Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1901, p. 1

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Bomodelled,nnd newly furnished throughout One of me most cuuveuiaut 'snd comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modem con- venience. Sa.mple rooms for commercial hravellors. Auideulstupping place for riding or driving pnrties.bicycli.~bs. or farmers going toot resuming from m‘arket. Electric oars pass the door. Livery ifironuectiuu. Oxfice Hours : p. m TERMS. $1.00 PER DAY. JOHN I'ALVH-IR. - VOL. XXIII. LIBERAL PRINTING I2 PUBLISH: RICHMOND HILL. 0:»T (s PUBLISHEI‘EVEHY THURSDAY L’TO RN Room 12, 121 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting tecth, also replating, at: lowest; prices. Good work. '1'. 11‘. MUMAHON. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE RIC HMIO ND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Vetm'iima‘jv Callege, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. Will visit. Maple on Monday and Friduy of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to. Diseuaes of homemcatble and other domesticat- ed anilunls treated by the latest and must ap- ploved methods. Oddfelluw‘s Bldg, Tel-unto, cor. Youge and College Sts., Toronto, Office :â€"Nc HULSE HOTEL, Calls lny day and night promptly at- tended to. VETERINARY SURGEON DR. T. A. CURRIE Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Cor. Eiim) ' :um szuiaaia Ave Toronto. very Accommodation for the trav- elling public. elephrme 3368 for appointment. Bipans Tabules cure flatulence Member College Physic ' Out Eallmough & Fichazd VETERINARY SURGEONS, 'I‘hornhill. $1 per annum, in advance.] H IVill be RIALP] 2E. THOROUGH LY REFITTED. RICHMOND HILL fiafflffm; _ DR. L. LAWRASUN, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL. BUSINESS CARDS . T. Mcfii‘ lroy, 22 $3211 Est-Met, B. DENTIST, 531:9 E’piheml \V x“ . Rogev s. D ufilsi , Emron 02 Pauvmmun in Richmond Hill every W ed nesdavy. .‘xt dour south of Public School. Wtcrinnw AT THE flieutnl. {WWW' inns and Surgeons, 10 a. 111.; 12 to 2 9 p. m. {\6 HOUSE NING Prop Eve accommodation to guests. Board, 31 per dn JAS. NEWTON Money to luau at 5 Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, 80c. Suite 77 :md 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victm ia Streets, Toronto. HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c. Is'suer ofIvZarriage Licenses. Licensed Auctioneer for the County or York. Generalsales of implements. turniturescanding timber. etc. .atteuded on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronagesolicited. P. 0. address Msnle Licensed Auctionear for the Counties of York and Ontario. All sales of farm stock. &c.. at- tended tn on the shortest notice and reasonabb rateq. Mortgage and beilifl' sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl'ville. Ont RIUHMOND ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E 34(%Il‘f NE [141458 SALEM ECKARDT. 168 Wellington Place, Toronto License Auctioneers to: theCounty 01 York ,re- spoctfully solicit, your patronage and friendly nflueuce. sales attf‘zdeq‘og the; shortest notice -_‘;» .flrfl - ‘__ .. “dawns: nu anda reasonaberx’alters. 17:6.uduress King Saigeon a; McEwen. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York Sales “tended to on shortest notice and at 1‘98- sonublerates Patronage solicited. A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. 2:; D. EEC" 'QUGALL THURNHILL Ban-islers and Solicimrs. Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. Aurora ofiiceâ€"Removed tothn old post 0310.). one door west of the entrance to the Oman-w Bank. v Newmarkeb (miceâ€"Three duors south of the p )3: mfice. T. HERBERT LENxox, G. S'IV. MORGAN. -3ur0ru.. Ne“ market COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, » etc. TORONTO OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. cur. Advlzude $ Victoria Stwots. Toronto. Licenséu Auctioneers lor the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock etc.l promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R. Gouldmg, Newton Brook, agent for Hm above. J. '1“. Saigeon. Maple‘ RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILI MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. "é: smas- East Toronto Office, Mr. Grant's residence. Woodbndge. every evening. Thoruhill.enoh Wednesday from 10 to 12. NOTA RY PUBLI C, Mr.‘ 000k will be afternoon DAVID JA M ES No Witnesses ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. 25 KING STREuT WEST, TORONTO C STOKES (Indoriakers 4&- Embnlmcrs, Representative for Fire and Life Insurance Companies. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. E7. émmw, MQéQE MWER” ENNOX & MURGAK RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE 158 me STREET EAST. TOBOSTO 3K . '1‘ 1C 113 WRICâ€" Eckzn-da «k P: malice Bunisturs, St. Stokes & J. I). Readman, OUMHISSIONER IN THE N. L‘. Smith 33mm. RICH M per cent LAWRENCE, at Maple on Thursday 01' ea ch week. tickers, (ion Blough. Essentiais, Unitv in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." {IL}... ONT BROS Telerhcne 2984 J. K. McEwen. Weston. FL IanN'rxcE Umouvme 0ND E1.“}_L, THURSDAY, MAY 9-, 1901 VD BLOUGH ONT. The “Yum-11's Canadian Histnrical Smitty, “'llhsk' sures-ssful enterprise in carryng out the Historical Exhibition held in June, 1:99, in Victoria Guilt-go, Tmmatu, lumighl lhmn so pimuiuently into public unlit 0, have undertaken an equally palliotiv task for May 23rd, Iimpile lazy, and the {we of the first mnm'i-‘rsary, since her death. of that; holiday so dear to all Canadiansâ€"the Quren’s Birthday. This seemed a fit- ting nrcasimx for the furtherance of the aim of the Snciety. \Vith u courage that should ensure success. they have seem-rd The Star for that date, and will assume charge \Vith u courage t success. they have for that date, and wi of the issue. They i interfering wiih its ing paper. to mall“ Numhcrto the Que on Canadian history . Liclvs the progress, development, and historic intcresm of the Dominion will be treated. The Historical Society has among its nwmbers many writers of ability, whose names me well known in many departments of litvruturo. art, and bright, llp-tU-(liltf‘ newspapers â€"-wonwn, the aim of whose work is not only to brighten, but to elevate. The (Jolmnittves for the (lifl‘erentdo- parlmvnts of the paper me beingr or- ganized, and :I. dotvuiled report of the personnel of each will be published shortly. ' But whilst their enemies are so 00- cupied. what are the missionaries do- ing P \Ve11183 of them have laid down their “NS, and, nmv wearing the 'martyr’s crown, are doing whatever the lcdeemed are doing bot‘ure the Throne. Of the reumiudvr who escap- ed, some came to the home land. but the [Diljfll'iLy are at the (Joust, stand- ing at. the (1001' ready to roe-outer and resume work as soon as permisSiou is given. And in the meantime what: \Vith u courage that, should ensure success. they have securvd The Star for that (late, and will “Ssume charge of the issue. They intend, while not interfering with its value as an even- ing paper, to make it a, Memorial Numhcrto the Queen, her influence on Canadian history, her love fur her fmm-ite m-luny. and an expressiun of theufl’ectinn of its people. In short, lright, paragraphs and half-column The proceeds ale to he devntod to the Memorial Hall Fund. inaugurated by the \Votnen’s Histmicnl Stat-iety, by which means may he pIUVided to erect a Mviiim-inl Hall to the int-nim-y (If the Queen. It will be the first of the like character t rectod in Canada. The in- timate connection of the Qtieen \Vtth C‘tnmlian history and the influence her lift’ and reign have had upnn the status of wmnen, imtke it fitting that such an effui-t should he made by \V o- mvn quid historical sucieties. Cun- ti-ilmtinns, manuscripts,“etc.. may he sent addressr-d. to Miss FitzGihhtm, anuriul Star Office, Toronto. \Ve anticipate nut only that the paper will contain much intvresting mailing, but that it will hun- such a wiale circu- lation that the Fund will he cunsitlur- ulvly uugnwntvtl. gun-bout. fm- px-utectiou, and in an uh- jectionuble manner thrust an objec- tionable religion down the throats of the Chinese. Now these charges and many more can be answered and an- swered fully, without uscxiliiug infal- libility to missionaries any more than to Luther men. ing at the (13:0? ready to I've-outer and resume work as soon as pex'lnisSion is given. And in the meantime What? The women have held :1 conference in Shanghai. presided over by} Lady Bluké; t1 The Memorial Star is to he‘issuvd llnderthe distinguished patronage of Miss Mowut (Hun. President), Lady Edgar (Past. Presidonl), Mrs. G. \V. Russ. Lady Taylor. Mrs.'Gu). Kerr, Lady Thumpsnn, Mrs. quwski, Mrs. Dingman and Mrs. Nm'dheimer. Advertisers who wish fur space in the. issuv, kindly address Mrs. J. A. Patel-son, Advertising Committee, the Star, Toronto. Blake, the wife of the Governor (if Hung Kung, in which they pmyed fnl‘ the Women of China, discussed their “was. and how best to relieve them. Thu. male missinnarivs alsu held cnn- frrences for prayer and Bible study, that they (the missionaries) might, be themselves spiritually quickened, and thereby China blessed. As cppmtun- ily offers, they send letters and mes- sages of sympathy and encmlrage- ment to the scattered and persecuted converts who remain. Is that selfish or vindictive ? Orin-rs are empluyvd gathering up. \Ve Wish the enterprise evm'y suc- cess, and that, the woman who have it: in hand may be rewarded by rearing a buildng which will he Hex-edit, tn themselvoszmd u snulce of pride to their city and Province. There. are in China a considerable number who have found congenial 0c- cupation since the outbreak, berating missionaries and depreciating their work. I have befure. me a little. bunk in which these charges areylllected and answered by a gentleman who lives in Shanghai According to their critics, these missionaries are selfish, living in luxury, without tact. and are vindictive. They overestimate the, number nf their converts, who, they say, profess cunversinn simply for the lneu‘esnnd fishes. They lutn 0n the th VVhom ‘Nifl Ye Serve.- A Memorial Number on s are employed gathering up, ', the story uf the massacres, )ic courage and luyzllty to Jesus of missionalirs and converts 1d the many intex-nntiuus of God's hand, delivering from dent/h those whose time lmd not come. It is sud, ln-nrt-rending, but. glorious. For exeupple, eighteen colporteurs about to go on a journey. were warned of the risk, but, said, “, \Ve 0'0 on a CD‘- porteur tnur, God’s will be done." Only four of the eighteen returned: Their homes were looted and burned, and their families exterminated. ’l‘hey who escufiwed did so after passing thiough Lerri ile priVations. The whole story will never be told, but enough to make us rejoice in the pow- er of redeeming grace. . \Vas ever any country more afflict- ed and more in need of sympathy than Canada to-day ? The terrible scourge of war is now succeeded by one of the worst fumines on record. In the two northern provinces of Shensi and Shamsi. crops have failed for the third time, and the situation is so despnrnte that it is said cunnnlmlism pre lllS amongst, them. In the past, Mission- aries have been their friends in times of distress“ but, now the Missionaries have been driven away by their own act. To The Editor of THE LIBERAL: While at the baseball match between the High School and the town team on Tuesday, the attention (if the writ- er was drawn to some members (if the High Sulmol nine, making use of epithets altogether out of keeping fur a. fliondly ball game. This very fm-uilnle language was not only spuken in the. presence of gentle- men, but also before ladies who were interested in the match. \Vhat In".th it appear more surprising to many was that the oifonders seemed not afraid of being overheard by the H. S. teachers whg were present. Let us not for this tum away from them 111 anger, but 1-11the1'say in c0111- Mr. L. Richardson and Mr. John Comulm‘ have been appoints-d by the Quarterly Board as delegates to the District Meeting in Elm St. Church, Toronto, Thanking you for your valuable space, Mr. Editor. I remain. Yours Truly, _ “ ONE \Vuo \VAs THERE. ’ RXCHMOXD HILL, May 8, 1901. passion, us the Master did,"Forgi\'e them fur they knnw not what they (ln.’ Thisiq the hour of darkness but the light will dawn. China. will be con- quered fm-(llnrist, and sutan will he slmrn of his kingdum and power. \th'em-e our sympathies? Whom slmll “'E serve. Respectahle [Half and women are not likely to watch any match, at any place, where talk is in progreSS simi- lar to that. used on Tuesday ; and if the High Schuul players Cam not learn to express their disuppointuwnts of defeat in a milder manner. they had better dissolve their clubs. ' On Tuesday afternoon of last \V0(k the pupils uf the Public School and ur number of friends gathered in the school mom where, a progmnnne of xeadi'ngs and recitatiuns was given by the pupils in a most, creditable style, and was followed by an address and presentation to their teacher. Miss M. annsbrough. who was leaving. The address \vasreud by Miss Lucy Ren- man, and the present, a handsome silver pie server, ()nrdm‘a pattern, with guld blade and in a fancy satin- lined bnx, was presented by Miss Ethyl Patlersm). A few kind words by some of the friends, and a fare-well song before the lust good-byes were suidJn-uught theitfternuun pI‘Ugl amine, tn :1 clnse. The fullmving are the names of the ofllce‘rs of the Epwm-th Lenuue elect- ed for the ensuing yemnâ€" mmrm-y President, Rev. 13‘. \V. Damn‘Pl-esi- dent, Mr. H. Gordon; lst Vice-Pres- ident, Mr. T. McCormack; 20d Vice- Px-esident, Miss J. Phillips; 3rd Vice- President, Miss Bel-tie Rupert; 4th Vice-President, Miss E. Rupert ; Cor. Sec’y. Miss A. Cmddock; Rec. Sec’y, Miss Daisy Suigeon; Treasurer, Miss Millie Craddock; Organist, Miss A. Umddock. Dr. T. Kirby, of Sault Ste. Marie, Mic-11., who has been taking a special course in a hospital in New York. is \‘isiting‘his parents and other friends. His wife-21nd little daughter are alsu expectetihex-e this week. Miss Etta, Richardson commenced herdutiesun May lst as teacher in Can-ville School. Rev. P. Currie of Beaverton, has been visitng for the past week at Mr. \V. J. Thm-burn’s. It is just about a ymu' and :t half siucv Miss Lmvnslvmugh came among us, and during that time she made many friends, and her pupils were much attached tn her. The good Wisth uf many follow her. Act as Gentlemen. Carrvnle. Maple R . P. M ACK AY. Junior IV.~â€"Mnudie Leo, Pearl Pear- son. Elsie Troyor. Svnim- III.â€"Juuu~s Fisher, Fred Mils‘s. Junior III.â€"VVilkie Bowes. Flora. Gnllnnd, Ethel \Vhitmm-e, Margaret. Stewart. Jesse Fm rell. Junior II.â€"â€"Tenn Vunderburrzh.Jesm School report for April : Senin'x- IV.â€"EIIII()1‘U Reumm), Goo. Miles, Edgar Bowes, Alonza. \Vutson. Lizzie Cooper. Junior II.â€"â€"Tenn Vnmlel~lnn-gh,Jes>'u Bmvcs, Albert Bmves. Putt II.â€"El]u. Realmul, Bert Evans. I’m-t Lâ€"Pryce Evans, Eddie Clarke, Ida Ulurké. Aggregate attendance 496. Present; every dayâ€"Lizzie Cooper, Fred Miles, Flora. Gollzmd, Ethel “’hitmox'e, Tuna Vanderbm'gh, Mal-y Gullzmd. amalgamation was finally completed on the 2nd of January. A statelxieni‘; of the aifairs‘of the Canadian Bank of Commerce after the amalgamation has now been issued, and discloses a, very strong position. In point of capital and reserve the bank now ranks fourth among banking institu- tions on the continent of America. It hash’l branches throughout Canada; 5 Branches in the United States, namer at New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland (0113.), Skagway (Alaska); and one in London, Eng- land, (i7 establishments in all. The acquisition of the London office is an important step in the progress of the bank. The bank’s transactions in sterling exchange in the United States and Canada each year amount to many millions of pounds, and the abilâ€" ity to handle this business through the bank’s own London office will re- sultin an important addition to the earning power of the bank. In many other directions also the interests of the two banks will be immensely ben- efi't‘ted liy‘ the amalgamation. 7ix-culutiun Deposits . All Other. . Capital . . . . . . . . . ' . R0391 v0 . . . . . . . . Undivided Profits The Bank’s Capital nuw Eight, Million Dulleus and Assets over Sixty- Three Millions. The following isva condensation the statementissued by the bank the. close of business on the Blst Junuzu-y : Office , . . . . , . . . . . . ‘ Investments . . . . . . . Lnuns and Discounts All other asst-ts . .7 .‘ WANTED â€" 'lRUSTWOR'I‘hY MEN AND Women to travel and advertise for old estab- lished house of Solid financial standing. Sularv 9760 u ycnr sud expenses, all payable in cash. N: canvassing required. Give reference and euclnbc self-mldressml stamped euveloue. Ad- dress Munager.355 Caxton Bldg. Chicago. 42-26 CANADIAN BANKOF COMMERCE Cash, Gold Bullion,Bemk- el's’ Balance-s and Ba]- z'mge due by London Resufils m ank, Amalgamafian The negotiations for the purchase uf the assets of the Bank of British Qulumhin by the Canadian Bank of UmnnleI-ce, an announce-numb respect- ing which was made some months ago, have been carried tn a. successful con- clusion. A thorough examination of the affairs of the Bank of British Unlumbia was made by the officials of the UanaHinn Bank of Commerce, and this proving entirely“ satisfactory the imppir Highest d21in attendanceâ€"'42. E. J. E. JOHNSTON, Teacher. Completes the Purchase of the Assets of the. Bank of Brit- ish Columbia. MAGER’S MILL, GEOPPING [Single copies, 3 cts. mil )llf: Concord. LIABILITIES Tgnn Vumiel'burthesru “my day of the wee‘ at vi! SETS of Richmond Hi $ 53.498, 203. 58 $63,833,446JJ9 $63.833,4-16.UU for month $ 9,095,934.47 10,822,507.29 42.492.985.80 $ 5,299,931.00 ,000.000.01 ) .000,000.00 335,212.51 1,422,018 2,442,519.06 No 45 of

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