This week: 9 bars Happy Home soap for 25¢. ; 8 bars Cameo soap for 250. : 3 cakes Remember Me toilet soup for Se. ; 191hs. best granulated sugar for $1; 231bs. best yellow sugar for $1. Atkinson & Switzer. Mrs. \Viley has received a note from the Secretary of The Hnspitnl for Sick Children acknmvledging the receipt of the Easter Oï¬el-ing from this village last Saturday, in which he says 2â€"- “ \Ve beg to acknowledge receipt of the very kind and generous donation of 40 jars of fruit, 24 duge‘n _eggs, 2 lbs. butter. apples, picture b(>()ks,opapex's, flannelette, etc., to this Hospital, and I beg to convey tu yuuthe grateful thanks of the Trustees for the above gifts. which we can assure you are very much appreciated.†EASTER, OFFERING. The citizens of the village and sur- rounding neighborhouds as usual con- tributed liberally to the Hospital for Sick Children on Good Friday. The Easter Otferings left at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce and furwurdud the next day em- braced 24 dozen (if «xggs. 50 quarts of fruit, in sealers, lwsidcs a quantity of apples, books and other articles. The best pure 1 dates, 6a.; good p 150.; dried apples Switzqu MONTREAL, Dec. 1900. To the Publiczâ€"Your druggist is hereby unthm-ized to refund the pur- .chusepricenn u. twenty-ï¬ve or ï¬fty cent bottle of Greene’s \Viu'muted Syrup of Tar, if it fails to cure your cough or cold. (Signed) The Lester H. Greene Co. D1‘.*G;;llunuugh, V. 8.. has taken as a partner Dr. Richards, Gl-aduuteuf the Olltzu‘iu (3011ng, Tul'ulltn. In serious cases both membms of the ï¬rm can be secured for the (.m- nfw. Tel»â€" phtme messages from Sundwson’s drug store are charged tn the Veterinary Surgeons. Hon. E. J. Davis, Cnmmissimlm‘ of Crown Lands has inlruducvd an act in the Lt-gisluture to provide for the a prnpl-ialviun of cm-tuin lands for the Vulnnbeer Militia, who saved on the funnier in 1866. An intermting and ice was given in the the Methodist Chm-cl 0f Good Friday. Bvs exercises, addresses Rev. N. \Vellwmul Hume. and Miss Mm; 0d .‘L solo. The chair the Prgsidunt, Mr. E. \Ve hold up only. the Lillirliliity kinsuu & Switzer. Mr. J. Brillingvr has wntvd for the summer months his brick lesidencv, a mile east. of this village, to Mr. “’m. Gnnk, barrister, Tnmntn. Mr. (luck will remove his fluui‘ly in the mnuth (of May. S w i tz: R9memlwr the Ten Meeting and En- tertainmentin the Tmnpvx-ance Hall next Tuesday evening umlm- the aus- pices of thv Church of England “’0- mzm’s Auxiliary. Dom-s ups-n at 6 o’clock. \Ve cannot make monoy here if you dun’l. Atkinson & Switzel'. At the Vestry Uhul'ch Monday Furey and \V. elected church Thomas Pulmvr Synod. The semi-annual mmvvntinn of York County \V. l. 'J‘. U. will he held in the Annette St. Church. Tn“)anum't‘inn, on Tuesday next. the 16! h inst. 'l‘hvro will he morning. afternoon and even- ing sessiuns. The Epwm‘th Lvuguv programme on Friday evvning of this wm-k will he in the hands nf the lCnu-l-tninnwnb Com- mittee. There will In- :nddn-sses and music and liltt'l‘ in the evening re- freshments will In- served. ' Lot, us collar 1 “'nu't mind the Su'ilzor. Mr. Fr. Bull of Tm‘untn, voicecullure, piulmful-le : is making m-mugvments suns. starting the latter work. The High and Public Srhm-ls‘ will 1-0â€" npen m-xl Mnndny, April 15. after the Easter vacutiun. Those who (-nntrihnLv-d fmit to the Hospital furSiL-k Children will pit-use cull at THE LIBERAL nf'ï¬ce at their earliest. unnvl-nience for their empty sealers. ButWe-en 1h? municipal (he census e-mnnvmtm'. are kl-‘pl husy chose dug the questions put to them You will have mush left "here. Atkinsml & Swith A couple nflrmds nf ‘dvy hardwood Wanted. Apply at, Tm; LIBERAL uflicc. Court Richmond will mveL to-mnr- UHV evening. Rlcnnmxn HILL, DONATIONS APPRECIATED. iiw ' hi? 3' 3) 381'. IJ(')(L‘ A1424. suit- you suits us. Atkinson & gbnd prune-s, 50 'yf Tm-nntn. tvachm‘ uf dulmfm-le and them-y. mgvmonts to give 105- thc latter part nf this Ind I'ulf you and you change. Atkinsml £5 [cu the next day em- oif c-ggs, 5O (Imp-ts of Sides :1. quzuxtlty of other articles. Inn-d, M 914Lng of St. Mary‘s evvning, Messts. \V. Millmm-no were re- wm-dens, and Mr. u'ch on the evening Bvsides the 1-9ngle- sex were given by md and Mr. A. J. la) y Trench render- zlir was nonupied by . E. H. Sisley. 1.1. delegate to the bchm-vl-Hmun of i pproprjflte serv- 12$c )nl assessor and w. nut citizens days answering April 5c. ; the best; 5c. ; apricots Atkinson & if ynu trad: Mr. Wm. M 1-. look the. mnuth w 1901 Fine hand sewing Best, [nude garment Not less than 10 pieces of th lowing : Best collection of eulbmideries Best, collection of netting Best collection of lace Best collection of drawn Woxk Best collection on doylies. Crayon drawing Hand-painted placques Collectinn of fancy work Embroidery on bolting muslin Embroidery on cotton or Embroidery on linen, lett ogram Ecclesiastical embroidery Silk or satin embroidery Flannel embroidery Eastei n embroidery Embroidered centre piece Embroidered doylies Honitnn lace Point lace Buttenhurg lace Knitted lace Modern lace Crotchet work Netting Painting Painting Painting colnrs fil'in‘ prizes at the Fair on the 24th of May in the lzldies’ department. A numhm- have hoe-n struck from the list, and others udde much more up- 15041:!th The fullnwing is the new list nf articles as recomnwuded by a cum- miLtee and approved of by the As- sociation : in oils Painting (:11 china The E\ening News of Detroit, 2nd inst., contains the following account of the death of Dr. Law, nephew of Mr. R. E. Law and Mrs. Amos \Vx-ight of this Village :'â€"“ It is believed that the late Dr. R. R. S. Law of Dearborn, sacrificed his life to his profession, for although suffering from the grippe he continued to respond to the calls of patients when he (-iighttxn have been in bed himself. Dr. Law, although only 27 years old, enjoyed a large practice and was considered an excel- lent physician. He was the son of Dr. and Mrs. T. V. Law. his father having practised medicine for years in Detroit and Dear-horn. Barn in he- truit July 31, 1873. he attended the Ypsilanti Normal School and Michigan University, and in 1897 graduated'from the Detroit» College of Medicine. The same year he. removed 'to Dem-born. His death resulted from congestion of the. brain. brought on by the grippe. Dr. Law was health ofï¬cer of Dear- horn in 1899. a charter member of the Citizens†Life IIJSIIIHIICG Companyof Detroit, and :1 member of the Modern \Voodmeu of America. Besides his parents he is survived by two brothers, \Villiam and Harold, and two sisters, Gertrude and Helen. The funeral took place from the famin residence in Deni-horn : interment in Northview cemetery. Many beautiful floral trib- utes Were sent by son-owing friends." LADIES’ WORK. The Agricultural Society h many changes in the artfc X‘Pudel's that Lin-re wore- nnt only sum-in] Hues. Had the tmvelling public known Ull‘l't‘ was tn hem late car it Wuuld duuhtloss have been crowded. The manugmm-nt of the Men-opulitun dues not, seem to im- prove. Giving infm-nmtinn relative to fares and services has always [wen one of the cumpnny’s Wonk points. Callers were nummnus at, THE LIB- ERAL (‘fï¬tl‘ Inst wee-k making inquir- ies as tn special rates (In the Mutmpnl- itan Railway dm ing EzIsLH' Week. The must we- cuuld du fur t]wm.wns tn express mn- x-ogm-ts at not lmiug able In learn :anylhing almut the matter. \Ve admit it is :1 little late to give the requinld iufm-aninn, noverlhvless we are uuw 1n :1 pmitiun [u infmm our Tho Entm-tnimm-nt (humuittee mf the-Agx-irnlmmlHuciety will be able in prvst-nt, n gmul prugmnmwat the- cnnm-rt nu tlw evening of the 24ch of Many. The- :u-lists nh-muly secured are all If n high (-l::.\ and emln-m-P tlhv fol- luwiug :»-â€"Mi<s Mm-ivtm Lanll. vocal- ist :uul (-lm-ut‘innisb: Mr. Hurry W. Fay. Clmrm-U-l' Vocalist; Miss Ada (hmngG, svrin-cnlnic \‘nvulist; Ml‘. Harvey Llnyd. in (-nmic snngs and funny Sltil'll‘s: Miss Flnnngnn, soloist; and Miss McKay, as pianist and ac- communist. Ilnpminl brand "1an syrup. gnar- antved pure, 30c. quart tin : shroddvd \V‘hP-‘It biscuits. mm; Swiss fund, 15c. Atkinsnn (K: Switzer. hupé‘d lhmr nut, mnly n ostul in nur Thv mmu club will hm hm: this m; Tatt-ing Queen Anne dawning Table [nuts Toilet; mats Outline work Table scarf Photo frame, mounted Drawing-mom screen, mounted Slippers, mounted \Vhisk holder, mounted Handkerchief holder, mounted Ten cnsey, mounted Pin cushion, mounted SUfiL cushion, mounted Five o'clock tea. cloth Tray cloth Mmitle drape Fancy drape Hem stitching and drawn work Drawn linen Fancy \vnnl knitting Piece work quilt, made last year Fancy quilt, made last year Fine hand sewing Best [nude garment Not less than 10 pieces of the fol- L'A U MAY 24TH CONCERT. DR. LA “"8 AFTER THE F in oils on china on plush, velvet or felt, on satin or silk in oil on satin or silk in water ROS :11 nwvling uf ‘Lhe- lacrosse hvld in thv ()uuncil Chum- ening at, 8 o'clock. It is will hr- a large attendance. will hr- .1 large attendance. pluycl's‘ but (If all inn-r- Natiunul Game. on cotton or linen on linen, letter or mon- SE M EETXNG. DEATH. iety have made artfcles to 1-9- nn the 21th of ACT. cloth 01' magmaâ€"In Richmond hill on March 37.33. Mrs. F. A. Basile]; of a son. FonATnnâ€"BnumanL-On April 4th Jaw. Assa.. N.\V.1‘.. by the Rev. 0 of the Methodist Chum-h. 31¢ Bet-tbs. second daughter of Mr. Is: Well of Victoria Square. to E Imm‘. of Muestone, Korma-1y of (.iuumuy We are pleased to he able to state that Mrs. (Rev.) J. A. Giant. who un- derwent, an operation for appendicitis about a Week ago. is gaining strength every day and it is now felt, that she is in a fair way of recovery. Messrs. Hurry Glover and C. H. Ellstnu were delegates frmn Rich- mond Hill at the annual meeting of the Canadian Lacrosse Association held in Toronto on Gum] Friday. The delegates were [unique-[ted at, Mc- Conkey’s in the evening. Mr. James Brackin, Principal of the North Chatham Public School, who attended the Teachers‘ Convention in Toronto, has been visiting friends here during the week, and is a guest of Mr. T. F. McMahon. Mr. T. A. Mupes stat-ted yesterday for Manitoba where he purposes spend- ing the spring and summer. Mr. Mapes took his ticket for ngrave Station. near the \V’cStE'l'll boundary of the province. The sons and daughters of MrsJohn Coulter have paid frequent Visits dur- ing the past week to see their mother who is still lying in a very weak con- dition. Mls. J. A. E. Switzer is on gramme to take part, in the the temperance. convention to in Tux-onto Junction on the April. Mr. A. G. Beck, :u-count Standard Bank at Ailsu L Good Friday here, and was Ml. John Ellstun. Miss Fem-1 Barker of Chimgo, and Miss Myrtle Barker uf Tul'ollh), made a visit this week with the M Lxsus Miiieiz- MissHattie and Maggie McMi'ilmn of Aux-om, are spending Lhuil' holidays with their cousins, Stun- zmd Nnru. McMahon. Mr. J. Kellnersluy and Miss M. Culâ€" ville nt' Toronto, spent, Good Friday with Mr. John 1(6111181‘519y. Mr. Ful'qllhzll‘snn is attending the meetings of tho ()ntdriu Educubiunul Assucinuun iILTOL'ODtu this week. Mr. Arthur -Cunk spent Gond Friday in called (In a. number 01' Miss Eva Hill is spending her Easter holidays in the city with her little friend, Miss Hazel Lax-tor. ‘ Mr. J.E.Skeele, Principal of Cayuga High School. spout part of Eastm- week with his parents here. Mr. Chas. Mulcuhy, of the Standard Bank, spent [nu-t, of the Easier holi- days with his parents in ()i-illiu. MnClax-k and Miss Lundy of Aurora, were calling on friends in the village on Good Friday. Mr. \V. A. Glass. a. student in the Nm-mul College at Hamilton, was home over Sunday. Miss.Annie Glass of Cookstownjs spending the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. \V. Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Farqnhnrsml spent Eustm' the guests (of Mrs. N. W. Brown, \leitlw, Mr. Norman \Vilsnn of Tm-nntu, is visiting with his friend, Mr. Em-le‘ Ncwwn. Mr. \V. Trench, Principal of ville Public School, is home holidays Essay, E. Newton. Speech, “ Public Speaking? 0. “Wight. Chorus, the Literary Society. Science, Mr. F. J. Johnston. Speech, “ Value of Education," Rev. Mr. \Vellwood. Debate, “The Pen is Mightier than the Sword." H..Klim:k. Lorne Perkins, “1 Cameron. 1'}. Lloyd. Reading, C. Keys. Greek Sports, Mr.R.A.Fnrquharson. Qua] n-Lu- (girls). God Sure the King. Try Ceylon green ten at 25c. per 11).; Santos coffee at, 15c. per lb. Atkinson & SwiLzer. Mr. C. Mchmghy 1) ing a, few days with city. The High School Literary Sm-ie-ty took ‘pussossinn of thy schuul Thurs- day aftm-nmm lust and with thvir Prvsident. Mr. “'1â€. Atkinson. in the clulir. u-ndervd the fullmviug intrrest- ing pmgmnmw: Qual tome (girls). Reading, ll. NL-wtrm. Speech, †Base Bull,†D. Don-y. Quartth (buys). \Vyc Trvnch. B.A. An exwlh-nt pm- gmmme of English. Irish, Snutch and Canadian airs and orchestral music will he random-d. A pmï¬tahlo hnlu- is untiuipntvd. then-fore u ('mdiul invita- Linn is extvnded tunâ€. Refreshments will he served. Admission 10 (:enm. The Epwm-lh Lewlgue hope to have a crowded house Friday evening at 8 n‘clock. ‘ social depurtnwnt have arranged to have n I’uu-inlix: Evening. an- shun-t addresses on England, Ireland.ScuL- land and Canada will hl' delivered by the fulluwing well-known spvukm-s: Rev. J. (iihmm, M.A., Rectm- of St. Mary’s Church : Rm‘. R. S. E. Large. B.A., B. D. : Mr. A. J. Hump, and Mr. It will be social (waning next, Friday night at the Epwm-[h League. The social depurtnwnt have arranged to have n Pulrinlix: Evening. Funrshurt addresses on England. Ireland.Scnl.- H. S. CLOSING P PATRIOTIC EVENING i ERSOI‘IAI MARRIAGES HIR'I' Ila. witzeris on the pro: On April 4th, at Moose ‘y the Rev. 0. Darwin. chun-‘n. in are Jaw. tor of Mr. Isaac Bram- EXERCISES. of \Vmulstnck, the village and old friends. as been sptâ€"‘nd- relatives in the mt in the wig, spent, a guest of ,‘. Forester work of be held 113th of Union- during Steam Reï¬ned Soul Oil for lice on cattle. Used by all the large cattle experters. W3 w~l guarantee this Uil to kill all the 11:20 wherever put on. 20 ct-s. quart or 73 cm. gallon. Electric Oil, 2 bottles for 25c Carter’s Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Chase’s Pills, 2 bottles for 250 Ct ase‘s Climrra'n Cure, 15c Chase's ()imment, 400 Chase’s Svrup Linse d and Turpentine l5c Plerce's Favorite Prescription 67c Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 67c Pierce’s Pellets 15c Williams' Pink Pills, 35c., 3 for Sl Dodu's Kidney Pills, 3% Donn’s Kidney Pills 35c Permeale's Pills 15c Milburn's Heart. and Nerve Pills 35c., 3 (or $1 Aver’s Hair Vigour, 65: Hood's Snrsuparflla. (37o Scolt's Emulsion, large 65c, small 35c Little's Sheep Dip McDougal l's Sheep Dip Elliott’s Sheep Dlp Seigel’s Syrup, small 25m, large 50c. Agnew's Cumin-ah Cure, 40¢: Kendall's Spiwiu Cure, 75c Gillett‘s Lye 10c par t1n,3 for 25c Hesse'a Puultry Pun-man. 300. Mexicm Egg Producer 25:: (makes bans lsy; Beef,Iron and. Wine, 50c ’ Cmstoria. 250 Nedtle's Food 400 Epsom Salts, 3:: lb., 9 lbs. for Me Sulphur,3c. 1b., 5! lbs. for 25c. Glauher Stilts 3c lb, lo 11) for 250 Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25c Pure Norway Cod Liver Oil Acid for curing cidur Condition Powders, all kinds Your own Receipt-i made up Carefully from pure drugs . Canadian \‘l’uter-white com oil, 16c algnl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEUUGISTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - - Opp. Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines The latest drop-head, which I will sell at bargain prices ea<y terms. Also VV. 3". CLARK, Owing to poor health I am giving up business. I have aE‘he Lï¬ï¬Ã©fai Neatly and Cheaply Executed at. NINE NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES ï¬ELLENG GUT I‘ll ['00 Second- Eland ()rg'ans Atkinson & Switzer. The New Millinery ! PLAEN AND FANCY A Magniï¬cent Calendar for e We make a specialty of putting Hats on heads to make taces appear their prettiest. lï¬ichnlond Ilill. It’s all here~â€"with all the newness and differences that’ll make it at- tractive in your eyes. There’s a wide difference between what we're oflering and what is shown you else- where. 80 many stocks have that sort of “ set look†about the Millin- eryâ€"a kind of stereotyped appear- ance that lends a “ look-alike-ness †to what you see. In that connection we want you to notice the distinct- iveness of ours. Each hat seems to have characterâ€"toneâ€"style peculiar to itself. Just as though an artist designed it specially foryou. That’s what you wantâ€"exclusiveness. DAN At Cut Rate Prices. Very cheap. Cnstoria. 25c Nestle's Food 40:: Epsom Salts, 25:: 1b., 9 lbs. for 256 Sulphur, 30. 1b..9 lbs. for 25¢. Glanher 3c 11:. 10 1]) for ‘25:: Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25L: Pure Norway Cod Liver 011 Acid for curing cidcr Condition Powders. all kinds Seigel's Syrup. smul125c.,large 50c‘ Agnew's Cumrrah Cure, 40c Kendall's Spnwiu Cure. 75c Glllect‘s Lye 100 per ha, 3 for 25¢: Hesse'a Poultry Panama. 300. EL 86 CO. [Ch Powders, all kinds Receipta made up from pure drugs V “'uter-white 008.1 oil, 16c algll customer mr t1u,3 for 25c unnma. 300. gucegudc (makes bane lay) Opp. Clyde Hotel