New Advertisements. I:Clmuge- Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J C Ayer & (lo Lost-The Liberal Ofï¬ce. iBond Luke~ jaundian Paciï¬câ€"A. H. Notman. xpressâ€"J. Sheardown. For Saleâ€"Apply on premises. @111: “flith RICHMOND HILL. July 18, 1901 HONORABLE MENTION. 'Former pupils of Richmond Hill “schools can be numbered by the score who are ï¬lling some of the best posi- tions in the Province. Among our dormer citizens who have given a good account of themselves since .leaving here, probably no person is deserving of greater credit than Mr. James Brackin. Mr. Brackin resign- 6ed the position of Principal of the .Public School 22 years ago, and ac- ‘cepted a similar position in the town of Chatham, now a city. He still ‘aholds the same position, though in a much larger and more commodious school building than where he start- ed, and from the day he commenced this labors until the present time, he 'appears to have been idolized by pupils, parents and citizens alike. 'IIlhe city dailies of June 22 give a :glowing account of an At Home held I the day before, and the Banner-News eeditorially refers to the Principal of McKeough school as follows: “‘ When the story of the progress ‘of the County of Kent is written by $8.11 unbiased historian, the- name of {Brackin will be mentioned as one “who has endeared himself to more people of the district than any other one individual. “‘ Yesterday, afternoon and even- ing, the principal of McKeough fschool entertained the pupils and parents in what is considered to be one of the best equipped school edi- fï¬ces in the country. It is doubtful if :any other institution is surrounded with so many attractions, or, in a. word, is so ‘ home like.’ “ Mr. Brackin has been teacher, counsellor and friend to several gen- erations. He is still in his prime, alert, vigorous, enthusiastic, retain- ing in a marvellous degree all that «charm of‘manner that links teacher and scholar in one common p111‘p( se. “ ‘ Knowledge is power,’ and thou- sands in Chathani, and scattered over ’this splendid Dominion of ours, and . across the border, have been made more useful citizens through the abil- ity possessed by this one man to im- part ‘ knowledge.’ “It was ï¬tting that some tribute be paid him, and yesterday his heart .must have been gladdened by the many things said to him, and about him.†Mr. Brackin has raised a family of three sons and two daughters, and every member of the family is a skilled musician, two being teachers .of instrumental music. The Daily Planet of the 22nd tilt, in athree column article on the present and :past musicians of Chatham, concludes with the following reference to Mr. Brackin’seldest son : “ And now, in conclusion, wemust .say what has been on our heart and .mind for some time touching Mr. W. "Brackin. We enjoy his cornet play- ing, we enjoy his violin aplaying, we enjoy his piano playing, eSpecially" in thecapacity of accompanist, Where he seems so tenderly sympathetic; we enjoy his pipe-organ playing. .But when he sings he holds us spell- i*bound. What is it about that voice' which searches the deepest recesses of our hearts? Old and young feel its influence and he is greeted with the‘ warmest enthusiasm wherever he sings. That heroic strength, that sublime richness and fulness, that in- describable individuality which his voice possesses at onec~claims for him; the superior cultivation of the Ger? .man education in the musical art." WRITTENflAGFE'ElWEN TS. The Richmond Hill Board :of Edna: z-cation rarely has written agreements, with the teachers theycngage. The, latter, therefore, may leave at anyi A :timc by giving a month’s notice,j ieven if it~be in the‘middle of a term. ‘ he opiniomcf some of the members ~_of thele is that special written =agreements»do anot bind .teachcrs. This is surely a mistake, and a case in Markham seems to bear out what we say. The World of Tuesday. contains the following : “ The Markham High School Board has a written agreement, under seal, with L. H. Graham, science master, for another year, renewed as late as ‘ June 17, ’01, and they refuse to can- cel it to allow him to take the posi- tion offered to him by the Oshawa High School Board.†Markham Village appears to be getting the worst of it all round. Six months ago Messrs. Underhill &-- Sisman, who were employing a large number of men and carrying on the manufacture of boots and shoes, not liking the treatment they were re- ceiving in Markham, decided to pull up stakes and settle in Aurora. Markham entered suit against Aurora for offering inducements'to the ï¬rm in the form of a bonus, and a few days agojudgment was given against Markham, the latter to pay all costs in connection with the suit. The Markham Sun speaks of the “ mis- carriage ofjustice,†and is ready to ï¬ght the judge who gave the decision in favor of Aurora, the Minister of Crown Lands, or any person in sight. Rev. Dr. Chambers, a prominent member of the Orange Order, speakâ€" ing in Toronto at the celebration on the 12th of July, pointed out the need of orphanages fer children of deceased members. “Why should the orphans of brethren,†said hr, “ be compelled to go to public inst- 'tutlons,.or to institutions provided by the Roman Catholics ‘3 I thank God that the Roman Catholic Church open its doors in such a way, but there should be no need of sending the orphans of Orangemen to other thanthcir own institutions.†horsenndpoorlook-vzc‘, ' ' ins harness is the , worst kind of a. com- bluntlon. not only mskesthoharnsrs sud -. Hi horse 10! k better, but X):il.z(.'.l the H... leather soft 11nd pliable, puts it in con- - I dition to last twice as long ' I as it ordinarily would. . 1 Sold everywhere in cansâ€"s11 ' I'll ' ’II IMPERIAL ’ /; on. co. ,0 //, r/r‘I ’ sizes. Made by ,, . .1 >1." 1â€; H EX ECUTO R’S NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of JOHN McKINNON. Late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, farmer, deceased. N OTICE is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 1‘29, that all ‘ creditors and others having claims against the ‘ estate of the above named John McKinnon, who dial on or about the 6th day of February, A. D. 1901, are required to deliver or send by post pre~ paid to the undersigned Solicitor for the Ex- ecutrix of the said deceased statements in writing containing their names, addresses and full particulars of their claims duly verified by statutory declaration, on or before Monday, Aug. 5, All. 1901, After which date the said Executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets 0! the said estate amongst the persan entitled thereto having ._ regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and the said Bxccutrix will not be liable for any claim of whim they shall not have had notice at the time of such dis- tributiou. Dated at Toronto this 9th day of July, A. D. " 1901. 24w A. H. BEATON, 7 18 (Joint St, Toronto, Solicitor for Executrix .LDOKT Selling'off the remainder of stock,ccn- sisting of H ATS AND .BONNETS - All.cleariug at $1.50, formerly from ‘ $3.00 to $5.00, at MRS. M. BROWN’S THORNHILL. Ripans Tabulescure tornid liver. Rips ns Tabnlesassist digestion. NF... AT REASONABLE Felons. ; Having so many enquiries for cheap alarm clocks, I have purchased some which I am selling at 80 cts. each. Better alarms, at $1.25. Best grades $1.50 to $2.7 5 guar- anteed good. _ 8 Day, half-hour strike, spring ‘ clocks $3.50. Gent’s watches, Waltham, in nickle, , case, $8.00; in light silver case,$8.75; 3 in heavy silver case, $10.50. Dueber Hampden, full jewelled in heavy silver case, $18.00. Waltham full-jewelled, adjusted, railroad standard, in 25-year ï¬lled case, $30.00. , Ladies’ watches in silver case, $103 In gold-ï¬lled, 20-year case, $14.50. No cheaper grades sold although I have been repeatedly asked for than The watch that gives me the least trouble gives you the least expense. JERRY SMITE’E, Practical \Vatchmnker. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Rip-ans ’l‘abules: at druggists. RICHMOND HILL wont; tun The Next Sitting of Division Court. for No. 3, Country of York, will be held in the Court Room, HILL, “ONâ€" Fiililfll’, GBTUBER 4, 1981 Commencing at 10 in. T. F. MCMAHON CLERK If you used any coma and see what we can do for you. ' No.11, $2.90; No. 12 2.95‘ Block Wire p9, 1001b, '3 : P0111th Netting A complete range of , sizes at our close- out prices. TWINE It's not how much, z. you pay, but it's what - a. you get for the money a you pay that makes it , cheap or dear. Plymouth Twine is not chea twine. but in is THE EST twine and is sold at a. low price. You can't af- ford to experiment with cheap or unknown - brands of twins. Use Plymouth. and you arev sure of having the longest, strongest, smooth- est and erect, twine on the market. Place , your or erwlth us. Section Knives,.5c each Mower Guards, 190 each . .‘ Sprayers, 250 >40 '12 only 8 rsyers, not quite some as llluslmt ed. Made 0 be sold at 750 each. We get them at a bargain. We are going to clear them at 26 CENTS EACH. 87 only Paris Green Dusters (dry). made to be sold for $1.00. We are going to clean- them at 25 CENTS EACH. ream in Three Minutes You can make one out of ice cream in t ree minutes. You can use the some peck, lug of ice for several batches of ice cream For easy operation, rapid results. and econ- om ol' materhl,THE ID AL freezer is I world heater. 1! you are luleth-zarfreozer come and see this, one. 1 Ice RUSSI LL’S a 159 . ers. ,._r_ v“ The Royal Visit to Canada. The Closing. Scenes of the War. The Return of the Army. , EVEiilS ti: Whit. lilili' lillEllES‘T. A'n Opportunity for LIBERAL Readers to Keep Posted During this Period of Excitement. THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. By a very sutisfactor clubbing arrangement. with that great Family News {wiper the Family 1.1 era (1 and \Voekly Star of iIontx-eal we are enabled to oifr-r to new subscribers the biggest value ever heard of. Thelmlance of this your prmnisos the most startling events, and every person should keep posted. Here is the opportunity. ' For the small sum of 80 cents we will send you until January Int; 1902, THE LIBERAL, The Family Herald and Weekly Star and the Family Herald’s two great. premium pictures, “Christ in the ’I‘einp-le†and †Home from the W or." Is that not a dollar’s worth? Either picture alone is worth doule the money. This oï¬â€™t-r is open only to June 30th as the supply of pictures is limit- ed and cannot he promised after that date. To any of our present subscriber-s we offer the Family Herald and VVeehkly Star until January 1st, 1902, including the two pictures forth “mull sum of 000. a 1 ' 0 hEAT U RE ll .. “l . f‘i People talk about men requiring only the “ Creature Comfort.†' That‘s ll your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what is right if you buy your harness, fly nets, horse nets, and supplies from (hirer). NEGEEOHaIds RICHMOND HILL. ll3 ii i l El 'PllE rs eaten. ( When we buy it from the maker, our ï¬rst i -» endeavor is not how cheap we can buy it, but HOW, UUOD we can get. We buy a. very lsrge quantity and pay a. fair reasonable price to . ensure quality ï¬rst and always You can fully rely on the purity and effectiveness of the 2 xBEEN we sell you in 1-lb. sealed packages at are. per lb. Special rates for quantities. - HORSE HAY FORKS '7 only Horse Hey . Forks, as illustrat- ' ed,doubleha.r n ' pattern, have n, ‘ sold for $1.75. to clear they go at 75¢ each Hay Fork Pulleys, 150 each. 29 only all iron swivel eye hay fork pulleys, very close prices to clen r. . They go at locents each. In the kitchen. You'll obtain it only by unit-i one of our 20th Century blue flame automati- wickless oil stoves. Don‘t be induch to buy a Gasoline Stove with all its attendant dang Don't buy a complicated and easy to get out of order oil stove. But buy the 20th Cen tury Stove as illustrated. It embodies SIM PLICITY. a. child can operate it; ECONOM‘. costs one cent an hour for fuel; DUBAllli‘llTl. strongly made, nothing about it to get out on order: SAFETY, it .is absolutely safe. NC danger from explosion. It can't overflow. It’- for you to come and examine. we're sure ‘m' make the sale. MACHINE OIL. Heavy body, lasting quality _ An oil that will please you. Your money back if goods are i not such as we represent them. I Grind- stones, 1 ‘ 1c 3. lb. . A grindstone that won't do the work for , which it is in- tended ls dear at any price. . We have a carefully se- lected stock of ’ stones which we are sure will suit you. ranging in size and price from. ONE CENT per pound up« words. , 'Soreen Doors any size 700 Screen Windows 15c Wire Screen Cloth 90 yd“ Wooden Bey Bakes .............................. 10c each Hey forks, 3 prong, full size, ï¬rst class 35c each Sayihes. a splendid line. from. 500 to $1.915 Maths, unexcelled value. from 35c to 75c Mia-ping Hooks. special value .. ...25c Gr :1 Lradles.oomplete with scythe ...... $3.25 Scythe Stones................... ..................... 50 each Cradle Fingers.................................... 150 each â€" MARKET AT King St. East, Toronto. THE