Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1901, p. 1

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VOL. XXIII. THUR LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLIS RICHMOND HILL. I Office Hours : p m Best fitting teeth, also I‘opluting, at lowest; prices. Good work. Wmfifiiflm‘.‘ Oddfellow’s Bldg.,’1‘omuto, cor. You and College Sts.. Toronto, \Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Vudnesday. Office :â€"Next dour south of Public School. Dr. W. Cecil Trotter, 3. $2., DENTIST,- DR. T. A. CURREE Dentist. (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) I‘elephnne 33-68 for app(‘)intment. Rumodelledmnd newly furnished throughout. One of She most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonga Sweet. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercml ~ci-nnmllers. Anidenlscopping place fur riding or driving parties.bicyclists. or {Miners gonng to or returning from market. Electric cars pass the door. Livery in ronnecciou. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Ceilege, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental Schml.w1ll visit. Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. mid Cuu'cord on Friday from 1 so 3 p. m. Culls pruluptly attendeii to. Diseuaes of liorses,cmue and onuer domesticat- sdanimalstregnea by the latest and most, up- VETERINARY SURGEON figoved mathuds TERMS $3.00 PER DAY. .Ionnl Iâ€"‘ALVIER. .. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. F. J. GALLANOUGH, PALMER HOUSE, Eve secommodatiou co guesta_ Board,sx Del-do. HULSE HOTE Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Room 12, 121 Victoria. Cor. 1:100 ' and Mundnaa Ave" Toronto. 35! per annum, in advance‘] Member College Phasinium and Surgeonu. ut. ‘l J. T. Me; lroy, Ripaus Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. RICIâ€"IMON D HILL. DR. L. LAWRASUN, BUSIN TESS CARDS EV. gamma GflaÂ¥$3§fl Efifi‘mfia, V TERINARY DENTIST. RICHMOND HILL, ' DIAP} 1E. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. RICHMOND VETERINARY SURGEON, rfllOl‘nhill. F. MUMAHO N 158 me STREET EAST. Toggx'ro IS PUBLISHED EVERY WW“. Regain SDAY MO R NING DIT "D eufi 3‘s , Jflrteriuary $31“an s 51 1’ nornxx'ron AT THE 33mm. 8 to 10 a.m.;1 7t09 Tâ€"TTT 1D HSKG EGUSE Toronto. Prop R ER“ annutf‘ Oflicfi. Ml. Grant’s residence, ' Wuodhndpe, over-r evening. ’I‘hnrnbill.euuh Wednesday {mm 10 to 12. ’QSE‘SMN, GENT & Money to loan at- 5 per cent Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cm: Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, 1334(9r11‘f I‘VE REJEAE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. NOTA RY PUBLIC, LENNOX & MORGAN, one door west of the eutra‘ncértb t 0 Ontario Bank. ’ Newmaka officeâ€"Three duors south of the p.135 oll‘nco. ,T. HERBERT LENNOX. G. 81V. MORGAN, Aux-0111.. bewmarket TORONTO OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. cur. Ade-lulde #3 Victoria Simets, Toronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday . afternoon of each week. SALEM ECKARD’F. 1L8 Weltiugton Place,’1‘utonto IAS. E\V'1‘ON COOK & MACDONALD Liceneeu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General saleF 0! Mock etc.. promptly attended to at reasonarne rates. G. R.Guuld1ug, Newton Brook, agent. for the above. Aurora.ofliqeâ€"Remoyed_to _t.he old post offiqu‘ License Auctioneers for the County or York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nfluance. sales attpuded on the sLortest notice “Ha reasonnbemtes. P.O.u.d(1ress King J. T. Saigeon. Maple Monev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. Licensed A'uctioneers for the County of York. sales “tended to on shortest. notice and at res.- son ablerates Patrons ge solicited. 25 KING STRE‘.T WEST. TORONTO. Licensed Auctioneer for the County at York. Genemlsales o! implements, 1nrniture.atanding timber. etc. attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronagesolicited. P. 0. address Mr. ple Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York xmd Ontano. All sales of farm stock, &c.. at- teuded to on the shortest notice and reasonable mtefi. Mortgage and bailifi' sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl'ville. Ont mwmm D. MCDOUGALL RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL RIUHLIOND By J. H. Sandersdn, V. 8., Richmond Hill Sale mum store. cur. Y A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. C STOKES A. G. F. LAWRENCE, (Indorlakers d' Emhnlnlors. l Home and Lot opposite the High School on once Street. . Representative fm' Fire and Life Insurance Companies. Barrisu-n‘s and SOHI‘HHH'S. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Barrister, Solicitor. Nata: Barristers, Solicitors, etc. BurxiMers, Snlicilnl‘s. Eckard: a: P: (-nuice FOR SALE WRIGHT BROS geon. J. Is. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigeou at McEwen. Stokes & Blough. .l. D. Heudmnn, OI'EMISGXONER IN THE rne Carriage. 2 seats. pole and Ehnits attachment. RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1901. N. E. Smiale. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Chariiy." Etuzal. is stable at the‘ tem- of drug ‘d Ceutw Sts, RM .mu Telerhrne ‘2084 Fl. PnEx'ncn Uniunvule D BLOUGH Council met :1! Suttnn’s lmtel,Sclmn1- horg, on Feh‘y 23. Members all pres- ent. Reeve in the chair. The following hills \VPH‘ passed : Hart 65 Riddell. stutime-y .. . .$17 ()0 J. Thompson. grant, 10th com. 92 00 The follmving hills \vvrv passed Hart, & Riddell. stationery ....$ J. Thompson. grant. 10th con.. J. Kitchen. hardware . . . . . . . . . . W. H. Proctor, plank . . . . . . _ . . R. Hughey, blacksmith hill W'm. Crawford, culvert . . . . . . . . J. Urook, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 0. Patterson, registering births. J. Egan. road repair . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1-1. Lundy, bal. pr’t’g contract R. Elmer, tax refund . . . . . .... D. Blough, allowance as' auditor I).M(-Gill, allowanvv as auditor. Jos. Billings, 2 months‘ salary Joel Edwards, balance of salary \V.J.VVolls, lmlancv of salary. . . H. Bodfish, tax refuml.’ . . . . . . . . T. \Vray, sheep claim . . . . . . . . . . T. \Vl'zty, sheep claim . . . . . . . . . . 10 (56 A. McClure. sheep claim . . . . . . . . 7 3.‘ John Cherry, sheep claim . . . . . . 13 33 P. S. Gibson, on account of Schmnhm‘g survey . . . . . . . . 80 00 The tender of \V. H. Pructm' to fur- nish cedar plank at $14 perM., was :u'cepted. The tender of the Cardwvll Sentinel for township printing was accepted at. $90. The Clerk was instructed to notify the Reeve nf EustGwillimhury tn have their share nf north townline from Yonge St. to 2nd cum, put in proper repair for traffic. The sum of $40.00 was grnntvd on Llnydtown Road in 5th con. ; Murray and Halnhleton to he cmumissionm-s. John Paxton was appointed Road Overseer in place (If \Vm. Bamdell, who has left the township. The Auditm's’ Report (If the Trous- lner’s AccnunL for the year ending Doc. 31, 1900, were presented, and after explanations were made by Aud~ iLm' McGiil and Tleasurel- \Valton, it was accepted as satisfactory. There are not, many single taxers in King Councnl, so a cuummnicntinu There are not many single taxers King Councnl, so a communicatit from the Single- Tax Association w given the six months’ lmist. The Clerk was instructed to prepare a by-lxw to pay a bonus for the plant- ing of shade tlees llnd(‘l' the tree plunt~ ing act. Next meeting of [he c< penance Hall, Lzlskuy, March 30. CHAS. PATTERSON. Cle’rk. One of the impm-Lzmt points where chemistry has invaluany benefited farmers is in the analysis of feeds grown ml the farm, and in the valu- able foods in the market that is of- times purchased to feed live stuck. A“ great, number of feeding tests have been made at the German EXâ€" peiiment Stations in order to find out what proportions oi Allmminvids and Uarhohydrates gives the best results, and the conclusions are given in “ Feeding Standards.” These standards were not prepared by theorizing hook-walrus, but by men of scientlfic habits, who came to their conclusions through a series of careful experiments. They are, there- fore, not, based upon suppositions, but on carefully ascertained facts. and the conclusions reached are of practical value and importance. - Now I had better state, in order to understand more clearly, that Album- invids are the elements that pioduce blood, muscle and milk, and the Car- hohydrates are those which produce heat and fat. There is also afar, in all food in the shape of oil (linseed meal, for instance) that produces heat and fat also, and the two are reckoned together in all tables. I shall write more particularly of composition of food for hogs, but the composition applies to all live stock. \Ve will now explain the Nutritive Ratio. If a food contain one part protein, or Alhuminvids, to four parts Carbohydrates, we call it the Nutritive Ratio, 1.4, and so on, 1.5, 1.t",upto 1.10; 1.4 is called narrow ration, and 1.10 a wide ration ; 1.6 is about right for all grown animals. One group of pigs that were GS days’ old were fed a 1.3.93 ration l]01‘l'0\\'('l' than 1.4 and gained in 13 days at the rate of 100 lbs. on 3021bs. of grain. Another lot under similar conditions were ft (1 a wide ration 1.8.27, and gain- ed at the rate of 100 lbs. on 430‘ lbs. of grain, a (Inference of 4â€"1 per cent. Now how to save ~14 per cent. of feed in reaching the same iesults is cer- tainly woilli knowing. But at a greatei age the results were reversed, and after the fifth month the wider ratio gave the best increase. “'hen the two lots were 247 days’ old the test was continued for Go days. The first lot was fe-(l on a ratio 1.405, con- suming at the rate of 582 lbs. for 100 lbs. grain. The other lot on ratio 1.876 gained 100 lhs. on 495' lbs. ofl'ood, a difference of ltiper cent. in favor of the wider ration. In short (lifi‘crent ratios were found advisable at difl‘er- King Township Council Composition of Foods AGRARIUS luncil at, '1‘1- nu SHLln'd S. LEMON 6 (N) 27 44 41 4O mac.» 382“; 58 00 25 00 25 ()0 l 00 10 66 {(‘t‘VP. 34- ()0 my. ll) Age. 2-3 months 5-6 (5-8 out ages, as shown in the following table: 8-12 ” . . . . . . . . 2:30 “ . . . . . . . . 1.65 Thvsv proportions can he prepared with nnmy different, feuding stuffs, providing “1 know their composition. The following table is based on the analysisof Prof. Armshy, and gives the proportion of digestible protein and carbohydrates in the usual fodâ€" ders: Peas . Barley ()ztts.... “953 “ ...5Z ” Corn . . . . . . . 9 “ ....71;} “ Uil Mml....26 “ “H421 “ \Vheut Bi-nulZ “ . . . .47 " Rye.. .. ..10 “ ....48 “ Skim Milk “ 5.5 “ Now we will look at the foregoing tahlv. We see pens is hardly 1.3. barley almost. 1.7, rye about 1.5, oats 1.6, corn almost 1.8, oil meal very narrow 1.175, wheat bran 1.4, skim milk 1.162. butter milk 1.2-1, whey 1.56, 1’] (Ash ('uu’s milk 1.2.3, Potatoes 1.10. Oats we see is a complete food, that is the reason horses do so well on it, and it gives us goml’results, even the hrawny Scotcnman thrives on oat meal. In oats we get right amount of blood and muscle, and enough heat‘ and energy. In com we get too little of the protein, and were we to feed enough corn to give right amount of muscle. and blood, we wuultl kindle a flame of heat and energy that would exhaust the other and a, great amount of food Would be wasted in carbohy- drates by the animal. ‘W'e. see fresh cow’s milk is very narrow, 1.25. and the calf thrives well on it. \Ve find though that it requires more as it grows older and we, have to feed it a. wider ratio. An important fart with all animals is that they take on fat the most readily just when they reach maturity. Now, supposing we were going to feed pigs that have just been weaned, say 2 months’ old. and average. 50 lbs. li\e weight. We look at first table and see the ratio 1.4. How 'to get the nutritive ratio may he misty to the wade-1', so I will ex- plain. Looking at the second table we see 100 lbs. peas gives 20 lbs. pm- Lviu and 56 lbs. lmrhohydi-zites and fats. Divide protein into cai'bo‘s, 2i))5(’i(2 4i), we get 2 4-5, carried into a decimal we hzue 1.23, the ratioof peas. J r.IVâ€"Maud Lee.Elsie Txr)ye1',ChaS. Golland. Sr. IIIâ€"Fred Miles. Jr. IIIâ€"Ethel \Vhitmore, Flam G01- lund. Jesse Farrel, Margaret Stewart, \Vilkie Bowes. Sr. IIâ€"Ross Charlton, Walter Stew- art. Schnul Report for February. Sr. IVâ€"Elmnn- Ream-an, Ada Miles, Edgar Bowes. 'Lizzie Cooper, George Miles. Jr. IIâ€"Tena Vanderburgh, Jesse Buwes. Pearl Miles, Mary Gollaud Maud P0019. Albert Bowvs. Pt. IIâ€"Ella Remnzm, Bm-L Evans. Pt. Iâ€"Pryce Evans, Eddie Claxke, Ida Clarke. Present every dayâ€"Edgar Bowes, Fred MiIPs, Flow Gullnnd. Birdie Riddell, V‘Vilkie Bowes, Ethel \‘Vhit- more, Mary Gulland, Pearl Milt-s, Eddie Riddell. Aggregate attendance, 576. Highest daily attendance. 37. SchooLx-oport, fo'r the month of Feb- ruary : SI. IVâ€"R. Rumble. Jr. IVâ€"A._ Rumble. » Sr. IIIâ€"H. Rumble, V. Charles. Jr. IIIâ€"E. LIL-Nair, J. Wilson, H. Johnston, A. Savage. Sr. IIâ€"F. Rumble, L. McNair. Jr. Ilâ€"J. Kvith. Sr. Part IIâ€"J. Rumble, C. Major. A. McNair. Jr. Part IIâ€"R. Rumble. Part. Iâ€"N. Rumble, M. Charles and Nigh. Roy Nelsnn. Sr. IIâ€"ClnI-enue Doner, Alex. \Vilâ€" liums. Frank Kelly. hullâ€"Gertie Nelson,Chzu-lie Hoover, Hurnld Smith. Tub. IlIâ€"Rolph \Villiams. Tab. IIâ€"Mnggie Baker, Rolph Ba- ker, Carrie \Villiums. Report of S. S. No. 4 Markham, for February : Jr. IVâ€"Sumuel Doner, Ada Hoover, Elsie Brillinger. Sr. IIIâ€"Uhullie “'illiams, Maggie Cbsgruve, Stuart Read. J. Rumble equal, T. I Pwsent every day- Johnsun, E. Johnson JIT. Illâ€"FUSLUI‘ S. S. No. 4, Markham IVâ€"R. Rumble. IVâ€"A. Rumble. » IIIâ€"H: Rumble, V. Charles. IIIâ€"E. LIL-Nair, J. Wilson, H. stun, A. Savage. IIâ€"F. Rumble, L. McNair. Ilâ€"J. Kvith. Part IIâ€"J. Rumble, C. Major. A. Ave. live weight. . . . . . . . 501hs.. . . . . . . . . . 100 “ . . . . . . . . 125 “ . . . . . . . . . . 170 “ Pmtuin. Carbohydrates and Fats. per cent. . . per cent 20 per cent 9% IE ll 9 u Patterson J. A. JUHNOTON, Teacher. Concord. Hicksnn, Anthony Doyle. . . . . . . . . 1.6 . . . . . . . . 1.65 l}_e prepay-yd 64 52 71;; 42¢ 47 4s Rumble, C Ratio Langsth School Honor List for February. Class IVâ€"Flossie Cnsoly, Emily Boyle. Mabel Goodvrham. Sr. IIIâ€"Alnwrlin. Clubino, Marguritc vale, Randal Page, Emma. \Veldrick, Geno Chapman. Jr. IIIâ€"Freddie Page, Otto James. Jr. IIâ€"Herbie Luvshy. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Lm-nvUrnndex'hzun, Mary Lmvrfv, Myrtle \Voldrick. Jr. IIâ€"Fl‘ed Chatterley. Pt. Iâ€"â€"Robbie Lowry, Mabel Chat» terlv. Ropm-tof Jefferson school for the munth of February : Class IVâ€"Glndys Legge, George Topper, Ella Cusely. Class 111 (part a)â€"G1adys Saigeun, Georgie Brown, Jennie Gamble, Eddie Gamble. Hermon Casely, Amey Phil- lips, John MOI-tson, George Hurt, Charles Har_t, Elk} Ifhillips. Class III (h)â€"Glnd Vs Li-gge and Jean Topper 9qllill, Stella. ClulJine, Pearl Phillips. Sen. IIâ€"-Jnhn Kex'swill. Jun. IIâ€"Stolln. Murphy, Annie Bell, Andrew McNair, Em-ny Dibh, Lm'ne Clnbine, Eva mes, Stella Casely. Sen. Part IIâ€"Hau-old Murphy. Jun. Part, IIâ€"Aulu‘ey Nicol, Stan- ley, Gasely, Edgar Phillips. Sen. Part. Iâ€"VVx-oxy Topper. Jun. Part, Iâ€"Elgin Nicol, Willie Patton. Late of the Village of Newton Brook in the County of York, Gentle- man, Deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897. Chapter 12$),‘that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said Stewart Blain who died on or about the Sixth day of February, A. D. 1901, are required on or before the Eighteenth day of April, A. I). 1901. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Lindsey & Wadsworth, of the Freehold Building in the City of Toronto, Solicitors for John Blain and Elizabeth Blain, the 'Executor and Executrix named in the last will and testament of the said deceased, their christian and surnames and addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of thir claims. a statement of their ac~ counts and nature of the securities, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice and that the said executors will not he liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose name notice shall not have, been received by them at the time of said distribution. Eéiice -tn fireditors Dated the 26th day of February. A. D. 1901. 30-4 LINDSEY & \VADSW'ORTH. Snlicilnrs for John Blnin and Eliza- beth Bluin, Executor and Executrix of the said Stewart Blain, Deceasvd. Two good farms near Lloydlm n Wbeutsown, plowing dunv. 6 (1 buildings. well watered. Soil i: fi condition. The Next Sitting of Division ( No. 3, County of York, will I in the Court Room. Sr. â€"()Nâ€" M‘Efiflé‘l, {‘PHIL 13?. 901 WESEUN = 05 T. Farms to Rent STEWART BLAIN IVâ€"Frnnk Barker. IVâ€"A. Hem-icks, Levi Elliott. IIIâ€"Annie Richards. IIIâ€"Herb Kelly. [IwFl‘oemzm Burkm‘. IIâ€"Hnmld Rutherford. IIâ€"Jlmmir- Hunt. Pt. [#11 Richards. Ida Barker. Pt. 1â€"Doug1us Rutherford. Apply at once to In the matter of the estate of RICHMOND H1 RICHMOND [Single copies, 3 cts. ‘unnnencing LOTTIE VVALDRON. Teacher. Headford Langstafi J efierson H. J. SAIGEON, Teacher. F, MCDI‘AHOX AERK MISS HUNT] 1t 10 Eglinttm HII No 36 l tm‘ 51d nod fine

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