...,L ,5 4?, e, w] 5%. v' a RILZIDIUNI) I; Ml‘s' 2“ “' “upâ€ll “i Toronto. Silent, .‘éatuitia; with hiemis .1; fit“ village. 13:5, lie; tlzsits, (in; .AL- Prunes, 5c. lb. : tapioca, (ic. ; best Japan lice, (:!_.c. kinson ti: Switzer. Newimrket lCi-awlliss M. Harrison and Miss liarkcr of Richmond Ilill. spent last Saturday with Miss L. Ilar- ‘ I'lSt)“. Miss Edith Hopper of Toronto. is. making‘a visit, with her Sister, .‘Jrs. F. Sims. Rare laoaltsc of sn‘lu; exceptional because of price: those erect tortn . . . . ., corsets at. $1 at Atkinson 6; bwitzet a A petition has been signedasking' for a. third hotel in \Voodliri'lge. There is also a. petition against the granting; (if the license. 2‘37“. I soluble cocoa, 25C. ll). : bt'ï¬l .. _ ,. Santos notice, lac. ; best [r een hm coffee. Ilï¬c. Atkinson kt Switzcr. Miss \Tiley attended a tellipt-t'atif‘e convention in Toronto Junction on Tuesday :-.s corresponding secretary of YorlgCounty \V. t‘. ’l‘. 1'. Mrs. H. Lever and baby of Toronto. spent a couple. of days; with herfatdicr, Mr. H. I“. Iloppcr. Boots ("c .‘Slioes~’.‘."e have-a great. snap in t'nildren's boots. rlen’s work- ing boots, 50c. pair. Nanghton Bl'll‘en Elgiu Mills. Village Inspector Bro-.vnlee. com- tilcuced planing the streets on Mon- day, and the road-beds are now in a very smooth condition. ll'ou like good thingsâ€"we only the bestâ€"sell only the lit spicesâ€"Atkinson It .Switrzer. supply ~st pure Mr. Chas. )It-(lonaghy has taken a position in the Shipping Department of the Massey-lilat'ris works, Toronto, and started work on Monday. A meeting of the. Management Com- mittee of the Lacrosse Club will be held in the Council chamber on Thurs- .day, April 13, at 8 o‘clock sharp. A .full attendance is requested. The April Epworth League Roll~C Service will be held Friday evening of this week at 8 o‘clock. The members are. urged to attend this meeting and visitors are always welcome. all The very uobbiest things ili ,tiesocol: Jars, gloves, etc., at lowest prices. Atkinson d; Switzer. Mr. \Vm. Cooper moved his family .to Toronto the fore part of this Week. and he purposes giving up his lilac smith shop and going the near future. it- to the city in Mrs. Law .of Dnndas. has been stay- ing With her mother, .‘JrsJno.Conltcr, who we are pleased to learn has been regamniga lit-tiestrength during the past few days. Try pure white grape vinegai, aquart; you'll find it the best. kinson dc Switzer. Me. At- Mr. A. E. Coonibs, Principal of New- markeb High School, spent; Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Elliott, on his Way home from the Teachers’ Convention in Toronto. Ralstou’s Breakfast Food, 156.; Swiss Food, 15¢; Farinosa, 15c.; Shredded \Vheat Biscuits, 15c. Atkinson and Switzer. Mr. John Bestard who moved into his residence. on Richmond St. only a few weeks ago has been seriously ill, but We. are pleased to be able to say he is imp'roving this last. day or two. Men’s blue. serge caps, 25 and 35c. ; blue yachtcaps with leather peak,50c.; nice range of Christie’s Caps in pretty plaids, at- 50::., silk lining. Atkinson .8: Switzer. A cleverswindler who gave his n as George H. \Vinton, cheques given hiui Commerce and the Toronto, thereby robi) tutions of $5,245. x__ of the Metro olita Railway hill relating to the. climnedj- tiOIi with the Toronto Street Railway were. withdrawn before the Ontarib Legislature closed Friday night. A bill was passed allowing the Metropol- itan Railway Company to take over the Scl'lomberg and Aurora Railway. raised two at the Bank of Imperial Bank, ing those insti- All the. claiises The Imperial authorities purpose es- tablishng a. i-emount station in Toâ€" ronto. and permission has been ob- tained to usr the stables at the exhibi- tion grounds for stahling horses bought for the British army, until a sufï¬cient number is collected for ship- «meat. )IONTREAL To the Publiczâ€"Your hereby authorized to refui chase price on a tummy-live or ï¬fty cent bottle of Greene‘s \Varirnted Syrup of Tar. ifit falls to cure vour cough or cold. ' (Signed) The Lester H. Greene Co. , Dec. loot), druggist is id the purâ€" Johu Henncssey, formerly of Rich- mond Hill, died at his home, ltih‘ Farley Ave-, Toronto, last Saturday, a t‘ter an illness lasting several ‘months. later- ment took place in Thornhtll cemetery on Tuesday. Deceased was in his 34th year. and leaves a wife and three children. l ame ii A lil)\\'A RE STORE. ~42“? r.nuamr'maid'mMmeaxAflmmAymmWWcWW r The new adv. of linssill's at the Max'- kcl. Toronto. will lu- found on another page. This littn claims to give the strait-st llll>5l|llt‘ \ alne for your money it; ll=tl(l\\‘.‘tt't', hrlose-lurnisliings,paitits, oils. building requirements, kc. Look .-.t the illustrations, and lead tJieir‘ quotations. Home of the tieafest things in sum- met“ \‘tihzli’lltlv'l'~‘, all ILH. make, and all titled with the latest, Ideas in cast oils, a: limo it) to (Ms. per pair. Atkinson ’ .v H“ lilt‘l'. ; AITCTHFN SALE. Messrs Haigt-on 5': MrEwcn will St‘ll by public auction, on 'l‘nesday, Apiil .‘ltl, illl'flll'liltlli“, implements with 4 Incl-es of land, house, barn. rho. belong“ line: to the rs‘tate of the late Robert ;i\l::son. Sale at one o'clock. Terms l rash for the chattels. For the real es- i fat", 10 per cent. at time of sale; the. ! balance in 3!) days. Tea Teasâ€"("avion Green Teaâ€"the .. latest tea introduced in the Canadian market. Japan ’,l‘e.-i-â€"(llioiee Black Tea~in large or small quantities of the above. \Vill do Well for you. I‘Jaugliton Bros, Elgin Mills. 1 \‘IONDER FITL GRO\VTH. The increased circulation of The De- linrator the last three months has been phenomenal. It. has risen from 5H),- ,‘tltltl to (350,060. The tea-son is easy to ï¬nd, for each number of The Delin- cator contains a careful survey of all the subjects that are most. interesting to Women who keep house. or want to know the. latest fashions or how to make dresses for themselves in similar style. From the leading ladies in the land doth to the humblest homes, The Delineator is a Welcome magazine. 1 Every young: man wants the newrst patterns and the best quality when he orders a still. “'e are showing both quality and style in our new twceds a'nd wot-sleds at. from $13.50 to 3520 to crder and {it guaranteed. AtkinSon t‘t' Switzrr. C .EVELAND \VIIEELH. Before purchasing a bicycle (tall at THE lecu.\.Loï¬ice and examine the. Cleveland wheels. The Gents’ Cadet is the lowest priced wheel made this season, but- it has many of the best features of the high grades, and takes the place of last ~year’s Quickstep. The cushion frame introduced this season tepresents the bighestdegree of comfort in wheeling, and more than half of the fatigue experienced from the use of rigid frames is obviated by this new idea. Call for 1901 catalogue. Talking about hats? “Why, yes, we have the very newest shapes and col- ors in fedoras, crttsh hats, and stiff hats at. from $1 to $2.25, all pure si k bindings and band. 'Atknisou and Switzer. PATRIOTIC EVENING. A very pleasing entertainment was given Friday evening under the ans- pices of the Epworth League. The. president, Mr. H. Sisley, occupied the chair, read the scripture lesson. and introduced those. who took part in the programme with happy re- marks. iev. Mr. \Vehwood opened_ with prayer, and good music was fur- nished during the evening. Rev. .1. Gibson. rector of St. Mary’s Church, gave. an address on England and the English people; Rev. R. S. E. Large on Ireland; and Mr. \Vyc Trench on Canada. The addresses bad a patriotic ring about them, and could not fail to foster a. spirit; of unity and good-will. England was shown to be a. great country, the warm hearts of the Irish were agreeably commented upon, while the third speaker left. no doubt in the. minds of his hearers that Canâ€" ada is second to no country in the. world. The. addresses were interspers- .ed with vocle selections, Miss Mary Trench singing “Caller Herrin’,†Miss Ethel Switzer “ The Last \Vords,†and Mr. F. Redditt “ The Land of the Maple.†The refreshments which fol« lowed were tempting enough to be. en- joyed under any circumstances, but served as they were while an orchestra rendered choice selections of music they could not fail to give the best of satisfaction. FOR ST. MARY’S CHURCH. The admission fee to the tea meet- ing and entertainment, given in the Temperance Hall Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Church of England “’oman’s Auxiliary was only 15 cents, nevertheless the bill-ofâ€"far-e was ï¬rst-class in every respect. The tea served in the rear of‘the hall was well up to the standard, and the inn- sical part of the programme could not fail to please. Rev. John Gibson, the rector, made an excellent chairman, and everybody felt at home. The greater part of the talent was from Tin-onto, but. our own Col. )Iilbourne assisted with the bones, and Miss Edith Switzer and Mr. Arthur \Vliite gavesevcral piano duets. A tnttslt'al quartettc consisting of Miss Evans on the ’cello, Miss Grace Evans and Miss Hogaboom on violins, with Miss Fitz- Gibbon as piano accompanist, \vrre highly commended for their playing, and those ladies also contributed vocal selections. )Ir. Sharpe gave several vocal solos verv acceptably, Miss Flora Langstafl’ delighted her hearers as a vocalist and pianist, and every loveri of good music present was enraptured with the. violin playingr of Mr. Long. Each and every performer was ap-_ plauded and encored, and in evet y case the applause was merited. Many fancv articles were on sale. and the proceeds of the pleasing aï¬'air were quite satisfactory. Rev. 311'. Gibson and the \Voman's Auxiliary are to be congratulated on the success of the,‘ evening‘s entertainment, and should ' the same performers return on a future occasion a larger ball will be necessary l to accommodate the crowd. l ~ 0 ‘ her present I l ANNUAL MEETING. The. annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill lacrosse club was held in the Council (‘hamber on Thursday evening last, and from the large num- and enthusiastic spirit manifest, the prospects for tbecom~ ilig season are very bright. Mr. I’ar- quliarson presided in the absence of the pastpresidrltt and lnade a most capable chairman. The following reâ€" port was read by the secretary :~â€" Mr. Chairman and (it‘llllt‘lflt'lly‘l am pleased to welcome you to the an- nual meeting of the ltichmond Ilill lacrosse club, which has been called for the purpose of re-organizing and for the election of olh‘cei-s tor the en- suing year. As Sec‘y-Treas. of the club of 1901), I am here to give. you an account of my stewardship. The past season has been one of the most suc- cessi'uI ever enjoyed by the! club. A very great. number of games Were played, in all of which the Richmond Hill lacrosse club came out victorious, except live. These. I am sorry to say, Were league games, two of which, however, viz†Shamrocks of Toronto Junction. and Talagoos of Newman-kct, were played with very weak teams, it being impossible for various reasons to get the team out in its full strength. An excursion was run to SLCathai-ines on July 12, which venture netted a. neat sum for the club. I have now on hand $29.76 as a balance from last year, a sum that is quite sufï¬cient to start the club on a. sound foundation. On account of so many of the stronger teams of the lntermediate series of 19W joining the Senior series this year, it seems to me, that the prospects for winning: the Intermediate Chain- plonsbip of Ontario are. very bright. and easily within the powz-r of the Richmond Hill lacrosse club. It is to be hoped that all will Work harmoni- ously and endeavor to bringr this covet- ed championship to our town and once more raise our standing to that. of our honored predecessorsâ€"llie long roâ€" member-ed and never-to-beâ€"hn'gotten Young Canadian-s. I have here arom- niunication from Sec‘y Sullivan of the. Panâ€"American Exposition sports, re- questing teams to go toBufl'aloand compete. in the lacrosse tournament on July 1, 2. 3, and 4. for international emblems andgold and silver medals. I also met Dr. Johnston, the lepre- sentative from Bulfalo to the C. L. A Convention in Toronto, and stand from him that it is quite possible to get‘ a game in the Niagara Di. ricl about that time. This, I believe, would be a good time totun an ex- cursion to Niagara Falls, and thereby secure a very low rate. to the Pan- American. I trust this will meet with the hearty approval of all present. The report was unanimously adopt-x ed as read. The following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensung year: ‘ Patronsâ€"Messrs. Pugsley, Savage, Johnston and li‘arqn-harson. ' Hon. Piesident, A. E. Pugsle President, J. ii. Sanderson ; VICKKPHJS†\V. E. Wiley; Captain, John Glass: Secretary, C. H. Ellston ; 'I'ta.i.~tsnrer, J. F. Rowland ; Managing Committeeâ€"le ofï¬cers, and Messrs. Glover. Trench, Savage and Grainger. It was decided to enter the Inter» mediate series- of the C. L. A. The adn'iission fee for niembcis of the club was placed at 50 cents for ladies and $1 for gentlemen, and that all mem- bers headuiitted to games. The. colâ€" ors tobe Worn by the. club will be. a royal blue gaernsey and white pants. The next meeting will be. held iii the Council Chamber on April 25, when the committee will report to the club on all business transacted. C. H. ELLSTON, Sec‘y. I under- y? \Vhen in our store ask to see. the new short bosom shirt iti Skylark blue, open back and front, at $1 each. Atâ€" kinson & Switzcr. [HEATERS DoUTHWAITEâ€"In Richmond Hillpu “.‘ednesduy evening, April 17, Win. Douchwuite, inbis 30m year. WANTEDâ€"Capable. reliable person in every county to represent. large company of solid 11. ~936 salary per year pay- szi per day absolutely sure and all nite salary, no will} each Saturdav and cod each week. STAN, 334 DEARBORN, Sr, CHICAGO. nuncial reputation; able weekly; expenses; straight. b0!)8.~flll9, deï¬ commission; salary expense money adv/8.11 DABD HOUSE, 441.2 Fi' Elli ’ ii iii litigant . The season is at band when your horse should be l‘ullv equipped for the spring work. We have every- thing- lle needs to be comfortable and l give you the best results. All kinds of sweat and collar pads ; also collars and harness, at prices that can‘t be ‘ beat. All kinds of supplies for horse and driver. Get your Collars faced now, don‘t wait until your horse gets a sore shoulder. Geo. McDonald l he New Milliner 1 It’s all bereâ€"â€"with all the newness and differences that’ll make it at- tractive in your eyes. There’s ' a wide difference between what we’re oliering and what is shown you else- where. â€"So many stocks have that sort of “ set look †about the Millin- eryâ€"a kind of stereotyped appear- ance that lends a “ look-alikeâ€"ness †to what you see. In that connection we want you to notice the distinct- iveness of ours. Each hat seems to have characterâ€"toneâ€"stylc peculiar to itself. just as though an artist designed it Specially foryou. That’s what you waneâ€"exclusiveness. Erica’s i We make a specialty of putting Hats on heads to make faces appear their prettiest. atkiuson ‘ £5 Switzer. Bl St (1 P ' Grre en For Sprayino‘. Pure Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut-Rate Prices. (izone small 35. large 67 ’ Fpsom Saits,301h., 10 lbs. for 25¢ '1 nunms' Eclectric Oil, 2 bottles for 25¢ Sulphur, tic. 1b., 9 lbs. for â€â€™ .00. Carter": Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Glauher Salts Sc lb, 10 lb for 25¢ Chase‘s Pills, 2 bottles for 25:: HeSse's Poultry Panacea, 30c. Ck uso's Catarrah Cure, 15c Hessc’s Instant Lnnse Killer 30c Chas 's (linunent, El‘Jc Little's Sher Dip Chas Syrup Luise d and Turpentine 15c McDongall‘s Sheep Dip Pierce 5 Favorite Prescription U70 Cooper‘s sheep hip Pierco‘s Golden Medical DiscOvery 670 Elliott’s Sboop Dip Picrce’s Pedets 15c Condition Powders, all kinds Williams' Pink Pills (genuine) 35c., 3 for 51 Your own Receipts made up carefully'h‘om pure Dodtl‘s Kidney Pills, sac drugs Doun's Kidney Pills 350.. 3 boxes for $1 , Halpiu's English Condition Powders 26c Parmoele’s l’ills 15c ‘ Gillett's Lye tuc per cm, 3 for 250 Burdock Pillsf'lï¬c Kendall's Snavin Cure, 750 _ Millinrn’s Henri: antl‘Nervo Pills 3Jc., 3 for $1 Boei,1rou aucl \Vinc (purech Aver’s Hair Vigour. 650 t‘astoria. 25c , Ayer's Scrsupurilla C70 Seigel’s Syrup. small 255.,131'36 500. Ayei"s Cherry Poctoral 20, 4) 1111.! 67c Nestio's Food 40c ~ Hood's Saxsupnrilla. 6le Pure Cod LIVul' 0112“; _ . Palm's Colu'y Compound 67c Compound Syrup \Vlltte Pine Zuc, or 500 a. pint. S‘cozt’s Emulsion, large (5.30. small 350 ' David's Cough Balsam 256 Baby's Own Soap, lUc., 3 cuties tor 2.5a Hyposulpt of Sally. for Poultry 10c lb 3 lb bar Snell Brand Casttle Soap 15.36 Neath 0. Oil for Harness 35¢ quart Syrup Hypophosphites 2.3 and 650 Cunudmn Water-whim com Oll, equal to AmerL Eczema. ointment, 2.30 can. [Us u. gal Burdock Blood bitter: 65c A Magnificent. Calendar for each customer. 0. D. DANIEL 86 GO. WHOLEsALn AN!) RETAIL Dï¬uoolsm‘s. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde HoteI' th, Strength and Quality are of any value to you 111- If Leng INBEE ENE Call and see us. If not as represented money Will be cheerfully refunded. JACOB EYER & SON RICHMOND HILL.