The Methodist Sabbath School will hold their annual excersion over the Metropolitan Railway and picnic at Mum-o ‘Pmtk bto-mormw (Friday). Special cars will leave the church at 7.45 a. m.,-and,rretuming will leave the Perkin; 7 p. m., andrthe crossing one ibour later. Return tickets for those not connected _Wltrh the school, 40 (cents; children 25 cents. Tickets .«may be had at Sanderson’s drug store, ,m' Humefs,mi101'ing establishment. Mr. ’Isuia-h Bx-oakey of Newton Brook, died on Saturday, 14th inst», in the, 75th year of his age, Deceased a stvh'ike 41, couplé'of years ago from which he never altogether re- covered. He was a prominent Con- servative in politics, and was a great admirer of thelate John A. Mac-don- ald. Interment in Mount, Pleasant aCemetery Tuesday afternoon. To buy here i: to round your- dollar with a larger ciscle of power than was never possible lwfore. Best, Rangoon ricv. 440. lb. ; bright India rice, ; best Japan rice, (5.351;. Atkinson and Switzer. As will be seen by adv. on m ‘r-page, the C. P. R. is running a Lahorer’s Excursion to \Vinnip4 other parts of Manitoba for $10. ‘Vhen you buy anything here you are not pa 'ing the bad debts of some one else. Ve do a cash business on a. close margin. You pay only for what you gen;th for what the other‘fellow getsâ€"rcold facts. Atkinson & Switzer. We are pleased to notice that Miss Mary Alexina Mortson of Bond Lake has passed. with Honors. the 2nd (yeax-s’ examiantion in Vocal Music at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Complaints are emain made that buys and young fellows who go to Boyle’s pond to bathe do not; conduct, themselves properly. No reasonable person will object, to bathing under proper conditions, but as the potfd is along side a publicmad and as there is a-‘fwmily living close by, those who go in the. water should have bathing suits. and their conduct should be such that, no complaints could be made againstthe-m. Views of Pan-American ExpOSitinn and photos of Mr. G. A. McGague’s new ham are on sale at, the tent of Banks & W'nodhridvv, north end of the village. Those pkfmtugrapheI-s will be here two weeks longer. They will be pleased to photograph houses, groups of persons, or anything desired. Best 6 card 200 yard spools, 40.; corticelli sewing silk in all shades, 5c. ; white crochet cot-ton, 5c. Atkinson & Switzer. Tor-(mm is nut in it forhzu'dware'. C. Mason’s. The.xep0rb of the quca tiunal Coun- cil on the rnsult of the Normal College was given in yvsberduyl; dailies. The name (If Mr. W. A. Glass is among the successful cu udidates. Monday was the last: day fnr appeal; ing ngniust the village voters’ list, and none were entereu. The assessm en!) roll as returned to the .-clerk was a credit to the assessor. As will be seen by adv. on another page, Mrs. Sivers is continuing the ham; and shoe business in the 01d stand. She will keep an up~to~date stock. The ’bvst whitvning, 1&0. =1b.; the best washing soda, 1&0. 1b.; the best baking soda; 3c. lb. Atkinson and swugen The village lacrosse team played a match at Bradford nu the 12th of July and were (lefuated by the team of that .town by.a,srxwe‘of 6 In 2. The Hurse Brvcdvrs' Assoniatinn ml Munduy evening dmtidvd to send thit' draught stallion, Young Macqueou, ho thei’wn. American Expositiun.'. Grape nuts, 150.; shredded wheat biscuits, 150.; Swiss Fond, 149. ; Far;- nosa, 14c. Atkinson & Switzer. There was a large crowd at and Lake at the annual picnic and 'dag'ce of G0rm:ey football club Tuesday evening. ,TickefsJ‘mï¬hercxuursiou to Bond’s Lake- and cnncen by the Queen’s an Band maze Tuesde evening. may be had at THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. Mr. N. Slime-y has purchasvd a new engine and throshvr. It; comes frvm Sarnin. and will be ready for Work early in the week. “RICHMOND EHILL, July 18, 1901 Two mnre cases of smallpox have develode m the Eddy family at Ym-k Mills. The patients are quarantined in a tent. Howath that wickless 0i] stnve fur the hut wear her at O. Mason’s. Best Santos (ruffle, ground fres‘h, 150.; (vaun’s famous Mend coffee, 40c. lh.; exna quali‘uy Hi0 coï¬ee, 12c. Atkinson a SM‘iiZL't‘. mu: 313ith Grain cradles, $3, at G. Mason’s. Parlor bellows, 25c. at C. Mason’s. I-J{)(3‘ AEJS. adv. on another running a Farm to \Vinnipeg and Mr.,R. A. Farquharson, Principal at: the High School, is in Toronto assist- ing in examining the papers at the ~Ihypzlxttnental Exagnimmious. "“ pages from its fashions down to the household notes. The daintiest dresses ‘ and dress accessories are gathered into this number, just suitable in their | n'iaterials and their make up for, the temporary use to which midsummer E clothing,r is put. The dreSsmaking ; article by Mrs. Gorman deals with lace took collars and apen work of various :luds, lmlerus, c-tc., which appear to 1 he, more popular than everthis season. The kitchen article for the month Tdesm'ihes various cold tomato dishes, f summer drinks and fruit salads. Three ‘ short stories also appear- in the August number, one by Francis Lynde entitl- ed “ A Vacation Conscience,†another by Arabella Konealy, daughter of the famous Dr. Kenealy, entitled. “ Dr. 1 For-dham’s Daughter,†and a third, a college story written by a college girl entitled. “ The Impressionist Picture." Miss L.‘ White returns home to-dayi after having spent a verypleasantfew weeks with Mrs. A. Sylvester Savage. Mr. and Mrs. Savage accompan her ‘ to her summer home at. Port. ruce, 3 and on their Way back will visit Cleveâ€" land, the Pan-American Exposition and other-western citieg. le Qnrwn’s Own Band of Toronto 1 (late British-Canadian Band) Will give ‘ a concert. in Hand Lake Park on the evening of Tuesday, July 23. Fare to the park and return on the Metropuli- 1 tan Railway including wnt-rance fee to ' the park as: follows :â€"Tm-ontn 40 -qts.. Thmnhlll 30 cts.,Richmrmd Hill 25 cts., Aurora 25 cents., Newmupket 30 cents. Similar concerts last smnmm- gave en- i jnyment. tn many people, and it is ex- ! pectcd this ï¬rst. entertainment of the i The names of about half it dozen ' young follows of our village have been handed .tn Constable anwnlee and Reeve'Savage, charged with trespass- ing an private property stealing. fruit; and dostmying trevs. The. complainâ€" ants ï¬rst thought (if handing the 1 mlan to Mr. Eiiis, J. R, in which case) ihe partivs if found guilty might get, a free trip over the Don. The 1 umui's in circulation in regard to the matter certainly call for investigation to dispose of the accusations or cause ti 9 punishment, of thnse concerned., ’ A number of our industriuus citizens depend tn 3. great extent fur their . livelihuud upon their gardens and or- chards. and it is unfair that they should he compulled m sit up at night. with simi- guns, which some of them do, in order to protuct their pmperw. The same individuals me also accused of visiting orchards on the 2nd con. of i Markham] on the Lord’s Da-y. Mrs. (Rev.) Wookey of Kingstonf Jamaica, and daughter of Toronto, spent a few days at: “ Hillcrest,†Head- ford. They were :,the guests of Miss Laura. Lee‘k. M. Teefy Esq. Postmaster, returned} last evening from a visit with his daughter Mrs. John Mulcuh in Orillia' accompanied by three of is grand- children. Mr. A. R. Innes of Port Elgi'n, who. is an associate examiner at the De- part-mental Examinations in Toronto, came up and spentqygr Sunday with his father and mother. Nora McMahon accompanied her little friend, Verna Hutchison, last Saturday to London, where they will spend a monthwith Mrs. XV. Escott. T Messrs. G. B. Newhery and T. New-' ton are attending the annual meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Ham- ilton. { Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller and little" daughter of Tennessearesum home to- day after 5 ending a couple of days; with Mrs. 11). Trench. T Mr. Sylvester Savage returned Sat- urday from Whitby, where he had spent a couple of weeks with friends. Mr. E. Mason has gone to Muskoka' for a- month’s outing. Miss \Vellwood of Dungannon, is making a couple of wevks’ visit at the Parsonage. ' Mast/er Beverley Walker of Toront0,t is spending his school holidays with his grandfather, Mr. J no. Goulter. As this is essentially the vacation time of the year, The Delineator for August is the vacation number. The spirit of midsummer breathes over its Fruit jars, best make. all sizes, at lowest ï¬gures ; sugar, spices, vinegar, best quality and best value in the trade; try our white grape pickling at, 109. quart, the figure that is usually charged for XX white wine vinegar which is not half the strength and does nut approach the grape in flavor. Atkinson & Switzer. Our pt-icvs are responsible for so much hustle and bustle around our store we quute 8_ (:2. denim in blue. Slate and black, 190. yam}; a. regular 20c. man’s vmnl hose fox-15c. Atkin- son & Switzer. éensnn at Bond Lake will be Well patronized. For particulars see adv. on another pagn. A meeting Of the Board of Education was held Monday afternoonL The Bum-d passod a resolution to ask for an assvssnwnt of $1,400 for the Public School, but it was thought there would be enough from fves and other sources for High School purposes. The Board decided to place double Idpul Heater and V vntilatm- in the two west, rooms of the Public School at a cost of $175. MIDSUMMER DELINEATOR. PERSONALS. SCHOOL BOARD. BA ND CONCERT. BE CAREFUL. THE - LIBERAiLa The farm of the late John McKinnon, being the westexl 98 acres of lot 18. 5th concession of Vaughan. ellore. The soil is good clay loam in a. good stunt)! cultivation. On the premises no two goodhouses, good name barn and ochnr outbmldiu a. Good supply of large and small- truit. and p nty of good water. This vroperty.‘ is well situated being within a. quarter of a. n ile: from school,post ofï¬ce, show and blacksmith shop aniin a. desirame localitv. ‘ Apply.“ the farm residence or to ‘ 4.11. BEA’ION, Barrister, 24w 18 Court St., Toronto Thé Gore 'is an nip-tvo-date HnmeCnm- pany and is unte'd for xts’broad policies and liberal settlements. . 1' A large brick house and good outbufldinga with twelve acres of land,be§ng part of lot 21,- 0011.3. Vaughan, in. the village of Maple. Thu: i‘s avervdesimble ropertyon which is a. flowing well. Will. be so d cheap. - _'DONALD WAngN, _ n11 .Food doesn’t digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Ton ue coated? .It’s your liver! yer’s Pills are liver pills; they cure dys- . pepsia, biliousness. Call, write or J. T. Saigeo‘n, Miple‘lf. 9,,vi‘lï¬â€˜néfding ipsug-gmce. Explainiï¬'g theyfof-frlo()ï¬fi):)ï¬g; iésued by the Gore costs nothing. The total income from all sources was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648,133 leaving $31,- 279.92as the balance to the credit: of the year’s transactions. Out; of ‘thisyk. the directors have decided to make a. refund of 20 per Cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Com- pany. The total assets of the com any amount to $433,823.11 of which 255,- 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all}! liathilities of $375,813.91. 3 Reserve f5rw’r'e7-i7'r-{s1imnee and all; other liabilities $58.009.20. Tobalussetsm'uilable to pay losse‘s $433,823,11. The ammmtdsf insurance "in force \VI_IS_ $5,677,927.00. Ho ..,_ __ 2.....- ing cedar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 6 50 H. High, team on grader ... . . . .2 475 J. Manning, team on grader. . . . 1 37 R. Rumble, operating and mov- in grader. . . . . . . . . . . 29 00 J. H. irby, freight on cedar . . 40 30 [‘Suwyer & Massey. 2 blades . . . . 17 00 J. Sliney, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 79 G. Garrow, hauling tile . . . . . , . . 6 50 J. J. Cook. gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 99 J. E. Glubiue, cedar posts . . . . . '7 92 Gr. Cooper, .3.da.ys’ work, survey .3 75 WuGunn, ‘2; “ “ 3 12 E. Smith, 1 “ “ 1 25 E. Line, hauling timber . . . . . . . 7 00 J. Gartnn, repairing bridge . . . . ’37 50 W. F. Reed, spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 J. Nixon. work 6th can . . . . . . . . 27 1.5 ‘V. F._Diceman, Work 6th con.. 13 27 A. Br son, work 61h.con. . . . . . . . 6 00 T. F. Vallace..gra\'el . . . . . . . . . . 3.20 J. Ireland, nmviug grader . ,. .1 00 H. Ellis,.qperating grader . . . . . 6 00 J.L..Ca.rd, work and material . . 14 83 ‘J. Robb. levelling gravel . . . . . . . . 9 20 George Suttonrhauling gravel. . ‘19 50 a J. Kaiser, “~" -“ i. . 21 L13 ‘ W. Stevenson, “ “ .. 25 35 R()bt..R0bh, “ “ . . 15 60 Henry Sutton, “ “ .. 14 63 J. Stevenson. “ “ . . 16 58 Geo. Gordon, “ “ .. 16 50‘, R. Topper. gravel . ._ . . . . . . . 12 601 Jas. Kaiser, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 23 J. McKay, ï¬xing culvei b . . . . . . . 25 John Snider, plank . . . . . . . . . . . 4 28 J. Duck, unloading sewer pipe.. 1 J. McBride. operating grader .. ,21 00 P. G. \Vardlaw,,gravel . . . . . . . . '7 841; Alex. Black, labor, etc. . . . . ,_18 35‘J S. McClure, labor, etc . . 7 75} A. D. Leitch, operating grader . 1 50; E. Smith, trip to Maple , . . . . . . . 1 00‘ Gardner Q'Iivinqthridge repairs 19 75' The sixty-second annqu meeting‘ (if the Gore Fire Insurance Co. was eld atmGalt. on t‘hg 28th nfflJanuariy, 1901. Want your mouoï¬charâ€" bar} a buntltul brown or rich black? Then use ‘ BUGKINGHAM’S DYE,fVW‘Itshl‘eers 60 m a! human. on R. P. Hm: I: an; III-nun u u 0. Bull, breaking Wm. Chatterley, 'M. Conley, work 1. Leeceywnrk. . . Jas. Jones, work. . Council then adjourned imitril’ Tues- day, August, 13, to meet. at 1 p. In, DeVinsâ€"Longhouse that; all per-3 sons are prohibited from cutting or l‘émoving timber 01f the mad allow- ance on the 86h can. .between lots 20 and 25 inclusive; «aler that notices be p0§ted up to thug eff(ecb.7Cat'1-ied. Gore Insurance 80. ‘ â€"Carried. On motion of Mr. Devina, Msséconded by Mr. Longhouse it grant of $25 was made to the Vaughan Agricultural Sogieby. Sick :- Headache P Vnughun council met at Vellure on Tuesday, July 9, at l p. m. Reeve Kirby in the chair. Members resent : Messrs. Manny, Devins. oyle and Longhouse.‘ Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The secretary was instructed to pay the following accounts : . Patrick Brophy, culvert . . . . . . . . $13 75 D. Burgesg, unloading and haul- uuunmunflm o D l LWhI‘s‘k‘ers so on. or alumna-I. on R. P. HALL a; co., NmuA, N. H. W_._r A Farm for Sale Subscribe for FOR SALE Vaughan Council 24.1 Yupge St. AZcounlt 'f25c. All druggists. stone Wurk gbudge 37 50 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20 con . . . . . . . . 27 15 Wk 6th com. 13 27 h.c0n.1 . . . . . . 6 00 "(41 . . . . . . . . . A 3.20 grader . ,. «1 00 grader . . . . . 6 1 material . . 14 ravel . . . . . . . . 9 ling grave]. . ‘ u u 25 “ “ .. 15 60 u u 63 u u 16 58 H u . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 601 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 23 1th16 . . . . . . . 25 ........... 4 28, sewer pipe.“ 1 12 ng grader . . ,21 00‘ Lvel . . . . . I . . '7 841; etc. . . .. ,_18 35‘ the 7 753 . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . ; on cedar . . 2 blades . . . . . ~ . . - . . . n 2900 4030 1700 679 650 Mable, 1 12 21.004 7 84% .18 35‘. 7 75: mQEMQND EILL; -' Ozone small 33, large 65 Piorce’s Favorice Prescription 65c Pierce's Golden Medic-5.1 Discovery 650 Pierce's Panama 156 Williams' Pink P1125, 330.. 3 for 95¢ Electric 0i1,5 bottles int 250 Carter’s Pills. 2 bottles for 25:: Chase’s Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢: Dodd’s Kidney Pillsï¬Qc Parmeelefa Pills ,150 Castoria. 25c ‘ - - Burdock Blood Bitters 606 Eczema Ointment, 350 I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Buggies, Surries, Phaetons, Mikado Road Wagons, Spring Wagons, ' “Delivery Wagons, Carts, and all styles of vehicles. THE McLAUGHLIN if-ABRIAGE 00W, You can save money by dealing with us. We want you for a. customer. Compare these 1314! Splendid Machine Oil, 730 cents a gal. Mexican {QiMor keqping‘flies off cattle,used once a. week. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. We sell one~grade only and that the best made'by Call and,examine-_ourgoods-before )puxchasing. pair, or 6 pairs for 60¢: , Women’s Fast In. Black Extra Long Seamless. Hose, actual value 12c. Ladies’ Hygeian Vests, short sleeve 0. Worth 106. ; pair, or ;6 pairs for $51.15, Ladies' A. 0,. Full Fashioned Black Cashmere Hose, regular 25¢. kind. yard, Fancy Colored Muslin, raised 50. ï¬gure, regular 30c. yard. assorted Willow Hats, worth 70. I ma. ff: 90. 150.31: C pail v.2oc C. 42w cu: 31133 for Both Women and ‘ Men V Will be found 4in our‘hoi: weather wear this week. Just what you’ll want at prices you want to pay W,HOLBSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. C. D. DANIEL & CO. . «each,<Men’s Soft Bosom Zephyr-Shirts cuffs separate, regular $1. ‘~ ea_ch-, 3 for 25c., Men’s Washable St‘ring Atkinson & Switzer pair, Men’s Light Wool Hose, regular .200 pair. OSHAVVA, ONT, each, Men’s White Pique Derbys, reg- ular 20c. \ ‘ each, Washable Lombard Ties, rega- Iar 12%c. kmd. White Muslin Blouses, tucked front, Bishop,sleeye§, regular :75c. FOR WOMEN W’E SELL FOR MEN . can; Ema. gal «Fowler’s Exarach Wlld Strawberry. 256 i Beef,Imn and Wine 500 Aver’s Hair'Vigo4ur,~600 Hood's Sursaparilla. 650 Epsom Salts, 3011)., 10 lbs. 2011256 Sulphur, 30. 1b., 9 lbs. for 250. Kendall's Spaviu Cure. 75o Dodd’s Dyspepsia. Tabiehs, 35c Gillett’s Lye 100 per tin, 3 for 258 Vaseline, 5c abomo Sarnia. ther-whipe 998.1 .oij, aqua! to 'Ameri- Opp. Clyde Hotel