Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Aug 1901, p. 3

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Here is Mt. St. Pierre’s letter: “I am happy to-day to see my health entirely reestablished by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. I owe that wonderfuli remedy a thousand thanks. Before: ,using Dodd’s Kidney Pills I had con-i ~sulted many physicians and taken‘ 3medicines of various kinds, but. each! made me worse. I had a constant! pain in the back and limbs. At: night I couldn’t rest and I could not see by lamplight. Having taken only two boxes of Dodd’s Kidney" gPills I am perfectly cured. My,.eyeâ€", .sight is clear. I advise all those} Ewhose health is r~L good. from: Whatever cause, to try Dodd's Kidâ€"f ney Pills. Nine times out of ten? they will be exactly what is Wanted. : Two dollars spent for Dodd’s Kid‘, ney Pills will do more than millions spent otherwise, for who holds any- thing in the world more dear than ihealth, or would spare any means to save it ?" A A similar case has turned up in the village of St. Epi, Que. Though this sufferer was not stone blind, his eyes nevertheless were utterly useless to him by lamplight. And they have been completely restored [by Dodd’s Kidney Pills, which is an- otherpoint of similarity. I There is no attempt made to as- sert Dodd’s Kidney Pills are a cure Efor blindness. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are the greatest kidney medicine ,ever known. That is the claim made :for Dodd’s Kidney Pills, and there (is evidence enough to prove that claim. But in cases where Kidney Disease has left poisons in the blood and the said poisons attacking the ,weakest Spot, injure the eye, Dodd’s Kidney Pills are just as infallible as ;where the poison attacks the joint of the arm or the small of the back. [That the eyesight of Thomas St. Pierre was restored is but another argument that Dodd’s Kidney Pills make the blood absolutely pure. Her kerchief made in style of yore, , -Some fairy surely put the hem on, iIli-Ield sugar such a, charm before ? Was e’er such magic in a lemon ? v'A cup she designates as mine ‘ With motion of her dainty finger. The kettle boilsâ€"O drink divine, In memâ€"ry shall thy fragrance 11n- ger._ Health Entirely Re-established by Dodd’s Kidney Pillsâ€"Another Triumph for That Wonderful Remedyâ€"~His Eyesight Has Been Strengthened. St. Etpi, Que, July 29.â€"(Specia1). One year ago a miracle was announcâ€" ed in Chicago. R. A. Wade, the great criminal lawyer, regained his sight after having for years been to- tally blind. His case was published throughout the length and breadth of America, and it attracted more attention to Dodd’s Kidney Pills than any medicine ever got before. For it was Dodd’s Kidney Pills that restored his sight. Mother": I am surprised, my dear, that you suffer a. man to kiss you! Daughter: But, mamma, I don’t call it suffering. She turns away with manner coy, The firelight shows her beauty , clearer; 0h, why is teasing such a joy! I wish she'd come a. little nearer. ‘We sit and sipâ€"the time flies fast, My cup needs fillingâ€"project clever! She comes, and Iâ€"grown bold at lastâ€" Sa.y: “Polly, make my tea for ever!” I I argued and argued with young Nibbs to have more selfâ€"esteem. \VasWhe influenced by your efforts? I-Ie‘s got, so much now that I can’t htay around where he is. DWES HIS EYESIGHT T0 A MIRACLE. INDEBTEDNESS 'I‘O DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS ACKNOWL- EDGED BY THOMAS ST. PIERRE. The china gleams in blue and White, The twifight hour is swift apâ€" flew Size 802000“ LIQUID . flew! Patent Box SDZODOHT POWDER Largo “Gum and PWBEB . At the Stores or by Mail, post-paid, for the Price. A. Dentist’s Opinion: “As an antiseptic and by 'enjo mouthwash, and for the care and preservation of the teat and ms, I cordially recommend Sozodont. I consider it the ideal nui-H’winn 'an nkflfl-non’a "an. ” r\7____ _n___u__ _‘ _A -_Au-_u-_ 1 preaching; Entranced I note with shy delight No other callers are encroaching. ||L.Ll.l.D, J. UULUIGJLLJ IUUUJLLLLIULLU UULUUUHU- .l. UUualuUl-fi 1” 01-“ Lentifrice for 0111 dren’s use.” [Name of writer upon appncafim] - HALL do RUGKEL. Montreal. POLLY MAKING TEA. OVERSTOCKED. for the TEETH and BREATH FRAGRANTA "But ye took the penny for the milk, though! Now, my dear, you may tell your grandchildren. and tell them in their turn to tell their grandchildren, that. you had once the honor of receiving a. kiss from the Right Honorable the Earl of 11â€". The girl looked up in his face. and, with a strange mixture of simplicity and archness, remarked: A late nobleman, in whose charac- ter vanity and parsimony were the most. remarkable features. was, for a long time before he died, in the habit of retailing the produce of his dairy and orchard to the children and poor people of his neighborhood. It is told, that one day observing a very pretty little female child trip- ping through his grounds with a. milk-pipkin, he stooped to kiss her; after which he said in a. pompous tone: " 1 Why is butter salted ? It is not merely a matter of taste. There is a scientific reason why salt should be added. The bacterial population of a. moderate sized pet of butter may be reckoned by millions; and a, tiny lump; only large enough to go into a thimble, has been known to be tenanted by nearly 48,000,000. Hence the urgency for keeping these hordes in check, and hence the ef- forts which are made, first, to set up effectual barriers to their ingress by taking proper precautions in the production of milk; and, secondly, in the manufacture and distribution of the finished article. Included in these processes is the addition of salt in such quantities as to justify the butter being known as salt butâ€" ter; or, in other words, to supâ€" press to a large extent the activities of the butter bacteria. That salt does act in this manner is shown by the fact that in butter thus treated a. very large reduction in the num- ber of microâ€"organisms present is ef- fected. ' The trafia runs from St. Paul to Portland, Oregon, passing through Minneapolis, Fargo, Bozeman, Butte, Missoulap, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma. '“’ Send to Chas; S. Fee, General Pas- senger Agent, St. Paul, six cents for Wonderland 1901, a royal book havâ€" ing a chapter on this royal train. Maudâ€"When are they to be mar- ried ? Ethelâ€"Never. Maudâ€"Never? And why so? Ethel~She will not marry him until he has paid his debts, and he cannot pay his debts until she mar- ries him. Of course, broad vestibules, steam heat and steel platforms are there, and there are nearly 300 electric lights on the train, the baggage car and day coaches being thus lighted also. Connections from Duluth and Superior and for Helena. are made en route. Train of the Northern Pacific which created such a furior during its first season, in 1900, is again shooting back and forth across the continent in all the glory of its formâ€" er days. This Crack Train of the North- west, almost entirely new for 1901, is the epitome of modern passenger train construction. The Dining Car with its a. la carte breakfast and lunch, and table d’hote dinner for $1.00; the unequaled Tourist Sleepâ€" ing car of 16 sections, roomy lava- tories and electric lights ; the first- class Drawing Room Pullman with two electric lights in each section and the palatial Observation car with two smoking rooms, bufl‘et, barâ€" ber shop, bath, library of 140 vol- umes, current magazines, ladies' par- lor and observation platform, all toâ€" gether form a train of unusual com- fort, excellence, and even luxuriousâ€" ness even in this day of luxuries. The Streeter tells me he has stopped giving his wife any pin money. Stingy of him, I say! Oh, no. He leaves a. smaller am- ount in his pocket for her to help herself to when she thinks he's a.â€" sleep. It, gives her more pleasure and she never tells him it; isn’t enâ€" oughh DANGER IN FRESH BUTTER “ North Coast Limited. ” IT WAS PAID FOR. HIS FORETHOUGHT. 250 250 75c LOGIC. Four per cent. of Russia’s national earnings are spent on her army and navy, and only 2;:â€" per cent. on the British. English people use 257mg. 3. head a. year of wheat and flour, 16 of baâ€" con, 9 of butter, 40 of eggs, and 85 of sugar. The readers of this apex- will be pleased to learn that there is at; east one dreaded disease that science has been able to- cure in all its ntaxea and. ital; is Catarrh. Hall's Cami-tn Cure is the only positive cum now known to the medical maternity. Catarrh being a. com; titulloual dieease, requirex a. constitutional trealment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces oi the system. thereby des troylng the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the mnstituiion and asaisling nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powerm that they oil’er one Hun- dred Dollars for any case that: it fails to cure. Send to: list of testimoniali. F_. J. C_I_IENEY& 00.. TOLEDO Between 1860 and 1870 British railways increased, 510 miles a year. The present yearly increase is 201 miles a. year. The Prize List for Toronto’s great Annual Exposition and Industrial Fair, which this year will be held from August 26th to Sept. 7th, has come to hand. It is printed in yelâ€" low shaded with green, and preSents a. very handsome appearance. Upâ€" wards of $35,000 will be distributed in premiums. and $30,000 will be spent in features and special attrac- tions. The live stock classes have been rearranged in some instances and the premiums increased in others. A class for French Canadian cattle has been. added. Copies of the Prize List and all information desired can be had on addressing H. J. Hill, 82 King St. East, Toronto. Special efforts are being made to increase the excellence of the Exhibition this year on account of the close proximâ€" ity of the Panâ€"American. Passengers Get Glimpses of the Pan-American Exposition. People travelling from the east and West will come within the zone of the direct influence and spirit of the Panâ€"American Exposition miles away from the great and glorious spectacle itself. Surrounding the setting of the exposition there are numerous features that will rival the attracâ€" tions of the great show for public attention, and especially is this true of Niagara Falls. There is no great~ or or more wonderful eye-feast in the world than the Falls of Niagara, the beautiful gorge, and the dashing tuâ€" multuous Waters of the Whirlpool Rapids. If they are alert, long beâ€" fore their train stops at Niagara Falls, passengers over the Grand ‘Trunk Railway will come in sight of the mighty observation tower from which searchlight signals will be flashed to the Electric Tower of the Exposition. In fancy one can pic- ture the beam of the powerful pro- jector extending way off toward Hamilton, Ont, to give glad welâ€" come and greeting to the incoming trains laden with humanity anxious to see the falls and the exposition. Speeding across ("1e wonderful gorge the train will carry its passengers in full View of the Falls of Niagara and the Whirlpool Rapids, while the re- markable gorge'will stretch out on‘ either side of the greatest railwayj steel arch bridge in the world. This bridge of the Grand Trunk Railway at Niagara. Falls is one of the wonâ€" ders of the locality, and resting, as it does, one end in the domain of King Edward, the other in the United States, it forms a portion of the industrial bond in the Angloâ€" Saxon union that forces a realizaâ€" tion that no matter on which side of the Niagara we reside, We are all Americansâ€"Pan-Americans. In Australia spring begins August 20th, summer November 20th, au- tumn February 20th, and Winter May 20th. TORONTO’S BIG EXHIBITION. Dear Sirs,â€"I have used MINARD'S LINIMENT in my stable for over a year and consider it. the very best for horse flesh I can get and strong- ly recommend it. C. C. RICHARDS &. CO. grow, But they are never lost, I know._ You may not see, I may not know, The deeds to which our kind words Sold by drug; Hall's Famzly P1115 are the best GEO. HOUGH. Livery Stables Quebec. FROM THE TRAINS. A BA ILY THOUGHT. $100 Reward, $203. adm 4“""8/33127‘32251 dcfidé 657~8°vcn The 'yellowâ€"and-red Spanish flag is the oldest now in use by any Euro- pean power, yet it was not flown till 1785. The French tricolor came into use 10 years later, and our red ensign in 1801. ‘ W. P. 0. 1087 mum’s ummem CUIBS GUIDE! In COWS. For ail skin ailments. J. o. culvert A 00.. Hanohsstor, England 7,000 in every million British peo- ple have incomes of over $1,000 a. year. In the British Army and Navy are ’76 ofl‘icers of foreign birth, 29 being French, 12 Germans, and 10 Italian. Mm. Wmlnow's Soornnm SYRUP has been and by million: 0! mother: for their chlldren while teething. Itaoothea the child. softens the ma. all”: pain cum wind cello. retulatu the stoma: and bowel: Ami ll the but. remedy for Diarrth Twenty-five oenél . bottle. Bold by drugglsts throughout the world. Be gun uni at [or ” Mus. qusnow’s Soornnm svlur." Yes, Sis, the little fellow over there is the holder of more cups and trophies for swimming, cycling, and athletics generally than all the oth- er fellows put together! The dar- ling, so slim, too. I should hardly have thought it! You see, he’s in business as a pawn-broker! Metallic SKYLIGHTS nents’Suits GIGaned‘ Germany, Great Britain and the United States consume together onâ€" ly oneâ€"twelfth as much wine as France. (SW GARBOLIG OINTMENT. or Dyed; also Imdies‘ Wear of all kinds, and House Hangings of every description. GOLD MEDALIST DYERS. BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO’Y, Minard’s Liuiment Cures Golds, etc Mimi's Liniment Cures Diphtheria ’ , TORONTO, CANADA. » '0' o o.‘ OeoooeeoueocoOoOoo-oumomma-” H" You he"$‘r‘¥§§f‘é€3§.¥§5|.rnv. APPLES, The Dawson Commissmn Co. ‘ O 0 PRINTING- PRESSES. ne Four Roller Carnpbell Press, front delivery, bed 43x56, $1200 ne Four Roller Campbell Press, bed 37x52, . . . . $1100 0GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBOOO0009600007.;003000 LUDELM ,GEYLUN TEA The Wilson Publishing 60.,01‘ Toronto, Two Roger’s Typographs, in first-class order, each . . . $550 um-mnwmmm Two 7-col. quarto Brown Folding Machines, each WW ' wwA-VM' ‘4'”- Printing Material for Sale Also Cutting Machine, Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type. Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa z Quebec. All this Machinery is in First-Class Order. Easy Terms will be Given, or Special Discount for Cash. On account of adding a. more 11 -to-dste Plant the above Machinery and Type will be disposed of at a acrifice. Type-Setting Machines; For Over Fifty Yelia POI-DING- MACHINES. exclusively know they are having a. good thing. Try it and yop will have the same. PEOPLE who are using INGINIERS' BUPPLIIB- Aabontu Goods, Plno covering, Lubrlontlng om, (Imus, Mo. WM. SUTTON WWW cm. nounus 31:93.. 124 Adelaide an. Tonoxro, 0N1 nurmifihdé'. 'fijim-nv. grunt ptherIEUI‘I‘LM‘Id you“. mama; TORONTO. oooo©ooooé Lu . and Flat Stunnth Sn rlor accommodn [or :1 classes of uunzan. 83 con and Btu. Ire Imldahlpt, poem stunflon ha been Elva: on Second Saloon and Third-01m momma I mug motpume Ind Ill Mind-n. mu, to an: of flu Compm. u Nahum. mm. b On. D. mm: 300.. 1'1 Shh BL. Boston. 33mm Ind Portland muw sums. 13.3.4113, a .7. mm. PM ‘ mcauuro; Trampâ€"~Coflee; madam, is, But of the question; have you any leftâ€"over sherbet o_r yesterday’s lemonade in 00mm “"9 §tpam§hinu - r 1--..-- Kindly words, sympathizing atten- tions, watchfulness‘ against, wound- ing others’ sensitiveness, these cost very little, but they are priceless in value. ' the ice cheét? Lowest prices ever noted. Fire catalogue millustrallons. mane tree. Write us for any thing in )lusic ox- !lnslcal Infixrumemi. Whaley Rayon 85 60., MILITARY T‘ET'IILOO, AUGUS'E 7t . Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper Novel and High Class Entertain- ment Features. Great Reunion of Canadian Old Boys and 01d College Students ‘- A SENSE OF FITNESS. .Lady of the Houseâ€"You needn’t ask for a. cup of coffee; our gas stove has been turned, 01$ for hours. EVERY TOWN GAN HAVE A BAND $65,080 Naval and Military~Displays Daily‘ Bombardment of Taku Forts b3 International Forces. Greatest Live Stock Show on 1:11. Cantinont. All Our Cbuntry’s Resources. August 26 to Sept 7, 193! For MOWERB, IIAPERSit THIESHINO MAOHIHII. 0., EEK amonw m UEL ROGERS-mim'roRom NBW, ABOUT THIS SEASBN'S “S” PEERLESS Innirumenta, Drums, Uniforms, Etc‘ T‘U'ESDAY, SEMEEKBER 3rd. ‘ ls Favorite with Ontario Farmers-over 20 Years before tha Publlo. 8-9 that vou go: It. Hardware. Drug and General stares sail It. Holds 17 Gold Medan. RIDUBID RATES‘ALL “IRS 0F TMVEL. Monl-rul to Eva'pr Balkan to Lint- pool. Ponlud to Livupool. Vin Queen.- “‘â€" Lead Packages, 25. 30, 40, 50 and 80 canto USE MIOA AXLE GREASE. PRICELESS TN VALUE. nammm spscmms. TQRONTO PRIMSUMB AN 9 ATTRAOTI 0N8 I. othsr mum and PMDIIII. Limited Oar. We‘st Mprht Colbome St. Toronto. Toronto, Ont. and Winnipeg, Man. $400 lelhll $65,860

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