The time of the year is near at hand when those who wish to plant shade trees must bestir themselves. The streets of Richmond Hill are fair- Jy well supplied, but if our Village ‘athers would furnish a hundred nice young maples within the next few weeks there would be no diï¬â€˜icnlty in ï¬nding places for them. The greatâ€" er part of the trees last planted in The Park and at the High School failed to grow, but this was to a great ex- tent owing to the drv snmmnx- ‘whh-h be a check on hasty legislation. Ex- pel‘ienoe teaches that Senators,wheth~ er Grits or Tories, are usually rabid party men. Senators may check leg- islation introduced those of a. dif- ferent political stripe ‘but they «have never been known to cause their own party any uneasiness. If the Government in power do not possess the conï¬dence of the people the elec- torate have it in their power to dis- miss them at any General election. Senates in this country have been failures. An article on the editorial page of last Sunday's World deals with the Senate. The writer not only express- cs himself as being in favor of re- taining the Senate in the Dominion, but also advocates another chamber for this province so that there might ing and voting against the resolution introduced by John Costigan, the Dominion House of Commons, Ottawa, pledging the Dominion Par» liament of Canada to recommend and, advise to the Imperial Parliament 3 change in the Coronation Oath of our Gracious Sovereign, King Edward VII, as relating to Roman Catholics, and we further pledge our loyalty andsupporttoour Sov. Grand Mas~- 'ter in the stand he has taken in this matter to resist the interference and encroachment of the Church of Rome.†The following is the resolution passed at Toronto Junction a few evenings ago :â€"â€"“That this Loyal Orange Lodge of Toronto Junction takes this opportunity of showing our appreciation and eudorsation of the noble and loyal stand taken by our Most Wor. Sovereign Grand Master N. Clarke Wallace, M. P., in :speak~ A number of Orange lodges have passed resolutions expressing approvâ€" al of Mr. N. C. Wallace's vote in the House of Commons relative to the [proposed change in the wording of the Coronation Oath. If it were pro- posed to modify the oath which the Sovereign is compelled to take, pro- viding for the Protestant religion, we could understand why the member for West York is being praised for his “‘ noble and loyal stand †in “ resist! ing the interference and encroach-‘ ment of the Church of Rome.†It should be remembered, however, that’ such is not asked. The resolution "simply asks for the removal from the declaration of offensive ex-f pressions. It is not proposed that the law should be altered so as to allow a Catholic to occupy the throne of England. Men may have their own opinions about this or that religion, but it is difficult to see; how good-will can be promoted by forcing King Edward to swear that he believes that the religion of 20,- 000,000 of his subjects is “ idolatrous and superstitious.†‘ RICHMOND HILL. April 25, 1901 ‘qhangeâ€" 5. e. mi)â€, Cbnnge- Imperi:sl10ilCO._ Changeâ€"Atkinson‘s: Bwitzer. Changewden'y Smith. thngGâ€"C. Masun Changeâ€"J. Eyer & Hons. To Rentâ€"A. h. Skeele. For Saleâ€"E. P. Quanta. N. C. WALLACE PRAISED. New Advertisements. hicl ï¬-QBQï¬-XlzmmflQï¬ï¬k House immediater south of the High Schcml. APply to WANTED -â€" TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND Women to travel and advertise for old estab- lished house of solid ï¬nancial standing. Salurv $78011, yearand expenses, all payable in cash. No canvassing required. Give reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Ad- dress Munngsr.355 Caxton Bldg. Chicago. 4246 .b, "luwu, noun-nun. m bergT'Kebtleby. Everslev, Kli'f’ City > Teston. Terms 510. Home 1mm 13‘ till Monduy. PURE GOLDâ€"Trotting stallion, the prom: D. Blough, ng City. will bmvel th: Laskay, Teston, Bond’s Lake. Everslev other parts in King. Terms 58. I stand King City hom Saturday till Mo‘ YOUNG bfACQUEENâ€"The unbeatv-n draught stal- liou,tbe property of the Richmond Hill Horse )ireedel‘s' Associaniun. will travel through Tl‘omhill. Bro-qus flamers. Union- > ville. Vlctorln'SquEm-e. Wlumbulch, Aumm. 3 Bond's Lake, etc. Home stand, Pn‘lmer House. Ten: 5 $15. W. Meek,mnu&ger. MONOTONYâ€"Thm‘ough bred btuillon. the prop‘ arty of Geo. Robmmn.1’lir-.l.n u: mu, will travel through Lau‘a‘ng, 'i‘ui ~ caown, Wood- bridge. Kleinburg, Baltun, Nuplotun. Schum- hn-n v.0“ -L.. n r The British budget of Sir Michael Hicks-Beach is now under discussion. For many years England has been ;free-trade to the core, but owing to the enormous expense of the South African war a much larger revenue is required than has been forthcom- ing. It is proposed to place a. duty on sugar amounting to about a cent 'a pound, the income tax is to be rais- ed and an export duty is to be placed on coal. Some people look on these duties as the thin edge of the Pro- tection wedge. and Curr be done a self-addre for p:u-Li< YEARLY to Christ,- 9 inn man or woman Lu look after our grow- ing business in this and adjoin- ing Counties; to net as Manager and Correspondent : work can be done at ymu' home. Enclnse self-addressed, stamped envelope CHM .. ,,4,‘ I 1 rr A r.. Co). Lays, M. P. P., for London handed in his resignation a few weeks ago. expressing his dissatisfaction with the Government’s management of the ï¬shing grounds on the riwxr ‘ Thames at London. The Dominion Government had given instructions for certain works to be constructed three months ago, which for a time was neglected, but as the Fisheries Department has now been notiï¬ed of the commencement of the work it is expected the resignation will be with- drawn. We commend the letter which ap- pears elsewhere in this paper, hearing on the formation of guneluhs. to the attention of our readers. 11' every young man in Canada. capable of bearing arms Were an expert marks man it would not necessarily precipi- tate war, but it might be a great beneï¬t to this country in the event of war. The horrors and anguish which war brings is too pain’ful to picture, but although lovers of one's country only resort to war as a last resort, ex- perience teaches that no country should be caught napping. But leav- ing war out of the question altogether the suggestion of “ One of the Old Boys †is a good one, and we would like to see some of" our old sports in the village act on the suggestion thrown out. TO RENT 39-tf Stallion Beggar ul spuudent: your home. sed,stamped Mars to H. ml Manager JAMES NEWTON, Elgin Mills. opposite will in gvél 't‘h‘ï¬g “IaShington Saturday (iii M07132; t'he pyogertv of . Shéxu Col-cop- United Verslev; 1136 ' _ Home . and 'riduy POULTRY NETTIEG, from One Cent per foot up. STEP LADDERS, 25¢: each. Polished Msple Butter Bowls from 100 to 750 each. Butter Lndlcs at 50. [00 and 150 each Butter Spades, 50 each. T. F. MCMAHON LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMOND H1 Assurea an all the modern plans, and is que 0! the most nmsgemus nud pruyresslve companies in exists ce. Premiums low, policies uncoudiï¬onal and nonforteimbla. THE SUN Life Assurance Co V m- 9.150 ml) ‘80 dozen Egg Cases and extra. cnrflboud ï¬llers for mom iAnd take further Dori-1‘ that after such inst, mentiunml (late the execu- tm-s will proceed tn (lisn ilmte the said estate among the put-ties entitled thereto, having regard Only to the claims of which they shall then have received notice and ‘shall not be liable tn any person or persons uf whose claims they shall Imt have received nutice. HANDY EGG CRATE,. NOTICE is hereby given nms'uant U- R. 0. cap. 129. svc. .‘b‘. Hunt :IH pennnshnvin cluimsuguimt the e-s- fate of the Snig Aluhihuld MI'Qllnl‘riv who died on or about Llw lhird day of March, A. I). 190], arv I'vquin-d nu or before the 27le day at" April. 1901. to send by post prupu'rd In [111- undvr- signvd snlicitm- fur 1hr I'lv‘rntm's. n slnteuwntuf lhvil‘ (~luims \x‘i(h their names and Hddl'vsses luqz-lhv!‘ with the nature of the svcurily, if any. held by them. In Lho Estate of Archibald MoQum-rie. lute (vi the Township of Vaughan, in the County of Ym~k,F.-ume'r deceased. China Nest Eggs, 3 for 50 1-lb. Butter Prints, 150. VVILLIAM COOK, Bul-ristor. etc†Freehold Building, 60 Victoria St. Tm‘unm. Butter~Workers’ Needs. Take a policy win; the district agent, CRED!"3'C~§ OF CANADA Solicitor for tho We have a splendid line of substantial, well~mnde hud- wood step-ladders. Made not simply to sell. but to last and wear. You’re are on one of our'ladders. All sizes ranging in price Item 250 each up- wards. 1V OTIUL LL‘O We have 144 one pound butter moulds, our regular 250 good value. which we are going to sell for THE FOUHTAlH-HEAD OF (3000 VALUES AND LOW PRIEES. RICHMOND HILJ 5% 1.50 each. HM“. 1901. lln- uml(‘l'- \rvnmrs. n \vnh their -Ihvr with f any. held holds 1:: dozen eggs. is light and su‘ong. will save “a 605% many tlujka over IL’: but: very base in- vesï¬mem you_ cm; 0y Oils. Turpentine, Varnishee. &c.. a! closest cut prices. Robertson‘s Ready-Mixed Prints A splendid line 0! Pain and Kalsomine Brushes. Our“Queen Clay" Randy-Mixed Paints. qualibv guumuwod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75G gaL Our No. 1 Dominion White Pain! ‘. This department is under the managument of a. thoroughly, expel-a point Mr! oil salesman From him .you will receiva s-rompu and court: omI nervxce. and the beneï¬ts or having long ex- perience in decoration. Our leading values in this line are: Our stock Is righfly sorted in this line; long and she“ handles; square and round points; {or clay. (Inching and draining. at prices rang- mg from 600 each upwards. SPADES AND SHOYELS. Butter and Cream Crooks. BARREL We have exceptional values in this new Tea at 25, 80 and 400. per 1b.; also in lead pligs. at 250. per package. H. C. BAILEY. MAPLE. Sacncware Chums from 150 each up. Wooden Dash Chums at 31.25. Green PAINTS, OILS, &c. Ceylon PLAIN AND FANCY We carry a most com- plete btnck of stoneware and earbLenware cream and Butter Crooks. rang- ing in size from one to thirty gallons. Our 5502:6- ware is made iron) the best New Jersey clay, is thoroughly vitriï¬ed and guaranteed brine and acid prod. Han Churn 10% 2.50, regu- lar $5.00. No 35:2;3. av. 82 75 We're having a great aalelu baxrel and otht-r churns. How can wk; help is with such valâ€" ues as we 0592 in shi- h‘ne V‘ e are clearing a. limited number or the old reliable Duluy Dan 8] Chums, CHURNS. _'Th§ ignprpvgg Union 50 lb. e3 UL'UHUUO Any customer presenting this Coupon and 850. n. atourstorebefore Tuesday,April 80 Will receive 500. worth of Tea or Coï¬ee,any kind Milestone £1 \‘pecial rates HOUSE-CLEANING HELPS GOLDEN LIGHT \94 J umes’ celebrated Ball Blue 8 balls for 50. Clothes Pins. 6 dozen or 50. Mop Sticks. [00. Brooms, 150 each. m'd (5.. pail. $i MILK FANS, 50 EACH. “I "an? 3$9§9$39%9333935333 CREAMER CANS, 60c STRAINER PAILS, 250. SPRAYING NEEDS. ‘essa‘seeéeeseeeeeesse‘! Milk Strainers. 1C0. Butter Testers. Dairy Thermometers, 100 each. bone for spraying. quality, 80 lb. rates for Inge quanmiea. 005.1 011 is the {rest that money can buy. We are 5012 agentrs. A splendid line rang- ing from a. good low- miced pail to the real n‘uncmhomeâ€"made, almost last forever A good Creamer Can, stand- ard size. com plan with lack cover. tap and guage, (or 600. ether lines at 70c and 800. GilleWs celebrated Lye. 80 a tin. Favorite Lye. 50 tin. Tl'ouenhnld Ammonia, large boitle. 100. kapoh'o. 9c cake. Rusnllls Laundry Soap, 3 big bars for 250. A complete stock of Milk Pens from the cheapest to the best. ranging in price from 60c dozen upwards. A flueâ€"class Strainer Pall (or 250. Shill pet~ to:- values at pncea ranging up to 75¢, Open Milk Pails