V_____. New Advertisements. ('liirngc- Imperial (Iii t'o. New Advil (‘ Au 1' A; Mi Cl 113‘ ALlJllr-rll .v Swrt’er. til. ï¬lo: §ihtt’ 'Rlclntoxtr HILL. .liiire lilo] Some of the county papers whose editor‘s should be given credit for bet- ter judgment have been circulating a report, merely on the strength of a rumor, that llou. \Y. W. Ross was. likely to contest. East York iii the ‘Liberal interests for a seat iii the Oii~ tario Legislature. The Premier flat- ' ly contracts the report in the follow- . ing words: "There is rro truth whatever in the -.‘rumor that I purpose to allow myself ~ to be nominated for the East Riding . of the County of York as a candidate for the Legislative Assembly. My connection with West MltltllCSt‘K has . been so agreeable and pleasant and has extended over so long a period that I have decided if satisfactory to the Liberal party, to stand for that riding at the next election. No doubt. East York, which has been represent- .ted in this House for the last to terms : so ably and so worthin by Mr. John V ' Sunririerfeldt »- liekardt m that ,saiiie only on order of a noun 'illoi ll'tizltl overseer. That only ill. 12., l. {and 1.5‘ iiitlr pipes be sold li-priyaiv patties. and that Mr. (hove reel-iv . Hie. per hour for time actually spt-iii ‘ iii delivering the said pipes: that in pipes alrme 15‘ inches be delivered ex- erpt on orderot' ('tllllltflllttl'. and that the seal of the Corporation he attach- vd hereto. Hi the clerk be authorized to add the l‘ollou int.r naiires to tlreassessinent toll .â€"\V. .l. “:tl‘llt‘s‘, ('Ull. 3‘ ii. ltll 20. FriZlWll; .la‘. Stacey. con. 8. lot ti, $270M; Beriiart. (‘oakwelL ('till. it \\', lots 3 and 4.:ï¬tiillltl: Mrs. Mary Hamilton, eonll \\', lot .‘lH, $100. lick;ii'dl~â€".\lorrison “that the mover tllltl .\lr. Sisley he i-oriitiiissioiii-is to build a new bridge l)(‘l\\'(‘l'll lots .3 and ti. con. 2: also that Mr. Sisley be con. iiiissioner' to repair bridgi- opposite lot Iii, run. 3. also that Mr. Hislt-y be com» inissioiii-r to repair bridge bet ween lots tilt and Ill. ('on. .3 at. Aliriira: that [lit tii(i\'el' and All“. Geo. Let-k he coiiiiriis- siorrersto bitild new bridge opposite lot 1“, (Ttlll. 3, also that the inert-i am: Mr. Sisley he roinrrrissioneis to repair bridge at lots 11) and 11, con. 1. arm arid that the several amounts bi- pay ahleoii the order of the eoiiiiiiisdoir eis. Hirmnrerfeldt â€"~ Eckardt â€"~ that the tl'eas. pay l‘l.\\'isirrer $6 for equalizing ’ _ :issessirieiit between Markham. ltiiig- wood, l'irioirvill“. Stouli'tille and \Vlritchiirelr l'riioir schools: also \Val- ter Scott $4.00 for equalizing Union School Sections lietWeeir 'l‘ownslrips oi Mar klraiii and Vaughan and Village ol‘ Richmond Hill. Hisleyâ€"Mort'isoir.â€"t hat. I he treas. pay .' Fl isby Bros.- for operating~ Road .\la- ciriiie as certiï¬ed by t;\'t‘l‘St't‘l'\‘ for ltliij days. $103.75. tiltichardson, will ï¬nd a capable stan- dard-bearer should Mr. Richardson lie disposed to retire." Were there a vacancy the Liberal party could have. no higher honor bc- zetowed upon it than to have 11011. G. W: Ross for its candidate. Nothing sis to be gained, however, by circula- ting such a rumor without substan- foundation. . . ‘A Writer in the Evening News Of V $aturday contended that butter-trial;- crs front the eountry are giving light“. 'weight. It is said that a delivery afreccntly made from Newmarkct weighed only (30 lbs, although there .were 63 lb. rolls, and each roll sup- ; posed to contain a pound. Those ‘ who sell butter should be careful to give full weight. not only because it ,is right to do so, but because the In- nspector has a legal right to conï¬scate what is found to be light iii weight. This has often been done to the dis grace of the butter-maker. Every .care should be given, not only in the .nranutacturc of butter, but also in giving good weight. M England does not take kindly to the proposition to favor the British Colonies on trade lines. A few days ,ago in the House of Commons :1 reso- lution was introduced rte remit one- tlrird of the duty on sugar imported trout the Colonies. The proposition .was voted down by arznajority of ever 300 to 16. There can be no harm iir Canadians expressing a“ nvish that England would grant a preference to this «country, but as we are not in a position to compel the Mother Country to take such a step ,it would not be wise-to‘losetnuch‘ sleep over the matter. I l I Markham Council. The Township (‘ouircil met at ’Vie- Ktinria Hall, Unionville, on Tuesday. .lh‘th inst. Members all present. the .reeve iii the chair. Minutes of last 3 meeting read and confirmed. A coiiririunication was read from I). l :lfeaton, Clerk of Pickering. notilying ' the Council that. Pickering had tirade i a grant of $15 to be expended on the ’ .townline at 3rd eon. provided Mark-l thain grant a like amount. I Orville Kestcr claimed he was arse:- assessed for dogs. .‘ Summerfeldt~Morrison â€" that the ‘ treas. pay \Vnr. Beyd $2 for cleaning out ditch. opposite lot 29. coir.9. I l‘lekai'dthorr-isorrâ€"that the treas. ‘ rpay the followiqu damages for sheep ' worried by (legs~â€"'l‘lr~:rs. l’alnier. $1. Sisleyvâ€" Morrison â€" that the treas. “ ‘pay Hartsiirgton Bros. $74.02 being amount in full for all iriatei-ial t‘iiriiisii- ml the municipality up to June 17th. Eck:trdt--Sitiniiiei-feldl--that a grant of and he tirade to gravel the road win pirsitv‘ l: C: til LU iii. NHL 1“. [‘l'tni ling {he ratepayers iii the Division do :i like amount giatis.the reove :iiid Mulliidu- \1‘ll. I.-oiiiiiiissiotiets L lCckardt~ .iislev r -tlr:rt the treas. p.rv ‘\\'. . . llthlH . -33“? i‘lll' \72 ft't‘t t'trli- ii-utu p‘p , sixes l U rr lt‘ï¬â€˜rn I‘ll inches, liekardt â€"~ Striirriierl'eidt i that a grant of $16 be made to drain the road opposite lot 2‘.) ill ll'tlr eon. providingr tlreruttt'pztl'rt's it: lint division :‘raw lllt‘lllt‘ gratis: alid tht‘t Adair: lit-ll be entiririissioiier to expend the :‘(llll". Sisleyâ€" Morrison ~â€"_-t.-l‘..t'. the sons:- x-‘piirz he placet: L‘. :«h‘l' llrtst'ai'e of Mr. flos. Grove, and that 'lredeliver the .son & Switzer. - \vere struck by lightning during,r the? i‘viorrisonâ€"Suiirnreri'eldt~tliat when this (‘oltncil adjourns it stands tid- journed until July 10th next. Sllllllllt‘l'i‘Pltllâ€"ECKHl'tll~71llilil treas. pay the following accounts 2â€"â€" U. l“, \Vhite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 A. McPherson . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Z UU Uni-son N Son . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :5 8t; John Paterson... . . . . . . . . . 4 {in John Litrte it) Mr. Grt‘vc entered into air agree» irierrt with the Council to sell the inun- icipalily all the gravel under water on condition that the Council drain the SillllC. SHll)Illel'ftlldtrâ€"SlSlt‘y--liii)L tl.e reeve and Mr. Morrison he coirrirrissii tier-s to stake out and drain Jos. (iii-or e's grav- el pit on lot. 16. iii 51h eorr., anriruiit payable on their order when work is completed. Sisleyâ€"Mol'riso11â€"1.er t. the treas. pay JUs. Grove $5.00 for gravel tui iris-tied this municipalityâ€"51)yardsulor-senei piping. Sisleyâ€"Sunrincrfeldt that Mr. A. Mel’lrersonhe appointed caretaker of i the Wheel turnpike shovel, he to charge ' and collect 50c. per day for all except Townshin cr'rtrtractors, who shall pay i bUe. per day for .crr‘crtime : llre ear-e- ' take-r to be paid $2.00 per year for his ‘ servrees. Mcï¬ News Notes. e Mr. (Y. J. MeCabe, Toronto. has been upptlllllrd chief surro ate clerk of this province in the place ol the late Hon. A. S. Hardy. Ladies‘ trimmed duck skirts. navy with plrite spots. $2; baby’s musl.n and pique hats aird bonnets, 30, 50 arid ,... lath Mr. Charles Patterson. clerk of the township of King. died at his residence, King City, on Friday, 21st inst. L‘e- ceased was 4.3 years of age. Best tapioca, 51¢. per lb. ; Rangoon rice, Je. ; brightlndia rice, ï¬lm; Japan rice, 6:; .; golden dates, (in; extittl prunes, 4.‘_.e.; extra quality ï¬gs, 4.4.: extra good dried apples, 4&0. Atkin- Fotir children at Penetanguislrene Atkinson &Switzer. ' 4 storm Saturday evening. They Were. stunned, but not. seriously injured, al-. though the boot was torn from one of the children’s feet. A dog lyingr treat- them was instantly killed, and the housetottkiirc. Canada Laundry starch. 5c. lh. ; best white star-ch, 5c. ; Benson's No. 2 corn starch; No. 1 corn starch, (1e. lb. ; .Etramel starch. 9c.: Celluloid starch, 9c. ,‘Atkinson (k Smitzer. At the annual iiieetingof \Vest York Sahhath School Association held at. l \Vesturr last tried; the following ofï¬- cers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mr. Gibson, \\'illowdale; Vice-Pres}, Mr. (iarslraw. Del r Park; Sec‘y. A. J. Bathgate, York Mills; Exec. (fora. Mrs. Zavit and Mrs. All. bott. Toronto Junction: )Ii'. Beasley and T. L. Moil‘at. “'estoir; Mr. Dougâ€" .lasarnd Ale. Rae. Egliirten; Mr. Len- .tltix, Yul ii. 2% Some Reasons .Why 7You Should Insist on Having EllREKA HERHESS Oil. Unequal‘red by any other. Renoers hard leather soft.) Especially prepared. Keep; out water. A heavy bodied oil. H E SS An excc‘i‘imt preservative. ‘ Reduce: cost of you' harness. Never trims ftrc‘lcuther; 1L3 Eï¬iurency is increased. Secures best service. Stitches kept from breaking. Slit. Is sold in all Localiuss J Manufactured by 'lmporlnl 0H Company. ‘ttl 8W" '3 3 i (‘3 Stealing jewels out of watches is a story as old as watch history. never was. done, nor never will. Its not the value of the jewel itself, but its the skill required to set a jewel . true in round and tlat, and upright with the jewel opposite. The reason some watches do not run well after“ the broken jewel was “ stolen out," is on account. of bad workmanship. lts skill you are paying for, not rubies nor sapphires. This also accounts for the great diï¬'erencc in prices of watch repairs. Cheap repairing pays the watch-maker the best, if he can keep up business. If ‘3 ' JERRY SMITH, Practical “'at chmaker. swarm) (‘nrno to ‘ho )ll‘Plutst (it the. undersigned, Int ‘25, coir. -l, M lu‘lttllIni -i or a‘ U†Ritllrtlmy, .111 to 15.1fm. a cow plying milk. The owner may l Iva the same by proving property and paying ex- perises. '1‘. FRISHY, 51-3 Victoria Square. RICHMOND HILL litigant: arm. The Next Sitting of Division Court lot No. 3, County of York. will beheld iii the lourti Room. RICHMOND HILL, ~_()N_.. "Commencing at '10 a. in. FfllllAY, UGTUBER 4. 1901 'II. F. MCMAHON CLERK This ‘ A Still? YEAR Eli XtiiEi-sii The Royal Visit to Canada. The Closing Scenes of the War. h The Return of the Army. 'Etttltl‘s seat litiiitESi. An Upporlimity for l.llilii.‘.\t. lii~:ttl~t‘s to Keep l’ostetl lltiriirg (his Period of l‘lxt'itt-nreiit. ’9 r .4:- a THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER 4;;._‘«.Ha--_._ . A g..- OFFERED. By a very satisfactory eiiibliing arrangement with that tYl'i‘Ill l“.llllii\' News paper the Fattrily llt'l':|ill and \\'et-kly Star of .‘doiilie'il we are enabled to tiifer' to new sirlrsrriliers the biggest \‘alire ever heard of. The balance of this year promises the most Sitll'lliw'ig‘ events. and every person should keep pi-steil. {ere is the opportunity. For the sin-ill sum of .9†cents or will send you until January lsl. li'flll. Tile. LIBERAJ, The Family Herald and \Vet-kly Star and the Family lli-i'ald's two 81“?“ P‘WlIllHH lllt'mtr's. “(‘lrrist iii the 'l'eiiiple" .‘Illtl " Home from the \Var." Is that not. :1 dollars worth? l'Iitlrer picture alone is worth double the“ money. This otTI-r- is open only to June Iiill lr as the supply of pit-l tires is builtâ€" ed and r-airniit he promised after that date. .T'r‘rtml‘ of our present. subscribers we litter the Family Herald and \Vi-e l" “Stat-Until January l-st. 1902, inclt‘ahng the two pictures for the small sum of bile. Every: Man Has Fancy , You can‘t fail to get what you need ~ and just what. will please you, if you buy your Horse i“tll'lll$lllll2‘$ here. . Single, l'l‘dl'llt‘s‘h‘, 1310 and up; Buggy -r. Dusters, :23c. and up. All kindsof goods for horse and driver. I’ric-cs are low as same goods can he bought. anywhere. MCDQNALD, Richmond Hill THE ll Farrier WHERE YOU WILL CHURNS. You'll ï¬nd pvleea right on chuvlw. We are in A tape dslhe No. 3 In) m-vd Union Churn mode to be sold tor 35. no no sell- inghthnm loot u 9-1.5:mh. A quirk. clan and easy churn to "Define and. Iplen- did butter math only I . . ttlï¬mrbcd number n this special price. We my I oomv plate line 0! "Le rder" bur-0| chum. STRAINER FAILS, 25.: Milk Pun ......... be each Dairy Thermometers. 1'. each Wooden Butler Bovll. a-lected pollnhod mph. lrorn 100 to "coach. :Butter and Cream Brooks. A splendid "no 0! non.- wuo Butler Crook. lo- Acklng down your choice meet; Rumba: buer Crooksâ€" 5 “>1... .. ...50 ml: lo lbs ............ 10¢ each We can supply all your need- ln Stoneware. . ‘Saction Knives, 50 each ' Mower Guards, 190 each “Erica‘s scams, $2.25 " uul with bnu rrido in And might»: we h: from 1.05. to $13.. lull, tn- npeo : our Ipeo blly low pm $1.35. Screen Doom...........700 Soneean Windows 150 Wire Screen Cloth 90 yd ' RUSSILL’S ' But." Ladle: ........... we. s’n laidiitiie House MEET ALL THE SHREWD AND CAREFUL BUYERS. ROPE for your any Ou- niers. Heifer-a. hy- r . \ ‘.\\\‘ m swede» \I l‘t“\\‘\\\\‘w b V .. \ V. ‘rgnrmpawm. I PLYMOUTH TWINE - ,2? .‘li - a: ,V. I“ I i ut cattle for pg, ‘8 m" 1°“3"°" 5"†" w “‘“ga‘tgrllt‘: 31‘; opal-pose ihar ' est: and smoother-t IN} .3. - , ..‘u‘u, ma need “ i i lwme on the market. “ â€˜ï¬ ' “lu- qu y _ . lt' the var be a we have it in all . h . . twinge that. y your agg93‘mng sizes a! close out money can buy Our- ‘ “\‘u‘n.\b\n~o-» " prices. low om pri-ea will . out? you. Buy __ _ _ __ Plymouth Bind" MACHINE OIL Twuie Our high _rp|llly and ; and have entire ssfls- low price wrl suit you. motion. 3 .PllRE PARIS GREEN. QUALITYâ€"Warrant“ the navy best. PRICEâ€"The very lowest. 5 Paris Green that will suit Thousand Mire Axle Grease yâ€, 'will last longer and wear- better than an ' other grease on the market. Trvn box an you‘ll ï¬nd its so. We are'l‘oronlo mate. The “Make Hay While the Sun Shines.†CYCLONE SPRAYER 500 i i The best sprayer on the market. It will save you in dollars who! it costs in acute. You ‘ can't afford to be withoul one. A Llï¬llT BRIï¬llT lllllllE You‘ll and it where they“ Golden Light Coal Oil. We are 5010 agents. r99". 7 HAYING TIME NEEDS. Wooden Hay Bakes ............................. 100 each Buy forks. 3 prong. lull size. flrsl elm ...........350eacb Soylbea. s splendid llne ranging in rice from Sue be, unezcelled value. from ,, . Reapluérflooks. special value Grain Miles onmplete with s ’ Scytbo Stones Cradle F at ‘Soeach We have ‘r. splendid line of Email were. me each ranging in price from 19c to 81 per put. MARKET ' AT THE 159 King St. East, Toronto.