s~_h____...____. ;__-, -.. iteral. Ricnmono HILL, IJ O C A I J . ‘ . Regular meeting of Court Richmond to-morrow evening. ' Mâ€"m Toronto is not in it. for hardware. 0. Mason’s. Mrs. J obn Harris is prepared to sup ply ripe raspberries for the table. Grain cradles, $3, at C. Mason’s. Mr. Jrl). McKay, proprietor of the Newnmrket Express has purchased the Sutton Herald. Mr. Isaac White died at Thornhill Friday July 5, aged 30 years. Deceas- ed was buried on Sunday last. Parlor bellows, Mason’s. Douglas Derry haS' completed his new bicycle attachment which works like a charm on the rails of the Metro- politan. 4' Mr. J. C. Stokes of King City has been appointed clerk of King town- ship for the balance of the year in place of Charles Pattexson deceased. How about that wickless oil stove for the hot weather at C. Mason’s. The schedule of returns of convic- tions for the past quarter is given in the Markham Economist of last week. The number of prosecutions is 60. The village lacrosse team goes to Bradford to-moirow (Friday) to play an exhibition gave of lacrosse at the Orange celebration in that town. Cider vinegar, white grape pickling vinegar, English malt Vinegar at At- kinson dc Switzer. Mr. N. J. Glass has purchased the insurance business of Mr. S. M. Brown of Victoria Square, and solicits patron- age. Post ofï¬ce address, Elgln Mills. Schomberg and Aurora Railway are advertising for 350 men and l00 teams to work on the new line which is to run from Bond’s Lake to Schum- berg and Tottenham. Specialâ€"We. can save you money in cotton blankets. A great snap in, men’s and boy’s suits ; men’saud boys overalls a special line. ngghton,, Elgin Mills. W. Ramsay, conductor on the Met- ropolitan Railway, won the quail; championship of North Toronto a few .Aays ago, having deIcated Henry Johnson by 2i to 20. A' purse of $25 went to the winner. Cow butter and hons’ eggs always f1 ash and good at Atkinson and .Switzeiis. , In publishing the list of successful upils in the Public School promotions 21st week, we inadvertently omitted ,ghename of Master \Villie Bedditt in the Junior Department. Willie was promoted to the Junior II. Class. See the man’s brown check tweed suit for $4.75, and the hard ï¬nish blue suit for $7.50, at Atkinson 85 watzcr’s. ,Erof. H. R. Playtner, director of the ’Canadian Horological Institute, and ten of his students, paid Mr. Jerry Smith a. visit last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Playtn‘er congratulated our jewelâ€" ,Ier on the progress made Constructing a chime clock. The students were much interested in the clock and tom-billon chronometer modeL Every price will be met with worthy’ qualities and a pleasing variety at our store. Atkinson dz Switzer. 'A‘tameeting of the teachers on the 7th inst, it was decided to hold the annual excursion over the Metropol- itan and picnic at, Munro Park on Fri- day, 19th inst. Special cars will leave the church at 7.45, and returning in the evening will lea ve the park at 7 .o’clock, and theC. ER, Crossing at 8. Reduced excursion rate tickets will be ,issued, and those who wish may re- turn. 91: the 5.40 car. Glass fruit jars, wine measure, pint,i quart and a} gallon sizes, and imperial uarts, and jar rubbers at lowest gures. Atkinson & Switzer. OREDITABLE. We congratulate Master Karl Storey , in his good work at the recent iEntrance Examination. Karl headed the list in Richmond Hill, making 873 marks, or 323 more than was required to pass. He is now junior clerk at the store of Messrs. Atkinson & Switzer, .svhere doubtless he will ivc a good account of himself as he di at school. There’s more to be got at our store for your money than what you’ll get Atkinson & Switzer. elsewhere. AT HOME. A very successful At Home was her}; at Mr. R. Lane’s “Highland Farm,†.rear- lot-3,0011. 2, Markham, last Mon- day evening. ' About 500 attendel from Toronto, Richmond Hill, Thoâ€- hill, Scarboro, Markham and othe .- places, and a. good time was spent io- igether. Besides Thornhill band, Em- pringham’s :85 Herringbon’s orchestra. was resent, and dancing on til i threq ,‘ng floorspf the new baritwas kept up until 3 m. The committee of management looked well after the V comfort†of their guests, and the ladies pigoyidedj tempting__refreshments. We still‘sell, good prunes at 41rd; ‘ best dates at 60. ; best white starch, 6a.; pure corn starch, 6c. Atkinsln ..%Â¥..S.Wi.§z9?~ ’ ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ ‘ : Swtizer. ‘ I Thornhill, ] TORONTO’S BIG EXHIBITION. l The prize list for Toronto’s great one nual Exposition and Industrial Fair, I which this year“ will be held from ' August- Zb't h to Scpt..7th, has come to hand. It is printed in. yellow shaded with green, and pi esents a. very hand- l some appeal-zines. Upwards of $35,- { 000 will be. distributed in premiums, and $30,000 will be spent in features ' and special attractions. The live f stock classes have been rearranged in‘ ‘ some instances and the premiums in- . creased in others. A class for French i Canadian cattle has been added. Copies of the price list and all informa‘ tion desired can he had on addressing H. J. Hill, 82 King St. East, Toronto. Special efforts are being made to in- crease the excellence of the E'xhtbition this year on account of the close prob unity of the Pan-Amarican. Paris Greenâ€"~VVe. have the. proper stuff to put the bugs out of business. Special prices for large. lots ; warrant- ed strictly pure. Nanchton Bros, Elgin Mills. a TORONTO FRESH in. FUND. The Toronto fresh air fund has en- tered upon its eighth year’s work. and- has for its object the sending away to the country for two weeks, mothers and children who axe badly in need of a change. Good homes have been pro- vided, many of them on farms, where they get substantial food and are well cared for. These children and parents and children are selected by the best known mission workers in Toronto, who are well acquainted _\Vlth every case that is dealt with. For the moth- ers and babes who are unable to leave home, day excursions are arranged. and about one hundred at a time are taken to one of the parks on the lake shore, and before leaving for home re- freshments are Served to them. The pleasure and the proï¬t that is the out- come of this work I is inestimable. Thinking that some of our readers might like to help their poorer breth- ren, we will receive subscriptions and acknowledge receipt, and forward it to the treasurer in Toronto, or they may send it direct to the Rev. E. 0. Dixon. Room 6, 1‘5 Toronto Sn, To ronto. Just to hand a fresh stock of Patter- son’s flue chocolates and bon bons, and Cowan’s nonpariel wafers, and plain Atkinson and chocolate wafers. CHURCH PICNIC. The Sunday School and congrega- tional picnic held by Trinity Church. and St. Mary’s Church,_. Richmond Hill, on Saturday, was a' decided success. The weather was very threatening early in the morn- ing, but before the time for leavin arrived the mist cleared away an good Old Sol shone forth in full strength, making an ideal day. The, excursionists were conveyed to Boud’s’ Lake by the Metropolitan Railway. Shortly after reaching the grounds dinner was served by the. ladies. The afternoon was only too short, for one and all enjoyed themselves, in conversation with old friends, on the steam yacht, ordn the open boats. The accommodations were all that could be desired, and all. from the youngest to the oldest, declared them- selves Well pleased with the after- noon’s outing. Tea was served in the evening. Then as the sun 'was setting behind the western bills the children and their friends boarded the south-g, bound cars for home, perhaps a. little? tired, but with pleasant recollections. The rector, the Rev. JohnGibson, was. a very busy man, doing his utmost to provide a good time for all, and we congratulate him on the success of his efforts. Boots and Shoesâ€"A large lot of children’s sample boots very cheap and good quality; men’s footwear, many lines about half price; men’s working boots, size 7, 500. per pair. Naughton Bros, Elgin Mills. ENTRANCE EflMINATiONs. ' The entrance examination results appear below. Theyï¬have been with- held a day or two to publish simultan: eously all the lists for the Inspectorate of North York. The procedure isas follows: ‘Eaclh examiner limits himself to one subject, so as to secure uniform marking, When this exam-i ining is completed each local board of examiners deals with its own candi- dates and reportsto the Education Department. The following are the successful candidates writing at Rich- mond Hill. The names appear in el- phabetical order and the ost ofï¬ce address is given instead of t e school i. 1 section. The certiï¬cates will "be sent out shortly. " Emily Atkinson, Edgely .. . . . . . . . . 583 Mabel Atkinson, Dim . . . . . . . . . . . . . i580 Orma Brydon, Richmond Hill . . . .695 Olive Chamberlain. Richmond Hill.550 Nellie Chapman, Thornhill . . . . . . . . 550 Agnes Couper, Ma le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 Mamie Grainger, Villowdale . . . . . . 552 Laura James, Newton Brook . . . . . . 587 Ida Kirby, Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 668 Irene Lane, Thornhill. .. . .' L . . J . .629 Bertha Shunk, Ma le . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 ' Pansie Stevenson, ewton Brook. .640 Sydney Baker, Dollar . . . . . . . . . . . . 552 Archie Brownlee, Purpleville. .550 Herb. Clatfey, Ribhmond Hill . . . . . .696 Fred Graham, Carrvjlle' . . . . . . . . 593 iA’rch. Humberston, Newton Bro'ok.601 Cameron McNau hton, Maple . . . . . 755 l Starr McMahon, ichmond Hill . . .693 John Naughton, Elgin Mills . . . . . . 697 Edward Nelles, Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . 714 , Wm. Ransom, Kinghorn . . . . . . . . . 53% ElmoreRea‘ma‘n,‘ Concord ' . . L . L . . .7 Ben. Redditt, Richmond Hill . . . . . . 659 Fred Richardson, Maple . . . . . . . . . . 551 Bert Sliney, Richmond Hill . . . . . . 695 Ernest Smith, Richmond Hill. . . .662 Kenneth 'Smith, Richmond Hill . . .621 Karl Storey, Richmon’d'Hill .’.'.".‘. 873 Edgar Woods, Newton Brook Illrvy'dleood,jliaple I n , . . ,.o.-.-n- v ‘1‘ v. “663" ’ th Women and. Men ' Will be found in our hot weather Wear this week. Just what you’ll want at prices you Want to pay FOR WOMEN pair, or 6 pairs for 60c , Women's Fast Black Extra Long Seamless Hose, actual vallue mc. Ilc. Ladies’ Hygeian Vests, short sleeve 80. worth 10c. BAND CONCERT. The Queen's Own Band of Toronto (late British-Canadian BAnd) will give 3 a concert in Bond’s Lake Park on the l evening of Tuesday, July 23. Fare to the pfrk and return on the Metropoli- tan uilway including entrancefee ‘to the park as follows zâ€"Toron-to 40 cm... Thor nhill 30 cts.,Richm’on'd Hill 2513631., Aurora. 25-cents., N ewmarket '30 cents. Genta’ MEIER .Tv'ii'éï¬ieii "a... 50.2.; and regular 50c. light Yeddo straw hats for 35c. Atkinson & Switzen EERSONAL s". Mr. W. Rn. Proctor of Barrie. spent a. few days in town this week. _Miss M. A. Boyle spent Tuesday With Mrs. D. Reaman at Carrville. .Miss . Willm‘ot of Tororito made. a. Visit WIth the Misses Miller this woek. Mrs. J. Mortson is making avisit this week with Mrs. J. T. Saigeon at Maple. Miss Laura Duncan leaves lac-day for Bale. Falls, Muskoka, to spend a month’s holidays. ' Mr. John Skeele of Columbus, is spending a few (1 Mr. A. L. Skeele. Mr. and_Mrs. F. H. Kirkpatrick and baby of Hiram, Ohio, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. D. Gray. Mrs. A. E. Coombs and baby 'of Newmarket are spending a week or two with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliott. Miss Teefy returned Saturday from East Orange, N. J., where she spent a. L . month with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Garvin. _ M. Teefy. Esq., left Tuesday morn~ mg for his annual visitin Orillia with his daughter, Mrs. John Mulcahy and family. Miss Hume and Miss Varney of To- ronto, spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hume, and returned Tuesday morning. Mrs. J. Hill and son of Moonstone, and Mrs. W. Henry and three children of Peterboro‘ are making a visit at the home of Mrs. D. Hill. Mr. DJC. Steele of Clydesdale Farm 2nd con. Markham, is in Smithville to- day assisting in the celebration of a Ohio,E ays with his uncle, pair, or 6 pairs for $31.15, Ladies' Full Fashioned ‘B‘lack Cashmere Hose, regular 25c. kind. 20c 25 yard, Fancy Colored Muslin, raised 0. ï¬gure, regular 30c. yard. ' . assorted Willow Hats, worth 7c. I - 500. Inc. St White Muslin Blouses, tucked front, Bishop sleeves, regular 75c. FOR MEN each, Washable Lombard Ties, lar 12%0. kind. each, 3 for 259;, Men’s Washable String 'regu- ' sister's Golden Wedding. Ties. Mrs. E. Britnell and two sons of To- - - ropto are spending a. couple of weeks eaChi Men’s Whlte {J1un Derbys! reg. With relatives and friends in the vil- c. ular 20C. loge and vicinity. Rev. W. J. H. Milne of Ottawa called on Rev. J. A. Grant Monday afternoon on his way to visit friends in Markham township. Miss Mae Storey, Miss Violet Storey, Miss Velma Brydon and Miss Beulah Brydon drove up to Eversley and a cut. SundaywithMr. and Mrs. Jus. ess. Mr. Hugh ‘Mc‘Conaghy of Boston. Mass, who played: in the Crescent la- prossie team at the Pan-American a. ew a. sa 0, iss endin ada ortwm with his higher. p g 'y _Dr. P. Coleman of Toronto paid a.†friendly visit to his cousin, Mrs. D. Lynett, and found her tolerably com- fortable, butL still weak as a result of her recent severe stroke. 1. We notice in The Star that amon those who have passed their second year’s exam. in the Toronto Conserv- atory of Music, Mrs. L. Vivian has. passid in vocal; harmony and counter-5 pom . Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MacLean and two children of Cornwall are spending vacation with Mr. and Mrs. B. McDon- ald. Miss Alice McDonald also return- edhomewithM.adM.. ' . ' v ' ' . after a visit of S r n rs MacLeanl Mex1can Fly Oil,for keeping flies off cattle,used once a week. wan. I evelalxmonths in Corn- I C. D. DANIEL 86 CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. C. pair, Men’s Light Wool Hose, regular 20c pair. 90C. each,Men’s Solt Bosom Zephyr Shirts cuffs separate, regular $1. Atkinson & Switzer “WM-fl DRUGS AND MEDICINES. You can save money by dealing with us. We want you for a. customer. Compare these prices Ozone small 33, large 65 Pierce'a Favorite Prescription 65c Pierco's Golden Medical Discoveryï¬m Pieroe'a Pellets 15c ., Wflliams‘ Pink Pills, 33c.. 3 for 956 Electric 011,6ibettlcs for 256* Carter's Pills. 2 bottles for 25¢ Chase's Pills} bottles (0:351: Dodd’s idneyPillshSOc Plums ,‘ .1 ' 1.50 Cusboria. 25c Burdock Blood Bitters 606 Eczema. Ointment, 35c Ayer’s Hair Vigour. 600 Hood's Sarsaparilla. 65c Epsom Suits. 30 1b.. 101m. tor 25o Sulphur, Sc. 1b., 9 lbs. for 250. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. 750 Dodd’s Dyspepsia Tabiets, 350 Gillett's Lye 100 per tin, 3 for 250 Vaseline, 5c abacus , aScrnia Water-white coal oil, equal to Ameri- can. 166 a gal Fowler’s Extract Wild Strawberry, 250 Beer,1ron and Wine 500 Splendid Machine Oil, 30 cents a gal. Carries Marsh. of a. d FORDâ€"At Thornhill, on Tuesday Jilliï¬hifr't' wily of Mr. Ford, of a. daughter. BEA. TI] 5 Monmon~0n the 3rd concession of V1.11 ban 0 ’ Tuesday, the 25th of J one. Mary Eligis. mfg. of Matthew Morison, aged 67 years. 5 mos. I .. . _ . _ Jurpgiy'nent at King City temeteiv on Thursday M Liver Pills That’s what you need; some1 thing to cure your bilious- ,ness and give you a goOd digestion. ‘A ers Pills are liver pillsu hey cure con- stipation and biliousnessA Gently laxative. An “25:31.â€, Wontxonr moustache or beard a beautlml brown or rich black ‘1 '1‘ e for the we " BUBKINGHAM’S DYEwmmn 00 m. or cumulus on R. P. mu. 0. Co., NAcnuA, N. N. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. 93' CANADA Assume on all the modern plans, and is one o the most prosperous and progressive companies in existence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and ‘ ~nonforfeitable, ' Taken policy with the district agent, :17. F. McMAHONï¬ LIBERAL QEFICE. - RICHMOND HIuL Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Rims Tabules assist digestion. RipansxTahulcs: pleasant laxative. .Rlnansfllahulcscure‘ biliousness. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. 'Iaipwrabvlesa owe dizzines- m “KING .s'r. EAST, TORONIDQ Opp. Clyde Hotel 'IVVE SELL Buggies. Surï¬es, Phaetons, Mikado Road A Wagons, A Spring Wagons, 1 Delivery Wagons, Carts, and all styles of vehicles. We sell one grade only and that the best made by THE MclAUGHLlN cumin cow, OSHAVVA, ONT. [Call apduexainiq‘e qurï¬goods, before purchasing. *1â€" ""‘T. gAcoB SON » susacuxasp:aalci