Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Mar 1901, p. 7

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; IN A SEVERE CASE OF KID- ' NEY DISEASE AND LAME BACK. ‘mmms ‘ mm. Yexist where this wonderful remedy 'is lused. It has been made very popular ‘in this community by the hearty enâ€" dorsntion of Mr. Anderson, who is a ‘well known and very highly respected citizen. The success of 'Dodd’s Kidney 'Pills in cases like those of Mr. Anderâ€" son, has created a demand which the llocal druggists have reported as un- ‘lprecedented. Bodd's Kidney Pins Cure Mr. Anderson, of Waterside, N. B., After Flve Medical Men Have Pronounced Eta Cnso Abso lutely Incnrable. M’aterside, N.B., March 18,â€"Speeial. â€""I halve been no often induced to try patent medicines by the reading of the wonderful cures said to have been effected in nimilar cases, that now. when I feel lit my duty to write the story of my own cure by the use of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, I am carefully avoiding any comment of my own or any complimentary words. I simply state the absolute facts of my case as follows: v " I have been treated by five differ- ent- doctors, and have taken a large amount of patent medicine during the last four years for Kidney Trouble and Lame Back, from which I have been suffering. I was very bad. My life at times seemed a burden. I got no relief until I was persuaded to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I cheerfully give this unsolicited testimonial, that I have received more benefit from six boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills, than £1“an any and all other sources.” ; Mr. Anderson is in earnest. His {straightâ€"forward statement of facts marries conviction. Lame Back and \Kidney Disease do not seem able to ‘exist where this wonderful remedy ’is MUSK OKA COTTAGE SAN ITORIU M "Ln all cases the patients occupy separate rooms. The table board is ‘excellent, and everything seems: to be conducive to their happiness; Faciliâ€" ‘ties are provided for all kinds of winâ€" ter and summer outdoor sports. The patients spend from eight to ten “hours each day in the open air. In zero weather i[ saw 'men reading. nap- ping and playing games on the piazzaI and ladies doing fancy work and writ- ing letters in perfect contentment. (The sunlight, open air, rest and medi- cal treatment seem to be yielding [wonderful results; One patient told me he had gained 221â€"2 pounds in four weeks. Dr. DeVVitt. of \Volfâ€" ;ville. Nova Scotia, who came with a patient to the Sanitarium, said he felt safe here, as“. he saw no possibi- lity of contagion where only cases‘ in the earlier stages of the disease are admitted. He claimed that those fifty or more patients, gathered from all over the Dominion of Canada, and some from across the sea. were not only saving their own lives‘ for fur- 'ther usefulness, but saving thousands of precious lives” from infection. Most of them; will return to their homes cured, and will become missionaries of ‘health to their families and friends." l Correspondent Tells of me Faculties provided [or [he Pallenls. This institution is devoted to the treatment of persons? in the early stages of consumption of the lungs. 'I\V. J. 13.," in a recent issue of a .L‘oronto daily, after speaking of the beautiful scenery and handsfiome buildings he found on the shore of Lake Muskoka, says: The doctors tell us‘ that from oneâ€" sixth to one Seventh of all deaths are from tuberculosis: One out of ev- ery four of those between fifteen and fiftyâ€"five years of age result from this cause. It is astonishing how imany diseases spring from it. It an- nually claims more victims: than smallpox, diphtheria, typhoid fever, yellow fever, Asiatic fever, leprosy, measles and whooping cough comâ€" bined. In Europe the State munich palities, manufacturies‘, insurance companies and private agencies are united in battling with the ravages of this disease. All praise is due to Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, Sir .\Villiam Meredith and those associated with them. who have started this movement in Canada, and have pro- vided such excellent facilities for the successful conduct of the work. JUST CALLED. Icalled to see your father this afterâ€" noon, remarkcd Charlie, as he took a seat in the parlor. Dom fluttered visibly. Recovering herself with an apparent effort, she said, simply: Did you? [Dear Sirs,â€"I have (been a great sufâ€" ferer from rheumatism, and lately have been confined to my bed. See- ing your MINARD’S 'LINIMEA'T ad- yertised, I tried it and (got: immediaLe relief. I ascribe my restoration to health to the wonderful power of your medicine. fiiifififififi fâ€"‘i LEXVIS S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld. gunman. uoygpmgufl’onv. ffieTiTnâ€"Conm Irina. nun: Ham n!“ [Lu 9.: an. The President, Eon. Geo. A. Cox,_ oc- cupied the chair, and Mr. P. 11‘. Suns, who was appointed to act as Segre- tary. read the annual report, of whxch [hi following is a summary :â€" BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE COMPANY. The Sixty-seventh! Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of this company was held. at its offices, Toronto. on Thiurrsday, 28th February, 1501L Your directors have the honor to present the annual report and finan- cia} statement of the company’s sixty- scventb year, duly vouched for by its auditors. It will be noted that there Jms been a considerable increase in the premium income for the year, this being mainly due to the business derived from the new fields in which the 90mpany has established business connections, and also to the improved conditions that huge pgeyailed in the marine business. Two- half-yearly dividends hm}: beeri declared ati the rate of 7per cent, per annum, amounting- to $60,323.96. and the reServe fund has been increased to $5§1,457.22. In View of the abnormal fire losses on this continent during the year 1900, including the disastrous conflagraâ€" tion in April last in the cities of Hull and Ottawa, which involved aloss of property to the value of about ten million dollars, your directors feel that the statements herewith sub- mitted must be regarded as satisfac- tory by the shareholders. Summary or Financial Statement. Total cash income. . $1,951,233.34 Total expenditure, includâ€" ing. appropriation for los- Ses under adjustment. . 1,890,347.57 Total assets. ‘ Cash capital. Reserve fu'nd. The capital stock of the company has been increased to one million dol- lars, in accordance with the byâ€"law passed at the last annual meeting, the $250,000.00 new stock authorized to be issued at a premium of 15 per cent. having been all taken up. Dividend declared. Security to policyholders $1,581,457.22 The President, who moved the adopâ€" tion of the report, which was second- ed by the Viceâ€"President, referred to the exceptionally heavy losses.“ by fire on this continent during the year under review. and said that, although the report just read did not present so favorable a showing, as. for. as the balance between income and expendi- ture for the year was concerned, as the preceding annual statements which he had had the honor during the past eight years of submitting to the shareholders, he felt that there was perhaps as much matter for con- gratulation in the figures embraced in the accounts for the year 1900 as in those of some preceding statements which have shown a more favorable balance sheet. It was gratifying to observe the continued increase in the volume of business transacted. \Vhile there had been a satisfactory growth of imcome from fields in which the company had for years past been car- rying on operations, he was glad to be able to say, that. from the agen- cies recently established beyond the limits of this continent, very en- couraging returns have been re- ceived..The predictions that the di- rectors ventured to make a year ago as to a probable improvement in conâ€" ditions of marine business had. he was pleased to say, been realized, and, as a result of the better rates which, speaking generally, had prevailed both upon inland lake and ocean risks there had been a fair margin of profit upon the business written in that branch during the year. But What in his estimation was more amatter of Congratulation than any of the figures to whichl he had referred was the fact that at the close of a year in which the fire losses in Canada and the United States have been very largely in excess of those of average years they were able to present a bal- ance sheet which showed a loss of less than one per cent. upon the premium income as the result of the year’s un- derwriting transactions â€" that is, ignoring the income derived from in- terest and rent. AN INFORMAL INVITE. Mrs. Goodartâ€"Poor man! Come to my house, across the way there, this evening and you shall have a good dinner. Harvard Hasbenâ€"Some of your guests disappoint you? That's rath- er short xmtice;~ I'm afraid I can’t get my full dress suit out o’the laundry in time. The report was, on motion, adopted, and the following gentlemen were re- elected to serve as directors during the ensuing year;â€" Hon. Geo. A. Cox. J. J. Kenny, Hon. S. C. \Vood. Thos. Long. John Hoskin K.C., LL.D., H. M. Pellatt, R. Jaffray, A. Myers and W. Cox. I suppose that her mind freely [Not much. Sh her $50 in advanc the platform. SHE SUPPOSED. Mrs. ‘Vigglesâ€"‘What are these 'spheres of influence” that the dip- lomatists‘ in China. keep talking about? Mrs. \Vagglesâ€"W'cll; I don't (know, for sure. Do [you suppose they can mean cannon balls? Emma's Liuiment for size M crywhera Minard’s Ligiment. Cums Dan NOT HER \\'.â€"\Y.. woman. orator spoke on the subject? a demanded half of e before she went on 5 . 1.776,606.45 . 1,000,000.00 ; . 581,457.22 lruif. A COMPLIMENT. fl‘he Ol’d Manâ€"Your love for my daughter seems to have grown very fast since you found out I was worth so much money. The Young Man, admiringly,â€"No faster, sir, than the subject warrant- Tnh but!" Bromo Qulnhn lelou. All druuhm refund the money If I; all- to can. I. W. Grand ska-3m I. on owhbox. 5° First Detectiveâ€"How did you man- age to discover the scandal in their family closet? Second Detectiveâ€"“fell, you see, I had a skeleton key. She certainly was dressed to kill when she went out slei‘ghing‘. In what way? Her wraps were that thin if pneu- monia didn‘t kill her it wouldn’t know its business. {flinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. med b mothenfor their children teething. It. soothe: the chi d. when: the gum». Mlnyu pun. cures wind ooiiu ad 1 a the best remedy for diam-hoes. 250 I bottle. Sold by .11 ' ta throughout ch. world. 3. mo And “I for "In. union's Soothln; Snap." \Vell, you quote more poetry than he does, but I think he heats you on necktics. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS m7 WINSLOW'B _SOOTH}NG SYRUP 7h“ been TREMENDOUS. The physician was making the nec- ess'ary medical examination for life in- surance. len I as intelligent as your other young man, Dolly? What is your chest expansion? he asked the applicant. If you mean trunks, answered the famous actress. they have expanded from one in 1885 to fortyâ€"seven in 1901, sir. STATE OF OHIO. CITY u‘ TOLEDO, }s LUCAS COUNTY. 5' FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is nsnior partner of Lhe firm of F. J. CHENEY 8t 00.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and Slate aforeraid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LABS for each and every case of CATARRH that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, etc. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence.t1\is 6th day of December. A.D. 1836. A.\V GLEASQN!“ 'Hall-sc'mtarrh Cure is taken internally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system; gland for testimogialstufpeg. Sold by Druggisfls. 75c. Hall’s Fumin Pills are the best. Oh! don’t be foolish, exclaimed the young bride, he's merely an old flame of mine. Indeed, cried her aged and wealthy husband. I‘ll warrant you dream of his tender advances Lyet. No, she replied with a. far-away look qot yet. i For all skln ailments. J. G. culvert & 60., Manchester, England Dawson Commission 00. Limited A Popular Manual present- Ju ing in acondenned form all that is requisite to assist the lzury in reaping the bcnefiu of Lhe Jubzlee. Substantial, complete and practical. Il- lustmted Edition on Photo Paper 100 each, 37.50 per hundred. post'paid. D. and J. BADLIER & CoV, Montreal. GALVERT’S CARBOLIC CINTMENT. Music Yeachers Wanted E‘é Winng ’fi’ou Uor. Colborns and West Mulch St. Toronto. will as: you highest 905“be prices. SEAL. Pmmise T0 Pay A Debenture of The Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Ccrpuraticn is a promise to pay (he sum named Lherein,which may be any sum not less than $100, on the date specified, which may be in one or more years, as the Investor may prefer. Tthoupons attached are promises to pay interest on the amount half-yearlyat four per cent. per annum. The entire assets of the Company, amounting to $22.- 696,885 are security for fulfilment of the promises. Offlc :, Toronto St‘, Toronto KEY TO THE SITUATION. 1'0 CURB A COLD IN ONE DAY SIGNS OF GRAY MATTER. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. A POSSIBLE SECOND. to coufln .u your Predict to the DRESSED TO KILL. E13: éfg'niNEâ€"Y s; COTTbic‘db. 0 W P C 1068 153 Yonga at. Toronto. 0M. To and for our commute Onta- loguo of arm! Mualo and Book. with Ggoclal ratu of discount. WHALEY, RQYGE & Go. A'otaru' Public. Public ma High School. Toronto). Roofing Felt. mum. Cod Tu. aw. noornfo TILE (See New City Bund- lqn. Toronto. done by our firm). Metal Ceilings, Oor- mou. pip ‘Euumaul {umllhed for work complete 03,719} ROOFING and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE. In Bl-ck. §°§_9'G'!€E: .594"? BLIAL‘KBDARQS» 1“.“ EM him. do. Estimate] {urnllhed for work com late or {or muted-ll ahl pad to any pan of (his country. 1101101961 D. IUTHIE IONS,Adolalde twmmarlu, Toronto Domln|9n__Lln9 §team_s_hips Montretl to Liverpool. Boston to Livar- - pool. Pom-m1 to LiverpooL Via Queens- town. Luge und Fm. Stenmsblp; Superior accommodnlon [or :1] class»: olgmsenzorl. Saloon: and Stateroom: ye nmj ships. pg ‘ ptgegglonhaa bean givqn to gm 50:10:ng SKI};de nfid Thirdâ€"Cl“: socoi'nurlioastignf F3; mm: of puma und all pnrticulsrs. Ipply to any wen. o! the Company. or Blnhufl] mug: go. _ D._’I:orr|n::§ & Q0: Metallic Ceilings And fuded Suits would look better (1 . I! no “on. of nun In your town. write dixec‘ oatmeal. Box 158. Th3 Fedfiml Life Th5 nlneteentb annual meeting of the shareholder! of this company was held at its head. office in Hamilton, on Thursday, the7th instant. In the absence of the Presldmb through illness. Mr. William Kerns. Vice President. was appointed Chairman and Mr. David. Bengt. SectetaI‘Y- DIRECTQMES’ REPORT- ( . I awn I842 a we W w 9 ww‘wmww‘uwsuu,‘ Th3 directors presented their annual report. as follows :â€" Your directors have the honor to present the reportand financial statement of the company for the year which closed on the Slat December, 1900. duly vouched for by the auditors. The new business of the year consisted of fourteen bun drcd and forty-two applications for insurance. aggregating 82,09; 735, of which thirteen hundred and ninety applications. for 371.995.1935, were accepted ; applications for $98,750 were rejected or held for further informa- Emu mun. As in previous years the income cf the company shows a gratifying immense. and the assets of the company have been increased by $211,130.12, and have new reached $1,271,319.92, exclrusive of guargmteegapitql‘. .. ,,-,, ,,,,:-,‘ ------L_: -L u_- -1--- -- u.- " And have it done with good paint. Money spent on cheap paint is lost. and the labor ‘5 a r lost. Buy the best paint you Cain i _ .m. hfin’o nn‘r nvnrhirnnf W0 wooowm w“ ‘ww GAK/Iualvv u. nu- The security muggy/5:11.55”. including guarantee capital. amounted at the close of tho year to, and thelmbilinies for reserves and all outstanding «himi. 51.123.738137fl showing a. surth of $1.02" 317.85. Exclusive of uncalled. guarantee capital, the eutplua to polig‘yl‘lplggm W8: $117,609 L.. .4... .m LLWM- Aux"- u“. "at. Ann”. 9n OLA omm‘nr n' anl rm (R n. To the Pres’dent and Directors or the Federal Life Assurmco Company: Gentlemen: We have made a. careful audit of the hoaks of your company for the year ending 313D Dece-nbx‘. 19)). an_i hzwa certified to thir chrecmess. Th e securiLies have been Inspected and compared with the ledgcracc mini and are found to agree #Lbereyvjth. H .7 :nn‘nfl kw O-hn nnnnm. , A; _A,,, ,4,A,‘,,,_ _ -_ n1..b. “Annmkm. :~ I puuu; “mum... nu.) v“ Policies on sixty nv which 518.500 wzu roin~ured in other companies. Including cash dividends and dividends applied to the raduction of premiums. $23,079.28. with annuities, $2,929.56, the total payménts to palioyhnldcrs binount’d to 5170 813.58. Careful attention has bean given to the investment of the comp Jny’s funds. largely on morlgageaecurites a_ndloz1ns on the company’s policies. amply secured by re>erves. These investments have yielded results better than the average results or insurance companies doing business in Canada. prenses have been confined to a reasonable limit. consistent with due efforts for new business. The field officers and agents of the company are intelligtnt and loyal, and are entitled to much credit for their able representation of the company's interests. The mcmbers of the office staif bqu also proved faitlmfnl in the companyLs service. LA; ___:.-I L- e: mm mm .k- -NA...‘L. unluvmunu Mavutulqv rkv'v-Iv- .... -...,V W... .J _. H--. Having decided to increase . guarantee or subscribed capital to $1,000,000. the amount authorize: by our act of incorporation. your directorsissued on 12m November lastthe baiance of 3,000 shares. at a premium of 40 per cent... on the amount; called. Thom shares were allotted to and taken by the existing shareholders. Though the call of $13 per share was required only in bi-monthly instalvnenfis.‘ ghe g eater portion or in was paid before the ciose of the gear. ,,,.,.._L ‘Anlnivcaunun "up." ...k:-k OLA 1n uL-muuuu’ Auntauucuw. uuu Due-um. run an... v. .u "u... r-.- -V..._« ‘.._ ~,V ,. "a A, ,,,,V The assurances cwried by the company now amount t0512.176,28..10. upon which the company holds resexves to the full amount; required by law. and, in addition thereto. a. consid- emnle surplua. as above shown. JAS. H. BEATTY. DAVID DEXTER, President. Managing Director. nu agxcu nun v H u... The fin mcial pusition of your company, as on 313$ Decembe panying statement. ha~nnn§ fnlh-v a Premium Income“ Interest, and Rean Camila] stock . . . . . Premium on stock. Paid to Policy-Holders for Dea' h Claimiâ€" Endowmems. surreqder values an'i profits . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expenses, taxes, diwdends and reinsurance premiums Ualauce.......................................... . . . . . . . . . . Debentures and Bonds. . . . . . .. . . .. Mortgages . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loans secured by policy reserves Cash in bank and other assets... Reserve Fund . . . . . Claims unadjusled . . . . . . . . , Present value of claims pmd by in~mlm83 s no Present. value of dividends applied on tempomry reductions of premiums Surplus Surp!ussecurity......... ....... .. ....... . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . :) Policies were issued a=suring Total Assurance in force. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l LUIS 2'8: ‘20 On motion of Mr. Kern . seconded by Mr. T II, MacPhersom the report was adcp'vd. The Medical Darector. Dr. A. Woo‘vermn. presume 1 an interaniLg statistical rcpuu of the mortaliky of tho company for the past. and previous years. The retiring directors were twelccted. and at a. subsequent mcctmg at the hoard. Mtg”. H. Beatty was res-elected President. Licut-Col. Kern: and Mr. '1‘. LI. Macpucrson, V ico- Presidents. Guarantee Capital Hamilton, 15!: March, 1901 771 State St... Bolton BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OO- MONTREAL. Has achieved a celebrity unequalled by others: The reason is up Arent to those who have tried it. It you have never tried it give it your next tr 31 Mid we are satisfied that you Will be more than pleased with its fine qunlity. YOUR OVERBOATS Assurance Campany FINANCIAL STATE)! E NT, 1 90 19. D. Torrance & Co.. Montreal and Portland. GEYLON TEA. AEDITORS’ REPORT. Dou‘glan Iron. 124 Ado Mid. 8| Toronto. on. OF CANADA. ASSETS. DEC. 31. 1900. LIABILITIES. PRINTED in one or many colors or STRIPED at low prices. Sam ples furnished on request. Specie; quotations for car loads or larg lots. Write for prices. TORONTO WRAPPING PAPER COMPANY; 75 Adelaide-$3 West. Respectfully submitted. H. S. STEPHENS, J. J. MASON. EPPS’S Lead Packages 25, 30. w, 60 and coo. 0RATEFUL--OOMFORTINO. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. get. Don’t pa); exorbitant prices, but pay reasonable prices for the best and purest paints made. Ramsay’s Paints Are the purest and best for beam- tifying and preserving the house. Do you want to learn all about good paints and see how some beautiful homes are painted ? Send us a post card and ask for our Booklet “ K " free. Tfii‘ffié’flfi sow? OLE. WRAP- . PING PAPER BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPIR. MONTREAL. PAINT MAKERS -. is indicated by the accom- Auditors. 1,073 .q A. It”, L'st mum 147.6)? 511,993 149.075 03’; 41 h?!” 76 50.H<l 2| 2%) 51!,093 91 I]: o 7.90. ) 41H $08 {HO 83 (£7

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