Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1901, p. 2

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Innorlnnl New nrlllod of I'rodnclng lllgh 'l't'lllpel'flllll'l‘fl. ‘A temperature of seven thousand (warms. Fahrenheit. produced by the electric furnace. is now no novelty in e-it'her the commerchl ur the academic world; but a purely chemical method of producing temperatures equally asintense ignelw, andfxom its great practical and scientific moment, as A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt of postal mentioning which you drink‘Black, Mixed, or Green Tea. Address “ SALADA,” Toronto or Montreal 'Ilhe process is due to the work of Dr. Goldschmxidt, of Berlin, and con- sists" essentially in utilizing, as heat, tihe potential energy of aluminum. Finely powdered aluminum in the form of aluminum bronze is mixed with powdered oxide of iron in the proper combining proportionsâ€"taut is in the proportion of 81 parts of a1- umiinum to 160 parts of iron oxide. T1110 mixture is then placed in a graâ€" phtite crucible, and upon the top of it is thrown. a spoonful of magnesium flashâ€"light powder, mixed with hari- um dioxide. A lithted mlatcih ignites tube flash-powder, the combustion of which raises the mixture beneath to the ignition point. and the reaction goes on with intense vigor, producing as a result a mass of floating alum- inum oxide. This iron is practically AT I'DS BOILING POINT well as pn account of its ease of pro- dIuctiom is womthy of a. direct state- ment as tn the means which it emâ€" plays. - and possesses t-he remarkable tem- perrature of at least six thousand deâ€" grees, Fahrenheit. The tempera- ture may be lessened by the introduc- tion. of sand. I’ Its great practical use in welding is obvious, and experience Shows that matetrials welded by means of this molten iron are astonighingly Strong. The process was published but a short time before it became apparent that metallic exiles other than. iron could be used. and the metals obtained pure and. free from carbon. Already, car- 'bonless manganese is being produced in marketable quantities by reducâ€" ing manganese oxide with aluminum, substantially in accordance with the methods des‘cribed for iron. T-his mnmga'nese is, of course, of great utility in the. manufacture of steel, its freedom from carbon making it possible to add the requisite amount of manganese without tampering with the percentage of carbon in the steel. Altogether the potential en- ergy of aluminum bids fair to be an impou‘tant factor in indrustrial pro- Ia: Perfect 'Eea. It Is Perfect, Because It Is Pure, Wholesome, Clean, Delicious. gross. It reachesryou in its natural state. Prussian Blue. Soapstone, etc., are not used, as in other teas, to hide defects. .It has none. “ MINE MST " Propl‘letor of the Duke Ilvnse. SI. 'I‘lmma‘, Luau un linrmy‘ 'l‘lml llnd Troubled "I have been trouble ways and pains in my time years. Nothing helped me in the least Relates His Experience for 13h? Benefit of Others GEYLON AND INDHA Ti CHEMICAL HEATS GR zEEN 0R BLACK, DAM] Bocenl Bxprrlmonls Show Possibility of Reproduction of I‘lft' “‘lthnnt Impreg- nnllnn. Dr. Jacques heel), of the University of Chicago, is mttractiing much at- tention in tlhe scientific warm by his experiments in artificial reproduction of life. In the first report of his in- wgtniygatiom :ho s'hlo'weal that by a cbrma'nal process repro Inctiom. without impregnation might 00qu .in tJhe eggs of sea-urchins. LIGHT AS A CURE. At a meeting. of the Academy of Sciences in Baris on December 3d, Monsieur P. Garnault reported that in certain diseases light exercises a specific curative action. The most sua'c awful treatment ungler concen- trated light occurred in czfises \pf mus- c'ulm‘ and articular rheumatism. vari- o-us kinds of ulcers uni chronic catarrh of the 110.54: and ear. Latex investigations show tJh-at the possibility of artificial reproduction is not confined. to the sea-urchins”. [Star fishes and some highelr forms of life have proved susceptible to exter- nal generative influences. These ex- pmimeinats are extremely interesting and seem to bring science to the very port-11$ of tho sextet of oxi tumor. The possibility of artificial production and its extension opens up an enorm- ous field for conjecture and research. iln. this country. James Carey, of Norwich. proprie- tor, of the Dolphin Baths, may be de- scrrihmd. as the champion life-saver in the 011:1 cathedral city. far he has [just been presented by‘ the mayor with the Royal Humane Society’s vellum certificate for saving a boy from drownilng in July last, this being the‘ twenty-fifth i‘escue he has achieved. Messrs C. C. RICHARDS &/ 00., Yarmouth, N.S. Gentlemen,â€"-In January last Fran~ CiJS‘ Lecla'ue. one of the men employed by me workimg in the lumber woods; had a tree fall on h'Lm crushing him fearfuliy. He was, when found,plao- ed on a sled, and! taken home, where grave fears were entertained for his It is noted that more society Wed- dings take place in London on the Saturday than on any other day in the week. R‘V'EHVEV‘HGJSE A keeper at Lord George Sanger’s cin‘cus at Millâ€"hill left his bank book, his pipe and tobacco, some coppers‘, and vaTious smzill articles in the pockets at his coat, which he hung up within. reach of the elephant he virus in charge of. He returned just in time to see the last of these things disappear into the 'elephaut's mouth. The 10‘ss of the bunk book was serious; as he had savml much money. So he went to a member of the Finchley District Council fotr advice. Tthe Post office aut’horities wnu'e consulted. and they promised the keeper he would not loose his money. Minard's Livimeut ‘uu'es Burns, etc. Minard's Linimem. Relieves Neuralgin recovery, his h‘ips.bei‘ng badly bruised and his body tu'rued black from his ribs. to his feet. \Ve used. MINARD'S LINIMENT on him freely to deaden the pain, and vath the use of three) bottles he was sampletely cured and able to return to 'his work. SAUVER DUVAL Elgiln Road. L’Islet C0., Que. May 261b, 1893. ANOTHER GREAT VICTORY. Machinery in glass-blowing factor- ies has taken the pl we of human lungs and hands. This change has just taken place, and is a. wonderful vic- tory in the line of inventions. It is 315:) a great blessing, as glass blow- .ing his ruined the lungs of thousands of people. _Many have died as the result of doing the work. used b mothemtar their chiidren teething. It soothe. the air a. 501mm the gums. niluysinu. cures windco icl sad i I the best remedy for diarrhoea. 25¢ a bottle. Sold by All angina Wuughout the world. Ba me und at to: "In halo-'1 Soothing Snap FOR OVER FIFTY YEARb mini wmsmw'e_spojl‘1uxq SYRUP _hna b9» BY CHEMICAL MEANS mums“. MOTEL nurserqu _£u\-|fl â€"- OEKTenoâ€"Xviiic Funny Hum} nu- 01.50 per d”. ation of trcpnmning harl been per- formed at the county hospital. 'At the huquest it was stated that Cum- per's employer, Mr. Arthur Vaugh- an, who found the lad ly‘mg uncon- scious; in the. stable. aftérwards went out) forr a rifle on the same horse. He was thrown and. killed on the spot. ‘An extraordinary case was recently investigate-d by the Guildfotrd carou- ezr. Edward Dumper, ayout-h of A1- bury. fell from a ladder in his emâ€" ployer’s stable. and was kinked by a horse. His skull was Irnctured.«but he. lived two months after the oper- ation of trcpnmning haul been per- In Norway vaccination is not com- pulsory, but no unvaccinated person can vote at an election. Tlhree of the nurses at the Scarbor- oug’h Hosthal performed heroic acâ€" tions in a fruitless endeavor to save the linfe ofa little child mulled Aurthur Harwood. Txhey allowed skim to be flayed from their bodies and grafted on. the boy. who was suffering from severe burns. The inks of ancient days were were Inth like black paint, and, on account of the large quantity of gum need in their m~1nutacture, the letters stood u'pl In relief on the parchmenta as though embossed. Tub Lax-Nu Bromo Quinlan TON"... All draggin- "fund (In money If h. (mill to sun. I W. Grand Ital-n II on omhbox. to THE BIG CITIES OF THE WORLD The following table shows the num- ber of ciiie with a population: of over 100,000 in seven of the loading countries of the world: Greit Britain. 3%; Ger- mmy, 33; United States, ‘28; Russia, 17; France, 15; Italy, 12; Austria-Hun- gary,7. Minard's Linimt-ut Cures Dandrnif. The readers of this ever will be pleued to learn that there is at. east one dreaded disease that, Icionoe has been able to cure in all in. stages and that is Catarrh. Hall‘s Catarrh Lure in the Only positive cure now known he the mediml lraternlty. Cntarrh being a cone- titutional disease. requireq a conslitulicnal treat cent. Hall‘s Caburrh Cure is wk :1 int/or- nally. noting directly upon the hood and mucoul surfaces of the .sw-Lem. thereby dea- tro us the toundalio 1' the disea-we. and glv n the patient. stre ~71. by building up the comb tutkn and assuming nature in (1011: it.- work. The propriemla have so much felt in it. curative powers. that. they offer one Hum fired pollen {gr any case glut. it fails to cure. Minard's Linimem for sale everywhere 31833 foFii'Sfdfjéij’g; Teachers Wanted Dawson Commission 00. Limited 7 v 7- mg nu u that, In requiSica to assist the 13in in of the Jubilee. Substantial, 00mph lustrated Edition on Photo Paper hundred, post-paid. D. audJ. SADL QUBILEE OF 1901. ucu mm um uuys n: on night; ‘1' U to 50'? per cent. [1 unepgant‘s sales amounted to $370 in fix gs: an 832 m two hours. Monroe Mtg. 00.. X400 Crosae CALVERT’S CARBOLIG OINTMENT. For all skin ailments. J. G. culvert & 00., anohsster. England The moment ugmts’ seller ( pen nnd ink buys it on nigh Epiagfnt‘f sales amounted Write to us about yo'lirsi BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00., Box 158, Montrlal Inuuhalnrs, Bruudars, Poultry Supplies and Appliances. Caluh’gllal’rea Music AGENTS FOR SALE. It WilluPay You Red or Green. SLATE BLAl KBOA 81):). Public Ind High Schoola‘ Toronw). Rooflnl Coal ’I‘Ir. etc. Rout-‘th TILE (Sr-e New inn. Toronto. done by our firm). Metal V aim, ow. Estlmltel fumide for work co “PP 2 my DHI‘P'EHQTPUHLQ‘ inn. Toronto. done by our firm). Metal Ceilings. Cur- nicen, cw. Eitlmnwl furnished {or work complex: or fax matefllluhi pad to Lny pm. of the country. Phone 1963 D. DUTHIE ION8.Adelalde AWIdmerlu. Toronto LACE CURTAINS ROOFING Cor. Colbome Ind West Market St. Toron‘m. will as: you highest posdblc prices. Metallic SKYLIGHTS "13.45 PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIEED at low prices. Samy ples furnished on request. Special quotations for car loads or large lots. Write for prices. ROLL WRAP- PING PAPER GHENILLE CURTAINS Dld b druxfgiiti V760. Inn's fi'nmly P1115 are the belt: A POI.” IN ONE DAY INKS 0F THEI ANCIENTS. Write for prices. TORONTO VJ'RAPPING PAPER COMPANY sud all kind: of house Hangings. also tome In your Prodioe to the $100 Reward, $100. ODD VOTING LAW‘ nts' seller ever |\rndl_ ‘ r1: every user n! noun-van... ‘n': J. CHENE‘Y a 00.. Toledo 0. and Sheet Metal Works. A J. MORGAN. MIL. London. Our. ROOFING Bl.ATE. in Black, "F: BLAL KBOA RDS. W. supply ml: Toronm). Roofing elL, FISGTILE (See New can Build. your firm). Metal Ceilings, Cur- ON BAIuARY 0R SUMMISSION. a. ropumr Manual present- iugiu ncoudeuaed (arm all Ilailyin reaping the benefits l, complete and practical ll- Paper 109 each. $750 per 1. SADLIER 5: 00., Montreal. ,A PPD'Ilfi-r Manual W P C 1066 DVED & CLEANED LIKE NEW. 153 Vonge St. Toronto. Ong To send (or .our compiato Data- Iogue of Shae! Music and Book- with Spaclal ntu of dlsoount. WHALEY, ROYCE & Bo. DOUGLAS snas.. 124 Adelmde St.. TORONTO. 0N1 Wis _ _-- -mn-mv‘“" iDec. www‘mt. <9 WQ‘W \- v Dec. 31, 1900. By Payment for Death Claims, l’rofils,etc $304,679 00 “ “ By allotherPayments.................... 264.493 35 Dec. 31, 1900. By Mqrtgagcs, etc ‘ m um out: Eli-"\féwffifiiéipfi.$315k} a: ’l'uxuuta. Cu. J. N. LAKE, Auditor. The financial pesition of the Company is unexcelledâ€"its percentag'é” of net surplus to liabilities exceeds that of any other Home Company. Dominion Line :3 Dec. 3], 1900. To Guarantee Fund New insurance issued during 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4, Exceeding the best previous year (except one) in the history of the Company. Insurance in force at end of 1900 (net).... .... . .......:.......24, The Report containing the proceedings of the Annual Meeting, held on Januar’ [SJth last, showing marked proofs of the continued progress and solid position of (hi Company, will be sent to policy-holders. Pamphlets explanatory of the attractiVI iinvestment of plans of the Company, a d a copy ofthe annual report. showing its Im- Iexcelled financial position, will be furnished on application to the Head Oflice, or any 'uLtJm Cnuwsmx's agencies. : mm: arm-[pi n! Mulls. Lung pun nun-um- HON. G. W. ALLAN. MUSIC lESSONS HON. L. W. SECRETARY L. GOLDMAN, A, LA. FREE Harm fimerican Life EP~PS’S DEYLON TEA HIGH GRADE PAINTS. LE lendln: ll‘ Instruments 77 State SL, Bolton 31, 1900. To Cash for Premiums . . . . . . .. ‘ . .. .‘L. . $822,929 00 “ To Cash Income on Investments, elc.. 183.041 55 GRATEPUL--OOMFORTINO. 30, 1899. To not Ledger Assets THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- DIRECTORS SENATOR GOWAN, K.C., LL.D., C.1\I.G. SMITH, Esq., K.C,,AD._C_.L;* Net Surplus BREAKFMT-SUPPIR. Tfi‘l’; "Dill Ml. (uc ‘l'l-1A( HIRâ€" n uront Invenllun .(o ingldrd» > rhrzl and npld {named or IKLi-YEA mm) In pm; In, uole on PIANO or "REA 1. Hon-mars lave umr und money Adv“; e1 puDlI: l-«nru harmony and muduhflun. This m1 uclushely by [M . urlh American Schu an and Shonhnnxl. To Introduce. one I l mpulav win 02 00] will be will than Mme: Ind ladle": of Iavun person: u} ' ' a! up E'IY_EX|IEI WM. McGABE, LL.B., F.I.A.. F.S.S, Debentures (market value $739,199 47) Stocks and Bonds (market value $1,031,080 Real Estate, including Company’s building. Loans on Policiea, etc . l . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . _. Loans on Stocks, (nearly all on call) . . . . . . . Cash in Banks and on Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31116 1‘ From Tea. Garden to Consumer. Preminm§ outstanding. etc. (less cost of collection) Interest and rents due and accrued. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assurance and Annuity Reserve Fund Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc. . . Audited and found correct. " W W ' I Ent’d l842 : w v. «s ‘uw‘w‘wmwvmta. TWENTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT} HEAD OFFICE zâ€"II2-Il8 KING STREE‘Ir WEST, mom. D. Torrance 5100.. Montreal and Pot‘tla teamsmps DISBURSEHENTS. JOHN L. BLAIKIE D. MCCRAE, Esq.. Guelph. For the Year Ended December 3|st, 1900. it always was anq m} MANAGING DIRECTOR Assurance Company. LIABILITIES. RECEIPTS. VICE-PRESIDENTS HON. SIR WILLIAM R. MEREDITH, KC. ASSETS. PRESIDENT | Promise E To Pay nr'ac'u'fi'v'sr“ ma M d mill Llw bent. Load Paokng‘as '15. 30. 4D, 50 Int! .0 â€"-OF THEâ€" A Debenture of The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation is a promise to pay the sum named therein,which may be any sum not less than $100, on the date specified, which may be in one or more years, as the Investor may prc er. The Coupons attached are promises to pay interest on the amount halt )curlyat four per cent. per annum The entire assets of the Company, amounting to $22.- 696,885 are >ecurily for fulfilment of the Promises. Every house should be painted. but it should be painted with high grade paints. Ifyou paint with cheap paints. your time and money is 1031. It 5 not plints ma: cost, it is the labor. Pure paints cost no more in labor than cheap paints. ' arc the highest grade pure paints at the lowest cost. Dc you want to learn all about paintsâ€"how to paint your house an] see some beaufiful homes ? Drop us a post card for Booklet :m_l see some Drop us 3 p085! " K ” free. Off 0 a, Toronto St, Toronto Ramsay’ Paints A. RAMS“ & SUN CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. MONTREAL. MEDICAL DIREOTOI A. THORBURN, M.D., Edin. PAINT MAKERS $ 60.000 00 3,362,709 000 54.362 44 . . . . . . . . $500,192 39 E. GURNEY. Esq. J. K. OSBORNE, Esq. $3,336,710 2. 00) $3,773.508 03 $3.773,508 o . 163,071 I 40.684 59 $4,153 $4.342.68o 729.81.; I 1:°'J»799 9 389,75l 7 239-7'9 3 91,580 00 26,473 93 $1,282,389 93 $3,977.263 8. 1,005,970 3v=177»07I 449 883,061 on 569,172 ,150 00

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