Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jul 1901, p. 1

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Remodelled, and newly furnished throughout One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. EVery modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. An ideal stopping place for riding or driving parties, bicyclists, or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric ears pass the door. Livery in connection. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. JOHN PALNIER. - w .. gammy cure flatulegce. $1365 (2“ Every Accommodation for the trav- “ lcalling- public. HULSE HOTEL; PALMER HOUSE, Gallamugh & Rlehard VETERINARY SURGEONS, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontano Veterinary Dental School. wxll visit. Maple on Monday and. Friday of each week. end Concord on Friday from 1 to 8 p. m. Calls pramgtly attended. to. Diseaees of horsemcatble an other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and most; ap- proved methods. telephone 3368 for VETERINARY SURGEON m. Gewfl flatter, B. DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 p. m.; 7 to 9 19.111. -ddfellow’s Bldg., Toronto, cor. Y0: and College Sts., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every Wednesday. Ofiice :-Nexb dyqr south of Puh VOL. XXIV. Room 12, 12% Victoria. St. Toronto. Best. fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest: prices. Good work. LIBERAL PRINTING 65 PUBLISHING HOUSE ‘ RICHMOND HILL, our. DR. [Tam THURSDAY MORNING VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL Cor. “floor and Spadlna Ave Toronto. . H. SANDERSDN; MAPIJE . THOROUGHLY REFITTED. .‘. F. McMAHON, Member College Phgsicianfi and Sm‘geona, nt. Dentist, (Successor to Dr; Cecil Trotter) RICHMOND HILL $1 per annum, in advance ‘c I ' VETERINARY DEN‘TiST, RICHMOND HILL. DR.’ L. ’LAWRASfiN: BUSINESS CARDS. @112 _ $112231}? IS PUBLISHEDE VER Y Enuon Jz Pnornmron. Mummy . McElroy, m. Regen BuMfii, ~â€".AND__ 391mm. SchooL AT THE flwtal. L' appointment. cor. Yonge Prop Public 0n the premises or the undersigned, a. well- bred Jersey Bull. Terms $1.00. Eve accommodation to guests. Board,$1 var da, A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Liceuaed Auctioneer for the Cbunfies of York and Outarxo. All sales of farm stock, &c., at”- tended to on the shortest: notice and reasonable rates. Mortgage andbailifl‘ sales attended to. Residence, Stoufiville, Ont Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements, turniturestanding timber. etc. ,MCended on th e shortest notice and at reasonable rates . Patronagesolicibed. P. 0. address Maple [linden-takers dz Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL &' THORNHILL Licensed Auctioneers for the County < salesa.ttended to on shortest notice and sonablerates Patronagesolicited. License Auctioneers for the County of York,re- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nflueuce. sales attpudeqnoxi thg §Lorte§fi notice aha :-,..:..,. “.v“ vu vuo DuUl W511 n0 anda reaséfiafierdfies. P.0.n.duress King J. '1‘. Suigeon, Maple. Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. Genaral sales of stock emu, promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G.R.G0u1dmg, Newton Brook, agent for the abow. . SALEM ECKARDT, 1C8 Wellington Place, Toronto Auroranfliceâ€"Removed to the old post 01110.1. one door west of the entrance to tbs Ontario Bank Newman-ken oflice~Three doors south of the post office. T. HERBERT LENNOX, G. STV. MORGAN, Aurora. Newmaflmt HIGH COURT OF jUSTICE, &c., Issuer of Marriage Licenses RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Mouev to loan on land and shame] lowest rat/cs. M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC I Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, 86c. Suibe 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. FOR SERVICE Money to loan at 5 perrcent. COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OgICE: Freehold Loan BuildingL cor. Adelalde 85 Victoria, Barristers, Solicitors, (k0,! 25 KING STREr/I‘ WEST, TORONTO. Easl Toronto Ot‘fice, Ml. Grant’s residence, Woodbridge. every evening. Thomhillmach Wednesday from 10 to 12. JAS. NEWTON THORNHILL Building. corAdelzâ€"nde85 Victoria Streets. Tut-onto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. Duncan, Gram & sxsnus ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN 131114143 DAVID J A M E§ U STOKES fl. imam”, Mwa Wflfl‘flfia, HIGH COURT OF ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES No Witnesses. LIBERAL Office ENNOX (gmm 153 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO Barristers 25ml Solicitors. WRIGHT BROS: geon. J. 11. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigeon & M (:Ewen. Eckardt a: PI entice Stokes & Blough J. D. Readman, COMMISSIONER IN THE N. E. Smith. RICHMOND HILL,'THURSDAY, JULY 18, [got Efice. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. ‘. LAWRENCE “final. “If: Essentials, Unity ,- in'Non‘-Essentials '1‘. LUDFORD. Richmond Hill qunty pf York J. H. PRENTICE Unionvifle Telerhcne 298‘ mor‘ ugages at; Newinarket 1) 131.6053 ONT. at ten; The football contest between Teston and Ma le teams was not decided at the a en party at Testo‘u last. Wed- nes ay evening. It; was decided to finish the game last Saturday evening, when Team!) secured one goal and Mr, John Clements, jr., has return- ed home. having spent, the past three months in Michigan. He was accom- panied home b his grandfather, who will: reside at aranbro ue Farm. Dame Rumor has it t. at, we are go- ing to 1939 our belle! Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Comisky and Miss Lam-a, of the Model Farm, spent the last; week at Buffalo and visited the Panâ€"American. They were the guests of‘lldr. Algg, Cpmisk}, Miss Ma gie,Hem~ick of Toronto, is spending tge holidays with her moth- erLMrs. V. Henrick. , ,,H-° V .__.__. vv... Mi'. Thos. Thomson has been improv- ipg_his brick residence on Main St]. Mr. Geo. Leek spéxfbféi'Eéxâ€"J days at Mount Albert. Mr. Thes. Wilbur of Bowmanville, made a. very pleasant visit with friends here. Our genial blackgmith. Mr. G. Cald- wgl‘l, igudoing‘a rushng b_usine_ss. ' Mr. T. Ho§d ofr Tfibixjfi-Hiyll,‘ spent Su‘qdaan tl_16_ town. Mrs.'Teasdalé 70f "Toronto Junction, spent a. few davs at The Cedars, the re§i_den_ce ofiMI'. W. Teasdale. Mr. and Mrs. JIWme of Thornhill, spgpt Sunday_wifli friends here. - Miss M. Leach, teacher at Smith’s Falls, is spendin part of her vacation with her father ere. Thanking again the kind friends for their assistance, physically and ment- ally, I lay down my pen with a sigh of relief hoping I have done justice to one and all. One more important; it( in in which you all will be interest- ed--the total proceeds from our 15c. party was $90, and will present the church with $55.67. The farmers here are progressing favorably with the haying, some hav- ing finished. It has turned out a, fine crop. ’ We were pleased to welcome our new minister, Mr. More, on Sunday morning. He preached a, very im- pressivg _ser;mon, ' - Miss Hazel McBiide of King, favor. ed us With a. most pleasing song,which was well rendered and well receircd. Miss Ketfer of Maple, presented“ us with another (if her classical songs which are always well received. Mrs. V. Moore of Ho 9, and Miss Scrivener of Edgely, ren ered a duet in their usual cultivated and finished style, which met, with due appreciation. Mr. M idford of Toronto ; Mr. Wet her- al of King; and Mr. Bluugh of Téstnn, gave us songs which just suited the crowd. The next item, which was not. on the programme, was El. showernf rain which made the curtain fall upon one of the most enjoyable of garden parties. 7 Shortly‘ after 10 o’clock, Rev. Mr. McDonald, Incumbent, began the other part of the programme by thankin all those parties who had so kindly alded St. Stephens in the Work of clearing off the debt. Rev. Mr. Dean of Maple, then spoke in his usual taking and pleasing; manner, and re- marked that he was pleased at the so- cial and friendly relations which were now existing between the various churches. Rev.Mr. Back of Maple,was also present; he addressed the people in his own style and way which never fails to convince, and put them in the best of humor. He seconded Mr. Dean’s sentiments with regal-d to present relations between the churches and also expressed a. liking for “the wee fellow” of whom he hopes to make a man some day. The speeches of the rev. gentlemen met with the heartiest approval from the people meme- On July 10, under the auspices of St. Stephen’s Church. Maple, there was held at Teston the most successful garden party that has ever been since the above church was erected about; six years ago. The management of the party was under the direction of T. J. Wilson. Esq., of Teston. So much for introduction, now for the Diagramm- The chief part seemed to be to eat. Tea began to be served about F o’clock and the people worked hard at the good things, which our lady friends provided. until 10 o’clock, rather a. compliment to our ladies I think. Meantime a football match between Maple and Teston teams was played, when the ball refusing to be so abused, burst; and put an end to the game. The some stood Maple l, Teston 0, and 10 minutes to play. The two teams arranged to play on Saturday, July 13Lat Mpple; V Headford Maple Teston iberty ; in all things, Charity." The foliowing is a list, of invited guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sander- son, Mr. Harry Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanderson, Miss Linfoob, Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan, Mr. Will Duncan, Mr. Gal-net Duncan, Miss Laura. Duncan, Mr, and Mrs, W. H. About 11 o’clock the married cnuple were driven by cab to Toronto. They will go to Quebec by the St. Lawrence trip, and will return about the end of August. August. The popularity of the young couple was evidenced by the very large num- ber of beautiful and useful presents wllich they received. ,r i-.. A.... A. J. Paul, responded to by Mr. Switzer and MnClax-ke ; “ The Ladies," proposed by Mr. A. J. Hume, respondâ€" ed to by Mr. A. E. Cnmnhs, Rev. J. More, Mr. Fredd Redditt and Mr. Will Trench. Leaving the church which was crowded, the bridal party and invited guests repaired to Mr. Switzer’s resi- dence where the bride and groom re~ ceived the hearty congrutlilatimis of many friends. Dainty refreshments were served by caterer French of To- ronto, on the lawn which was also tastin decorated for the occasion. An interesting toast list followed, Mr. T. F. McMahon,ucti11g as chairman, The toasts and responses brought forth many able and witty speeches in which congratulations were freely passed around, with best Wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of the bride ang grep (I), The following Were the. toasts :â€" “ The Bride and Groom,” proposed by Rev. N. \Vellwood, responded to by Mr. Johnston; “The Bridesmaids,” plopnsed by Rev. A. J. Johnston, ye- sponded to by Messrs. P. Atkinson and H. A. Nicholls ; “The Families of Bxide aid Groom,” pr‘opnsed by Rev. ed. Rev. A. J-.\ johnston, Clbi’vcmher of the groom, performed the ceremony, and was assisted by Rev.N.VVellwood, pastor of the church. The ushers were Messrs. P. Atkinson, W. Duncan, H. Sanderson and A. Savage. Mrs.Huine presided at the organ, and besides ren- dering the wedding music in a. skilful manner, played softly during the en- tire service. Miss Switzer was led to the altar by her father, and the opin- ion of the guests and onlookers was that. a, lovelier bride it would be diffi- cult to imagine. The bride was at- tended by her sister, Miss Ethel Swit- zer as Maid of Honor, and by her two younger sisters,Misses Olive and Hazel Switzer, as bridesmaids. The groom was supported by Mr. A. Hamilton of Palmerston. The bride was becom- ingly gowned in crepe de chine over white taffeta trimmed with applique lace, with bridal veil held by orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet, of white roses. Her only ornament was a heart; set with diamonds, the gift of l the groom. The Maid of Honor was]i attired in organdie with oriental lace over blue silk, and the bridesmaids wore white organdie with valeneiennes lace. All Wore picture huts. The bride’s going- away dress was navy b129, white silk waist; and hat to match. At 7 o’clock last evening in the Methodist Church the marriage was Celebrated of Miss Edith Switzer, eld- est, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. E. Switzer, to Mr. F. J. Johnston, M. A., teacher in the High School. The beau- tiful decorations of the church were an evidence of good taste. There were arches of evergreens and flowers over the two aisles in the church, and in front of the altar was adouble arch under which the young couple stood when the ceremony was being perform- ...1 , A Y 1 1 _ _ A n , After a couple of weeks’ holidays, Miss B. Power-s left on \Vednesday to resume her duties in New York, Where she has graduated as nurse in the Met- 10pulitun Hospital. She was accom- panied by her sister Miss Ella, and they will visit the Pan-American to- gather. V Misses Annie, Agnes and Lizzie Stewart of Eglinmn, are visiting fri‘e_1_)ds_i_n _t._he village. Mr. and Mrs. Lillie of Toronto, were visiting with Mrs. McDonald over Sunday. Mrs. Lillie sang two beauti- ful solos in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. The Orange lodge of. this place took part in the celebration at Toronto Junction 0n the 12th. Miss Robixlsoufifi‘dfilrs. G. J. Cook were visiting in Scat-born over Sun- day. Maple none. The game is to be played off next Saturday evening. There was a glean deal of disputng and jangling at these matches, and it would be much better if they could be playgd in a more fg'iendly spirit. . It; is a. common sight; on our streets to see small boys puffing away at cigars. Surely the parents do not know, or they would warn their chil- drfin against this injuripus‘habit. 7 Anniversary ser'vi’ces'will be held in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday when Rev. Mr. Milne of Ottawa, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The friends of this church have purchased a fine new Estey organ, and it was us- ed‘il’rur the first leh‘e. ()nnSunday last. ,1-1 Pretty Wedding. Dry hardwood and smbs delivered on shortesv notlce. M ICHAEL BROS. 45-“ Richmond Hill. Wanted immediately. A ood cavable girl to do general house work. 0 washing. Good. mag s. Applv MRS. J. A. E. SW{T_ZER. ‘ ._, --.V...uuuu ALAII , LlJCV. uuu "11's.. A. J. Paul, Hawkstone: Mr. and Mrs... A. E. Coombs, Newmarket; Dr. and’, Mrs. Sisley, Maple; Mr. and Mrs. W.. Cook, Carrville; Miss Rose Gartley,z Miss VanTassel, Miss Teasdale, Mrs. Atkinson, Miss Atkinson,| Mr. J.’ At- kinson, Mr. D. Atkinson, Mr. B. At» kinson, Toronto; Mr. Fredd Redditt, Barrie; Miss Mae Colvin, Mr. and Mrs. Peacock, Hamilton; Miss Wil- liamson, Berlin; Mrs. J. Johnston, Miss Johhston, Mr. W. A. Clarke, Mrs. Clark, Palmerston; Mr. and Mrs. Arthut'Shaw, Mr. Anson Shaw, Mn Robb. Shaw, Bluevale; Mr. and M13“. J. Hugh Fullerton, Linfisayi Mg. C. ‘XT B....'L_A ,, , D .N... unuuoa § AuJ'. k. W. Switzel', MeadownaleflMr. Bert. Mason, Torontb; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Switzer, Mr. D. Switzer, Miss E. Switzer, Lisgar; Mr. and Mrs. D.. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. J, Graham, Inglewood: Mr. and Mrs. A. G. F. Lawrence, Toronto ; Miss Lulu White,_ Aylmer. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxaUVc. Ripans Tabules cure bliiousness. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. ' Rlpgns Tabules cure constipation, ___~._~-.-.-.., -v-nuuuovuy U. S; Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Proctor, Miss Mae Storey, Miss H. H. Wiley. Mr. J. F. Rowland, Mr. H.‘A.Nichulls, Mr, P. G. Sava e, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Savage, Mr. . Sava 9. Richmond Hill; Mr. A. Savage, l‘oronto Jun!» tion ; Mr. Harold Proctor, Barrie : Mr. Albert Glass, Miss Annie Glass, Mr. T. F. McMahon, Rev. and' Mrs. Well» wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mason, Dr. R. L. Langstafl’, Miss Moodie, Miss Morris. Miss Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hugnev,‘ Richmond Hill; Rev. and Mrs. Pugsley, Mrs. Trench, Miss Trench, Miss Mary Trench, Miss Millie Trench, Miss Susie Trench, Mr. Thos. Trench, Mr. W e Trench, Mr. Will Trench, Mrs. . D. Atkinson, Master Donald Atkinson, Richmond Hill: Miss 113.. King, Toronto; Mrs.l\lille1;LTennessee‘,v YT u . 1|!“ “,J it n Servant Wanted It you ' drug ’iit ' {£61336 in 35363; send us one do at and we wi express you a bottle. Be sure and he the name of your nearest ex recs 0 co. Address, J. C. A. ER 00., Lowe“, Mass. This is wh "we 53 that Ayer’s Hair {ligor a ways restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy. sum a mu. All anal-u. Hungrfhaimeeds fogcl, neggls hair yigorâ€"Ayef‘s. “About a year ago my hair was coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. .It stopped the falling and made my hair row very rapidly, until now it is 4 inches in length.”â€"Mrs. A. Boydston, Atehison, Kans. There’s another hunger than that of the stomach. ngr hunger, for inggncq Long Hair 1- H FOR SALE [Single copies, 3 cts‘. RicthSiid Ru No 3'

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