VOL. XXIII. « one gram " IS PUBLISHEDEVEBY THURSDAY MORNINGI AT THE l LIBERAL'PRJNTING 11 PUBLISHING House! RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘. T. F. McMAHON EDITOR it Psornmron. I ~â€"_..____v _’ BUSINESS CARDS. iiihiimi. DR. L. LAWRASON, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. RICHMOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours: 8 to 10 :1. 111.; 12 t0 2 p.111.; 7 to S) p. 111. L m spatial. \‘I no. Rogers. Dcvxt‘ts’v, Room 12, I'll, Victoria. St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting tetth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. T. A. C U II. IIIE, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow’s Bldg, Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every \Veduesday. Oï¬ice :»Next door south of Public SchooL Br. W. Cecil Trotter, E. 3., DENTIST. Cor. Bauer and Sputum: Ava, Toronto. Telephone 3368 for appointment. m airteriuary TT. Mohlrbyf VETERINARY SURGEON â€"AND_ VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHNIOND HILL, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School. W111 visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to :1 p. in. Calls promptly attended to. Diseases of horses.cnt1.le and other domestich- ednnimnls treated by the latest and most ap- proved methods. Gellenaugh Se Richards VETERINARY SURGEONS, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. PALMER HOUSE. RICHMO ND HILL. Bemodelle(l,antl newly furnished. throughout One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Aniilenl stopping place for ï¬ling or driving pul‘ties,hiCyclistS, or farmers going to or returning (ram market. Electric curs pass the door. Livery in connection. 'runus $1.00 PER DAY. JOIIN I‘ALHER, - HULSE‘ OTEL, DIAPIJE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Prop Rlpans Tabules cure flatulence. e_ .illlliciiil, mâ€"fg; SKEAES 55.321131. Bartislers, Solicitors, «$0., 25 KING STliE!-.T WEST, TORONTO. East Toronto Ofï¬ce, Mr. Grant‘s residence, \‘Jomlhridre, every evening. Thornliill.cucl1 Wednesday from 1010 12. ’ I ] AS. N E‘VVTON I 155111-211 MARRIAGE LICENSES, lEr_.(s11N suicides DAVID J A M ES ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. THORNHILL ONT. No Witnesses. ’I‘elel 116116 298 A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, lie. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. Money to loan at per cent. LIBERAL Oilice, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. BE . '1? ET. is" 1.‘ 19“}7 . Noiranr PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH C URT OF JUSTICE, &c. 0 l 1, ‘ “Hr ' :A ~ 4 Iss or of Mama :6 lineages. RICHMOND [JILL POST OFFICE. LEN N? ' {scram Barristers and Solicitors. Money to loan on hind 11nd 921:1 Ltel mortgages at lowc~t1utcs. Auroraofliceâ€"Rmnoved to the old post 0570.3 " of the entrance to the 0. Newmarket nl‘ncc p Jst oviicc. T. Hnnnnn'r LENKOX, G. STV. MORGAN, Aurora. Newmarket ,, “r, _ A. ,, _-_ ._ , COOK 51 MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. ’I‘ORON'I‘O OFFICE: Freehold Loan Building. Cor. .Atdelaulet‘lcr Victoria. Streets, Toronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY "O LOAN AT 5%. â€"".l‘liree doch south of the SALEM l‘lCXARDT, 1C8 Wellington I’luco, Toronto. Eckurelt & Prentice J. H. Pnnnrxcn Unionvulo Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales at stock ctc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G.R.Goultl1ng, Newton Brook. agent for the above. C STOKES Stokes & Blough. License Auctioneers for the County of York,re- Spectlully solicit your patronage and friendly D BLOUGE nï¬uence. soles attended on the sLortest notice and a rcxisonoberntca. P. 0. address King J. T. Saigeon, J. K. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigon“ & McEwen, Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Saleslrttended to on shortestnotice end at reuâ€" soneblerntes Pntronagesolicited. .I. II). Headman, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Genemlenles of implements, inrniturestanding timber. etc. .nttended on the shortest notice and (Lt reasonable rates . Putronegesoliclted. P. 0. address Maple 11-}. Smith, Licensed Auctione 1r for the Countles of York 11nd Ontario. All sales of farm stock, &c., at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgage and bailiff sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl’ville. Ont WRIGHT BROS, Undertakers & Eluhalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHII.L A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Representative for Fire and Life Insurance Companies. RICHMOND HILL. ON‘JZI E. Esteem {his noses... 15S KING STREET EAST. TORONTO accommodation to guesti. Board, .1 per do Eve “In Essentials, Unity; in N07:- RICHIIOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 30, IOOI. Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†.. i. -.1 .. .r .. . ....». VICTORIA DAY AT RICHMOND HILL. IThe Fair Injured by the Rain. Two days lit-fore the 21111 prospects were never brighter for a large attendâ€" ance and a large number of exhibits for the Fair. It is tiue nearly every day brought showers (1f1'21in, but those most interested retained their hopcfub ness until the morning of the Fair. Then the most hopeful were doomed to disappointment as it was quite- ovi- dcnt. that little pleasure could be had in walking around through mud and Wet grass. But notwithstanding the rain it was surprising to see the. large. number of entries in horses, cattle, poultry and other exhibits. The horses, especially the heavy classes, made. a ï¬ne display, and the cattle were also a credit to the exhibitors. The speeding was called olf early in the day, as it was impossibh- 1‘111- horses to trot on the muddy track. Four teams, viz., Ellesmere. Don. Maple- Leafs of Scarboro, and Locust Hill Clippers competed in the football conâ€" test, which terminated in a victory for the Locust Hill Clippers. During the afternoon the Newmarkot Citizens Baud, under the direction of Band- master McDonald, rendered a good programme of excellent music in the Agricultural Hall. \Ve might special- ly mention the operatic selections from “Martha†and “Bohemian Girlâ€: the aria. “Death of Nelson,†solo by Mr. Scott; and Mozart’s Gloria and Twelfth Mass, all of which were Well performed. The merry-g1n-mund was one of the attractions of the afternoon and considering the wet day was \vell patronized. An account of the. conâ€" cert in the evening will be found on another page. The prize list, about $400, will be paid in full, though the receipts were. not nearly up to the ex- penditure. The following is the p11ze list : HORSESâ€"IMPORTED D RAUGIIT. Stallion aged, Richmond Hill Horst- Breeders’ Aesociation. CANADIAN DRAUGHT. Stallion aged, J. Teeson. Stallion 2 years old, \V. J. \Vells. Stallion ] year old, Moses Hemingway; Wm. Beatty. Brood mare, T. H. Legge. Filly or geldingB years old, J. \\'. Listead; T. H. Legge. Filly or gold- ing 1 year old, T. H. Legge; \V. J. YVells. Team of horses, Robt. Rid- dell; Albert VVeIls. Colt or ï¬lly foal- ed 1901, by Young Macqueen, T. H. Legge. Colt or ï¬lly 1 year old by Young Macqueen, T. H. Loggia. Colt or ï¬lly 2 years old, by Young Mac- queen, W. J. \‘Vells. lolt or ï¬lly3 years old, by Young Macqueen, T. H. Legge. Colt 01- filly any age by Young Macqueen, T. H. Legge. GENERAL PURPOSE. Filly or gelding 3years old, David Lynett: W. Copeland. Filly 0r geldâ€" ing2years old. David Lynett. Span of horses, L. Rogers. AGRICULTURAL HORSES. Filly or gelding 3 years old. Frank Nichols; Harvey \Vells. Filly o1- gelding 2 years old, T. H. Legge. Filly or elding 1 year old, “I. J. Wells; F. ill. Span of horses, Wm. Lloyd; Wm. Ornierod. J UDGESâ€"J . Torrance, Uriah Marsh, P. McCalIum. CARRIAGE HORSES. Stallion 2 years old, Ellis Bros. Stallion 1 year old, F. \Villson. Filly or gelding 3 years old, IV. Folliott. Filly or gelding 2 years old, R. J. Mc- Laughlan ; Richard \Viles. ROADSTER HORSES. Stallion aged, Milton Stong; W. Smith. Stallion 1 year old, Moses Hemingway: I. Devins. Broodmare, W. H. Mortson & Sons; T. Read. Filly or gelding 3 years old, David Lynett; Harvey Wells. Filly or geld- ing 2 years old, Milton Stong; \V. R. Lane. Filly or gelding 1 year old, Thomas Lloyd ; Harvey \Vells. BLOOD HORSES. Stalhon aged, Thomas Valentine. HORSES. Single carriage horse, Thos. Palmer ; I, Devins. Span of carrier 9 horses, Thos. Palmer. Single roa ster, Dr. F. J. Gallanough. Saddle horse, \V. E. Stoddait: I. Linton. Boy rider, Wye Pugeley; Bertflopper. Single driving ony. J. E. Morton. Span of ponies, . L. Hartman; J. T. Saigeon. JUDGESâ€"Wm. Doherty, F. A. Jacques, W. R. Armstrono. Gentleman’s turnout, r. F. J. Gallanough. Best display of horses, T.H.Legge. GAMES AND SPORTS. Foot race, 200 yards, 0. Graham ; J. E. Gibson. Foot race, 100 yards, 12 years and under, Starr McMahon ; Norman Carlisle. Football match, IocqstHillClippers. (CATTLE. Durham bull, 1 and 2, J. & \V'. Bus» sell. Durham cow. 1 and 2, .I. and \V. Russell. Durham hoil'or, I and 2, J. 8; \V. Russell. Grade cow, David Good- erhum ; Thus. LIIIlfHHl. Grade heifer, John Brilliuger. Dairy cow, 1 and 2, Dav1d (i()(1tl(‘lllillll. Joiscy cow, Thus. Ludford: H. F. lloppor. Ilolstoiu bull, Tllos. l’almvr. Holstein cow, 1 and 2, l)1vid Guodorlnun. Holstein heifer, David Gooderham; Thomas Palmer. Hereford Bull. 1:111112, \Vm. Glarkson. Hereford cow, \V. Clark- Son. lien-ford heifer, 1 and 2. “"111. Clarkson. lord of inilr'h cows, David Gomh-rl’ium; Thos. Lndford. Herd of Durhams, J. A: W. Russell. Fat ox. steer, (‘o\vorl1eifo1', 1 and 2, J. 8: \V. Russell. JUDGESâ€"(ion. Forester. Geo. Keith L. L. Hartman, J. \V. Bi'eakey. S\\'INE. Boar, large brood, L. lingers: David Gooderhum. How, large breed. 1 and 2, L. Rogers. Boar. 'l‘amworth, Bert Hopper. Sow, Tamworth, 1 and 2, Bert Hopper. .IU1JG19sâ€"L71-ial1 Marsh, Robert Rid- (loll. {’0 [7 LT ItY. Light Brahmas. land 2, Hoover & Nighswander. llorkings, G.Go11nley. \Vhite Leghonis, Hoover & Nighs- wander: G. d; J. Lawrio. ‘il’()\VIl Imghorns, lend 2, lloover 8: Nighs- wander. Buff Leghorns, G. .I.La.wrie. Barred Plymouth, 1 and 2, Hoover 6; Nighswander. \Vhito Plymouth, Jos. Cousins; G. J. Lawrio. Bull' Cochin, G. J. anrie. Partridge Cochin, G. J. [.awrie. Silvrr Spangled Hamburg, Hoover& Nighswander. Black Min- orcas, (i. J. 1.:1w1-ie. “'yamlottes, 1 and 2, G. J. Lawrie. Bantam, G. J. Lawrie; David Gooderham. Duck and drake, G. J. Lawrie. Pigeons, C. Legge. J U1)GESâ€"Ger)1 go Suddaby. t DAIRY PRODUCE. Best 10 lbs. butter in lb. rolls, Mrs. John A. \Vulker. Best 10 lbs. butter in crock, Mrs. John A. \Valker. Best 10 lbs. butter in ‘2. lb. rolls, Mrs. John A. \Valker. Best 10 lbs. butter 1115 lb. rolls, Mrs. John A. \Valker. Best 5 lbs. butter in lb. rolls, Mrs. John A. \Valker. Host 6 lbs. butter in lb. rolls, Mrs. John A. \Valker. Best 4 lb. loaf homo-111:1(le brutal, \Valter Eyer. Best batch of biscuits, Geo. Padget. JUDGESâ€"Miss II. II. \Viley, Mrs.W. R. Proctor, David Scanlon. ‘M ICCH ANICS‘ :MANUFACTURES. Harness, Geo. McDonald. Boots and shoes, R. Sivcis. Furniture, P. G. Savage. GRAIN. FRUIT, ROOTS, ETC. Eating apples, \Vm. Thompson; Bert Hopper. Cooking apples, Miss L. Thomas; H. F. HoppeI. Fall wheat, 1 and 2, Geo. Padget. Spring wheat, 1 and 2, Geo. Budget. Six rowed barley, Geo. Padget. Baxter’s six .rowed barley, Geo. Padget. \Vhitc oats, 1 and 2, Geo. Padget. Black Oats, 1 and 2, Geo. Padget. Large peas, Geo. Padget. Potter peas, Geo. Harrington, A. Padget; David Gooderham. Early potatoes, Richard Wiles. Late pota- toes, Richard \Viles. Turnips, \Vm. Thompson. C‘u-rots, Harvey \Vells. Canned fruit, Be1t Hopper. Catsup, Bert Hopper. \Vine, Bert Hopper. JUDGESâ€"GEO. Keith, J.\V.Russell. LADIES’ \VORK. Painting on china, Louisa. B. Fisher. Painting ‘_or1 plush, etc., Mrs. Thos. Smyth; Miss L. Thomas. Painting on satin, etc., in oil, Miss VVillmott; E. McVean. Hand-painted placques, Louisa B. Fisher; E. McVean. Col- lcction of fancy work, Mrs. T. Smyth. Embroidery on bolting cloth or muslin, Miss \Villmott; Louisa B. Fisher. Embroidery 011 cotton or linen, Miss \Villmott; Louisa B. Fisher. Eccles- iastxcal embroidery, Mrs. 'l‘. Smyth; E. McVean. Silk or satin embroidery, Miss \Villmott; E. McVeau. Flannel embroidery, Miss \Villmott; Vean. Eastern e111broide1'y, E. Mc- Vean; Miss IVillmott. Embroidered centrepiece, Miss \V'illmott; Louisa. 13. Fisher. Embroidered Doylies. Mrs. T.anth ; Louisa. B. Fisher. Honiton lace, Mrs. T. Smyth; E. )Ichzin. Point lace, Miss \Villmott; E. Mc- Vean. Battenburg lace, Miss \Vill- molt; E. McVean. Knitted lace, Miss \Villmott; E. McVean. Modern lace, Miss \Villmott: E. McVean. Crochet work. Louisa. B. Fisher; Mrs. Thos. Smyth. Netting, Miss \V‘illmot; Florence Clubine. Totting, E. Mc- Vean ; Louisa B.Fisher. Queen Anne Darning. E. McVean. Table. mats, Miss \Villmot; Louisa B. Fleher. Toilet mats, Louisa B. Fir-I101". Out- line wurk. Miss \Villmott; E. Mc- Venn. Table scarf, Louisa B. Fisher; , E. McVean. Photo frame, Miss \Vill- mott; Lou1sa B. Fisher. room screen, Louisa B. Fisher; L. McVean. Slippers, Louisa. B. F1sher; E. McVean. “’hisk holder, Miss “’illmot: Louisa B. Fisher. Hand- kerchief holder, Miss \Villmot; Louisa B. Fisher. Tea cosey, Miss Vv’illmot. Pin cushion, Miss E. McNair; Lo1plsa: ‘. c- B. Fisher. Sofa cushion, Miss Nair; Louisa B. Fisher. Five o’clock U E. Mc- . Drawing- . Mmâ€" len Cloth. Miss \Villmol : E. McVean. Tray cloth, Miss \Villmotï¬l‘}. Mcâ€" Voan. Mantle drape, Miss \Villlnol’; Louisa. B. Fisher. Fancy drape, Mrs. T. Smyth: Miss “'ilhnot. llcm stitching and drawn wo1k. Miss \Vill- molt; Louisa B.Fisher. Drawn linen, Louisa B.Fisht-1-; Miss McNair. Fancy wool knitting, Louisa B. Fisher: Miss Thomas. I’imrt- work quilt, E. MC- Vean. Fancy quilt, Miss \Villmot; Mrs. T. Smyth. Fine hand sowing, E. McVoan; Mrs. 'l‘. H111y1h. Best. made garment, Louisa B. Fisher; E. Mchm. (‘olloct-ion of embroidery, Louisa B. Fisher. Collection olnct- ting. E. Mchan. Collection of lace, E. McVoan. Collection of drawn- work, Laura B. Fisher: E. Mth-an. (lolloclion of doylies, Louisa B. Fisher; E. McVean. JI'IKII‘ZSâ€"JIISS Phoebe Lloyd, Miss Ida Clark, Mrs; \V. R. Proctor, Miss I{. H. \Viley, Miss T. M. Rutherford, Miss E. A. Elliott, Miss Lottie \Vald- rou, Miss Jennie lt111ane,-I\Iiss M. L. Ludford. Collection of stamps, Douglas Derry; Starr McMahon ; Miss Thomas. \VR [TING AND DRAiVING. Copy book by boy under 15, Herbert Clal'fey; John Naughton. Copy book by boy 12 years, Starr McMahon; Ernest Smith. Copy book. girl under l5,0I-111a B1ydon; Jennie Clark. Copy by girl l2 years, Maggie Cosgrove; Hazel Switzer. Drawing book by pupil under 15, Herman Dennison; Kenneth Smith. Drawing book by pupil 1'). years, Frank McDonald: Jessie Graham. JUDGESflDI'. Langstafl’, Mr. R. A. Farquharson, Mr. F. J. Johnston. .â€"â€"â€"- C arrville . The unfavorable weather had a. very dampening effect on the spiriis of the village people last. week, and many were the disappointments among the young folks who always look eagerly forwaul to the 24th of May. But like good sensible people they decided “just to make. the best of it," and succeeded fairly well. Mrs. Thos. Cook, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Geo. Wood, went to Toronto on Friday and remained until Saturday with her son at his home in East Toronto. Mr. Ernest Gibson and Miss Alice Moule of Toronto, spent the holiday with the family of Mr. Jas. Baker. Miss Edith Deadman, who has been spending several months with relatives in Fleshcrton, is at present staying with her aunt, Mrs. Geo. Bowen, where she will. probably remain dur- ing the sunnner. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Coombs of New~ market, were visiting at Moorwood Farm on Saturday with the former‘s sister, Mrs. Jas. Baker. Mr. Philip Lillie came up from To- ronto on Thursday and remained with his family until Monday at Hillerest Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. I. Snider and Miss Snider of Maple, spent Sunday with Mr. A. Prentice of High Hill House. Mr. Frank Johnston of Fisherville, was the guest of Miss Maggie \Vood 011 Friday last. Mr. L. Diceman and Mr. W. Bowen of 'l‘eston, were visiting friends in the village an Sunday. Mr. P. McCarthy and wife spent last Fiiday with Mr. and Mrs.M.B1-illingcr of Toronto. Mr. \Vatson, Miss Beatty and MiSS Sherman of Toronto, have been holi- daying at. The Elms, the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. \V. Cook. Mi. \\'ill Baker spent Sunday with his friend Erastus. On Tuesday morning as Master Stanley Tyndall was unloading milk from his wagon into the car at Carr- ville corner, his horse became unman- ageable and attempted to runaway. No milk was spilled, but the wagon was considerably broken, and after a few repairs by Mr. Ford, the newly- established blacksmith, Stan. was able to go on his was rejoicing. â€"--â€"â€"â€"0 Victoria Square Dr. Spulding and Miss JeSSic Brown of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. S. M. Brown. Miss Hattie and Bella Thirsk of T0- 1‘onto, are.no\v spending a. few holi- days at home. Miss J. McDonald and Miss I. New» ton of Richmond Hill, spent Sunday with Miss Lover. Mastm Charlie and Hettie Querric of Parkdale, spent the 24th with Mr. and M rs. \V. Frisby. \Ve were all glad to see Mr. Lawson back in his own pew on Sunday, Most of the girls around here are anxiously waiting for the picnic on the 15th of June. Buggies and wagons can be painted at “ reasonable prices " at L. Row- botham's. Mrs. Bernham of beridge, is spend- ing a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. Luriuu. The Ladies’ Auxiliary had a quilting bee last Tuesday, and proved to be quite a sue-cuss, ‘