â€' Dr. W. Geefl'l‘mtet, B. DENTIST, VOL. XXIV. Remodelled, and newly furnished throughout One of the most convenient; and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. An ideal stopping place for riding at drivinglparties,bicychsts, or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric cars pass the door. Livery in connection. RI'TiMIOND HILL. Ofï¬ce Hours: 8 to 10 a. ‘m.; 12 to 2 p 111.; 7 to 9 p.111. “‘ (751:2 "éï¬ihmi " IS PUBLIsiIâ€"EDEVEM THURSDAY MORN’ING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. VETERINARY SURGEON u RICHMOND HILL TERMS. $1.00 PER DAY. JOHN PALMER. - '1‘. F. MUMAHON. PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, Room 12, 12!: Victoria St. Toronto. Best; ï¬tting teeth, also replating, at; lowest prices. Good work. Caiis by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. Oddfellow’s Bldg, Toronto, 001-. Y01. and College 8138., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every : \Vednesday. Ofï¬ce :â€"-Next door south of Put School. Telephone 3368 for appointment. ï¬nov'ed methddï¬. Calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. Graduate of the Until-i0 Veterinary Callege, with di lama. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental choohwfll visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. nd ConcorQon‘ lj‘rliday fwum 1 in n n .M run-1.. . m.____u,, ,A mm resident ph v31": w“ Hospitals, Torouao. . , H, ,. r. _. v . m mwuuuu vu. Disqpbes of horse . 159.533 ogher domesticat- ed amma'ls tresma by the latest ‘and most up- 2“ nun]! Mn‘hA/‘n VETERINARY SURGEON u. \quuvlu-VH A‘ Aluu 7099mm athqnded to. DR. T. A: CURR Cor. Bloor and Spadma Ave 'l‘oronto.« Member Callage Physicians and Surgeons. Gut. Ripans Tabufes cure liver'troublas. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. ï¬allamugh & 'Biahards VETERINARY SURGEONS, ' 'Phornhill. '. H. SANDERSDN, $1 per annum, in advance. 7 Denï¬st, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oflice Hoursâ€"8 to 10 n. m ; 12 to E 7 hu 8 D m. DR. L. LAWRASUN, 7 VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, BUSINESS CARDS; DR.‘ E. J, STUBBE, EDITOR & Pnommwon TWm. Bogus Demï¬sï¬, tummy . McElroy, Thorium“, Szflediml. â€"-ANDâ€" fleutal. an at Western and Grace ‘0, 001-. Yonge 2pm; IE, Public Prop 0n thepremises' of' the undersigned, a. well- bred Jersey Bull. Terms $1 00, Eve accommodation to guestn. Board. 81 ' ' nel- da COOK & MACDONALD Barristers Soli'niiors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE : Freehold Loan Building. cor. Adelaxde&Victox-ia Streets, Toronto. Mr. will be 3,1: Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each wee-1:» A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Liceui‘erl Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontarm. All sales of farm stock. (#0., at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable mteq. Mortgage and bailiï¬ sues attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘ville. Ont Licensed Auctioneers for the County of 1 Balesatteuded to on shortestuoticeand at aonablamtes Pmtronagesnlicited. Licensed Mlctioneer for the County of York. Genera] sales of implements, turniturastunding timber. etc. attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronagesolici bed. P. 0. address Maple Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of atock etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R. Gouldmg, Newton Brook. agent. fnr hhn g hnv'a License Auctioneers for theC‘ounty of York,“- spectfully when; your patronage and friendly nfluence. sales uttmdcd on the shortest nptice and a rousonabe rates. P. 0. uduress King fluacaa, emfâ€"Q Barristers, Solicitors. 6%., 25 KiNG STRE >T WEST, TORONTO. East annnmmfllee, Mr. Grant‘s residence, Woodb‘l‘xdge, everv awning. Thm'uhill.ancb Wednesday {mm 10:012. Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at * lowers; rates. - Auroraofliceâ€"Removed to the old post «ï¬led, one door west of .the entrance to the Ontario Bank. Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three doors «oath of the post; ornce. T. HERBERT LENNOX, G. STV. MORGAN, Aurora. Newmarket SALEM Ecxum'r, 168 Wellington I’la‘ce, Tux-onto J. T. Saigeon. Maple. Undertakers dz Embalmers, HICHMGND HiLL & THORNHILL HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. die. -; J.“ -, . a 3n ‘ ' IDSHCI‘ o; Eviaiuggre Llcenses id RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. fdr the 8450;; JAS.‘ NEWTEN ' Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 35:. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Buildl ings, 001-. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. - LEN mx {MEGAN Money to loan at 5 per cent THORNHILL M . '1‘ 1+: :32; Fir?“ N OTARY PUBLIC DAVID ]A MES FOR SERVICE ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E146}1B§ REILLS U STOKES ISSUER MARREAGE LICENSES. No Wimasnas‘ Mr E9 .LEMQW9 @ï¬ayï¬g Eflg‘flï¬ep MONEY TO LOAN AT 158 me STREE‘I‘V EAST. monox'ro WRIGHT BROS, ccxmnm, J. Hjlfamrrmn lington Pla‘ce, Toronto. Unxonviue Bckardt ï¬r Pl entice goon, J. K. McEwan. Maple. Weston. ‘ Saigeo n a; McEwen. Stokes & Blough. rist‘A-rs zum Sol .l’. I). “madman, OOZEIISSXONEB- IN THE RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1., 1901 N. E. Smith, LAWRENCE, 25mm. n In EssentialS, Unity: T. UDFORD. L Richmond gm Telerhcne 2984 ï¬ï¬ï¬fsfl N ewxharket D BLOUGH ONT. York. Ir res.- osite side of the ï¬ver is Clifton Corl- iet'y, where large. quantities of coal are still un‘earthed, and just above Wilfdrd is-Clifton Grove, 3 perfect m- .My journeyings usually take me through churches and grave-yards, we set out f0:- Wilfmd to see that charming spot, the ideal church and sm-mundings'fm‘artists. The church remains the same 11 on the banks of the Trent, which owe beneath the wall; overgrown with grass and form- ing the boundary which was covered with buttercups and daisies, the. com- mnnest of English wild flowers. We looked at several graves. some of which are very old, and entering the church sat down to rest amidst; the solitude of the silent dead. Immedi- ately in front (zithe church on the op- ___-54, A walk to the River Trent shows the high level Water mark of the floods for which this city is so noted. The damming of the river is formed by a. -.breakwater in the shapeof steps and the top of which makes a ï¬ne promen ade from Wilford to Trent Bridge, used for vehicles and foot passengers. Standing as'I did to gaze on the new things, my eye Caught the ' Railway Biidge which spans the water a. few yards beyond and I thought of my father who did the brickwork for this structure. In a few moments I notic- ed what used to be gardens and ï¬elds have grown into a ï¬ery nice suburb pulled West Bridgeford, and I Wander- aï¬ around to try and find the spot where mn- gaiden stood, but alas! somebody’s house is built upon it. The village church is enlarged to such an extent that villagers of' even twenty‘flve years ago must fancy their old-fashioned pews suited them better than the upâ€"to-da‘t-e chairs for the accommodation of the fashionable reeidents of this old new part. _ Nuttingham‘, dear old Nottingham, huw its memories. crowd my thoughts as I W1 ite about; it. The scenes of my childhood are mnstly centred here; and it, Seemed like old times to meet the friends of long a.go-â€"the streets practically unchanged, excepting for the electric car, which seems so won- derful L0 ‘tvhe outinai'y Englishan that the idea. of using “ a ï¬shing rod for} trolley pole †took his senses. The castle is now used\ as. a. museum and the writer remembers the opening uf the same by the present king and queen. The grounds are nicely laid out with flower beds and grassy plots, while seats surruuud the enclosure where a. band plays, the music of wthh is wufted (:11 the air and carried to the people. beneath who promenade the. drives and walks at the base of the cliff. The locks are stlewn with shrubs and fuliage, and wild goats are darting in and nut, and pigeons flash hither and thltlk‘l' or ï¬ll the court,â€" yard, picking up the crumbs dmppcd b): Apasseljs-by. The city is of immen’iorial antiquity, being built on the site of the old cave dwellings and the castle which stands on a high rock affords a good oppor- tunity of seeing the caves usvd in by- gone centurii‘s. The present building dates from 1674, the formi-r being destroyed by fire. It was, here that, Queenll-snbelki with her favorite Mgr» timer were captured by order of the young Prince, afterwards King Ed- ward III. The underground passage called “ Mortimer’s Hole,†shows the spot where The unfortunate man Was taken prisoner. Darkness reigns su- preme, while the weirdness of this ghostly route sm‘oi-s of goblins imd the deeds of wicked peova. nu The entrance to the castle is still the same as when the Romans pasaed under the portcullis and just inside. the gate the ivy cuvercd walls look charmingly picturesque. The Riding Schnul ()I‘.Al 111(1111‘ie‘s is at the foot of Standard Hill, While the Huspital crowns the mp and overlooks the Park, a. residential portion turbhe Well-u)de otLNottingham. Passing along Addison street We enter the Arboretum, which is used as 9. Recreation Ground; it covers about ï¬fty acres. A Chinese pagoda stands in the centre of a. square ~and hung from the dome is a bell captured at Canton. Aï¬neaviary is seen here; also a pond where swans and water- foy‘l al‘muqd p_lgm.ifully. A ' The principal feature of the building is its immensity and solidity, and one cannot help but ask why such strung:- hulds have been built, and when we remember the castle was once a fUl'I'v- ress, our questions are answered, for the requirements of safety on Uldk‘l] limes called for refuges such as Lllis. As we Lmd the pnyeuwnt used by the Romans, were thankful to live in a, perind of which fieedum is the chief characteristic. The Market‘ Place is said to 'be the lqtgest and ï¬nest open space in Eng- lémd. \Veek days it; is covered with stalls; Sundays the spot is clear of merchandise and open discussions, re- ligious and ntherwise, are held and carts or benches make a. platforn'l fur the speakers. who are. Lhronged by a, sagging qmwd of (mluokeI-s. mss E. E. GREENS LETTER; Across the Ocean. Nan-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity. Weiare giving big value in men’s overalls, working pants and socks. See the regular 60c. overalls for 450., and the regular 200. wool sock for 15c, Atkinson Switzer. Harold H..‘ the fast Canggdiun pacer scored his third consecutive victory in the Grand Circuit, Cleveland, last Fri~ day, trotting a, mile in 2.08. This horse is owned by Mr. H. Wartz of Win ham, and is being driven by Mr. $1.1 roctor, formerly of Richmond fl". ' Swiss food, 140. ; Farinnsa, 14c. ; Jersey oats, 14c. ; grape' nuts, 150. We make healthy customers by selling them healthy food and satisï¬ed cus- tomers by charging them fair prices. Atkinson & Switvzer. Alurge barn theprnperty of Matthew VVilliamsnn (m lnL_17, 4th con. Whit- church, near Vandot-f, was struck by ligntniug Monday aftel-nmm and was burned to the ground. The loss was partially covered by igsgrayae, end snf the Wood is the Hall. the estate of thalabe Sir Robert Clifton. I had the pleasure of visiting Miss Jackson at the MllnderHig'her Grade School and making myself known as’a former pqgil. _ - Yesterday was Aurora’s Civic holi- day. A large number of the citizens Went with the Methodist Subhuth School to Long Branch. treat for, lovers or visitors. At the Nottingham and vicinity will always ï¬nd a. warm place in my affect-ions from its relation to Childhood’s days and the rent-Wed H-ss;:0iatiuns of the time, of writing. Aurora has formed :L rifle associa- tion with the following ofï¬cers ;7~,~,Capt,. C, A. Patch ; Sec'y, Dr. Stephenson ; Treas.. J. C. Leadlwtter'; Committee, A. Love and E. Braund. There are 60 members in the club. White grape pickling vinegar, cider vinegar, vEnglish malt vinegar, pure Concord grape vinegar and best qual- ity pure spices of all kinds for pickling. Atkinson & Switzer. Residents of this place. Were shocked to hunr of the sudden death of Eva. Juhnsloh, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Juhnstun. formerly of Maple. Slip died at her father’s home in T0- rontn after an illness of nnlya day. She had just returned from the Pan- Amorimua "Expnsitiqn with gl- friend, and when taken ill never recovered consciousness. She had always'been a favorite here, and her early death is mygh to he regretted. Six; \Vilfx-id Lam-im- has deï¬nitely consent/Mi to preside at, the opening of Tnmnto Exhibition on Tuesday, Aug~ ust. 27. 0n the 20th 0f July Mr. J. Hm]- lingshead, Mathematical Master in the Newmarket High School was married tn Miss Nettie Forster, organist; of the Methodist Church. . Just; to hand, a new stock of gent’s linen collars, late-st styles, and we never had a ï¬ner range of ties in the leading shapes ; also white and colored dress shirts. Atkinson & Switzer. Libby’s‘canned veal, 25c. tin ; Clark’s bark and beans. 50. tin; Ice 0-45th salmon, 2 bins for 25c. Atkinson and SWi-tzer. - The trotting stallion,Cresoeus.creat- ed a. new record last; Friday by mak- ing a- mile in 2.023 nvm- the Glenville track in Cleveland, Ohio. The remains of the late Mrs. Robert, VVntson were brought to Maple on Monday, and intelrcd in the cemetery. Deceased had been ill fur Several months at; her home at Bell’s Lake. Hm- huslmnd and three young daugh- ters arehgreatly to be sympathized \Vi_t_hl in. their grea} loss. Mr. and Mrs. ’l‘. Cousins and spent Sunday in Toronto and Junctlon. Best quality fruit jars in sizes wine quarts, wine é gais., and imperial quarts at lowest, figmes in the tradv, «quality considered; jar rubbers, 5c. dozen. Atkinson 85 Switzer. Mrs. Dumild Watson has been ser- iously ill fnr some time. M 1-. O’Connor nuw serves out re- freshments at the Hulse Bunse. Mr. A. J. Rupert accumpaniéd by a Mr. Buvan druvp up from the city on Sxygdayfindicnlk d (m friends. Next Monday is Toronto’s CiV‘iC Holiday. The Duke of C(mnvall and York will be in Tm'nnto October 10 to 12. Vauzrhnn Lot! 9 had fmu‘ rominent . . o . g . , v1s1tm-s at their Regular Meeting rues- dsz evening fum} 'l‘mnto. The. ratepayers purpose calling a public meeting to discuss advanced ideas ltmking tnthe impwV’ements of sidewalks in the village. The erc‘ct‘j'un of a grain elevator at, My: 'ailway station is talked of.†News Notes. Maple son the Dry hardwood and sligdelivered on shbrteï¬a notice. MllCHAEL BROS? ’ 48¢! Richmozid Hill; ï¬ncsémraï¬en “W. HEWISON, H OUSE PAIN TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper-2 Hanger. ’ The farm of the late John McKinnon, being. the waste: l_v 98 acres of lot 18. 5th concession of Vaughan. Vellore. The soil is gond clay loam in a good state, of cultivation. On the premises are two good houses, good frame bzym and othsr outbulldings. Good supply of large and small mm. and plenty of good water. This property- is well situ Med being Within a quarter of u. n ila from school, poms ofï¬ce. Show and blacksmith shop uni in a. desirable localitv. Apply at the farm residence or to A. H. BEATON. Banister, flâ€"iw ' 18 Court 617., Toronto Mr. J. W. Moyes ap ealed against, Aurora's assessment 0 $4,500 of the Metropolitan Railway. The case came before Judge Morgah on Saturday, when the assessment Waé IOwered to $1,500, the same ‘as last year. The town assessor had apparently thought that the amendment to the sump iron act would apply to the railway, bugs Judge Morgan heldotherwise. Paris lump sugar, powdered su ar, icing sugar, best St. Lawrence yel 0w- sugmy big $ worth of each given by Atkinson 85 Switzer. Try some pow- dered sugar for table use. 20 lbs. exm tra granulated for $1. MP. J. S. Fullerton, City Solicitor,. has given his opinion that there is no legal objection in the way of allowing a teinpomyy junction between the C. P. R. and the Metropolitan at North Toronto. The Metropolitan have ask- ed this permission for a couple of months so that they may convey rail- way supplies to the Schomberg branch; of their mad, which is nva in eourse construct-ion. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL “I have used A er’s Hair Vigor for thirty years. t is elegAnt for a hair dressing and for keeping'the' hair from splitting at the ends.â€â€" J . A. Gruenenfelder, Grantfork, Iii. HairSPiiz‘s Hair-splitting splits friendships. If the hair: splitting is done on your own head, it loses friends for you, for every hair of yoqr he_ad is a friend. If your drug in cannot 9111317†you, send us one do u and we w express you a bottle. qum and ive the name of your negrgst e’xgress 0 ’39. Address, . ‘r 1-. an a. --A__ Ayer’s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it will stop it. Farm for Salg W. H. SHAW. '1‘ EN REGULAR TEACHERS FINE EQUIPMECT To IRON'I‘O A STRONG SCHOOL of TIME, TALENT qnd MQNEÂ¥_h1is made our school Worthy of the liber- ni patronage of mm 700 members an~ numly which if. enjoys. The best: of it is that; no graduate, to out p- eseut kl‘QWI’BIILIGJS without; a good. position. Enmrau) Lime. FOR SALE Central Business College [Single copies, 3 cts. $1.00 a bottle. All (nights. Yongo and Gerrard St-s. GOOD BESTLTS V‘Vrébe for circulars. surest e’x teas ofï¬ce. Address, J. C. AY R C0., Lowell, Mass.