At the monthly auction sale at: the rl’nlmel- House next \Vednesduy tlnre will be offered 12, fresh milch cows, 8 springers, 10 two-year-olds, and 12 yearliugs. 'A farm. being west. purt‘ of Int 47, Vaughan. adjoining the villagv, will ho nï¬â€™en-d hyauctiou Immediately zlfu‘r the monthly sale. After routine i)_usiiiess in Richmond ‘Lgidge nu Monduy evening, St. _ John’s Day. a candidate was initiated and the newly elected uï¬icers‘were installed by M1. Frank Smith of Edgely, a. Past Muster of Blnckwood' Lodge. ~\Vnnd- bridge. Refreahmenls including ice cream were afterwards served in the Lodge Room. Quite a severe storm of thunder and lightning passed (I\'§?l‘ Richmond Hill am Snturdu-y evening. A couple of cars an the MeLI-npulitzm Railway had. the “wires burned out, and trutï¬c was considerath delayed. -A silver cup will be given by Dr. Gallunuugh as .1. prize to the success- ful funtlmll mum at, the Pl‘L‘Sb merizm ~i‘truwhel-ry festival at, Thurnlnill on Dominion Day, At Napalm] Brook on the same (1;I_x1_u,prize for a football to‘urm-mmit will be $11. Cnmpetitibn in each (-f the {illlVU is open to all or- ganized teams. Our own baking pnwder. 150. lb. tin; mr own pagkuge :Geylcm tea, blue ialbol..14c;'; mi label, 20c. Atkinsup Iv Qu-Ionnn ’ ‘ Switzer 25 lbs. yellow sugar for $1 vxtra. granulated sugar for week. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. K Muclwd is in Toronto this Week us a. den-gate from the local hullp tn the Grand Camp Sons of Scotland. Mr. P. G. Savage also at- tended some of the sessions dialing the week. Her friends will learn with regret that Mrs. (Ben) J. M. Simpson of Is- lingtnn, was zi few Weeks ago stricken with paralysis and still continues in a vex-y critical Condition. Mnmnl Mrs. John szsely and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burke-r attended an annual family gathering at the resi- dence of Mr. Daniel Cam-1y. Suarluu-u. un Monday. Ninety-one sat down to ten. The Richmond Hill lesulmll Cluh 914)" Maple qun at, the Inner place .thisuftolnuun. Any p91‘suu wishing xtu g1» may du 59. Bussth luaveatlï¬ vu'cluck. ' VM‘ m .92...- cm‘ “W o H aka-Hammflu ï¬lm.“ ‘- I“: A strmvhvrry festival will he held in the church grounds, Victnriu Squall-e, this ('l‘lnn'stlny) aftelnmm. Tea will be served from 4- tu 8 o’clock. A choice programme will follow. cmumencud yesterday. The presiding examiners :u-u Messrs. A. R. Fm-quinu-â€" sun and F. J. Juhnstuu. (hurt Hichmund, A. 0. I<‘., 1m Friday evening. Among lwss will he the election of a In the High Culu't which Humfltuu in Auglxut. 'Fifty-elgut candijntc‘s are writing atrthe EuLmnw bxmniuatmns which Gvnts‘ Nady mudv bun-d ï¬nish. 57.50; I Atkinsun .3: SwiLzul'. Mr. G. B. Newhery, \V. M. elect, of Bichumnd Ludgo, A. F. & A. M., was on Monday evening elected a delegate tn the Grand Lodge in the City of Humiltmn. Nice light tweed suit made to yum- m‘dvl'. [n-ll‘ect lit, fun-$13. ALkmsun (k Switzm'. St. John Valley Swen-t “Winkle Pens 75c. can ; .St. Juhn Valley Suger Corn, 7y. (in; hesL tmnutnea, Dc. Liu. At- kmsuu & Switzer. \Ve notice by the city dailies that, Mr. Hugh McLimmghy has been up- puinted captain of me Crescent Ath- lvtlc Club 111 Bl-uuklyu. N. Y. Mr. J. Mivhnvl started yesterday tn make [lilily trips [1» tiw city with milk fm Mr. ankins & Sun, pruprieturs of the Dmunshin- Diary. Try “'hiLu Urnpu extra pivkling \‘ilwu’ul at 40¢. gal. Atkinson and Hwitzer. \Ve regxet L0 have to record that Mrs. D. Lynch, is dangex-uusly ill. ful- aning :1 paralytic stroke a few days my). ' The next, Fire Brigade practice will he held on Monday evening. 8th July. This is put a week later owing 10 Du- minion Day. Mr. Mud Mrs. Dunglmrty and the Misses Dunghnrby of mouffvillo, spent, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \Vm-ren chisun. The High Village- r'kuv upon in) 'l‘m‘ Mr. and Ml-s‘. ‘ spent 'l‘hursdny ing with Mr. T. McMahon. Miss I‘lfï¬e Juyce (If Elgin Mills passed successfully [nu-2nd year’s ex- muinatiun at the l‘nrontn College 01" Musxc. RICHMOND Rm; H. “ fun‘wv i vhurch In fkllb<o and Public Schools of the this wm-k. They will re‘ aduy. the 3rd of September. v suiLs. hlue serge, qued suits, $4.50. Wvlastvr of Aurora, (0111001) and van- McMahon and Miss éï¬srnifl which “met; in Jm‘ will meet the husi- delvqu ; 20 lbs. $1 this 1901 DOMINION DAY. People who have any inclination to celebrate our Natal Day next Monday can ï¬nd pour excuse to stay at home for want, of a place to go, as there are attractions and celebrations on ever side. Commencing at home there wi l he. the demonstration in the park un- derthe auspices of the lacmsse club, to include a clmmpinnship lacrosse match between the Orioles of Toronto. and the hnme team, a baseball match. and many other athletic s orts. Amung the other attractions wi l he a strawberry festival at the Methodist Church. Maple; a. monster picnic and spurts at Yellure ; a strawberry fes- tival in Mineral Spring Grove, Thorn- hill. in cnnnectiun With the Presby- lrriau Church : and a garden party at Newton Brouk. Aurora. Max khu'm and other places also have their cult.“ brutimrs. Students are expected to review sys- tematically each day up to the exam- inations. Parents will do well to see to this. ' ‘ ‘ 'l‘he'number of candidates reported as writing at the entrance examina- tion in North York are as fully-“15 :â€" Richmond Hill, 58; Newmnrket. 79: Suttonyé); AJll'pl'il, 48; Sclxumbgéygflt Junior Leaving Part 1 Exams. begin July 2nd. High School students not at School Monday and Tuesday will present, themselves Eliday‘ 21L 9:1. 111. and 2'11). 111. fol-examination. ' ' ' ‘ Swiss food. 140.; Fm-inusu, No-4 grape nuts. : shredded wheat. his- (sunts, 150.; Rulston’s breakfast food, 15c. Atkinson & Switzer. The young girl who is travelling by herself should seek information from the train people rather than from her companions on the train. No girl in travelling should make conï¬dants of strangers of either sex, disclose her imme, her destination, or her family affairs, or make acquaintances on the road. She may, however, Show kind attention to a mother travellin with little children, amuse a. weal-i little one, and politely thank any one who does her an unobtrusive kindness.â€" Mzu‘guret E. Sungster, in The Ladies’ Home Journal for July. New cheese, Eversley make, 12w. lb. ; uld cheese. very ï¬ne, 13c. Atkin- snn & Switzer. An exchange says : If a man has a $50 bull-pup he will look after it care- fully und not let it run ullovex-tlw town at night. But if he has a, boy it isditfemnt. The boy is often turned 10039 at a tender age and allowed to go where he likes. And yet people wonder where all the l()nf(}l“$, cigarette ï¬ends and gamblers come frum. The huyis not, pruperly used. He ought to be given an equal chance with the hull~pup. There was a gum! time at the picnic at the Hnwfhnrn Mineral Spring Grounds under the auspices of Trinity Ohm-ch. Thomhiii. on Thursday, al- though the wet, weather intr-rfeyed‘ considerably with the prnceedings. One of the chief amusements 0f the afternuun was rifle shouting, at which there were a number of experts. The; net receipts amounted to upwards 0f mun Spvcml‘Zf) lbs. sugar for $1. 10 lbs. Japan Len for $1, 3 cans salmnufnr 25c“ 5 Hrs. Laundry starch fnl' 25c.. 3 lmttles of picklvs for 250.. 5 lbs. good prunes far 250., 8 bars good spap for 25¢. Naughton 131-413., Elgin Mills. 1 much desire, through the Columns of THE LIBERAL, to thank the many very kind friends whu have 80 willing- ly and genemusly assisted me in re- moving a couple of old buildin s and; to the great; number who ni ed in erecting my new Inun on June 26th. G. A. Mcngue. AN Eâ€"XCHANGE Is' RIGHT. $30. The Preshytm-inn Sabbath School had an vnjnyuhh- time at their annual outing at Lake \Vllcnx Friday after- noon. The ï¬vo or six Vans and husses wure well ï¬lled. one of them so heavily laden that it gave way under the pres- sure. and another unuveyunce was sub- stitutod. Amnng tlu» attractigns were lmnt‘ingund swinging. Thm'e was a huge attendance, but the ladies had prnvided generously, and there was ample refreshments for all. Cm'rville Sabbath and day schools drove {.ln-uugh the village Thursday aftHnunn in five “‘ngnns and hueses un their way tn picnic at, Lake Wilcox. They returned late in the evening, everyone thoroughly awake. and gave expression to their feelings in Im um- Cr-rtuin sound when asked "\thUS the matter with Gena-ville." pent-0d tu 1w tn cunï¬uce the Aldermen that the husuwss of the Metropolitan is well \vnrth bringing directly into the city, and that a freight yard is necessary near the C. P. R. Crossing. “70 wiï¬'ï¬vé the 11mm? price rm- buttvr and eggs. Atkinson & Switze‘r. The nN‘HllJt'lS of £419 Tm‘unto City (luluu'il tor-k :1 trip m‘er the MrtrnpoL itnn Railway yrstrrday to NMvnmrket and rvturn. The object of the trip ap- peared tu he to convince the Aldermen that the husnwss of the Metmpnlimn is well \vnrth bringing directly into the city, and that, a freight yard is necessary near the C. P. R. Groseimz. Palis Gwen â€"~\r\'ill lw pleased to give yuu prices for largo “1' small lotS'uf Paris Green ; tlw quality is ï¬rst-class. Gash buyers will ï¬nd our pricvs into-r- Pstiug. Nnughtun Bros“ Elgin Mills. The Handful-r] penple were again un- fUl'LllllntP in having svlectï¬l Saturday last tul' theirgnnlvn party. The Wot weatherinterf‘tn-Ud with the attend- zmcv which was sum“. As provisiun had {we-n made fm- :1 huge number n aim-in] was held in the church grounds Monday evening. T0 GIRLS “’HO TRAVEL. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. THANKS EXPRESSED. ‘ *If it's coated, your stomach : ls bad, your liver is out of ’ order. Ager’s ,Pills will-clean your tongueï¬yre your dysr I f sia, make your l'uzer right. my to take, easymo operate. U Vâ€" .- .â€"--.\_u III III IIUEU I’l Jriends‘.‘ They willspend a. few days with relatives and friends in New York and Toronto and will visit the Pan-A merican exposition and Niagara F (Ills. [Whey‘ will h'é' a't "vhii'nie WEE; .Séiit. lst. at) 102 Greene. street, Brock- ton." The newlyanurried couple ur- rived here. Tuesdqy afternoon and in the ewning a rec'eption was held azt, .the residence of the groom’s 'ininih‘ér. "when many friends called and oxprvs§- ed their congratulations and best, wishes. The bride and gro left, for ntheirhome in Broekto'n‘, $31.55;, ’t‘l‘li‘s 1 morning. , . V V ------ va Uu‘ll 7’ U1 Bruckton. Rev. George F. Keiingott ofï¬ciated in the presence of immediate relathes. after which a reception was held. The bride was charming in & Costume of gray silk crepe de chine. trimmed with lacv. She carried white roses and was attended by Miss Amy Greenwood, who was gowned in blue silk with lace trimmings. The. grouln was assisted hy George R. Cheney of New Bedfurd. Messrs. George H. Runels and Burton Farnham assisted as ushers. Mr. Stomym'ns for a num- hf‘!‘ of yearspastm the employ of the ’mYork 810ak and-Spit Capra-Eggs to ls-aving fm'BmcthDnKhere he cs- tahlished in husinessfor himself. Mr. and Mm. Storey left (in the 9.25 trim) amid the good wishes of aLhost (If L10â€: ,,., . , Girls 8 years and underâ€"Jennie Allan-lend, Gertrude Derry. Boys between 7 and 8 yearsâ€"Lloyd .‘Hill, Kafl Chamberlain. Girls between 9 and 10 yearsâ€"Celia Tyrrell, Annie Castle. 'l‘hv juniur departmth of the Public Suhool had an outing m the park yes- tms’duy afternoon at the close of their school for the summer vacation. Thele wtvt‘l‘e swinging, football and other games. and refreshments were served. [be following were the succrssful cumpetitors_ in the foot races : Gills under 6 )‘9;ll'S;N(:l‘iié Castle, {Lena Ransom. Boys 6 years and underâ€"Archie Carlyle. Karl Hill. The Lole Murning Citizen of Thursday lust contained the following marriage notice. the gioum being a. former (-stepmed citizen and youngest sun of Mrs. M. Stun-y. “Last evenin at the home of the bride’s father, ‘ Ralph street, Miss Edna, Mamdzmghter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flanagan, was Wedded to .Mr. Chas. R. Store-y of The people of the Methndist church, Teinperanceville, have reasnu to be much pleased with the success of their garden party. The Garden Party held (in the lawn of Mr. Harry Smith of June 19th, was the most, successful ever held in this part of the country. The evening was perfect, the ten served was all that could he, desired and the entertainment was high-class. The New Century Mule lel'tette, Tog mnto. renderedsevernleelections in a; «wry :lh’levnmnner. Miss Swanzey, Miss Mnrtson and Rev. R. S. E. Large sang solos which were highly appre- ciated. Miss Luella. Hunt, delighte the audience with her recitatious. There was ANGLE largexcruwd and all seemed to enjoy the evening immense- ly. The Committee must certainly" feel grutiï¬ed with the results. The pniceeds amounted to over $157and they have over $.90 clear. \Ve con- gratulate them heartin on the. suc-1 cess, and their able umnagement. Bouts and Shamâ€"“’9 are showing anotherlntof new well made lip-tn- date boots and shoes samples 25 to 50 per cent. below regular price. \Ve sellfm-cush. Naughtun B1-os., Elgin Mills‘. 'Girls'under 5 yC‘Al'VSVâ€"Linitu] Wiley, Mabel Hill. The Lacrosse Cluh is putting forth every effort to make the celebration to he held here on Dominion Day a. suc‘ vess. The championship match be- twpen the Orioles and the home team should prove it very interesting event as both the. teams play a clean and fast game and are in good conditiom This is the ï¬rst of the series in the To- ronto Lacrosse League and us the leadership always means :1 great deal our boys will put forth every effort to land this game. A hum-hull match he- tWeen Maple and Richmond Hill teams will also he. played and as there is great rivalry between these teams a. warm time, may he expected. A ï¬rst‘ class progrannne of uthleticsports anfl foot races has been arranged for whieh valuable rizea will be given. The Rielmmn Hill Band has been engag- ed and appropriate music will be ren- dered during the afternoon. See the- line nf erect form corsets at 500. ; white and Colon-d blouses, Bish- op sleeves. at, 500. Atkinson and Switzer. n» .4 A ï¬re hmkefout in the roof of Hap. kins Cwmuvry, just as We were going to press. no dnubt (:illlst'd by a. spark frsz [he sonnkwstnuk. The ï¬re was extinguished luniuly by the vflm-ts of a bucket. 1n igmle. The Fire Brigade wax-e badly in need of proper inscruc‘ tiuns by the ofï¬cers in (-ummand. BUGKINGHAM’S DYE $8. v, ____ - ,_ m Worn your mousucbe 'or'beud [Nauru] brown or rich black 1’ Then use IBICNICKED IN THE PARK Your Tongue STOREYâ€"FLANAGAN. GARDEN PATRY. 23:. All d rugglsp. CELEBRATION. amt. V BLQHMQM} THE MBLAUGHHN BARMEE UU’Y. Buggies, Surries, Phaetons, Mikado mad Wagons, Spring Wagons, Delivery ‘Wagons, (lens, and all styles of vehicles. , WHOLESALE 4ND RETAIL DRUGGISTS I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - .- ODD. For Spraying. Pure Drugs am Ozone small 35. large 67 Tnmuus' Eclectriu Oil. 2 bottles for 25¢ Carter's Pills, ‘2 bottles for 25¢: Chase's Pills. 2 bottles for 25¢ CLnse's Clltal'l'lh Cure, 15c Chase's Ointment, 30c Chase's Svrup Liuse d and Turpentine 15c Pierce's Favorite Prescription 67c Pierco's Golden Medical Discovery 67c Pierce’s Pedals 150 Williams' Pink Pills (genuine) 350., a for 51 Dodd's Kidney Pills, 300 Dunn's Kidney Pills 35c., 8 boxes for 81 Parmeele's Pills 150 Burdock Pills'wc Milbnrn's Heart and Nerve Pills 35c., 3 (or $1 Ayers Heir Vigour. 65c Ayer’s Sarsapenlla C70 Ayer's Chenâ€"y Pectoml 20. 40 and 67c Buod's Saranparilln. G70 Paine‘s Celery Compound 67c Pcort's Emulsion, large 650. small 35c Baby's Own Soap. 10c., 3 cakes {or 25:: 3 lb bar Shellend Cnstile-Soao 25c Syrup Hypnphoupbim 25 and 650 Eczema. Ointment. 250 Burdock Blood BittersGSc .We sell one grade only and that the .best made by .xCa‘l‘l and pxaque our goods bgfqre purchasing. Blue Stone and Paris Green Collars-and Cuffs Fancy Suspenders Duke of York Bows Wash Ties Straw Feather Weight Picnic Hats STOR E OF LW PRICES A Magniï¬cent Calendar for each customer. ()SHAVVA, ON’JX . D. DANIEL 86 CO. Midsummer Styles in ui-e Drugs and Patent Medicines at.Cut-Rate Prices}. ytles for 25¢ So so Turpentine 15c )1] 67¢ covery 67c 16) 350.. 3 for 51 oxes for 51 Pills 35¢, 3 (or $1. )armflc 7c small 35c :63 for 25:: Sean 25c “1 65¢ l Epsom Salts, 3e 1b.. 10 lbs. for 25¢ Sulphur, 3c. 11).. 9 lbsxfor 25,0. Glmber m1m3c1b,101b for- 250 Hesse's Poultry Panacea. 30c. Hesse's Instant Lousediiller 30¢ Little‘s Sheep Dip McDougall‘s Sheep Dip Cooper’s Sheep Dip Elliott's Sheep Dip Condition Powders. all kinds Your ovzla Receipte‘ made up canoltu kom pure rugs Hnlpin’s English Condition Pow ders {we Gillett’s Lye 100 per tin, 3 for 250 Kendall’s Spavin Cure. 75c Beet, Iron amt Wine (pure)50c Custoria. 250 ' Seigel‘n Syn-pp. small 25c., large 50c. Nestle‘s Foml 40c ' ‘ ' Pure Cod Liver 01125:: Componnd Syi- D White Pine 25c. or 50¢ a. pint Dpud's.Cough _e.lsn‘m 25c ' yposulpt or Soda. for Poultry 10c lb Neutloot Oil (or Harness 35c quart Canadian Waterwhite coal oil. equal to Angeli- can. :chy.‘ 391' ' ‘VE SELL All roads lead to this “Are ripe, come in and pick one.†We have the largest assortment of the very latest styles at lowest prices. New line of Midsummer Neckwear for ladies as well asgentlemen. Seethis line. .& Switzer Atkinson Pique Fourin Hands Underwear Soft Shirts Pearl Federals Opp. Cl-yde Hem