(mm further nue‘me Imus will be oiosed at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce as IO}]OW!:- MORNING ......... 8.00 ' EVENING . N. B.-â€"Registered Letters must be handed in I least Futeen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Leavec P R Crossing at 6. 7.20, 9.40, 11.30 a. m.; 1.30, 2.40. 4.00 540. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond Hill 8,20, 10,30 8. 111.; 12.20, 2.20, 3:30. 4:50, 6.39, 8:35 p. 111. GO lNG SOUTH Leave Newmarket 7.30, 9.15, 11.15 a. m.; 4.15,6.(‘0, 7.30 p. m. Laue Richmond H11] 7. 910, 9.55, 11.55 2.40, 3.55. 4.55. 6140, 8.10 p. m. METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Church of E'ngla'ndâ€"â€"Sorvicas at 3 p. 211. every Sunday. Presbyterian Church-Services at 1.1. a. m., and '7 p. m. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays at9 a. m. and 10.30 a. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m., and 7:19. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thursday. eVeniijg. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Moots Mon- day on or before full moon _ . N . . , n :n mum†nor-mu] mw‘l u..., u. Couï¬t Rigï¬fï¬Ã©ha, A O F â€"â€"Meets second and ourth Friday v Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"»Meets fourth Tuesday of each month Cs-mp Elam, S O S â€"Meets second and fourth Wednesday. F. T of Temperanceâ€"Meets ï¬rst, Wednesday of each month FireBrigadeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public lerary and Remling Boomâ€"Open Tgesday‘ Thursday and Sam ‘ mv venings ‘ ‘ ‘ \- 1 “AA- . :Juu ,Hmlf a mile west of Richmond Hill. Binders pnd Mowers repaired on the shortest notxcé. Sixty cents ahundrod allowed on wrought or cast iron. Shop open every nfghb until 8.30. Wï¬men to travel and advertise fur 01d estabâ€" lished house of solid ï¬nancial standing. Salary $780nyem‘mu1 expenses, all payable: in cash. No canvassing required. Give references and enclose selï¬addreswd stamped envelope. Ad- dress Manager. 355 Caxton Bldg. Chic ago. 42-26 I am prepared to do Family Wuahings. Gents’ and Ladies’ ï¬ne linen a. specialty. Work guan- anteed and patronage solicited. 25-tt‘ TILLIE MAXWELL EDWBi’i}; Leaguéâ€"Meets evorv 1 'ww élï¬ï¬‚ï¬iï¬Ã©o ’ $1.90 m gamma. PLOW PQENTS Mager’s mm, POST OFFICE NOTICE Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickiynscertain our opinion free Whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions strictly confl dential. Handbook on Patents sent, free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Special notice, w1thout charge in the ".4 ~ on? .--‘€-AAA Ri chm on d 11 iii WANTED â€".1‘_RUS'_I‘VV‘OR'IT.EY n MEN AND J 1 A_L._: v v - v 7- . , A handsomely iilustmtnd weekly‘ Largest cir- cumtion of any scientiï¬c jmrrnal. Terms, $3 a year: four gnopths, $1. Sold by mlnrewsd‘e'alers. ear: four momma, w. : UNN. HUD-:33? Plow Points for all the principal plows at SANDERSON’S Batweonw Toronto and Newmarket. GOING NDRTH '§â€â‚¬iié§iti5§"§§m?ï¬@‘ & 3618I‘0adway_ I Branch Oï¬ice. €25 F CL. \Vnshington, PURE OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 p M M. TEEFY. Posmnaster. Village Directory. LAUNDRY W. NIAGER, Prop To PATENT Baud Idea: E â€"â€"Meets second and may be seamed by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. Friday. N’éflï¬rk 2. 3.15. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of an invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- abllity of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for «13.19 at can expense. .A , 114- _'AL -..A. .J......... 3.. August 1,1961. 6m WONG“ Uwvusu in†wvâ€" . .1- -..vâ€" _-_ Patent taken out through us recaive Quid! notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an Illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & col, (Patent Attorneys) Also one of the best grades of Portland Cement made, for sale at $3 per bbl Twenty cents per bbl. refunded for empty sucks. ,, Will be at the station to attend to r-ustnmers on Wednesday of eunh week during August ; Wednesday and Thursday 01 each week during Sept... Oct. and Now; and on Wednesday of each week during the rest at the anal season. Coal delivered to Richmond Hill and ’I‘hotuhill : on the shortest notice. ‘ Terms cash on delivery. No order will be con- sidered binding until accept-ed by us in Wining. GOAL smst 1901-1902. BEST HARD COAL BEST SOFT COAL VUTERS’ LIST 1901. Evans Building, OTICE is hereby given that I have i transmitted or delivered to the persons menLioned in schinns 8 and 9 of The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list. made pursuant, to Suid Act], of all per- sons appearing by the last, revised As- sessment Roll of the said Municxpulity to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at, Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that Lhe said list was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce, at Union- ville, (m the 25th day of July, 1901, and remains there for inspection.- Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Unionville, July Straved from the premises of the undersign- ed, lot 26. 3d con. Vaughan. about the latter part of May a Red Heifer, 1 yem old, free from spots. ‘Anil persnn giving information leading to her recovery will be amplv rewarded. 4â€"4 JAS. SHERMAN, Maple P O Money to 1mm at 5 per cent. interest on ï¬rst mortgage farm property. Enquire at T UHLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursu- ant to authority of Orders in Council, the lied and White PINE TIMBER in the followmg townships in the DISTRICT OF ALGO MA. unmelv zâ€"The Townships of GRAHAM (part), HART, CARTIER. LEVACK. JARVIS, ANDERSON, CHESLEY, GILLMOR, WBITMAN, CURTm and RUTHERFORD (part) and cerlam areas between the PlGEnN RIVER and the ARROW RIVER waters in the Disclict of THUNDER BAY. will be cï¬ered for sale by Public Auctwn M the Parliament Buildings in the City of Toronto r-n TUESDAY. she SEVENTEENTH day of SEPTEMBER next, at; the hour of ONE c'clock in the after- noon. A: the same time and place certain forfeited and abandoned berths in the Townships of DIGBY, SHRBBORNE and LUTTERWOETH in the District of HALIBURTON and County of V10- TOBIA will be offered for sale, the purchasers of these latter berths to have the right. to cut all kinds of timber. Sheets containing terms and conditions of Sula and information as to Areas and Lats and Concessions compnsed in each Berth will be furnished on application, either personal 01' by letterr to the Depurmuant of Crown Lands. Tn- rounn, or the Crown Timber Agencies am 0'1"“- WA. SAULT STE. MAme and PORT ARTHUR. E. J. DAVIS, Commissioner Crown Lands. Department; of Crown Lands, 7 - Toronto. June 1, 19M. N. B.â€"No unnuthnrized publication of this adxeï¬sement will be paid for, House and two acres of land with orchard, just Wusb or the lunnery, Elgin Mills. Apply on yremicea. 3-5 MUNICIPALITY OF THE Tm :shï¬p cf Maxkhm H. WINGEE & SON, For threshing and other steam purposes at. 25 cents per cwb., at AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS Money to Loan THOBNHILL STATIGN. COAL Estray Notice arm @tivsttmmmts. FOR SALE For household purposes. County of York. 0. H. STIVER, Herk of Markham Tp. THE LIBERAL OFFICE 1901. Cmrrvilie P O CALL AND SEE M E PRESSIKG TICKETS, $1.00 EACH. Norm Emailing Milling Co. My gawk, Gwds £355 556% are e @Eéabla AjHUME Iii . .uï¬rflwfl x 1: GLUTEN MEAL SHORTS BRAN CORN CHOP BIBBY‘S CALF MEAL, FLOUR, ETC. WANTED ~ 'IRUST‘AOR'l‘hY m I} AND “'Umeu to travel and advertise for old esmb- lx hen houseut‘sund ï¬nancial Manding. Salary 50:; year and urpu): 1111 payable in cash. No canvassing: requ . d. Gave reference and endow seh-mddr-esed stamped envelope. Ad- dress Manager '13.: ‘ xLuu Bldg. Chicago. 42-25 Lot ‘27, 3rd con. Markham is for sale. The soil is clay loam. in u g’mrl state of cultivation, -Well-watered with nevwâ€"fuiling spring creekmell fenced and well dramed. First-019.55 stone house, good barn. woodshed, driving shed, pig- pen and hen house. Gowhrchurd and garden. Within quarter of a mile of school and conven- ient to church, store, Post Otï¬ce, &c. FARE V Applv to. June G-2m JOHN CASELY. Richmond Hill. The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Chester white “hogs, lot 32, 15!: con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young}; stock. Thoroughbred buli and hog kept, for service on the premises. The undersigned runs his wagons to â€"â€"EVERYâ€"- TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Expressg ï¬nal ' Wand & Slabs Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city or may be left at the Commer< cial Hotel. Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. HULSE HOTEL, Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Six acres of land on Centre 8:. East; in the Village of flichmond Hill. Apply to 2-“ J. H. SANDEBSON SUNNYSIDE FARM ARAN TEED l 3; WASHINGTON, n. c. J. Sheardown. 49-tf BIAP] ,«E . THOROUGHLY REFITTED. 'f() [{.C)NTO 35 to 47 Shnfu'sbury Ave. FGR SALE Have for sale ‘5; far SALE D. G. GOODERHAM, Proprietor. “THEMES It was thought last season shat Cleveland must reache pcrttction. 3' he sprng CVer, has ushered in several new ments. The most noticeabk provement is probably Its Chief feature is the saving of the efforts and vitality of the rider by absorbing wbration~~f1mt is the jerking up and down experienced on Ligid frames. Call at THE LIBEE‘IA L OFFIL‘E for a (icztxt‘ripm‘e ream- THE CUNFEDERATIUN LIFE ï¬SSUCIATIUN On the Unconditional Accumulative Plan contains but one conditionaï¬Pay the premium. Extended and Cash Value on every policy. Rates and full information will be sent in Pamphlets on application to P. G. Savage, District Agent. Also Agent for the following Fire Insurance Companies; WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO! MERCAVTILE ‘ NORWICH UNION ' IMPERIAL London Guarantee & Accident Co. The Registry C0. of North America. We make Insurance our Busineis. Claims promptly paid and business strictly attended too. P. G. SAVAGE, C. MASON, all at THE LIBERAL OFFIL‘E for a (iaztzt‘riptive ca: loguc. Make )Our selection as U) iramc, Emezh, handleâ€" bar, pedals, sadd‘ie, tires, etc. No extra Charge im‘ Dunlop tires. Uld whack: take-n in exchzmgc. 166 and 168 Kin" St. Ihst 3 doors west- uf Georo‘e Street Toronfa h 7 b I aka QM GAB HM.†The best Hurvesting, only 40 cents-3 par 3; Ageht for Richmond Hill and Vicinity. WELMNS 5!, QQL Em “a. T WW .2“! At less than whobsalc THE POLICY ISSUED BY YORK MUTUAL Accident Companies. (‘enfs each. Has for sale Screen Doors and Win- dows; Oil Stoves from 50c. up ;. Scythes and Snaths; Hay Rakes, 12c.; also theQuick Meal Wickless One of the best oil stoves made. Do, not forget that coal oil is the cheap- est fuel there is. Eavetroughing, furnaces, Hardware of all kinds. HARDWARE STORE Repairing Promptly Attend» ed to. 0114 S'l‘OV’E Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL antes. d Bicycks had 31- ;; 9f 19:11, haw- ,V Improve- flc im-