Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Mar 1901, p. 8

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METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Between Toronto uth Nemum'lzot. GOING NORTH LeuveC P ll. Crossing at 0, 7:20, {1.40. 1180 A. m., .l 30. 2.4!», 4.00 5 10. 7.45 p, in. Leave Richmond 11111 8.10. 10.31121. 11).; 13.20.12 3.30. 4.50, 13.30, 8.35 p. m. GOING SOUTH Leave Newnmrkot 7.30, 9.15, 11.115 n. m.; 4.15.»;w, 7.11017. m. Leave Richmond Illll 7. 9.10, 9.55. 11.55 n. 113., L‘AO, 3.55, 1.55. 6.110, 8.10 11. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice lluils will be cloned at: the Richmond Hill l’un‘l’; Othcc as follows:â€" IHIHKNING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RN) EVENING . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - ~ . . . . . . . . 6.15 ‘ N.B.-â€"I{uuintereilLetters must be handed in l: least Fifteen Minutes onrliur than the above mentiouail hours for clmiinr OFFICE CLOSES A'l‘ 7.3C P M M. TEEFY. Puntumster. Vlllage D1rectory. Church of EDglnDd--SOI‘VICGS nt 3 p. In. every Sunday; _ Pres ytm‘iun Churclz~Scrvmes at 11 u. 111.. mul 'l . 11]. Sunday School at 2.310. I'mycr mocking ednemlay evening. Romnu (luthulic flhurch»Sorviccs on ulter- nata Sunrlms [1th IL! .xxri'i mm: n. m. Methodist Chur'-!i-â€"r'crviccs nt 1mm )1. 111., mu] 7 p. ll]. Sunday Schuul nt 1.30. chcml prayer meeting 'l'hursiluy. evening. Richuivuu Lmlgc, A F and A 111 â€"-Mcets Mou- day on or liefuru full numu Conrtllicbmond. A O F-Meets second mul ourth Friday Ivy Lmlue, A O U \Vâ€" Meets fum'th TIU‘Etlfly of each month Camp Elam, S O S ~â€"l\1eets second and fourth Wednuany R T of ’1'einperuncoâ€"Mects first. Wednesday of each moutn Fire Briguvlo~Meots first; Monday month Public Library rind of every Bending Ilnmnâ€" Open Tuesday. Thursdin uud Saturday evenings Enworth Leugueâ€"Mcets cvcrv Friday. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anvone sending a sketch and dOSCTll‘II’jn may wlclily uscertuin our opinion free whether: an invention is probably immutable. (.‘mummm-‘a, tlons strlctly cor ‘ldeuliril. Ila nnk on Patents sent free. Oldozl agency for i-iiinpuimus. Patents taken through 11! . . (c (.0. receive Wt notice, without chni‘ue in the Clilllllit llillltl‘l @7239 A hnudsomely illustrate i yreo «_ Ital-lost cir- culation of any svientifi" 3nur I. '1 ernis. N a ear: four month 1, $1. Sold 1;} .ill newsdm rs. & 80.361Broad-intufcigltligggk Brunch 011106. 61") I" 531.. “3.9m. n. :1, ”‘ r: To PATENT tend Ideas E ‘ ' may be secured by our aid. Address, IHE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. MUN YI ‘ MONEY! -A huge amount nfprivutefunrls to loan on improved flu-m property Five per «nut. in- terest. Easy terms fur repuvnmntu Nu cum- mission charged on lmms‘, Apply to A. G. F. IAWRENUE. Freehold Loan Building. Toronto 01' at Richmond Hill on Suturiluvs. Richfifénd Hm LAUNDRY I am prepared to do Family Washincn. Gr‘nts‘ and Ladies' fine linen a. specialty. \‘(url‘ gum- auteed and patronage solii-itmi. 25-ti '1‘1LL11'} MAXWELJ ‘ WAhTISD,â€"â€"'e person in erery county Lu represent hi. 3 cumian nt‘ mlid flnuuciul repututuyu; \ S‘lllll'V pur year. puy~ able weekly; $3 per day absoluter sure and ull expanses: struipht, haul liilc, delimit! 511111132110 commission: Salary puid each Suturilu) uml expense money anlvnucml cuch “veil. STAN~ DAliD HOUSE. 3.54 Dl-ZARBHRN ST., Carmen. HilliE Shirl Applied to our Special Course given BY MAIL In BOOK-KEEPING AND BUSINESS FORMS, ARITI-IMI'ITIU. I’ICNMAN- SHIP, SIIORTHA‘NI). '1‘YI’IC\\'RI’I‘- ING and CORRESPONDENCE will produce gomlrusulls for any umbili- ous young mun 01- Woman who \vishus to quality fur u botti-r pusitiuu in life. The cost is but a trifle. nnfi our circu- lurs will give yuu full partirulurs. \Vrilv for them. (‘01l'l‘SpUlltll‘llL'e (Ic- purtiueut. ‘»_‘_p nu»; bâ€"cé‘yfl smaincflc. 4:3» .781; l3 3* central Eli tillage ,4 lists 1?: C20 ' tiZ’xZ;.‘.lr" ‘ L3,)” fiafififiifi‘ifi‘flfir‘iiifi‘ihâ€" h,“ TORONTO. “'. ll. Sll;\\V, Principal. A strong schuul with 12 i'vglllnl‘ touch- ers. Spll‘llilltl i-quiptuu-nt. and well illl'l‘lllll'tl by snub-ms irum cri-ry “White of tho Ilulllllllilll. For Service â€"'â€"r Two Chester ‘i‘fliitv 0. I. C. 1101:; fm scrvicc un Int 3%, Isl can. Vaughan j Terms \V. II MURTSON (Yuugu 51.1. 17â€"1-2111. 2, 3.15. Is the one important msgaziue in its 12:1, in its contributed article comprehc : the enumeration of mere bare la lizdispcnsable. There are many readers in learn of its uselulness. We Wish 1 city and township in the country. gelic cliort In the subscription field. your locality who should have the solicit their subscriptions. It is a c Price. 25 cents a number. l3 Astor Place. THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS lvc, timely record of the world's. current history. Not of the month, its activities, its notable personalities, and notable” utterances. The best informed men and women In the World thud it will: substantial increase of income. I'll;l.c a list 01 the persons to us for agent's terms, sample copies, and working outfit. Then with a. subscription proposition lot the “ ilcview of Reviews," and conscguenily orders are easily secured. This is the active subscrip- tion season. I'v'lalzc application at once, naming your references. THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY, the world giving in it: pictures, 5, editorial: and departments, a cts7 but a comprehensive picture ., xi 25.2132 - i 4. ., ..'¢ your locality who have ytt to o establish active agents in every We will pay liberally for enerâ€" Leisurc momenta can be utilized Lani-cu. _‘.L M' in "Revirw ol Reviews," Ancl send ampllmczzt to approach a persan $2.50 a year. T‘s-v York City. 5138111 giwertiatmmts. mwrn RENT , 10 Acres Inud, good brick dwelling. stables. ctc., 1-; miles from Richmond , liill. l’imsossinn April lst. Further puiticulzu's apply, 36â€"tf DOMINION HOUSE. Richmond Hill. ! g is finalists llglp b? In the estate (If r 4 'v '1 1 1 I F RAIN ClnS LILAL, , Late of the Township of Vaughan, \Viilow, Deceased. Pursuant to the statute-s in that lwâ€" huli', notice is hereby given that all parties haviupr claims against the Ps- tule (1f Frauevs Leaf, \viduw, \vlin (lied an or ubuut [he SOK'Olld day (If Febru- ary, 1901. are rrquircd on or bvi‘m-e the I’ll-st (lay (If April next to send by post prepaid to the undersigned solicitor fur the vxvcutnrs, particulars of their claims with their names and uddressos and the nuturn 0f the security, if any, llt‘ld by them. And notice is further given that :iltvr the First day of April next the said cxogmtm-s will proceed to distribute the (astute nf the said Frances Leaf umuug the parties entitled l/l‘H‘l‘O- tn, having i‘t'gui‘d min to the claims of which they shall have then 1‘0(‘€l\‘(‘(l notice, and tlu- said executors will not be liable for :my part (If the (’Stut9 so distributed to any pvt-sun or persons uf \vliuse claim they shall not their lieu'c received notice. Dated this First day of March. A. 1). 1901. \VILLIAM COOK, Frevhrvld Bldg, (50 Victoria St, Tn- I'mitn, SUIICllUl' for Executors. 36-4 ,. . - _ H ‘ Vaughan Council. ,+_ The next meetim.’ of the Council of the Munici- pnlity of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall Vellora, on TUESDAY, MAR. 12, 1901, an 10 a. m. JAS B M(‘LEA1\’,Clerk T0 RENT At Elgin Mills, seven acres first-cle Iunrl. \vvll “'IllPl'f’d, with a large luuuso \vilh slime busuueut, burn stable, etc. Apply to . MIIS. JOHN HAMILTON. 35-1 Elgiu Mills. » 2:: 1 Mr; ismltiflfisfimh 1 2‘6, I‘ Eu ball? “ibis sub lieu.- Haul my I. am llli’llt‘utl‘ bye trouble. Till' first hint of it should be attended to zit mice. “'9 lost your eyes Elyse cf Sharpie I And rewmununrl glassâ€"‘95 only when nvcvssury. A full Iirw nf gold. guld filled mul llll'kll‘ frumcs. "ID A cl Lenses. {lull ruri have your eyes testcd free. Sutisfacliuu guaranteed or money W. A. SINIIRSUN. RICHMOND HILL Druggigt. RICHMOND HILL REblK The above Rink willâ€"be open for Skitt- crs during the season on S TU Ii DAY EVENIN G of each week frmu 7.30 to 10 O’clock. CEOOID MUSIC. Rink npvn to Curlers every day, and on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Admission fur skaters, 100. ; Children, I 5 cents. Fiftoon adult’s tickets for $1.00. Thirty children’s tickets for $1.00. P. G. SAVAGE, Reeve @918 Insurance 60} 'I‘lu' sixty-svcuml nuuuul mootiug (If the (lure Fire Insurance- (‘0. was held at (lull nu tlu- 28th «If January, 1901. The tntnl iucnme fruiu all snurces was $131,928.00 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648,333 leaving $31,- 1W. H EWISON, H OUSE PA INTER, ‘ Glazier, Grainer and Paper-: Calls from a distance promptly RESIDI-IXC‘l-I, RICHMOND HILL. 1 Cook's Cotton Root Compouni ls successfully used monthly by over 1 10.000 Ladies. Sate.eflectuul. Ladies risk your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Ccm- . ptund. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and. v imitations arc dangerous. Price. No. 1. $1 per box‘ No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$3 per burg. 1V0. r 1 or ,mailed on receipt of price and two «can stam s. The Cook Couipanv Windsor. Ont. responsible Drugglsss in Canada. ‘ Li” \H l a: 3",. mm \V A. .:.'.. .~1:ui: 1‘. u Richu] ‘ul l‘iI l I I I by ‘ 279.111 as the bulzuu-c tn the (:l'l'kllt of the yi-ui-‘s transactions. Out (If this 11w (Ill'(‘Cl()l'S have (lechch to make it rwl'uuzl (lf 20 p01: cent. on all IllullivS re- , ' m-i\ HI from the members ()f the (Tum- Hanger. I ‘ :iuwuul to $433,523.11 of which $2.15,- , 1119.11 Ml‘t’ in rush m- cash attended to. l ‘ lt':'\‘lllg :i puny. The total assets of the comp; 1y itmns. The liabilities uumuut to $58,009.21) balance l'f assets over all liabilities of $375,313.91. Iii-servo fur re-iusuruuce (rtlu-r liabilities SESSJNISLZZO. Total assets available to pay Iosscs $3.523. l 1. The minimum of insurance in force \vu»~ $15.UTT,9;T.(KJ. Tho Gore is an up-lu-(Iate HnmeCnm- puny -ll1(l is noted for its broad policies l-rlul and all ‘ - un-‘l liberal settlements. (grams. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all ‘ {'Illl, write or phnuv J. T. Saigeon, El.- plu P. 0., if neudiug insurance". Explaining the farm r-f policy issued I by lllv Gore costs nothing. ..‘ r‘ IE... BOOTS L?le Another stock of Fine Bums and Shoes just arrived {01' Men, \A'omen and Children. In Bull, Dongnzla Kill. French Kid, Cordovan, Boxceilt‘, and Call Perfect in \Vorknzmship, Fit anil Finish. Also a stock (.I L'idies' and Misscs' Elifi'fiju'li‘E Neln‘r Kgg'lulis o up-m-dntc in style. Ell m-"rr “was ,, l .. m, :3 whirl/mic}. . p ‘1 3") n An excellent stock of Ycutli’s and Boy‘s Buls. Sm lis are i‘CViScd CVcl‘ so when. Nothing isalloivul to gel (tlol. l’iices an: {1;th d < u limos: Cash terms. (.311 and see us. {an trouble to show gmuls. Custom Vm’k, l’cggeil, :1 Spccitilty. \ Repairing I‘i-niml‘tl} and Nca‘lly Done. "l?" i: l I l u nu. 1530mm 9"" v.1 CONFEDERII 1 bed. is; 165%,“ v .20» 4a Extensive There are no conditions: or restrictionsm Ilic Ln- Conclitiunal Accumulative Phlin 0111112; ASSUClnlUrll. Pamphlets can be 11.111 01 milled on application to P. G. SAVAGE, District Agent. Eifiicrhrnoud 113331., Also agent 101‘ the \Nestcrn Fire insuranm Lb ; York Mutual Fire Insurance (.0 , < ne w‘ the leading Mutual Companies of the day (see Financial Still?- ment from the annual report); London Guarantee and Accident C0; and Ontario Accrdsnt Co. We. make a business of all kinds of Insurances and strict attention is paid to the business, by prompt settlement of claims. {Cal ll ugh"ng The Liberal and “76315337 Globe The Liberal and W’kly Mail} r? 5 and Empire 2:. 50 The Liberal and Daily Star 375 for one year The Liberal and Daily World 73. 5i} pr 3. GO for one year The Liberal and Daily Globe 3. 50 3. 50 for one year The Liberal and Evening Globe for one year The Liberal and Daily Mail and Empire fbr one year The Liberal and Evening Mail 85 Empire, 1 year fee returned if we fail. an scription o I any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ' ability of same. “How to Obtain a. Patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent; taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and Widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, ‘JEGTCR J. EVANS as 00., (Patent Attorneys,) “JASHEWGTQH, D. c. I Evans Building,

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