mam further noticeâ€"ufué'wm be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as {allows- AM. rammewmarkee 7.30, 9.15, 11.15 a. m.; 2. 4.15,6.oo. 7.30 p. to. Leave Richmond am 7. 8.10, 9.55, 11.55 a. 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6.40. 3.10 p. m. geavec P B Crossing at 6, 7.20. 9.40. 11.30 a. 111.; 1.30, 2.40, 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m. hum! Mahmoud Hill 8.20, 10.30 a. m.; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 4.50. 6.30, 8.35 p. m. » GOING SHUTE EVENING . N. B.-â€"R‘6glaterod Letters must be handed in I. leash Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours tor olosixm. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 PM M. TEEFY . Postmaster. Church of Englandâ€"Services at 81). me. every Bulldog. Pres ‘yterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 111., and 'f p. :11. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday, evening. Roman etholic ChurchTServioes on alter- nate Sundays us) a. m. ano 10.80 a. m. Methodist Church-Services at 10.30 a. m., and 7 p. m;- Suuda School 9,112.30; General prayer mowing Thurs ay. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"â€"Meets Mon- day on or before full moon Court Richmond, A 0 F â€"Meets second and ourth Friday _ Ivy Lodge, A O U Wâ€"â€"Moets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp Elgin, S 0 B â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday. . R T of emperanoeéâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday rot each month Fire‘Brigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month , Public berary and Beading Roomâ€"Open Tuesflay.’ Thursday and Saturday evenings Ejnworth Leagueâ€"Meets every Friday. wrâ€"d vp ~.._,., a.†v Court Richmond . ourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 of each month CamgyElgimS 0 Wedneada . R TA of epgperdl Mager’s Fuundrv. [ETROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Half a mile west of Richmond Hill. Binders and'Mowers repaired on the shortest nomce. Sixty cents a hundred allowed on wrought or cast iron. Shop open every night until 8.30. §LOW POINTS POST OFFâ€"IEE NOTICE WANTED â€"- TRUSTWOBTHY MEN AND Women to travel and advertise fur old estab- llshed house of solid ï¬nancial stauaing. Salary #760 Ryan and expenses, all payable in cash. No canvmm'ing required. Give references and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Ad- dless Manager. 3555 Caxton Bldg, Chicago. 42-26 Anyona sending a sketch and descrl tlon may quickly ascertain our oplnlon free w ether an invention is probably 1patent».ble. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dent . Handbook on Patents pant, free. Oldest a ncy for securing patents. Patents taken 1. roll 11 Mann & Co. receive megml 1105109, lelmutc urge in the ‘ -- A.-..2.-.. I am prepared to do Family Washings. Gents’ and Ladies’ ï¬ne linen a specialty. Work gum- anï¬sed and patronage solicicet . 254.! TILLIR MAXWELI @EE élfï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚é. ' sum :24 amuse. v-vâ€"vv A handsomely mustde gveekly. Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c oumal. Terms, 53 a year; gggr FORM, $1. So (1 by all-Eersdealars. ear: four mounts. in. Duxu w &co'361Broadway, N an I Am - on: v m ‘m'uqhh‘nzfflu. I). C. Plow Points for ulï¬he principal plows at Between Toronto and Newmarket. G'G‘ING' NORTH SANDEBSOR’S ilicï¬mond 11111.1 ’gï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©fï¬ï¬ï¬mflflz MORNING 'Er'nBEh Biï¬Ã©e: Village Direcbory. PU RE LAUNDRY I I w v I . â€" . 525 F at. Wasmzmou. D. c. W'. MAG-E R. Prop ATâ€" To PATENT Ecol! fleas Mâ€" Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any‘invention will romptly receive our opinion free concerning the intent. ability of me. “ ow to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. . Meats secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. " Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tm: PATENT RECORD, an 11le and widely circulated journal, «mm by Manufacturers and Investors. - _ Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR .I. “EVANS a co., " (Patent Attorneyeg 74 â€"‘â€"_____-n- â€" ‘ Evans Bulldlng, JOHN MCKINNON. NOTICE is hereby given meant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 0 apter 229, that: all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named John Mchnnon, who died on or about. the 6th day of February, L D. 1901. are required to deliver or send by post re- paid-to the undersigned Solicitor tor the ‘x- ecutrix of the said deceased statements in writing containing their names, addresses and full particulars of then claims duly veriï¬ed by statutory declaration. on or before After which date the said Executrix will pro- Good to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the persons 'entit-led thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and the said Executnx will not be liable for any claim of which the shall not have had notice at the time or sue dis- tribution. 1985'th at Toronto this 9th day of J ulv, A. D 2-1w A H. BEATON, '18 Court St. Toronto. Solicitor for Executrlx Monday, Aug. 5, AD. 1901, Six acres of land on Centre St. East in the Village of Richmond Hill. Apply to 2-“ J. H. SANDEBSON. The undusigned has purchased a. new Victor Ciover Huller which is claimed to be the beat in the mnket. Good work guaranteed and 1)» Ltonage solicited. . J. HICKS‘ON, A large brick house and good outbuildings with twelve acres of landmeing part of lo! 21. 0011.3. Vaughan, in the village of Maple. Thu? is a. very desirable property on which Is a. ï¬owxng well. Will be sold cheap. DONALD WATSQN, _ Selling off the remainder of stOck,con- sisting of I ' A11 clearing at $1.50, formerly from $3.00 to $5.00, at MRS. M. BROWN’S BOOTS & SHOES. \A ishes to - thank the public for then‘ patronage in past years, and to say that the business wll'l be carried on as heretofore,when she hopes for a generous .support in the future. . just to hand a new stock of Ladies’ and Geits’, Bays’ and may Wear. The farm of the late John McKiunon, be’nyz the waste: 1y 98 acres of lot 18, 5th concession of Vaughan. Vellore. The soil is good clay loam in a. good state of cultivation. 0.1 the premises are two good house good frame burn and other outbuildings. Goo supply of large and small truih and plenty of good water. This property 18 well sicu Med being within a quarter of a. n ile from school. post otilce. store and blacksmith shop (ml in a desirable localitv. Apply at the-farm residence or to A. H. BEATON. Barrister, 2-4w 18 Could; Sr... Toronto HATS AND BONNETS OREDITORS Late of the Township of Vaughn] in the County of York, farmer, deceased. A huge amount ofprivatefuuds to loan on improved farm pro arty. Five per cent. in- terest. Easytnrms or repayment. No oom- miasion Champion. 10 quly to T0 FARMERS "MW" Tia. "Biâ€"LAWRENCE: Freehold Loam Building, Toronto Or at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. MONEY I , MONEY! THE 2-3w Mrs. B. Sivers aim @dvevtiatmgg_tg._ FOR SALE Farm for Sale In the matter of theiestate 9;! FOR SALE EXECUTOR’S NOTICE TO Subscribe for 2-H LOOK ! Prices Right. THORN HILL. LIBERAL Vicioria Square Mable. your garments nice. A paiodisal visit to the sailor’s fOr sponging and pressing, not only improves the ap. pearance of a garment, but adds to its wearing qualities. Everyone likes to have their clothes 100k and in order to bfing the means of doing so within the reach of all, I have decided to issue tickets entitling the holder to pressing at greatly re- duced rate, viz. : Tickets good for pressing 2 suits or 6 pairs-of trousers For sale at my shop, where Ialso have special values in cloths. Call and see me when you want some- thing nice. A. J. H UME, wmn;nu,â€"unymuv lungâ€... rv---_ __ v ‘_ county to represent lange ccmpan of sole ï¬nancial reputation ; $936 salary pex‘year, gay- a‘ule weekxy ', :83 var day absolutely sure an all expenses; straight. bona ï¬de. deï¬nite salary. no commission ;' Salary paid each Saturdugrand expense money advanced each week. AN- DARD HOUSE. 354 DEARBnRN Sn, 031mm». Hoyt}: Toronto milling Co. GLUTEN MEAL: -. SHORTS BRAN CORN CHOP BIBBY’S CALF MEAL, FLOUR, ETC. ï¬sï¬zï¬agé‘a £5; Hamill; WANTED â€" TRUSTWORTHY MEN AND Women to travel and advertise for old camb- lished house of sulid ï¬nancial standing. Sudan $780 a. year and expenses, all payable in cash. No canvassing requimd. Give reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Ad- dress Mammal-.355 Caxton Bldg. Chicago. 42-26 FARM for SALE Lot 27, 3rd con. Markham is for sale. The soii is clay lawn, ins, good state of cultivation. Well-watered with never-failing sprin creekwell fenced and well drained. irst-c ass atone house.good burn, woodahed, driving shed, ig- pen and hen house. Gmod Lu:th and 33: en. Within quarter of u. In ï¬le of school and conven- ient to church, sbofre, Post Ofï¬ce, 6m. A1 ‘V -. . n-n‘ 1r nLJ‘MA...) um June 6-2m 'WAIVTED,â€"Capah19 reliable person in: ever W 7 . uâ€" -Al Tuesday, July 16th. 1901, The next meeting of Council of theTownship of Markham will be held at. Unionville on Want-ed immediately. A good capabie glfl to do general house work. No washing. Good wag 6. Apply MRS. I. A. E. SWITZER. 1» u > Richmond Hill. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of 1m proveguhqster white hogs, lot 32, 151; TAILOR, RICHMOND HILL rMarrkham (Thornï¬ifl) has ‘for sale some good young stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept for service on the premises. ’ D. G. GOODERHAM, wIï¬Be“ éold cheap. WANTEED 'l The undersigned caï¬ snnvly Brianne for stock on lot 29, 2nd con. Markham. , lent-v of water. 48-“ THE NE WTON TANNING COMPANY Servant Wanted KEEP Second gang! Bicycle 9.: Tan [1913131341. omce SUNNYSIDE FARM Glerk’s Notice. 49â€"tf WASHINGTON, n. c. 35 to 47 Shai’t-esbuI-y Ave. FOR 33 E‘OR SALE NICE PASTURE 361133 CASELY, Richmond Hm. Have for sale At 11 o’clock cum. C H STIVER.CIerk. Px-npriebbr. iWILKENS .& CO. It was thought last season shat Cleveland Bicycles had alâ€" most reached pertecximn. The spring of 190i, how- ever, has ushered in severai'new improve- ments. The most noticeable im- provement is probably Its THE POLICY ISSUED BY THE CUNFEDERATIUN LIFE ï¬SSQCIATIUN On the Unconditional Accumulative Pia-n contains but one conditionwâ€"Pay the premium. Extended and Cash Value on every policy. Rates and full, information will be sent in Pamphlets on application to P. G. Savage, District Agent. Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies : WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO. , MERCANTILE - NOR’WICH UNION IMPERIAL London Guarantee 8: Accident C0. . The Registry Co. 0:" North America. 'We make Insurance our Businets. Claims promptly paid and business strictly attended too. P. G. SAVAGE, ‘ - Richmond Hill. ,5 chief feature is the saving of the efforts; and vitality of the rider by absorbing v1b13tion~~that is the jerking up and down experienced on rigid frames. all at THE LIBERAL OFFICE for a descriptive cata- logue. Make your selection as to frame, ï¬nish,handle- bar, pedals, saddle, tires, etc. No extra charge tor Dunlap tires. Old wheels taken in exchange. C. MASON: 166 and 168 King St. East, The best i-larvesting, only 40 cents per gal. Agent for Richmond Hill and Vicinity. Bl NBEE TWINE WE’LKENg 84 00.. At less than wholesale-prices. MAGEEEE 03L HAY FGRKS YORKï¬MUTUAL Accident Companias. 23 cents each. 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. HARDWARE STORE Hasfor sale Screen Doors and Win- dows; Oil Stoves from 500. up; Scythes and Snaths; Hay Rakes, 12c.; also the Quick Meal Wickless One of the best oil stoves made. Do not forget that coal oil is the cheap- est fuel there is. Eavebroughing, furnaces, Hardware of all kinds. Repairing Promptly' Attend- ' ed to. ' 0114 S'I‘OV’E Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL