Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Mar 1901, p. 2

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One of lhe Queer Kind Used by filodern Snrgcone. The orutfit at a mpdern surgeon in- cludes dozens of different kinds of thread used for sewing up cuts and wounds. Among them are kangaroo tendons, horsehair, silk and very fine silver wire. 'Many of these threads are intended to hold for a. certain number of days, and then na- turally break 'away. The short, tough tendons taken from the kan- 315300, which are used for sewing Se-I Vere wounds, will hold for about four weeks before they break away. (Silk thread. will rumnin much long- ntr, sometimes six months, while fine ailver wire is practically indestruc- tible. With the entire outfit a sur- geon is able to select a. thread that will last as long as the wound takes to heal. and will then disappear coun- ‘pletely. ' - To acco‘mmodate this assortment of threads, special varieties of needles are required. Besides the needle ‘cmned. in different segments of a circle, surgeons use needles shaped Iike spears, javelins an-d bayonet points. Some are as long as bodkins, (n a point like a. miniature knife- bulade. Others have the sharpened and triangular. \Vife, testily~Don’t interrupt me. I [cum out half my Words when I’m writing. HusBandâ€"But you don't when you- xre talking, do you? They Seem to be Substantiatmg the Claim by the Evidence of Many Trustworthy and Well - Known Ladies. .Lushes’s Bight, Little Bay, Island, Green Bay, Ntld., March 11.â€"-Special.â€" Budd’s Kidney Pills, and the wonder- ful healing work, they are accomplishâ€" ing in Newfoundland, is the subject of I much favorable comment among our people. Many cases are reported, .where they have saved the lives of men and women suffering with Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Rheumaâ€" tism and Female Troubles. The 10- cal druggists are selling a great deal of this remedy. Right here there oeâ€" eurred a case which is of more than ordinary interest. Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks was for [years a sufferer with Kidney Disease. She is a lady wellâ€" known and highly esteemed, and her story of recovery has caused general satisfaction. She writes: "I wish to make known‘ to all what good I have obtained through the use of Dodd’s Kidpey Pills. They are a. very valuable remedy. I have been asufâ€" ferer for over two years with Kidney Disease. I employed a doctor, but did not succeed in getting any better. I heard of the wonderful cures Dodd’s Kidney Pills were working in the Is- land, and bought a box of them, Af- ter using the first box, Ifelt that I was getting better, so I bought more. Now I can truly ray that I am a well woman. if think every suffering wo- man should know of the remedy that will cure her and 13:) _I am giving my experience for publication." Mrs. Breoks’ statement is only one of many equally :strong cases cured by Dodd‘s Kidney Pills in the neigh- borhood. l DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS HAVE LAID CLAIM TO THIS TITLE. “ WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND.” Fond whitherâ€"Beautiful silk dress- es, Johnny. come from a poor. insig- nificant worm. _ ~ , h--- Johnnyâ€"Yes. Ikno‘w. mamma. Papa is the worm. ain't he? "SLYWING \VOOD.” Do you -like the timbre of that ten- or's mice? I might. it he didn‘t make it sound as if he were going to split it. drum" in an every box ox um (um-- tive Bromo-Quigipe mm , wâ€"u-v ...__v ‘ uMMm-ofldflpg CEYLDN AND INDA TEA, GREEN 0R BLACK, Its greater strength combined with its absolute purity make it the best tea on the market. Ifyour grocer does not keep it he will get it rather than lose your trade. A free sample of delicious SALADA Tea sent on receipt oi postal mentioning which you drinkâ€"Black, Mixed, or Green Tea. Address “ SALADA.” Toronto or lvlontrealt 31:11ng 33 on “GUAM? of tho can!” HEB. STRONG HOLD. KANGAROO THREAD. MM}: H AIRD 0N 1’ APA Economical Tea. ASK I‘OR IT. vvv-\.-- .uv.-...‘. - -_‘, Full size much Inga than Illustration. Thu 9 emf. SugirShell cnn be had free by sendinz your address. We adopt. this way to lntrnducn our Silver- wm manufwtumd from anew and precious moundâ€"Yukon Silver. It, is superior in every ream-CL to my oLher metal known to the 20m century. Any reaponaible person sending the‘: name shall recciw one 01‘ thew by mailâ€" FREEâ€"postage prepaid. Write (0-day: don‘t pm. it. 03 . remember procrastinatiun is the chic! of lime. and our mummy may vane. Our object. in making this remarkable oflerin to get. a snmplc 01' Yukon Silverware into avanhome in the land. YUKON SILVER C0.. 154 King St. Emu, Toronto. Ont. ;;€nhom;§6 the land "mW‘V wvvv ovw ‘3 Paint 3A5: Aike â€"1&oBbSâ€"I guess that’s right. No selfâ€"trespecting microbe wduld care to stack up against an onion eater. EAMlPLY FORTIFIED. Blabbeâ€"lf you would keep well eaf plenty of Unions. :There is a department which suits the figure and talents of each person; it is always lost when we quit it to assume that of another.â€"Rosseau. He that takes time to resolve gives leisure to deny, and warning to preâ€" pare.â€"Quar1es. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. m WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hnl been mod b mother: (or their children teething. It soothe. the chi d. soften: the gums. Illaya pain. cures wind colic! all i I the beat remedy for diarrhoea. 250 a bottle. Sold by :1] dru 'au throughout the world. Be sure mad u) [or "In. inn-law’s Soothing Syrup: XWhen desperate ills demand a speedy cure, distrust is cowardice,and prudence folly.â€"Johnson. MINARD’S LINIDIENT is the only Lmiment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. ' All the people use it. [No man is.” happy who does not think himself so.â€"Marcus Antonius. The readers or this apor will be pieued to learn that there is at east one dreaded diseau tint ocienoe has been able to cure in all itl stage. and that in Catnrrh. Hull's Catarrh (Ire is the only positive cure now known to the medical Iraternity. Cntarrh being a cone- titutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hell's Catarrh Cure is taktn inter- nally. acting directly upon the blood and alumni surfaces of the system, thereby don- tro us the foundation of the disease. and glv n the patient strength by building up tho conl tuden and assisting nature in doing it: work. The proprietor! have so much inith in it] curative powers. that they offer one Hun- dred Dollars ttr any case thet it tells to euro. Bend tor list 0! testimonials. F. J. CHENEYR C0.. Toledo 0. Soidb drn gist: 75c. Rolfe am y Pills are the but Minard's Linimcut Relieves Neuralgia. Persons extremely reserved and difâ€" fident are like the old enameled watches, which had painted covers that hindered you from seeing what time it wasâ€"Walpole. Pleasant Bay, C.B. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS $100 Reward, $100. 'U‘I‘.‘ W 9 uu‘smwwmwowws‘w HARLIN FULTON. of absolute parity and moderate prlce has brought CEYLON TEA to the from in package teas. TEE MERIT WORTH ASKING FOR ? eas Discretion in speech is, more than e10qu'emcc.-â€"-Bacon. Brutes leave ingratitude to man Colton. flflusk: Teachers VVanted Minard's Liuiment Cures Dandruff. Mimrd's Linimem. for We ev ergw‘nem JUBILEE 0F1901 QALVERT’S CARBOLIC OINTMENT. For all skin ailments. J. 6. Calvert & 00., Manchestar. England STREET METAL DOUGLAS BROS. 124 AdJnlde St. Toronto, On'. thnt is requisite to assist the in reaping the benefits of the Jubilee. Substantial, complete and practical. Il~ luscmted Edition on Photo Paper 10;: each, $150 per hundred. post-paid. D. sudJ. SADLIER & 00.. Montreal. Incuhalnrs. Broaders, Poultry Supplies and Appliances. Catalogue [roe . v . ,m... ur. 1-..“... mm Cleaning and Curling Iliad Kid Gloves cleaned The“ can be sent by post, 10 per 02. the best place is BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING 00. Dawson Commission Co. Limited FEATHER DYEING Dominion__Lin3 Steamships Montreal to L' erpool. Boston to Liven pool. Ponlnn to leerpool. Via Quetns- town. Large and Fastrrrenmshlps. Superior accommodation (or all class's of pmsengcu. SAIDOHS and Stateroom! ire Bmidships Special attentionhns bexn given to me Second Saloon and Third-Class accornmuuallon. For rates of passage and all particulars. apply to any ngeufi of the Company. or Richards, Mill; & (20. ‘ D. Iorraucg 5:09.. It Will__P_ay You Cor. Colborne und West Market 82.. Toronto. The, will an you highest Dos-[bio prich PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Sam» ples furnished. on request. Special quotations for car loads or large lots. Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER CONIPANY 75 Adelaide-st. West. A word of kindness is seldom Spoken vain, while witty sayings are as .5in lost as the pearls slipping from broken string.â€"-Prentice. ' Lead Pack-gee 25, 30. ‘0. 50 and 600‘ ROLL WRAP- PING PAPER It may look all alike to you in the tin, but wait till you get it on yOur house and the run gets at it, then you'll find the dlfierence. Don’t buy cheap paints, but buy an old established brand. made from lhe best all anl pigmrllts to fight off the sun, beaulily and protc-c! your house. EPPS’S are the oldest and best in Canada. \Vould you like to see 'some love- ly houses, painted with Ramsa 's Paints, and learn all about It ? Drop us a card and ask for Booklet "K ” free. Ramsay’s Paints Kwfihréisém so}: 3 7i stiLéHSLJ, Baden. GRATEFUL-~OOMFORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- UREAKFABTâ€"SUPPIR. towns!“ 5!! your Prodfice 00 the MONTREAL- PA|NT MA iERS A JZ-h‘lrdROAN. Min. Lemon, 0m. A Popular Manual present- ing in» acomleused form all D. Torrance h 00.. Munlreul and Po'tland. To sand for our comnloto cata- Ioguo of shoot Mualo and Book: with snoolal run of discount. WHALEY, RO’IGE & Go. ‘68 yongn s¢._ Toro'nxo. UM. 105? Thc54th nnnunl Meeting of the Canada L'fe Assurance Company was held on the 27th of February. The meeting was harmonious. and the following rexorh shows the Company 1.0 be in a sound and flourishing condition: 9 -- The number of policies with first premiums actually The year s Bublness' paid for in cash during 1900 was 2899, representing as- surances or 36.307.913.33. [‘his was $868.24}.52 larger than the new business pnid forin the previous year. Of the above amount, $4,5l5.5l0.33 represent: tha Cnnndinn business. Coming now to business origiunting strictly within the past your, the number of applications received was 2210 for $5.103 354- The number of policies issucd and revived was 2170, and the amount of assurances granted (including now revei'flionfiry fidditionS). was 35.556.635.55. It is gratifying to be nble to announce that a. so! isrnctory increase in our business hm been shown for the first two months of the current your over the corresponding period of the last and previous years. the total assurancel now in force amount to $81,039.83. A snb<tnntial increase has taken place in our premium income. which The Income' amounted to 32,951.687.33. 01-. including considerations for annuitiev, to $3,055,905.33. The income from Interest nmounted to the large sum of 890642627. These figures exceed the highest point yet reached by the Company. both as to premiums and intere-t. For the first tim in the Company's history. the olalms by death The Payments‘ exceeded the mifiion dollar mark. the payments amounting to $1,112,361”, which. howevar was well w.thin the amount expect- ed. Including bonus additiona. the death claims and endowments paid amount to 81,291., 480.28. while the dividovvdsto policy-holders reached the large sum of $865,880.75. The total payments to policy-holder: and annuitants amounted to $2 282,340.56. Omitting all annuity transactions, the actual expenses of mnmgemenh (Or the you! (including taxes and government fees) amounted to 14.03 per cent. of the inoomo from pro miums and interest. This percentage in less than the corresponding one for the previous year. In this connection. a. respecttul protest should be entered against the unfair meas‘ ure of taxation which lilo insurance companies are subjected to by some Provincial and State enactments. The Assets Owing to the temporary stringency in the money market during 011 ' pant your. little difficulty was experienced in securing desirable invent] menta. The aswets of the Company increased during the year by $1.281.. 142.02, notwithstanding the large payments to policy-holders. The total assets now amount to 822.618.201.08. being more than double the amount reported ten years ago. - - - o The valuation basis at present, adopted is Actuaries 4 per cent. The Llablhtles' for old business, Hm. 3; per cent. for new bonus additions and annuities, and Km. 3 per cent. for policies issued since 315t~Deo ember. 1899. After providing for these liabilities and for the Special Reserve towards tbl new standari, as well as for all other liabilities to rolicy-lioldcrs, there remains a. surplul on policy-holders’ account of $1,005,513.35. At; 315?; December last the paid-up capital stood at $383.9C0i00. With a valuable accumulated experience of A Retrospect and ForeCaSt' nemrly 5!. years; with n long-established reputation for solidity. integrity and econ- omy; with aswts rammed and held upon a. conservative bueis; with reserves largely in excess of Government requirements; with new plans of assurance and liberal policy con- tracts. the Company enters upon this new century with renewed energy and with resources and equipment requisite to meet the strain of a. financial crisis, it it appears. or to reap theadvanta caof r0" erous periods as they recur. g p hp 9E0. A. 00}. President, The President. Hon. George A. Cox. in moving the adoption of the report, laid: b I venture to think bha't: our Financial Statemenlthie year is one that will command the confidence of the publicin the sound and prosperous condition of the Compenv. Ind02d. the Balance Sheet, does not. perhaps, fully reveal the strength of the Company. As most of you are aware, the Direc'ora or this Company, as far back as 18%, commenced to look forward to a. change of valuation bruis from 4} per cent. rate of interest. And the progress we have made from that time to this is best illustrated by showing what surpqu margin the Company would now have. ifits polir~1inbiiities were vniuod flr-t. upon the usual American standard; and secondly upon me Ugminion Government standard. The surplus upon policyholder-5' account. according to the Company's standard, is now $1,005,513.53. Now. if we adopted the usual American valuation standard (Actuu‘ieol per cent), and had set aside no special reserve fund {or a higher standard. our surplus qun policy-holders account would have been $1,673.4l500. Similarly, upon the Dominion Government Standard (Hm. 4!. per cent. and 3} per cent. for new business). our torresponding surplus would have been approximately $2.67!,000.00. The relative p0>iiions are thus shown to be 3: follows: Surplus cn policyholders’ account. 3% pa: Company's standard . ........ . 31.005.513.63- Surplua on policiholders' account. as per-A mericiu Government stan'lflrd.. .. 157341540 Surplus on policyholders' account, as per Canadian Government standard . . . . . . . . . . 2,674,000 00 While our posi‘lon is thus shown to be a strcng one, I do n: t. believe it err! on the side of being too strong, in view of the trnnsformations that are now taking plme in the financial world generally. and. by many leading companies in particular. The great benefits that will accrueto our rolicyholéer; on account of the increased earning power now established will become more and more manitcs t as time e‘npscs. The large benefits that are now conferred upon the holdera of the Company's policies in: shown by the report, from which it will be scan that $2 282,813.36 was dl tributed to policy- holders by way of death claims and matured endowments, profits. surrendzr value! Alli mnuttieS. 54th Annual Rgpfiggt. Govgrnment, Municipal ‘and other Bonds, Stocks and Debentures $10,050,041 IO Mortgages on Real Estate . - - 3,841,383 33 Loans on Bonds, Stocks, Policies, Etc. 5,964,883 99 Real Estate (including Company’s build- ings in Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton) - - - - - 1,59mo9 69 Premiums in Transit, deferred Pre- mlums and Interest accrued - Other Assets (including Cash in Banks) Assurance Reserve Fund (Actuaries’ 4% for all business prior to Ist of January, l900; Hm. 3% for Policies issued since then, and Hm. 3%% for new bonus additions) - Special Reserve toward 3 y; 7:, basis - Investment Reserve Fund - a OtherrLiabilities except Paid up Capital - - - Surplus on Policyholders’ Acccunt - . Net Premium and Annuity Income $3,055,905 33 Interest - - - - - 906,426 27 Capital $258,900.00 ; Suspense Items 5.9I0.3l - - - - 264,810 3| Paid Pollcyholders and Annuitants All other payments - - Financial Abstract AS AT 1ST JANUARY, 1901 THE STRENGTH OF THE COMPANY. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. Liabilities Payments Receipts Assets $22,648,204 o§ $22,648,204 08 $2,936.292 39 $4,227.14! 9I 1,005,513 53 $20,559,839 00 - 625,000 00 - 125,000 on $2,282,840 56 653.45I 83 If iiILLS. Sabretary. 893.934 30 306,851 77 333.85I 55

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