Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Aug 1901, p. 4

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*RICHMOND HILL. Augus Canadian Governor, and there can be no truth in the report that he would recommend Sir Charles Tup- gper or any other rabid politician. .As long as Canada is a part of the JBritish Empire there are strong rea- r sons why a British nobleman should tpreside at Rideau Hall. one who is ant supposed to know anything of zthe political strife in this country. 'The Liberals Would have no more 2faith in Sir Charles Tupper than the -Conservatives would have in Sir Richard Cartwright, and both would .be failures as Governors-General. Sisleyâ€"Mm'risonâ€"«ethat the treasurer .pay Frishy Bros. for operating in 59V! oral divisions us Certified by overseen-s,i $161.35. Sisleyâ€"Morrisonâ€"thnt the trens. .,pny the Treasurer 0f Vaughan 4} the account: presented re Yonge Street ,umnunbing to $170.22. a. . Sisley~Summerfeldt~thatthetreasé 3 pay Harrington Bros. $80.04 being; ac- .r count .in full for lumber supplied to ,, July_16. _ ’It is against the principles of Lib- eralism in this country for the Do- minion Government to veto bills passed by Provincial Legislatures. 'zTherc are exceptional cases, however, xwhere interference is necessary, es- gpeeially when measures are passed .which may have their effects in places outside the particlar province in which they have been carried. Such a case seems to be staring the Do- minion Government in the face just now. Some time last year the Legis- lature of British Columbia enacted legislation which had for its object the prohibition of Japanese and Chinese labor. The Hon. Joseph ‘Chamberlain has expressed anxiety about the measure, as he fears such a bill might endanger the good feel- ing which now exists between Eng- »,land and Japan. If this is the case " there is little doubt that Imperial in- terests will demand the disallowance of the measure. There is a strong feeling in British Columbia against the immigration of Chinese or Japan- ese labor, and this unfortunately is L growing instead of weakening. fickzu‘d bâ€"Morr-isou-That M r'. Arthu x} Quantz be commissioner to collect tvh¢x amount of standing rent for Thornhill r-‘DQHJXQAISE- a; The World «is a newspaper of great ‘enterprise. It boasts of being the leader in disseminating news, and in some cases it certainly is the leader. On Monday The World outstripped all competitors by publishing a des- pntch stating that Mr. Chamberlain is determined that the next Governor- General of Canada shall‘ be a Can- 'adian. Not only this, but it is said that Mr. Chamberlain’s first choice for the position is Sir Charles Tapper. There can be little likelihood of Mr. Chamberlain agitating in favor of a Markham Township Council mPt at. Unimn‘ille on Tu9sday, July 16. Mem- ,bers all present, the wave in the chair. ,Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Several commercial bodies in some of the leading cities of the United States have recently passed resoluâ€" tions favoring reciprocity with Can~ ada. Trade between the two coun- tries is certainly hampered by the high duties, but this can be remedied to a large extent if our neighbors will simply lower their tariff to the level of the Canadian tariff. These two countries should naturally trade with each other with as few obstacles between them as possible. County Councillor Qmmtz rebut-ted on York roads settlements. A petition was presented by D. Lynetb and 98 others, asking the Township to assame the mad knqu as Centre §treet (Richmond Hill). C‘éaZlLiwringer Bros. Change- Imperial Oil Co. New Advâ€"J (‘1 Ayer & 00 Voters’ Listâ€"Q. H. Shiver, Elm fiihml. A report was received from License Inspector Eckurdt re License fund col- lected. New Advertisements Mal-Kham‘ Council. 1901 Summerfpldt â€" Eckardt â€"- that. the treasurer pay the following Accounts : \V. Frishy, repairing road grader, $5.75; Thus. Hageiman, repairing culvm-é. $1.50; J. Hickson, accuuntfm‘ mud wpaii‘s, $6.50; \Vm. Frishy, in~ (:identnl road expenses, $2.65; Alf. McPherson, rods, bolts and spikns. $16; E. H. Sisley, height, on grader knife, 250. Eckurdtâ€"Smnmerfeldt.â€"Lhnt when this council adjourns in stands adjourn- ed‘gnti} the 1§th of Aggyst. -i\Im-1-is(mâ€"~Smnmerfk-ldt â€"â€" that Mr. Slsley be commissioned to examiiw Mr. Leach’s gravel. Ecka rdL â€" Summerfeldt; â€" that the treasurer pay the fulluwing gravel ac- couan : Hem-y Rumble, $4.50; H. Gamble, $12.60; T. Thomson, $4.10, also dmnage to road to pit, $1; Thus. Thomson. $4.40; 0. P. Read, $34.50; AtRussell, $24.50. Sisley~â€"Morrison-â€"thut the reeve and the mover be commissioners in conjunction with connnittee of the townshipr Vaughan. to purchase a rock crusher if Vaughan council be willing to pay one hulf‘Lhe price of the machine. Sislny~Eckurdtâ€"thui Whereas a petitiun consisting of 98 ratepayers or the township of Markham has been presented to the council to assume the road known as Centre street, the necesgm'y steps be taken tn assume the said road and mnke'ib a township highway. The yuas and hays being called for resulted as follows : Yeas»â€" Sisley. NaysuDimma, Ecknrdt, Sum- merfeldt and Morrison. -Sisleyâ€"Mmfisunâ€"chat, MI‘.Summm-- fvldt be cmnmissioner to build new bridge opposite lot. 30, con. 7._ WILL BE RUN From stations in Ontario East of Turomq tn Sharhot Lake and Kingston and Midland Division North of Toronto and Curdwell Summen-feldtâ€"Sisleyâ€"that Man- rison he commissioner to repair railing opposite Inc 20, con. 9, and new culvert uplpffiite lot 26,, con. 8._ 20,600 Harvesters Wanted 0n comulying with conditions of certificates which will be given purchasers of oneâ€"way #510 tickets. passengers “in be returned to sturhug polut by same route on or before. Nov. 10th,19-\1, on payment of $518. ‘ THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Summerfeldt, â€" Eckardt â€" that Mr. Morrison be commissioner to repair h] idge on Yonge St and build railing opposite lot 27. cup. 8. Summerfeldt â€" Eckardt -â€" that, the mover and M1. Morrison he commis- sioned to repair east end and wing of of bridge b‘etweeu Lotsfi25 and 26.001}.7. LIBERAL OFFEC *‘. Summerfeldtâ€"â€"1\Itn‘~rison â€"â€" that M 1‘. John Eckardt he commissioner Lu re- pair approach to bridge, lots 10 and 11, con. 6. Also to repair culvert opposite lot 11, can. 6. “sures on an the modern plans, and is 9210 o the most nroagerops gud promeasxva compames m exxshence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and nonfurfoimblo, A large amount of private funds to loan on improved farm pro arty. Five per cent. in- most. Easy terms or repayment. _N0..nom- nission charged on loans. Aggy to ' A. G. F. LAWREN , Freehnidynoan Building, Toronto 01‘ at Richmond 311101; ,Sflwgys. MONEY I MONEYI Apply for pamphlet giving full particulars to your naurest Agent: or to T. F. MCMAHON. Council then adjourned. Mada b1 lapel-III Take a policy wibb the district agent. FARM LABURERS’ EXCURSION. TICKETS ARR} SECOND CLASS. Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East. Toronto. OF CANADA. AUGUWI‘ 5th and 12th. that makes your horses glad. A. H. NOTMAN And all stations North- west, West and South-g west to 3-“ In every town and village __ may be had, 1: the WI}? YORK’I‘ON MUOSE-IAW ESTMVAN CNNIPEG "To..- RIOHMGND IIIuL IN‘ MANITOBA CANADIAN NORTfiâ€"WEST FOR The Next Sitting of Divisicm Court. for No. 3, County of York. will be held in the Court Room, gamer r! v «i Waltham full-jewelled, adjusted, railroad standard, in 25-year" filled case, $30.00. , Ladles’ watches in silver case, $10. In gold-filled, 20-year case, $14.50. No cheaper grades sold although I have been repeatedly asked for them. The watch that gives me the least trouble gives you the least expense. JERRY SMH‘H, RICHMOND HILL MSW - 5mm. Gem’s watches, Walnham, in nickle case, $8.00; in light. silver case,$8.75; in heavy silver case, $10.50. Having so many enquiries for cheap alarm clocks, I have purchased some which I am selling at 80 cts. each. Better aiurms, at $1.25. Best grades $1.50 to $2.75 guar- anteed good. 8 Day, half-hour strike, spring clocks $3.50. Duebér Hampden', full jewened in heavy silver case, $18.00. CLE‘CKS & WATUHES Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. A splendid assortment of hhe best makers goods at specially close cull prices. Inve‘ueble to the funk er at this season of the W year for preheating his ' ,» cattle, horses and other dome-tic animals from being driven wild by flies and other inm- Buy 3 genuine Gycione. none other new” good. PRESERYIN G KETTLES A T CYCLONE SPRAYERS. EIEEMOHD HILL, RUSSL‘L’S £3 MARKET WHERE YOUR MOHEY GOES FABTHEST IN HAREWARE AND HGUSEFBERISHIEGS. lounmxncinqut10a. m. T. F. MGMAHON CLERK L‘ R EASON ABLE PR1CES: Practical \Vutchmakcr. Steel Trapsi v from 10 wants each up. Always room for more in it. The most suc- cessful trap on the market. We sell it for 150, Green Wire Screen CIo:h,for mak- ing and repair-in your screen daors an w1n~ down. 90. yard. FLY TRAPS 150. each. g? 4, 1-331 FRUIT The old reiiublo CROWN mum” Pints 500. ‘ Quartz; 60c. § gal. 75:10. ' Rubber Rings 5c.doz- Extra. giassfiope and mom] xiugg on hand. - 159 King St. East, Toronto. JARS doz. The balance of this your promises the most startling events, and everypersnn should kevp pnstvd. ‘Here is the opportunity. For the small sum of 80 cents we will wind yuu until Jnunm'v Rt, 1902. THE LIBERAL, Thr- Family Hm-nld and “’eekly Star and tln- Family Herald’s twa great, premium pictm es, “Christjn the Temple" and “ Hume frum the VVEU'J" Is that not a (lullur’s worth ? Either- picbm'e ulnne is worth double the money. This offer is upon only to June 30th as the supply of pictures is limit- ed and cannot, he promised after that date. ed 3113 cannot, he promised aftér that date. To any of our prvsmlt snlmcrihe‘l's we n'Ifer’the Family Herald and VVN-kly Star until January lsl‘, 1902, including the two pictuuvs for she small sum of 50c. By a very satisfm-tm-y clubbing arrungmnvnt with that great Fumflv News paper the Fumin Herald and \lealy Star of NIUI‘JU'Q'II we are «named to utter to new subsurihm-s the biggest value ever hem-d of. A strong. Well-made 10 tech “Ends: Whip. reg. slimline; our special price. 40c. AMA-AM unluuA‘ and gugralfiwed' the quickest and most effective. in one pound sealed packages. 20 Ohm 1‘s PER LB. Hams GREEN Che and POTATO FORKS, 650.;each fl é‘ifii? $353 3? EXEETEEV’EEW. " The Royal Visit to Ganafla. ’ The Siosifig Scenes of the War; The Return of the Army. was g; M. wag; IfiTEREST. 160 only 8 in. Flat File's. beat goods made. 11! one o! Uanaaa’s may umkars. reg. Mafia-me- We are selling specid at 100. Kay lurks, s-yrong. full size. 35 cents each Barley Fox-kn. 45 can" each. An Oppux-tnniky fur LIBERAL Readers to Keep Pustvd During; this Period of Excitmuent. Binder Whips, 406. each. FILE SPECIAL AT 100. THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER WRENGHES. Bag Trucks at $123 ' A strong. substantial. Bag, Truok. net finite same pattern out. (or 313$ Your cum. in no; complete withauc one. 5 Z. FLAT Eu: You’l! find our priceh rigm on Twine. wiil not be persuaded into purchming up. nureliahfe Binder '] wim- which reonxe dealeer nixh to scan for the additional pxofib which they make thergfrom. (ruddy undo iron: low gram: fibres, sue! twine contaiq. but - gruntion of the qua] Hy, ssrâ€"ngfll and uni iorm evenness of th‘ spiendmly made ‘ WISE FARMERS Chgmimn y purq. Plymouth Twine. an pur’ydééa M ris-h’. prices. Al! kinds. J aghble for We have a. uplr-ndid Jim-eL of Harvest Mitts. mugin in xrice fromflflc. upwards. ‘flassaameseeeseeeeesgfi, R MACHINE OIL 2i SCYTHE STONES, 56. each: \ ivhmdifl fastcutflng Emery Shane for 100. A HARVEST er'rs, 19c. [air an!!! AI] bpyors. from the plainth to the People talk about men requiring- only the “ Creature Comfort.” That’s all your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what is right if you buy your harness, fiv nnrs, horse nets, and supplies from (3110. J'SIcDonald, RICHMOND HILL. BARN DOOR HANGERS. 0 BEAT URE a?) Ex’pénéfv'e: ‘ GRAIN CRADLES. Special value, $2.00 each Cradle Fingers, 150. each Qualicy, no. price. shmfld be the con- sideration. Poor Mar-hind Oil is d. at at any prim. You'll bu pleased with our splendid Oil 81 a £51 rates by the barrel. *eeeeeesefiesemeeeeeeéfl BASKETS, 2 FOR 50. POCKET KNIVES C O M F 0 We are chafing a line“ of lunch or egg gather- ing Bo'sketa DJ 2 for 5c Fruit Baskets at right prices. OFF E R8 these lines. Locks. bond right in our prices You‘ll find 11:1 hinges.

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