“) to notice AJnrt. He'll evonzl lurid the primal: rain. DCl‘slull tutu Ind whenc- t-rIASicu that under†her 14 the people: linphir: dot cn o: of ht: churning home life; sable git-aï¬e- n W! cud nether, weniniui growth of the Brittlh Em lure. om. Wekht' with a shunt a! the lilo oi ling Edward vllq Ivntu. by A. l.. Me'nll. H.A.: the mall xvi-pie“ and anthem-e 11. vi Lngaeul‘l illu-trlotu Queen: oniolliihld with more than It†mnrh 'Ilm' inn oi hinuill scenes, "rinks. etc; luny nix huud» rod pun-z price 31.75. until free to .- erllllt‘l can “sure; In my freight; yin unit's, pro-dull. Ind llbl‘rll CODEIHOIS; nu pruning butâ€. The old Ind rehnkle comp-n], Par-uh Put-.uhlnj (.'u.. Thence. l flat 'TEA, THE MOST NUT RITlOUS- EPPS’Sl ERATEFUL' OOMFORTING. i CGCOA IREAKFABTâ€"CUPPI’JL cheers those in distress.†. (m; (g rill“ ‘NAN in year sick friends can have a. FREE course of Treatment. write to Tan T. A. Stnoou CHEMICAL 00., Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto, giving post: oï¬ce and express oï¬lce address, and the free medicine (The Slocum Cure) will be promptly sent. When writing for them always mention this paper. Slocum’s free oï¬er in American papers. will oronto laboratories. v53 “m. .P la a Positive can for all Throat and Len roubles, also ligll . .w THESE †FOUR REMEDEES- Represent a. New system of treatment week, sellow people, vigorous end for the weak and. for those suflering healthy constitutions. PTl ii The basis of the entire System is n ! flesh building, nerve and tissue-renew.- ling Ever invalid and sick person needs strangt . This food gives it. Many people get the complete system for the sake of the Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, which they themselves need, and give away the other three prepara- tions to their friends. The second article is a. Tonic. It in good for weak, thin, dyspeptic, nervous people, for those who have no appetite, who need. bracing up. Thousands take only the Emulsion and the Tonic. The third preparation is an antiseptic Balm or Jel . It cures catarrh. It; helps al irritation of the nose, throat, and mucous membranes. It gives Immodlato relief. Thousands of our readers need the 0x330†Cure for Catarrh without any of the’other articles. The fourth article is an Expoetor- ant, Cough and Cold Cure. Can positively be relied upon. Is abolutely safe for children, goes to the very root of the trouble, and not merely allev- iates, but; cums. The four preparations form a. panoply of strength against diseasein What- ever shape it may attack you. NO CHARGE FOR TREATMENT. Sim ply AGENT‘! WA NTEI) FOR OUR NEW WORK. "antitlful Life and llithtrirlll Reg“ of Queen Victorinâ€; the haul: is not yet mmnleterl, but will be vh ‘rtly: all the «veno- of her M.,esty'l life and rrign lull A full acuount of her llal moments,dealll.bnrial , \Tlll be given; “'5 Will 11-: n rclnblo work, well written, beautifully illustrated, well bound, and the [In-'0 remarkably low tor a royal court bulk; only 5160;5en1 in your ruins and inler for an outï¬t, which is now being ï¬rst).er u spec-lily u possrbla. and the “me will . a was c» you in order a received; no charge for outfit, if you [It‘ll] liuniuesi; freighil Wald: no terrirory s. unne 1; don't weir. to think about t. or someone ml: get. ahead of you. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Methodist .0014 and Publishing’ House, Toronto. Debentures. Debentures for $100 and upwards are issued for terms (f one, two three, four or ï¬ve years. Coupons are attached for interest from the date on which '11: money is received at four per cent. p;r annum, pay- nble half-yearly. INVéSTIGATION SOLICITED. The Canada Permanent & Wea'orr’t Canada Mortgage corporation. olllcu: Toronto St" Turn“