Ti†@5377? ° ' g . t 'A, v .5, 9 this? film Elly. \9 "#MW #7 p EEIIMONI‘Aâ€"HILIAâ€"ihlay 2, r 1901 I4 ()(3 AIJE'S. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence of Toronto came up Tuesday and spent, the day with friends here. Mr. \Vm. Cooper who closed his blacksmith shop here a tow days a 0 left Tuesday to join his family. in o- ronto. Mr. “ifâ€"Shun). of Sherwood. and Mr. Sil.:s Shunk ot‘ \Voodbridgo, were in the village Tuesday afternoon. Boots and Shoesâ€"Our stock is com- plete, for summer woar. Ladies‘ Ox« ford Show, a largo variety np-to-date in style. Naughton Bros. Eigin Mills. Dr. F. .l. Gallanough was awarded second prize for (‘ill‘illlgt‘ team and third prize, for roadster mare at the Toronto Horse Show last \rt-ek. Quarterly religious services will be held in the Methodist church next, Sun- day Ct‘rmmnncingnt 10.30. The business meeting will take place the following day at. 2.31). Ladies‘ blouses. «ill, 6.â€), 9.30., till. $1.20 and $.50; ladies’ wrappors, $1, $1.20 and $1.23. Atkinson A; Switzer. Mr. Coprland, Principal of the Thornhill Public School. was in the village Saturday. and made a friendly call at. Tun LIBERAL ot‘lire. Afootball match will be played in the ark toâ€"day hi'l\\'0(‘ll the mood) Hill High Schnid and the village. Game called at. 4 o‘clock. I, V. A» Rt‘evo Ravage as District Agent for the Confl-dcration Lifl- Association at» tended the annual met-ting of the Company on Monday. and the-banquet given at thc Queen‘s ilotcl in the even-- mg. Rev. Harold \Vellwood who will take the work of Rev. .’\‘lr.Strachan on the Tenlperancewille circuit for the balance of the Conference yom'.prt-ach- his ï¬rst sermon there last Sunday. First practicc of the season of the Fire Brigade on Monday eroning next, May 6. The ï¬re alarm will be sound- ed at 7.110. Don‘t be frightened when you hear the. hell. It will only be in- tended to rouse the thrown to vigi- lance and action. The Prize I.ists for the fair on the 24th of May are now being distributed. Interested pat-tics who may not havc received one of them can gotâ€"a copy by ap lying to thesecretary. MixNicholls. or 1y callingr at. THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce. A meeting of the Agricultural So- ciety was held in the Lorne Hall Sat~ urday evening. with Presldent \V. H. Pufrslcv in the chair. The n-inci ml h L I I business was the appointing of judges for the various classos. Dr. T. ll. Little of Toronto, died of Smallpox last Thin-day. That. tho authoritins are able to cope with‘ this disease may be judged from the f;l('l that this is the lust death from small- pox in the city since 1538. The \‘filling \Vorkers‘ Mission Band Hirpose giving a social evening in the l):lSt-llivlit of the Presbyterian hurch on Friday, May 10th. gram is being prepared. mcnts served. All are welcome. silver collection at the door. A good pro- Refresh- A Men’s fancy straw hats. latest shapes. at 25, 33. 50. 750. and $1 ; men’s Canton hats at 12,-1.3 and 13c†good value. Atkinson 5; Switzer. Mr. C. C. Billings, who has been accountant in the llank of Ottawa, Toronto, Slllt'l‘ he left this place. has been promoted by the directorate, and leaves in a. tow days to assume the position of Manager of tho bank at Granby. in the proriuCe of Quebec. Mr. George Gm-mley of Unionvillc carried 011' second prize at the lorse Show in Toronto last week in the sweepstake ('luss. any breed. The prize was won by onc of Mr. Corm- fley’s draught teams. Rev. H. \Vellwood who has been taking a Post. Graduate Course in Diâ€" vinin at' Victoria t‘olh-ge, reel-ntly passed successfully in 13 subjects. He has been staying a, few days with his iat‘hor, liUV. N. \Yellwoud. at the 1).. r- souage. Epworth Ltagiu‘ lloll-t‘all' Service will he hrld on Friday evening. The topic is “ “hiking \\'ith Jo-ais.“ Eph. v.7 2. Those thinking; of enrollingr their names as uremia-rs~ ot thc Lezlqu- arc asked to be present. All are wel- Come. Mr. \V. Fisher, of the King City Green llollsos, Will be around as usual with tomato plants, (‘l-lnry plants, flowers. and everythintr in his line, Illr. Fisl‘o-r always has an exrellrnt assortment. Have your ordvrs ready and he \\ ill call on you in a few (lays. Fred lllcc, Frank lâ€"‘(utll-dge and Thus. Jones were on Thursday com- mittcd for trial by Magistrate Ellis on three charges each. namcly. robbing Ross' private bank in Aurora, robbing the post office at Aurora. and shading- thc trotting stallion Alloncer. all on the night of the 22llli2l1Â¥ily last. Mr. Arthur \Vhite, who came here from Markham {Ollt'tt‘r‘ll months. ago as junior clerk in the Stainlurth Bank, has lll'Pll transferrcd to (Huntington, and left, yosterday for that place. Mr. \Vhite was a gem-ml favorite. hrre, and will be much missed by his young friends. Rich- ' l Rev. A. J. Johnston. :1. student at Victoria University. spent over Sun- day with his brother, Mr. F. J. John- ] stun. l The Athletic Club nftho High St‘hnol ‘ are now open for challenges from Maple, vamarkct. Aurora. and the local team for bust-hall or football' matches. l Mr. T. n. Rania: utopia of Barrie Collegiatc Institutc. \isitl-tl on Salur- 3 day his sister, Miss lh-dditt, who was I taken suddenly ill, but is now gaining strength and is able to sit. up again. ' \ __‘â€"‘ '. ' V l '1 hat monthly mirror of the worlds ‘ news the lit-view of Reviews, covers in its May issue a great variety of ('nr~ rent political and industrial topics. in~ eluding the rel-rut municipal elections the Cuban and Philippine situations. the relations of labor to the, new stool trust. the threatenu-d war br-twern Russia and Japan, and England's enor~ mous war taxation. Mox’rnEAL. Doe. 1900. To the Pnlrlitnâ€"Your druggist is hereby authorized to rrfund the purâ€" chase price on a twcnlydirr or fifty cent bottle of Groone’s “'alrantod Syrup ot' Tar. ifit fails to cure your cough or cold. (Signed) The. Luster H. Greene Co. TllPlt‘ has born a slight (-hangnin the time. the mail cars roach here m't-ry morning, dating from 'l‘uosday of this wcck. These cars. which formerly crossed at Elgin Mills. now cross at Duncan‘s (-orner’s. a mile and a quarter south. The north mail now roaches here at. 8.10, and the mail from Toron- to at 8.20. Mr. Arthur (‘oombs and Mr. Arthur Doyle hit home at '2 p. m.. 'l‘hursdny, drove to the Holland Landing. m-tled 120 lins‘ ï¬sh in the Holland llivor. and arrived homo wit h their catch at 2 a. 1n. the nrxt morning. Many of tho- lishcs wore over a pound in weight. and the quality of those kindly left. :it THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce was excellent. Thanks 1 Cash is the e mi and ï¬nal adjustment ofa transaction.while credit isonly the beginning: ot‘an uncartain future settle- ment. \‘v'e sell for cash, and quot:- best kippvred her-rings, 100.: Madam 'l o r‘s toilet soap. Slc. box ; Remmnber l\‘ e. *i let soap. 3 for '50. : wash soda. 1230. lb. ; baking soda. 39,0. ; whitening 11,0. Atkinson Switzer. At. the auction Sale of thorough-bred wattle at Mr. “'11). Hhunk‘s. SherWoocL a short time ago. Mr. G. Gilroy. \thsl' farm is at. Gll-n Bnoll. near Brot‘kyillo. pllt't'lutst‘d live head. Two of thesi- have since been shippr‘tl to Prince Ed ward County. and another Holstein <'n\\‘, “ Sherwood Daisy." is now at the Pan-American Exposition. Buffalo. where it is expcrtcd she will give a good account of llt f. IMPROV CNTS. Reeve. Savage has been improving theappealance of his store and resi~ deuce by repainting the brick and woodwork. and by erecting a now ambulatm-y. the baluslrnde of which extends with the flooring several feet _ out. Mr. Alex. L‘iloodit- is’also retouch- ing: his storc and dwelling. and tin-rc- by adding greatly to its appearance. A. ant Swvdc turnip' seed, 1%. lb.: best ‘mangcl see-d. 18c. ; sugar lh‘t’l’, S. B. ltoyal Giant. 33::. lb. ; Steele-Briggs lo. and D. M. Furl-y’s garden seeds. Atkinson & Swim-r. MARRIAGE LICENSES. “'0 havc seen an Order-in-Cotmr-il from the Lieulenalit-Governor of On- tario. appointing David James, Esq.,of the village of Thornhill, township of Markham. an Issuer of Marriage Licenses in the room and stead of Mr. James Shuter. deceased. The appointâ€" ment. was made on the rec-onnneuda- tion of the Provincial Secretary. BASE-BALL MATCH. ' he ï¬rst baseâ€"ball match of the sca- son was played in the park on Tuesday aflvruoon bctwvru the High School and the \‘illago teams. The game was very close in the ï¬rst few innings and groat enthusiasm was manifest by the ardent supporters of the. teams. The ï¬nal score was 18 to 13 in favor of the village. Batteriesâ€"R. II, J. Glover, O. Ellston : H. 8.. R.Kcrswell,A.Lowe. The rcturu game will be played in the pal l; Tuesday next. ADDENDA. ' The Richmond Hill Horse Breeders‘ Association has donated a. purse of ."20 to be awardr-d to the got of Young Manquoeu} as follows: ll: st colt or ï¬lly fouled in ltllll, l‘ll-sl (-olt. or filly. 2 years’ old, $3. Bust L'UlL or ï¬lly, 3 ycars‘ old. .‘5. Swl-opstakeâ€"Best colt or ï¬lly, any ago, Messrs. John “'anless & (.‘o., Toron- to. have also donath for best (lis~ play or hors-‘s by any our exhibitor. The .‘1l;o\'e.~i\'.‘ards worn handed in after the prize lists were printed. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. This excellent school, with a regular stalf of ten experiencod ll'IU‘lll".‘.\' and its fine oquipmonl. will (‘nlllllllh' its practical work throughout the spring and summer months. To spend those months in Toronto is a great treat, l and when they can be used to so grout advantage, it is not surprising thati this school with its enviable reputaâ€"' [ion is well patronizud nz't only. hyl l l Canadians, but by many from tho Southern States, who‘rcgularly spend 1 the summer months in Toronto. Soc card in this issue. I l I _ ,,-,,_R___ __ | (‘redit is only a. temporary relief. It ‘; simply prolongs the agony. \Ve sell1 lfol-cash. and this week, grape nuts. 1 3 15c. ; Swiss food, He. : Jersey oats, ‘ 14c. ; Ralston's Health Breakfast Food, 14c. ; size 30 to 40 best California prim-s. 100. lb. : apricots, 150. At- . : kinson & Switzer. ‘ ' shocked by a frightful accident. 'BIBBY’S C EPVVORTH LEAGUE OFFICERS. The. following ofï¬cers were elected at the Epworth League meeting Fri- ' (lay evening: President. Mr. E. H. Sish y; 1st Vice-Pres. Miss M. Trench ; 2nd Vice~Pres.. Miss Edith Switzer; 3rd Vice-Pres. Miss V. Storey; 4th Vice-Pres, Mr. V\'. Trench; Secretary Mr. D. Dol‘l'y ; Treasurer, Mr. A. J. Hume; Organist, Miss Ida Glass. FATAL ACCIDENT. Residents of Aurora been Mr Ivan Peregrine, 18 years of age, was ha \‘e .rt-turning home from Toronto on a bicycle Monday fore-noon. when he was almost instantly killed by a Grand Trunk train when crossing the track a mile south of Aurora. He was the only Son of Mr. James Peregrine, and held a. osition in \Valton’s private bank. eceased was highly esteemed, and his untimely (loath is koenly felt by friends and acquaintanccs. Sym- pathy profound is felt for the. imme- diate rclatives. Eight bars Happy Home. soap for 25c. ; 8 bars Cameo son for 250. : 10 lbs. rolled oats for 250. ; 10 lbs. rolled wheat for 250. ; 6 lbs. best cookingr ï¬gs for 250. ; 5 lbs. best. tapioca for 250. ; 5 lbs. best Dutch rice for 250. Atkinson &;Switzer. CANADIAN MAGAZINE FOR MAY. The Canadian Magazine for May contains some excellent. material and the ï¬rstinstalmentsof l‘u'o11m1vsm-ials. Joanna E. \Vood writes of (‘harles AlgernonSwinburnewhom.leclaims. ls the greatest living English writer. The illustrations for this article are vory valuable. Another hmlutifully illustrated article is Katharine llale‘s “ Some Prominent Playt-rs †with pot- traits of Bernhardt, \Villard. Mans- ï¬cld. John Drew and others equally famous. Among the other contribu- tors of the mom h a re Professor Maurice .llutton. Professor .l. E. Dellossignol, lt‘. Clilford Smith. Agnes Deans (fam- t-ron. Agnes Maule Maehar, (‘harlos Gordon Rogers. F. Blukt- (‘xofton, Vima Sheard. Headon Hillâ€"all well- known nanu-s. PUBLIC SCHOOL Standing of pupils for April : IV. Classâ€"Karl Storey, 91%; Burt Sliney, 81: Olive Chamherlin, 78; Drum Brydon. 74; Herbie (llatfcy. 73 ; Kenneth Smith, '72: Jack Naugbton, 71 ; Ernest Smith. (59; Starr McMahon as; Jennie Clark, (if); Ben. Reddilrt, 59; Herman Dennison, 54; Li‘zzie Boyair, 42. Senior III.-Hazel Switzer. 83%: Frank McDonald. 82; Jessie Graham. 76‘: Alice Cooper. 73: Frank Boyle-.72: Nellie (lowie. 71; Jean Boyle, (it; Ellis I‘Viley, 60. Junior III.â€"Jennie Hicks. Emma Sisley, Lizzie. Lealess.‘ Keith Hill, Carmel Clal‘fey. Holmes Crosby.Frank llynett, Susie. Startup, \Vinnifred Hume, Annie Ker-swell. Senior llâ€"Donald Atkinsonfllurray Storey. Alex. McConaghy, Nora Mc- Mahon, Victor Brown. Fred. Sisley, Elsie Palmer, Muriel Brydon, Sadie Smith. Junior IIâ€"Peicy Hill, Louie Thorn- back, Cassie liil Marjorie Doyle, Hire Startup. Harry Naughton. Irene \Iarsh. Eva Hill, Lily Chamber-lit], Russel “'ilson. Mabel Vanda-burgh, Olive Mortson, Hazel Smith. Rilla Barker, Charlie Metcalf, Edna \Valder. MR. C. E. KYLE HONORED. Mr. C. E. Kyle, brother of Mrs. G. \Viley of this village, was on Saturday evening honored by his fellow travel~ lers who presented him with an atl- dress and an oil-painting Of himself handsomely framed. The following paragraph showing the high esteem in which he is held is taken from’l‘he Mail of Monday: “ Mr. Charles E. Kyle, the retiring president of the Commercial Travel- lers’ Association of Canada was en- thusiastically honored by his fellow- members on Saturday afternoon at the ofï¬ces of the association. 51 Yonge street. The presidl-nt-elect, Mr. M. C. Ellis, was in the chair, and on behalf of the association, read an address to Mr. Kyle, praising his business iutrcg- riLy, dignity. and business ability which had prompted his associates to elect. him to a seat on the Boaid of Management. then as second and tirst vice-presidentin turn, and ï¬nally as prcsident two years in succession by acclamation. Much of the progress of the association has been tlUI‘ to Mr. Kyle’s ability and rectitude, while his genial and kindly disposition has enâ€" deared him to all." ‘ The recipient acknowledged the adâ€" dress and the gift in a fooling reply. :Ll'tel' \Vllll'll other addresses eulogistit‘ of Mr. Kyle wure made by l’ust l'rcs» itlrnts and ()illol's. WWW WANTED â€" 'I'lll's‘l'W’Qlt'l ‘n‘x‘ MEX AND \Voluen to tl'lLVt‘l and IlllV.‘l'Il-.‘U {oroldesmh- lobed houseot sullrl inutowla: l':l1.lltlg. Salary :Tbuu yun- and t..‘L]" lots, an payulrlu in cash. No canvassing to. null. (v'l\'o rotorume and slump-d cuwlone. Ad- encloso sell-ll..ono~ »e: tllebfl Alana-gar. thon Hung. Linn-mo. 4192.3. North Toronto I'lfljie for sale GLUTEN MEAL ‘HORTS BEAN CORN CHOP . ‘ ALF MEAL, FLOUR, ETC. Entrust $3 than 35 to 47 Shaftesbury Ave. CG.) l l ’ l d ELEGAT MILLINERY â€"-ANDâ€"â€" LADIES’ NOTIONS. Our Millinery Department this season is- - Bright with Stylish Ideas. + Dressmaker’s Supplies Linings, Canvas, Dress Shields, Spool Silk all colors,Embroidery Silks, just the need of a summer hour. al‘ Men’s Suits To Order There is something be- sides stylish appearance in our clothesâ€"the woolens are of the very bestâ€"the linings and trimmings the sameâ€"stile Workmanship is pretty near perfectâ€"and . the ï¬t IS a ï¬t. A Price ? Just what they. are actually worth â€" no more, no less. Atkinscn £5 Switzcr 'Dlue Stone and Paris Green For Spraying. Pure Drugs and Patent. Medicines at Cut-Rate Pricel. Ozono small 35, large 67 tllouuas' Eclectriu Oil. 2 bottles for 25¢ {‘armr's Pills, 2 bottle for 25c t‘hasd’s Pills, 2 bottles for 250 Lil Ma's Camrmh Cure, 150 Chase's Uiul Luant, :ch L'llLLsc‘S Syrup Linse d and Turpentine 150 Piorce's Favorite Prescription 67c Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery 67c l’wrce‘s Pellets 150 Williams' Pink Pills (genuine) 350., 3 for $1 Dodu's Kidney Pills, :luc Dunn's Kidney Pills 35m. 3 boxes for 31 t’armeele‘s Pills 150 Burdock Pills'l5c Milhurn's Heart: and Nerve Pills 350., 3 for $1 Ayur's Hair Vigour. 650 Aycr's Sursupurulu 87c Ayer's Cherry Factor.†20, ~10 and D70 Hood’s Sursupurillu, 67c Paine’a Celery Compound ('70 Pratt's Emulsion. large "a, small 350 Many": Own Sony, 100., 3 cakes lur 250 3 lb her Snell Brand Custlln Soar) 250 Syrup Hypnphosphitcs 25 and 650 Eczema ointment. 25c Burdock Blood Bitters 650 A Magniï¬cent Calendar for each customer. 0. D. DANIEL 86 CO. VI’IKOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO ~ - Opp. Clyde Hotel Epsom Salts. 3c 1b.. 10 lbs. for 250 Sulphur, 30.1b., 9 lbs. {or 250. Gluuber Salts Sc lb, 10 11) for 25¢ Hesse'a Poultry Panacnu, 300. Hesse’s Instant Louse Killer 30c: Little's Sheep Dip McDougull’s Sheep DIP Cooper’s Sheep llip Elliott's Sheep Dip C()|I(lllfl.()ll Powders, all kinds Your own Receipts made up carefully from Pure drugs Hnlrin's English Condition Powders 26c Gilletb's Lye luc per cm, 3 for 250 Kendall's Spa.va Cure. 75¢ |leef,Irou and Wine (purelSOc Custol‘ia. 250 Selucl's byrun. small 250.,lftl'g0 500. Nostlc's Food 400 Pure Cod Liver 011250 Compound Syrup Wnite Plus 250, or 500 a. pint? David‘s Cough Balsam 250 Hyposulpt ct Soda. for Poultry 100 lb Neutt’oon Oil for Harness 350 1111.11: Canadian \‘l'nter-whibc coal all, equal to Ameri- can. [(30 a. gal Deering Horse Dump Bake Made in the following sizes.‘ 8% it, 20 teeth; 8%; ft. 26. teeth; 10% ft. 26 teeth; 10.;- it. 34 teeth; 12 it. 3+ teeth. _ Each rake made for one or two horses. Call Qt write asking for catzdogues of Deerng Harvesting Machinery to the undersigned. ‘ l’ACOB EYER (97 JL. SON RICHMOND HILL. .