According to a special despatchi to the daily papers a few days ago Hon J. I. Tarte is much impressed with the Toronto Collingwood air. line route. He thinks if the railway were an accomplished fact it would result in the establishment of a. fleet of Canadian grain carriers on Lake .Ontario. The Minister is not at present in a position to say whether or not the Government will grant aid to this project. He has instruct- ed the Superintending Engineer for .the Public Works Department at Port Colberne to report to him at length upon the various .waterways for western freight through Canadian: territory, and the cost of handling grain by each. It is not unlikely that the north channel of the ,Geor- gian Bay may be dredged 'in econ-2 nection with the scheme for improv- .-ing the French River route. Mr. ‘Tarte is convinced that fby makmg :‘this route ï¬t for navigation it will become one of the chief arteries for conveyinggrain from the Canadian west to Montreal. He believes in having several Canadian waterways and thinksthere-Wiil bezbusiness en- mugh to keen themaa'ilzexnploye‘d. The Labor Gazette has fulï¬lled the expectations of its founders -It' is a creditable and valuable publica- tion. In the parliamentary discussâ€"r tions of last session the leaders of the tOpposition admitted this. The Can» nadian Gazette eampares most favor- 41ny with the British Labor Gazette, which is the ofï¬cial organ of the British Government in all labor mat- :ters, and it iseertainly inferior to no. similar publication in the United States. The small subscription price rot twenty cents a year places the journal within reach of every work- ingman and woman in the Domin- ion. It is not only one of the cheap- .est but it is one of the best publica: 'tions-ofiits kind in existence, and is :a credit to Canada. The ï¬rst vol- ume, now complete, contains hun- dreds of pages of original matter re- quiring the mostcareful research andE judicious preparation, and invaluJ able to the industrial classes, both masters and men, everywhere. At the recent annual convention at St: ’Louis of the National and State La- bor Bureaus of the United States, the Gazette and the department of which it is theljournal were, as the reports of the meetings show, the subjects of marked compliment. In the forma- tion of an international association, the Canadian 'Department‘was rank- ed next in precedence to the Nation- al Department at Washington, while the young editor of the Gazette was elected one of the vice-presidents of, the international body. 'The June number of the Labor ‘Gazette is just to hand. The issue completes the ï¬rst volume, making ten numbers altogether. In the last .number is commenced a series of “articlesion the industries of Canada, .in which coal, iron, copper and nickâ€"a -el, lumbering, ï¬shing and agricul- ‘ tural industries have been made the 2subieet~ef special investigation. The ‘Gazette is growing in popularity, and should be in thehands of every slaborer and mechanic. The Toron- 2to Star of the 6th inst has an article %aring on its usefulness, the lastf gparagraph of which reads as follow: ‘Changeâ€" Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J C Ayer & Cq Clerk's Noticeâ€"C. H. Stlver. Chaugeâ€"Atkiuson6c Switzer. *Chmnge~Russill’s in the Market. Changeâ€"Jerry Smith. C hange~(}80. McDonald. Changeâ€"P. (2. Savage. Change-0. D. Daniel dz Co. In: Saleâ€"J. H. Sanden‘on To Farmersâ€"John Hickson For Saleâ€"Donald Watson (Notice to Creditorsâ€"AH. Benton Farm for Sule-A. H. Benton Lookâ€"Mrs. M. Brown. Boots at Shoesâ€"Mrs. B. Sivers. RICHMOND HILL. July 11, 1901 i131“: giheml. New Advertisements. 'TH E LABOR GAZETTE. WANTED~CapabIeJeImhIe perso: in every county to representlm‘ge company (f' aolid fl namqu reputation; $936 salary per year pay- able weekly, *3 mar day absoluter suit; and £1.11 expenses; shranght.bnna-flde, deï¬nitt mlary, no commission; salarv paid each Saturde and expense money udvunmd each woe]: STAN- DARD HOUSE, 334 DEARBOHN, ST, CH'CAGO. The total income from all sources was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,348,331 ~leaving $31,- 279.92 as the'balance to the. credit of the year’s transactions. Out of this the directors have decided t6 make a refund of 20 per cent. on all monies re- ceived from the,members..of the Com- pany. The‘mtal assets of the company amount to $433,823.11 of which $255,- 199.11 are, in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all liabilities of $375,813.91. The Statistical Year Book of Can- ada for 1990, which is the 16th year of issue, isjust to hand. The volume has over GOO:pages, and contains a pretty complete history of the Domin- ion. The work appears to be accur- ate, and many new features have been introduced since last year. The statistician gives papers bearing on the physical features of the coun- try, the Constitution and Govern ment, area, population, treaties, ag- ricultural statistics, minerals, ï¬sher- ies, trade and commerce, militia statistics, railways and canals, post oflice,‘ with social and other statistics. The work also contains a list of the Senators, Members of the House of Commons, and Members of the Pro- vincial Legislatures, with a short history of each of the Provinces of the Dominion. The work is very complete up to the end of 1300. Reserve fin- fe-insurance and all other liabilities $3309.20. Totalassebs available to pay losscs $433,823.11. Wars $15,677,927.00. Thé Gore ’is an up-to-date HomeCom- pany and is noted for 1ts broad policies and liberal settlements. Cull, write or phone J. '1‘. "zï¬qeon, lepIqP: 9., if_negding ipsuygmuj. Explaining the formuof policy issued by the Gore costs nothing. The Markham Sun last week had raneditorial condemning the present license system, and advocating in its 1 place the public ownership of the 1liquor trafï¬c. It is difficult to tell whether the article is intended to aid the temperance cause, or those en- gaged in the sale of liquor. Be this as it may it is evident that The Sun would like to see a change in the Government of the Province. The article starts as follows :â€"-“It is be- coming more evident every day that the present liquoriicense system is a vicious one. License-holders are put under new hardships every day in a vain attempt to keep men from drink- ing. The license-holder is being used by political machines to further their own unscrupulous ends. The rem» edy for this evil lies in the fact that the public should own, operate and control the liquor sale.†Would The Sun kindly let us know next week what it would cost to buy up all the hotels, breweries and distillerics in Ontario. The sixty-second annual meeting of the Gore Fire IusuI-ance CO. was held atmqalt‘op till? 28th 0f_JanuaI-_y, 1901. Gore insurance Go. The amount of insurance in force Ripaus Tabules cure bad breath. Rlvans T-abules cure liver trou'3wk-s Ripans 'I‘abulea: {or sour stomm . akes short roads. . and light 1 oads. Hula by IMPERIAL OIL CO. FOR SALE Sold Everywhere. ’ood for everything that runs on wheels. The Next Sitting 0f Division Court 101 N0. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room. EIGHMQND HILL, _.ON_.. FRIDAY, UGTUBER 4, 1901 JERRY SMITH, RICHMOND HILL DWISEUN *- MUM. Waltham full~jewelled, adjusted, railroad standard, in 25-year ï¬lled case, $30.00. Ladies‘ watches in silver case, 310. In gold-ï¬lled, 20-year case, $14.50. No cheaper grades sold although I ha ve been repeatedly asked for them. The watch that gives me the least trouble gives you the least expense. 8 DTay, half-hour strike, spring clocks $3.50. .. *v... _. “Gent’s wartchés, Waltham, in nickle case, $8.00; in light silver case,$8.75; in heavy silver case, $10.50. A Duebér Hampden, full jewelled in heavy silver case, $518.00. - Having so many enquiries for cheap a1a1'm clocks, I have purchased some which I am selling at 800m. each. Better alarms, at $1.25. 1 Best grades $1.50 to $2.75 guar-‘ anteed good. CLOCKS & WATCHES Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: at drugglsu. -. ,v‘. are interested in a trade} Smile and seethi- one. 79 only Sprayers. n09 quite name an inn-HM.» ed. Made ï¬o be sold at 750 each. We gonheu. at a. bargain. We urge going to 0165: ihom at M 25 CENTS EACH. Ice Cream in Three Minutes 'i onlv Farris 'Gfeeii Dusters (dry). made to! be sold for $1.00. We are going to clear Ihem If you need any coma and see what we can do for you. cut prices. \\ //// isnotchen twineJmt \ \ ,/,x his THE Emma. and is sold 0 a. law rive. You 3321’! alâ€" rurJ to experiment wit cheap or unknown umnfla of twinn‘ Use Plymouflx. and you art are at having the longest. strange“. smooth- net and urest twine on the market Place your or at wish us. 2'5 Cwï¬i‘é Rubi: Section Knives, 50 each Mower Guards, 190 each Block Wire if; :12, fl?“ N°' 19’9"†Plou‘ltry Netting Warmers RUSSLU AT REASONABLE PRICES. Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK Practical Watchmaker. Sprayers, 250 each. BINDER TWINE BARB WIRE WHERE YOU Will. MEET AEL THE SHEEWD AND GAREFIFL BUYERS. You can make om- qnnrt of ica rroam in three minums. You can uï¬e the mum pock- ing of ice for tavern) bunches of we ermun For easy open-don , rapid 1'†suite. and Non: 0m 0! maturinLTI-IH ID 4L freezer is n It's nm how much you pay, but it's wxm you 34 for the money you pay ‘hnt makes it cheap or den. A complete range 0! sizes at our close- Plymouth Twine Eâ€" h TEE E? P 159 Kiag St. East, Torento. " Eggs; (E9598 To any of our present, SlIhSCl‘ihPI‘s we offer tho Famin Herald and VVee-kXy Star until January lst. 1902, including the two pictures for the small sum of 500’ Is that not a dollar’s worth ? Either picture ulrme is worth double the money. This offer is open only to June 30th as the supply of pictures is limit- ed and cannot be promised after that date. in the kitchen. You‘ll obtain it only by 115i:'l' one of our Mk Century blue thaw nun-mm. wickless oil stoves. Don’t be influcvd to hm a Gas dine move with all its Macmiqu dur; on. Don't buy a compiiuauod and easy ‘0 ge. out of order oil thve. But buy the 20m Can tut btove as illustrated. It embodies SIM PL CITY. 1:. chiid can operate it; EIW‘NOMS cosh! one Lent an hour to: Iuvl'. UUiLâ€"xi-Iul’i‘) , s‘rongly mndomothing about A: tn 39% out N order; SAFETY, in is abbolute); mle. ix dang" from explosion. It can’t overflow. 1th for you Lo come and examine, we're sure h make Ihe sale. The balance of this year promises the most startling events, and every person slmuld keep posth. Here is the opportunity. For the small sum of 80 cents we will send ynu until January 1st, 1902. "Pam LIBERAL, Th9 quuily Herald and VVee-kly Star and th(‘ Family Ht’mld’s two great premium pictures, “Christ in the Temple.†and “ Home from the “fur.†Your money back if goods a: a. not such as we represent them. wooden Hay Bakes ........ 300 each Hay {oz-kn, 3 prong. full 4 . '1; clans :Bc flMh deï¬nes, a aplendnl line, from -- to $1.25 maths, uuexcelled value. 1mm .350 no 750 umping Hooks, spacial vaéue ..... . mun ('rndlns, complete with m:th Scythe Stones ()rndie Fmgers. By a very satisfactory clubbing arrangmnent with that great Family News pzlpE-I' the Fumin Herald and Woekly Star of Montreal we are enabled to nth-r 11) new subscribers the biggest value ever heard of. A HALF Y'Eï¬ï¬ @F {XSEYEhiEM The Royal Visit to Sweetie. - The Closing Scenes of the War. _ The Return of the Army. EVENFS OF WORLD WEBE Eï¬TEREST. HARVEST TIME NEEDS. An Opportunity for LIBERAL Readers to Keep Posted During this Period of Excitement. THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER FFERED. SUMMER COMFORT “on HERE mas @EEEN. H hen we bvy it from the maker. our ï¬rst udvnvur is not huW cheap we can bm it. but :um OUUD we can g--t. We buy a very large: entity : mi pay a lair reasonable pnc‘ l-o ~nsnne quality ï¬rst and always You can fully -- ly on the puriï¬y and effectiveness of the BEEN we sell you In 1-‘b. sealed packages at c_ per lb. Special rates for quantiï¬es. People talk about men requiring only the “ Creature Comfort.†That’s an your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what; is right; if you buy your harness, fly nets, horse nets, and supplies from (ieo. DIG Donald, RICHMOND HILL. l{eaij body, lasting quality An oil that will please you. CREATURE MACHINE OIL. COM F0 HTS 29 oniy all iron ï¬wivel eyehay fork pul'eyï¬, very close nrices to clear. ‘hev go at )5 cents each. HORSE HAY FORKS 7 only Home Hay Forka, as i‘lustmi- ed.doubleha. 1: pattern, have on sold for 01.15. m clear they go in Hay Fork Pulleys, 150 each 556 Each A grindstone that won't do the work (or which it is in- tended is dear at any price. We have a. caremlly se- lected 315091: of stones whmh we are sure ï¬ll suit you. rangin in sich and pr as from Grind- stones, in 3. lb. per ound up- war .5. and price In ONE CENT