Ashton’s best-prints, 10c. yard ; hast .ï¬ï¬guldegZUU yul'd spools, black or white, 4450. doz. ; u ï¬né straight front (imset Inf 50c. Atkinson & Switzer. CARRVILLE. Sincere sympathy is fvlt in this rplace for Mr. J. H. Prentice and his ï¬ve little. children who Were bereft, (m 'l‘uusday of last Week (,f :L loving wife and dex‘utcd mother. Before remov- -.§ng tungnuuvill‘e; a. (maple of gears gggo ‘-'The License Commissioners for East York District held a meeting in East: Tot-unto Village on Satin-day. The members uf the Board were all present nmuely,‘ Messrs.:‘Fle.tcher Morgan, J. Mclfllxpy, and A. Russell : also the In- spect-0r,â€Mr. James Eckurdb. The ful- lowing licenses were granted for the balance of the license year, having Sweviuusly been for only three months: ohn Palmer, John Ellston, Richmond Hill; Samuel Harris, East Toronto; T. Meagher', Orchard Park. The trans- fer of the license. for the Half Way House from S. Sanderson to I. Hull was granted, but nothing was done in regard to the licenses of the Norway House, the Dutch Farm, 01- the Frank- lin House, Markham. _Of all the writers who havelntely become close friends of the public none has taken a ï¬rmer hold than Rnl h Connor with his “Sky Pilot.†e have seen far too little of the Pilot himself, and we feel this all the more on readin the story of his last adven- ture in “’ he Swan Creek Blizzard,†which appears in the August number of Leslies Monthly. This Mid-Sum- mer number is a notable one for ï¬c- tiotk Miss Cholmondeley, author of “ Red Pottage,†contributes a story in a, vein which is aEaparently a new ï¬eld for her. “Le; 0059,†touches with Try pure Coucnrd grape vinegar, there is none equal to it, very fine for table use and for pickling is par excel- lence; 500. per gal. Atkinson and Switzer. LESLIE’S MONTHLY FOR AUGUST. §reat suggestiveness upon the thin ine which divides the natural World from thin s not easy to understand. From Mr. ornung, the Magazine has secured a capital tale of the‘Austx-alian Bush. Its title, “ The Taking of Stin- garee,†is I very suggestive of an kwgmgsw on Thursday, and was largely attend: 9d. Much sorrow was manifested by relatives and frivnds, and the sudden death is keenly felt. Mr. and Mrs. Prentice resided hé‘re, andboth were highly respvcped and estevmed. The funeral of descensed took place to the Cm'rville Cemetery , n“ In the August Review of Reviews Dr. Shaw discussrs the great steel strike in its various aspects and com- ments on many “the!- matters of cur- rent interest at, home and abroad. M. do Bloch’s recent address at Paris mi the lessons of the Boer war is review- ed, and its application) to the military situation in the United States, as well as in Europe, is pninted out. Farm Laborers" EK(:|U'~‘.l0US will be run from Tmuntn to VVâ€"imlipeg and other places next; Mnndav, August 5, and- also Mundny, August, 12. The tickets are :wcuzhl-cluss and the fare is $10. Passengers who wish will be reâ€" turned tn slut-ting pn’ml) on or hefme thhe‘ 10111: at Newmlm; uu payment of Figs, 5c. 11). ; best golden dates, 6c. ; goud prum‘s. 5v. ; best Hangman rice, ‘40. : best bright India ricv, 5.50. ; bosb Japan rice, 0.110,. Atkinson & Switmr. Friday seems to he an unlucky dayâ€" even for cows. Last; Fliduy two cows were killed at Dzu'isville by a Metroâ€" 7)!)lltflll car, the property of Edwald " indsraml- one suffered a similn - fate at Thornhiil; tile-,prupm'ty of William Ford. ' , Last Friday nftmmnnn two children of Mr. James Barker, Hmdfnrd, drove up to the store of Atkinson & Switzvr, and just. after “lighting from the buggy the- horse wuk fright and ran away. Thu bnx of the rig was pretty badly suizw'ued, but otherwise no in- jury was dune. $18. Among the plum)ng cam-s in last, Saturday‘s [Hush-atyu Globe is a Sum- met- Scmu- iu Rnsedule Ravine by Miss A. E. EHn-tm‘] Hf the Dominion House. Quarterly Religiuus Spri'ime will he held in the Methodist Church. Victm'iu Square, m-xt Sunday morning omn- mencing at 10.30. The usual morning service in Cue Methodist; Church here is witbdzuwu. Mr. Grant Coupe!- V'vhn has been teaching in the Gaderich High School has taken a. pnsitiuu in St. Andrew’s Sclmnlfor Buys. in the residence of the late Adam McPherson, Yonge St", Tumntu. Thengular rochali svrvice of the Epwm-th League held Friday evening at 8 (IR-lurk, is 0le mall. Subject- fnr thuught, " Gaining by Losing,†St Mark. x, ï¬â€"BO. ‘iwigmm & McEwon‘s mum‘th sale Will he. W‘M at; the I’ulmm- House ml ‘Wednesday next, August 7. Fm-tv bend of rattle and 300 pluw points are advertised tn be snld. , Fire Brigade met-ting next Munday Evening. EQCHMOND HILL, August 1, 190] I; (3"(3‘ A i . .f . TH AT UNLUCKY DAY. LI‘C ENS ES G RAN TED. 1 DR. BLAKELY HONORED. ‘ The lVinnipPg Daily Trilvï¬nethuly 27, refers at length tn the resignation I of Dr. Blakely, chic-f clerk (If the De- ! partment of Educatimnwhicll position l he has held in Munilnha fur the past tWelve yvals; On his retireuunt. the Dr. was presented with an address . fmm teachers um] inspecturs, and a ' handsome and costly onyx mantel ‘ clock ï¬nished in guld, two gold-ï¬nish- ed cemdvlahm and a pair hf artistic gold chased vaSe-s. After the. presen- : Lutinn the recipient make an appro- ' printe reply, and a immlwr nf compli- ' mentax'y addwasegwm-e given by ihose presvnt. Dr. Blnkeiy is a brother-in- law of Mrs. J.Gr:u‘lb, Mrs. A.J.\Vrighb ‘ and Mr. R. E. Law of this placer Misses Mabel and Irene Marsh aré spending part of their summer holi- days in Toronto. brunch at l’m'kdnle, went through here Thursday afternoon in a special (:‘u', on their way to Bond Lake. The ‘ stupde hora M- the nmnaï¬Ã©ii; Mr. . 5 F. Rowlan and Mr. (1‘. Mulcahy, jun- ! ioI- clerk, and Messx-S.Beck and Mahler tho (lnNe over from Markham also accompanivd them. It. was the inten- i t-;ou of the bankers“ to have a pro- gramme of sports, including A baseball match but. owing to the downpour of rain this hud to be abandoned. A ï¬lst-cluss suppm- was served at the , hotel by Mr. Umgrove. ‘ Mrs, .;Wm. Furey is spending a couple of weekmwuglx fi-iepds in Craig and Hamilton. Miss Comrie Brown is spendin week in Toronto with her frlend. I Constance Martin. Miss VV.Newbery and Master Charlie Brown of Toronto are visiting with the. Misses Brown. Mr. Arthur Rowland of Nev‘vcastle, spent; yesterday with his brother. Mr. J. F. Rowland oi the Standard Bank. Miss Efï¬e Wilton, and Misses Ethél and Myrtle Barton of Toronto, are making a. visit with Mrs. J. Brownlee. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Petch and little daughter Gladys of Aurora. spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sander- son. Miss Pauline entertained her Sab- bath School class of little girls at her home, Duffel-in Grove, yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilev started yesterday for Buffalo and will spend three or four dzLySIat the Pan-Ameri- can Exposition. 7 Dr. 'Coulter of Ottawa, and Mr. J. D. Goulber of‘Tomnto 5 ant Sunday with their mother who as been ill for saver-a; months past. - - - ~ w HEWIsoNâ€"In Richmond H111. Thursday 111 orn- iug, Auzust lsnAnuElizabethmésict. of mg hue Robert Hewlsonjn h 1 815D year. 7‘! JOHNSTONâ€"0n Saturday nmrningJuly ‘27. at the reszdence of her father. 240 Robert Street; "Ewan M., oldest (laugh her of David and Jennie Johnston. aged 2‘2 years ' Irtztermenb in Thoruhm Cezgtetery,Monduy.29th ns . Miss Turneer Uxbridge is making a visit with her... sister, Mrs. G. P. \Viley. "Mrs. »A. Suddgby and children of T9: l'onto are visitillg‘with Mrs. Sivers. mg Village (if Guimany†and ‘f VVth Girl-Lifein [truly Means,†allure the thuughts to fnruign lands, while there are timely suggestions about “The Picnic Basket,†“Keeping a House 3001 in the Dog-Days.†and Sea-Side Toys and Elwyn) Make Them.â€/ Othel- EMU-migth interesting contributions ure“The First \Vhite Baby Born in the Northwest." “ My Boarding School for Gil-ls,†and the usual serial and departmental articles. By The (Jim'th Hublisliing Company, PhiladelL phiu. ‘ One dollar a. year-:1 tenicents a Copy. The August Canadian Magazine, in keep with the seasmi, is devnted to sport. travel and ï¬ction. Nonie Powell writes of the Birthplace uf Napoleon, and the relics and mmnentos of him stored in Ajuccin, Cursica. S. Turner describes a record trip up the Matter- horn made at the. close of last year’s Alpine Season. “7. A. R. Kerr ivcs a history of " Golf in Canada.†s 10w- ing that the game was played in Mon- Lrenl as early as 182 1. These three arâ€" ticles :u'e profusely illustrated. the latter being accompanied by eighteen phnmgraphs. C. W. Nash writes of “ The Bass of Ontario.†his article be- emlmllished with three excellent; '(Ti-awings. There is a ï¬ne (:nllectiun of short stories in Eldditik)" to the two serials now running in the magazine. A. T. Hunter makes smne pungent critiéisms of nur militia camps, while Juhn A. (Jumper gives utterance tn some observations on the progress (1f the Maritime Provinces. Evidently no effort has bepn spared to make The Ladies’ Home Journal for August- a positive boon to its readers during these Warm midsummer days‘. Its light, readable articles, bright stories. clever- poems, charming music and numerous bountiful illustrations afford the easiest.» and pleusantest kind of entertainment for leisure hours. Enchanting views of the lovely scen- m‘y in the Engudine Valley and among the Swiss and Italian lakes, as well as §uch (loliglitful articles as “ The Sing-r TY'II ~..._ No. 1 Canadian laundry starch, 50. “0.; best white starch, 60. ; Benson‘s .N0. 2 corn starch, 5:30.: pure corn starch, 60. Atkinson & Switzer. SPORT. TRAVEL, FICTION. LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL. PERSONALS. ;DEATIIS Thé Gore [is ï¬ï¬r {IVp-to-date Home-Cum- pany and is noted for Its broad policies 2mg} liberal settlements. The ,tntalrihcome frh’ru fill sources was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648.33 leaving $31,- 279.92 as the balance to the credit of the year’s transactions. Out, of this the directors hazvgfl‘decided to make a. refund of 20 per cent. .qn all monies re- ceived from the membewa the, Com~ puny. ' The total assets of the company amount to $433,823.11 of which $255,- 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leavi g a balance of assets overall lialii Itieg of7$375;8i3.91. Resei‘éék fbr i‘eZii1é1i1~axlce and all other ljabilities $58.009.20. Total assets nv'ailélble to pay losses $433,823.11. ‘ * The amount of insurance in force Wig $5,677,927.00. Call, write 61- Wï¬li’riï¬Ã© J. T. Saigeon, Maple‘lf. 9., if_negdiug ipsuygmce. Explaining the fnrihodfrbgliagiésued by the Gore costs nothing. THE - L LIBERAL After which date the said Executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets 0! the said estate amon at the persons emit-led thereto haviuï¬ regur only to the claims of which they ï¬hal then have notice and the said Executrix ivill not be liable for any claim of which the shall not have had notion at the time 02‘ sup dis- tributmn. "' "‘ Dutetl‘at'liorontoihismh dimy of July, A. D mm MUN)? a: (10.. of the Squ IFXC AmmnrcAwh‘oon- Linne to not as Solicitors tor Patents. Cnveuts ‘ -rnde Marks. Co yrlzhts tor the United States. damn: England, ram-o. dermuny. etc. Hand Book abou Patents sent free. Thlngâ€"seven years’ experience. Patents obtained Lhmuu MUNN a; CO. are noticed In tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. the largest best. and most. wide} circulated scientiï¬c paper. £3.20 a. year Weekly. pleqdid engravings and lntqrestlng 1n- ation. Specimen copy of the clennflc Amer- aem, free. Address MUNN ~30. Scum-Ina mun omoo. 261 Broadway. New York. 1 Monday, Aflgï¬ 5, A.D. 1901, 1901. The sixty-second annual meeting of the Gore Fire Iusm-ance Co. was eld at Galt on t‘h_e 28th (vf‘Jalluagzy, 1901;. 'r A large brick house and good outbuildings with twelve acres of mud, being Ram of lot 21, 0011.3. Vaughan, in the village of lapie. Thls is a vurv desirable property on which is a. flowing well. Will be’sold cheap. n †DONALD WATSON. _ A , OTICE is: hereby given pursuant to Reviaad L Statutes of Oumriu. Chapter 129, that 8.1] mediums and others havmg; claims against the estate or the above HIMLIOG John McKmn‘m. who digul on or a.vaan the um day nf February, A. D4 19% are required to deliva or send 1)}: push pr - pmd homo undersigned Sulmiunr for the LE. - ecutrix of the said devalued statements in writing containing their names, addresses and full particulars of then- claims duly veriï¬ed by statutnry declaration. on or before Ere Insuranceï¬ï¬. JOHN McKINNON. Rev. D. Norman and Mrs. Norman who spent, a short time with Mr. G. LHek at, Headfm-d, were in the village Monday, and called on Mr. T. F. Mc= Mahon. Mr. Norman accompanied by his wife. will return in a few weeks to Japan, where he has worked as a mis- sionary for the past four- years, under the auspices of Epworth Leagues. They will probably be in Japan four or ï¬ve years longer. ‘ Mrs. Cuakle , and her three childa ren, Mrs. R0 t. Goodall], Mrs. John Goodall. Miss Jessie Gnndall, Miss MC. Gregor of Turonto and Miss Nellie Ryan of Chicago visited at- "Dufferiu Grove †last Week. Mr. R. \V. Grimm whose head qua-rt» ers for the purchase bf cattle im- the present year has hep“ Cookstown, spent a few days here this week. Rev. Dr. Teefy and Rev. Professor Murray of St. Miuhael’s College, Tot ronto, paid a short visit m the Post- masters family on Monday last, and returned to the city in the evening. ur liver-l Ayer’s Pills are iver pills. They cure consti- pation, headache, dyspepsia. Mrs. D. G. Wile and Miss L. Ger- trude “Tiley of Brnoklyn, N. Y., arrived Thursday evening, and will sgfend a couple uf muuths with Mrs. G. \ iley. Mr. and Mrs; A. R. Inst and child- ren 0f Port El in are sprindin the holidays with Ir. and Mrs. .slie Inues and other relatives. Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad tastejn you!“ mqutlla It’s co. ,ANAsNUA, N. H BUN z-4w Late of the Township of Vaughan in the County of York, farmer. deceased. OREDETORS‘ Subscribe for Constipation FOR SALE In the matter of the estate of EXECUT‘OR’S NOTICE TO 24f 25c. All druggists. A. H. BEATON, 18 C ! Hi 5b.. Toronto. ‘ cfljcitor for Executyixi Mable. JACOB EVER &.SO§ “BLQEMQNQD ' ' May be relied upon to go in the ï¬eld and give satisfaction where others fail. Made in the following §izes, 5, ,6, ,7 ggd 8 it. cut. ' FOR SALE BY ozone smallss, large 65 Pneu-ce’a Favorite Prescription 65c Pierco’u Golden Medina] stcovery 650 Pierce's Pexlens 150 Williams’ Pink P1115, 330.. 3 for 950 Electric ()i1,5 bottles tor 250 Carter's Pins, 2 bottles for 25¢ Chase’s Pills, 2 bottles for 250 Dodd’s Kidney Pills. 300 Parmeele’s Pills 15c Castoria. 25o Burdock Blood Bitters 600 Eczema. Ointment, 35c You can save money by dealing with us. _ We want you for a. customer. Compare these prices I71 KING ST. EAST; TORONTQ $p1e,ndid Machine Oil, 30 cents a gal- Mexican F‘ly 0â€,er keeping flies off cat:le,used once a week. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Binders Bearing the ZN ame ATKINSGN & SWITZER. N. B.â€"â€"â€"Look at our Display in centre of store. Do you wanta dozen of Imperial or 'Amefi- «can Collars at $1.90. A 1-4 dozen of nice Washable Lombards for 25 cents. Attention ! WHOEESA LE AND '{RE’IYA‘IL 1111116 (3" 51’5- D. DANIEL 85 GO. RICHMOND HILL DEERING A Nice Slate Fedora tor dozen White Pique Fouc-imHands for 37 cents. Tisn't strange at all that mostly all gentlemen who want the real nice under-garments such as shirts, make their way to us. No amount of ad- vertising will make these shirts, col- lars and cuHs any better. But we advertise and talk to you in order £0 beneï¬t You. Front! Right Dress! Fortvard March to Atkinson & Switzer’s, the popular Furnishing House for Gen- tlemen where everyone knows the best made White Dress Shirts and Colored Shilts are found for 75c. and $1.00. Fit Right, Quality Fine, Workmanship Perfect. 'Nuff saidâ€" .u. Aver’s Hair Vigour.-606 Hood’s Smrsapurillm. 65c Epsom Salts, :5c 1b., 10 lbs. for 25c Sulphur, 3c. 1b., 91115. for 250. Kenuah’g Spaviu Cure, 750 Dodd’s Dyspepsia. Tabiets, 35¢: Glllett‘a Lye we per tam, 3 for 250! Vaseline, 5c ubobcle Surnia. Waiter-white coal oil, equal to Ameri- can. [69 a gal Fowler’s Extract. WlldrStrawberry, 25c Beef,lron and Wine 50c Opp. Clyde Hotel