Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1901, p. 5

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W§{§TW#mifgmyytfififiéZwâ€"at 7 A 11.5... ‘Li‘x s 1-“ Er. c9 :' magi”: ‘. . a A. i uhb {are '.o-§§ 0 W5 chrnroxn HILL, Mari-h 21, iltltll 14(91'7/3 1491‘. Mr. Frank Powell of Niagara Falls was in the village Saturday and call- ed on a nuinbcrol' friends. Mr. (2‘. (l. Billings and Mr. (7. Hall, clerks in the Bank of (lttawa. Toron- to. spent Saturday in the village. l (‘I'lll.lNG. l Three genres for the medal ivcrel played sLoce last issue. In the first diaw on "Hominy M. Boyle's rink de~ fouled i'ainnvr liy-l shots; in lllt‘st‘llll-{ tiiials l‘iitiis defeated .I. ll. Sanderson t‘i lltlllll\; and on 'l‘iiesday in the semi- finals M. Hoyle defeated l’ugsley by 7. i Only one more gone remains to he playt-(l. The medal will go either to M. Boyle or I". hiiiis. \thl'lil makes this ii bargain : l’lioto- gene oil in -l gal. lots, 20c. per gallon. 1 Atkinson t“; Switzet'. A ll .\(i.\7.lNl5 'I'll:\T (ll’.0\\'S. The increasing hold The Ilellll‘ The Richmond Hill Horse lii'eedcis' 5 catoi- lll'N' ulion thwaf‘i't-ctioiisof women Association held their annual meeting at the Palmer House. last Saturday. Miss Smith of Tlifviiiliill and Mrs. Smith of Teston spciit Holiday with Mr. aiid Mrs. George Smith of this village. Miss Mary Trench was a fi-w even- ings ago selected from a large number if applicants as a teacher in the Pub- lic School at Eglinton, at a salary of $2340. Mr. and M13. Levi 'firt'l‘l‘ilt‘l' of Mark- ham Village, spent Sunday with their niece, Mrs. I. 3. Savage. at the home of I‘lccve Savage. Miss Iz‘Ta. ‘.l. I’etcli of Aurora who spent. a week with Miss ll. Lint'ont at Mr. .I. ll. Sanderson's returned home Friday evening. Mrs. \Vchsti-r. sister of the. former, also spent Friday in the village and returned on the last. car. - Mr. \Valter Ilislop and family start- ed Tuesday night for their new home at Swan l-liver. Manitoba, where they have tak -n up land. Their many friends i'. iin them success in the Prairie Province. Fine furnishii-g l‘or fastidious I'cl- lows. Atkinson it: Switzer. Mr. “'alter Scott of Victoria F-qu‘irc has been appointt d (‘ciislis ('iininiis- sinner-for the pail of East. York ito‘. included in the cin of Toronto. Mr. Frank Smith of Edgelv is commission- er for the rural part of \Vcst York. Mr. Henry McDonald of Toronto- tmme up early in the week to visit his father, Mr. B. Mt-Iloiiald, who is stifâ€" faring fioiri an attack of la grippc. and Iiad to return by theGrand Trunk last eveningr on account, of the block- ade of snow along the Metropolitan line. This isn’t a sensational store, no spasiriodic bargains; or in plainer terms, no baits but best.- values every day. Atkinson .‘c Switzi 1-, Lyons and Muliiollaud. whose names sound familiar in this place, were up before Magistrate Ellis on Monday charged with breaking some windows in a Metropolitan car, the result of a scuffle, on the night of February 26. The car was a “special” returning from Richmond Hill after a hockey match. Miilliolland was discharged, but Lyons was fined $2 or 15 days. (Joint Richmond, A. O. F., will meet Friday cVi-ning of this weck. The brethren expecta full prom-auntie as it. is the night for paying thequartcrly dues: a couple of initiations are ex- pected, and Bro. \V. H. Heliner of 'ewiiiarlcet. District Chief Ranger. has notified the (Four-t that. he will make his official visit on that. evening. Refreshments will be served in the Court Room. Bargains beckon you in these figur- es; :1 good Santos colfee. ground fresh, 15c. 1b.: the. best green Rio coffee, 2 lb. for 25c. Atkinson & Swit- zer. NOTICE. Mr. H. \Viiiger having exhausted his stock of coal at ’I‘hornhill station and wishing to repair his coal shed. is notifying his patrons that he will not replenish this spring. A FINE FARM. There were lots of bidders for the Stone: estate, lot 25, eiiii.5,\\’est York, last Saturday. The auction sale was conducted at Cheriy‘s Hotel, Fisher- ville,by .\Ir. J. T.Saigecn of the firm of Saigeon LE Alt-Ewen. The property which consisted of 100 acres was purâ€" chased by Mr. Alfred Stong for $8,300. It is a duty you owe your judgment and your purse to visit this store be- fore you buy elsewhere. Atkliison & Switzer. COMMITTEE MEETING. ‘T-b-e Executive Committee of the Agricultural Society met Saturday _afternoon in the Lorne Hall, with President. \V. II. Pugsley in the chair. The prize list was revised, and a num- ber of changes rceommended. The farriicrs’ trot and the running race were struck out, the frec-for-all \changed to .l 2.30 trot, and the 2.-ltl trot] changed to a 2.30. These and other";rec:iinniendations will come he- foro the directors at their next meet- iiig. DEATH OF JAS. SHI‘TER. Mr. Jas. Shuter. one of Thoriihill‘s most highly-respected citizens passed away early Sunday morning after a brief illness. Deceased had carried on business as a merchant for many years in which capacity he was suc- cessful. tioii and will be much missed in the Methodist. church and in many ways. The funeral [Ook place from his late residence Tuesday afternoon, and notâ€" withstanding the severe storm many friends and acquaintances attended. \Ve've never talked wool and sold cotton. “'e guarantee everything we sell and everything we say. sop £3 Switzer. He had an amiable tllSptlslâ€"‘ l i i is shown by the fact that the March issue over Felirtinry was t)tl,(ltl(). being: Stuttth in all. The first edition, 5»ttl,tltltl was exhausted within three days after publication, and 50,000 more copies \vere lieedr‘t‘l to till out the require- ments. The first edition of the April number, just on-sale, is t'ifillJltlt). BLOCKED “'I'I‘II HNt’HV. This is March and the Metropolitan Railway t"mnpaiiy will have reason to reineiiibci- it. The cars have been blocked wit Ii the snow since Tuesday. and all the mail matter since that. time has in t ii brought bv sleigh. (lungs of lllt-‘ll are at work shovelling along the line, and it is hoped cars will reach this village some time to- day, but this is mere speculation. The many residents here who take evening;r papers are naturally much disappoitit~ ed on account of their non arrival. ()IIRIO EXHIBITION. There will be a Curio Exhibition in the School llooin of the Methodist (‘hureli under the auspices of the VVo» men’s Missionary Auxiliary on \Ved- iiesday afternoon and evening, March 27. The ladies of the Society will hold a. Loan Exhibition of rare and antique articles. relics of bygone days. .horiie with lilled baskets and the gen- tleiiieii did not forget. to till theoat and wheat bins for the horse and J chickens An excellent programme of vocal and instrumental music will be given by the best talent both afternoon and evening. Tea will be Served from 5 to . l. Admission to t-xliibilioii,te.-i and ctiteitaiiinr-iit 15 cents; children 10. cents. Ice Cream will he served. l‘lvcrybody \vclcome. ,. MoNTREAL, Dec. 1900. To the Public z~Your druggist is hereby authorized to refund the pur- chase price on a twenty-live or fifty cent bottle of Greene’s \Varranted Syrup of Tar, if it fails to cure your couin or cold. (Signed) The Lester H. Greene Co. CUR IOS \VANTED. The TV. M. S. purpose holding a Curio Exhibition next “7ednesday afternoon and evening in the School loom of the Methodist; Church. For particulars see hills. The members of the Society will be pleased to have the loan of any articles of interest, such as furniture, clothing, old hooks,china, silverware, lire-arms, etc. The mem- bers will take the best of care of every- thing coiiti ibuted for the occasion and return such to their owners the- day following the exhibition. Friends willingr to loan curios will confer a favor on the Society by notifying Mrs. “’ellwood. Mrs. (Jrosl ‘, Mrs. J. Mort- srin, Mrs. Elliott or Miss Trench, who constitute the committee to look after- curios. FROM COUNTY COUNCIL At the present session of the Legis- lature York County Council will ask for legislation to: (l) Amend the High School Act So that towns separated from the county shall contribute to the High School fund in the same ratio as per-equalized assessment, as municipalities within the. county. (2) That township lots less than 100 ft. frontage shall not be sub-divided at tax sales. (3) Thata bonus be given to persons planting trees on the high- way. a portion to be paid by the. Legis- lature. (4) That sugar beet. industries be bonuscd. (5)That the Legislature irieniorializc the. Dominion Govern- ment to set. apart May 24 as a national holiday. (6) That the Education Act be amended so that third class teach- ers’ certificates can be extended with- out the signature of the Public School Inspector. Business suits at. business prices. A nice brown tween suitdfor $1.50. At- kinson 8; Switzer. MASONIC VISIT. The bretlircn of Richmond Lodge, A. F. & A. .\I., spent a pleasant time in their Lodge Room last: evening. It. \V. Bro. H. Gould of Uxhridge, D. D. G. M. of District No. 11a, paid his official visit and secured well pleas- ed with the. work which came under- his observation. Owing to the heavy rain and the almost impassable con- dition of the roads. few visiting brethren were. present from other lodges, an unusual thing on such oc- ‘casioiis. Leaving the lodge room, an excellent supper was served at. the Dominion Ilouse. \V. Bro. T. H. Trench was at the head of the table, the distinguished guest sat at his right, and on his left. was \V. Bre. A. L. Skeele. one of the oldest Masons in the Dominion. The chairman propos- ed “The King and the (Jr-aft,“ and after the National Anthem was heart- ily sung, \V. Bro. Nicholls proposed “ The Grand Lodge. Bro. Gould. This brought forth one of the best speeches from the D. I).G. M. that the brethren here have ever had the pleasure of listening to. In re- sponse to the toast, “Officers and Members of Richmond Lodge.” good speeches were given by most of the meiiihers present, and \V. Bro. T. Newton contributed a. song. Br'o.J.F. Rowland and Mr. \V. H. Pugsley gave . good speeches in reply to “ Our Vis- itors." of Canada,” coupling with this the name of R. \V. The brethren separated about i Atkill- i 1 a. m., after a most enjoyable time . spent together. . RICMIL‘JHINZEI). 0n the ltth iiist.. the meinbt-is of' Zion I'}. Lutheran (‘htirch, Sherwood. gtthered at the horn.- of their pastor. ev. J. K. llilty, to show their appre- ciatioii and loyalty to their services as pastor and wife with a kindly smile and shake of the hand. Ilut that Was not all: the ladies remembered the Having enjoyed themselves for some time all were called upon to partakeofa sumptuous fowl dinner. Then while the social side of the (pics- tioii Was beint,r discussed the meeting; was called to order. with Mr. J. (i. Constable presiding. Then all joined, in singing “lilest llt' the tie that binds." followed with an inspii ingaiid encour- aging: prayer by Mr. Henry Kt-I’Ter. Having listened to several brief speech» es by the chairman and members, iii- tei-niiiiuled with beautiful snatches of song by th: choir. the pastor was call- ed upon. He replied, that lie was ex- tremely grateful for the many kind- iics‘scs which he had received during his stay so far: that. liiiion and liar-- mony were absolutely necessary in the church and without these two functions no church could succeed; that some beloved ones. during the recent pad, have gone to their last resting place, and without a. doubt. be- fore aiiot her year had elapsed someone, either of those iiioinbcrs present or those absent would depart from our midst. He thanked those who remem- bered them so kindly and his hope and prayer is for a greater work done hereafter. The meeting was their closed with prayer and the members , dispersml to their St-Vt‘l'al homes at an early hour. The price leans your way llt‘l‘t‘: 9 bars Happy Home soap, 25e.: 8 bars Cameo soap, 2.5c.: A good red Sockeye. Salmon, 2 cans for 251'. Atkiiisond: S wi txc r. E. esolu Lion of Condolence. To PETER (l. SAVAGE. Esq. DEAR BiioTnEii.â€"Tlie iueiiitims of Lord Elgiii Camp, Sons of Scotland. extend to you their sincere sympathy in your recent bereavement. Our Heavenly Father has seen fit to visit your home and take to Himself your beloved wife. You have been for many years companions in the journey of life, you have shared with each other in its joys, you have syriipathiz- ed with one another in its sorrows. She is now parted from you. but not forever. She has finished her work, the Master has called her home. Our earnest. prayer is that the grip of our Elder Brother may take the place. of the vanished hand to guide and sustain you as you still continue your journey here below, and at last. may you and yours meet in the land 0’ the leal where parting is unknown. Ye manna greet ower nruckle, bairns. As roun’ the fire ye gaither. An’ see the empty chair 0’ her, Your loving wife aii’ mither. Nor diiiiia let~ your hearts he dreich ‘d'hen wintry winds are blawin', And on her grave wi‘ angry sough, The siielly drift is sriawiir‘ But think lioo happy she is n00, Aboon a’ tIiochl or tellin‘. For she‘s at liame an’ young again \Vithin her Father’s dwellin’. Sac, gin ye wish to meet up there, Yer loving wife and mitlier, 0, love her God and be gude bairns And 0, love ane anither. Signed on behalf of the Camp, RODERICK MCLEOD, Chief. _ fi.+ We sell for Cash ; Cash is the dough, Credit the knead thereof; (lash produces bargains and our bargains produce the. cash. Atkinson ti: Swits zer. ' DEATH!) SHUTERâ€" On Sunday. March 17, at ’I‘hornhill, of heart. failure. Iurnes Shiner, in his 77th year. Funeral cemetery. Tuesday afternoon to Tliornhlll Sale Register. FRIDAY. March 22â€"(‘redit sale of {arm stack, implements etc. noru‘ 'lhiatletuwn, the prop- er'tvotJos Rowntree. 8119 at I Terms 7 months. SuldEUu-(rl Morlwen, tracts. MONDAY, March :57Cr‘euit sale of farm stock, implements. etc. on lot. 25, con 5, West York, the property otl) Cameron. Sale at: one. Terms 8 months. Saigeon and McEwen, auctioneers TCEsDAv, March 26~Credit sale of farm stock and iriiplernents at. York Mills the property of t'na lute Andrew Armor, Sale at one.- l‘erms 7 months. Eckurdt c5; Prentice. auction-em ‘VEDNESDAY, March 27â€"Crerlit sale of farm stock, implements, etc, on lot 32,00n11. King, the property 'If Albert Sloan, Sale at one. Terms 7 months. Suigcon dz MoEweri auctioneers \VEDNJSHDAY. March 27â€"Crsdit sale of [in-m stock. implements, vehicles, &c,, at mnce's Hotel. Markhein Village, the proper- tvof \V. A. Ftrr'ier. Sale at. 1 o‘clock. Six months credit. Eclmrilt & Prentice, uucts. THURSDAY. Maren aleâ€"Clean Mlle or furniture at Svhumher; the Dropel'ty tt' Messrs Webb and Tegxirt. Suleut 1. Terms 7 months. Samson & Meliwen. auctioneers THUR-EBAY. March :8 «Auction sale of two farms, farm stock and implonierits on lot. 15, con 5, Markham. the property of John Patterson . Sale at 11 o'clock. Eel-lamb & Prentice, auctioneers FRIDAY, March LXIâ€"Credit sale of Clydesdale) horses. fresh milcli cows, springcrs and ‘ sourel-eetringers at Huglie-z‘ iotel, 'l‘horn- l hill. Sulent l. Torms l months. Eckurtlt ’ & Prentice. auctioneers J. H. PRENTICE. Un ionville. l (Of the firm of Eckardt & Prentice), l agent for the Massey-Harris _ Labor-l Saving Machinery, ‘VHgUllS, Plows.l Scufiiers, &c..; also the Sawyer &. Massey Engines and Threshers, the Brantford “'ind-Mill. and the Up-to. Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Harris repairs kept by H. A. , Nicholls, Richmond Hill. Business; solicited, Tor- l A Man is Known by His Deeds islaction A store by its values and “ sat- guaranteed.” to the test costs you nothing. Puttingr us Test our prices and qualities and you’ll be fisatisfied customer. A Man’s good Blue Serge suit, $4.50. A Man’s good Brown Tweed suit, $4.50. A Man’s good Mole Pants, $1.00. Heavy Blue Denim Rib overalls, 50c. Ladies Patent Leather belts, latest, 23c. Men’s Black \Vool socks, 2 pr. tor 25c. Men’s Heavy Twill Shirts, Sledge and Hammer brand, 75c. Ladies‘ fine black Cashmere Hose, 23c. Good quality corn, peas and tomatoes, 3 cans for 256. Extra quality Rolled wheat, IO lbs. 25c. Extra quality Rolled oats, IOle. tor 25c. Fine, bright, tart dried apples, 4%c, a lb. Cowan’s best grade soluble cocoa,250. 1b. ~ 0111‘ Aim Is to please, not only on the price, but where the real value liesâ€"in the quality. of it. If we, make mistakes tell us We want you to feel satisfied with purchases made here. Atkinson d5 Switzer tarmac; our Owing to poor health I am giving up business. I have NINE NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES The latest drop-head, which I will sell at bargain prices on: easy terms. Also Three Second- Hand Organs Very cheap. W. 3'. CLARK, Richmond Ilill. Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines. At, Out Rate Prices. Steam Refined Soul Oil for ties on cattls. guarantee this onto kill all the lice wherever- put: on. Electric Oil, 2 bottles for 25¢ Carter's Pills, 2 bottles for 25c Chase‘s Pills, ‘2. bottles for 254: Cl’ase's Czttai‘rah Cure, 15c Chase’s Ointment. 40c _ Chase’s 9Vl’llp Lirise d and Turpentine 15c I’iorce’s Favorite Prescription G70 Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery 070 Pierco‘s Pellets 15c Willianis' Pink I’ills, 55¢, 3 hr S.’ Dodd's Kidney Pills, :lJc Dunn's Kidney Pills 35¢ Parmeele's Pills 15c Mrlbin-n's Heart and Nerve Pills 350.. I] for >31 A vet‘s Hair Vigour, (350 Hood’s Hirrsnparilla. (270 Scott's Emulsion, large 630, small 35c Little‘s Sheep Dip McDougull’s Sheep Dlp Elliott's Sheep Dip Used by all the large cattle expartera. W3 will 20 cts. (prirt 0r73 (its. gallon. Seigel's Syrup, small 2.70.,l1i'ge 590. Agnew's Camrmh Cure, Attic Kendall's Spavin Cure, 75c Gillecb‘a Lye liJe. per tin, ll for 256 Hesse's Poultry Panacea, :tt'c. Mexican Egg Producer 2» (makes hens lay) Beet,1rou and Wine, 30c Castor-in 250‘ Neatle's Food 400 Epsom Stilts,:lclli.,t)1hs,fnr 25¢ Sulphur, .‘lc. lb.,tl lbs. for 25¢. Glauher Halts lie. lb, 11) lb for ‘250 Perfect. Eczema Ointment, 25c 'r’ui'e Norway Coil IJIVEF()11 Acid for curing rid» r Condition Powders, all kinds Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure drugs Canadian Wutcr-whita coal oil, 16c a‘gal A Magnificent Calendar for each customer. 0. I). DANIEL 86 CO. \VIIOLEBALE AND RETAIL DRCGGISTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde Hotel ViiéidfifiiONiiiillljii HARNESS - SHOP 'Is the place to buy harness of all grades at right prices. Single Set Harness, our own make, from $10.00 per set up. 4&11 VVor-k (} naranteed. A few good blankets and Robes left from winter stock. Call and get at bargain while they last. Gloves,-Mitts, Whips and other supplys always in stock, at prices as low as can be bought anywhere. your harness and collars for spring. Now is the time to order Repairing prompt;- ty. attended to. .GEO. DICDOZ‘J .AIAI)

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