Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1901, p. 1

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VOL. XXIV. Is PUBLISHEDEVERY THURSDAY MORNING AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING 6's PUBUSHSNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. m.; 7 to 9 p. m. T. F. McMAHON. Wm. Rogers D enfi st , Room 12, 124 Victoria, St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. Lat-e resident phvsmian at Western and Grace Hospitals, Toronto. Déntist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow’s Bldg., Toronto, cor. Yonge and College 8133., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every Wednesday. Office :â€"Next door south of Public School. ' Telephone 3368 for appointment. DR. T. A. CURRIE, Dr. W. Gaeil Tmtar, B! DENTIST, TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. “JOHN PALNIER. '- Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Cellege, with di 10mm. from the Ontuno Veterinary Dental ch00]. W111 visit. Maple on Monday and. Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday 11-931 1 to 3 p:_m. Calls promptly attended >150. _ ' Dfiéaééa 61‘1Tdrs6a7c'iefié'afifi SEhIa'EaBfiieficiEib. 351 q1991qpro§tea by the latest and most 5pc Bemodelled,a.nd newly furnished. throughout One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modem con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial firmvellers. An idealstopping phme for riding or driving parties,bicyclists. or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric oars pass the door. Livery in connection. VETERINARY SURGEON Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. provéd métfiddi. J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL PALMER HOUSE, Calls by day and night promptly at- tended to. $I per annum, in advance. (t Cor. Bloor and Spadlna Ave.. Toronto. Member College Phgsicianfi and Surgeons. nt. RICHMOND HILL. Gallamugh & Richards VETERINARY SURGEONS, Thornhill. Oflice Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a m; 12 to 2 p m; 7 to 8 D m. DR. L. LAWRASON, BUSINESS CARDS. Ripans T'abules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach: P‘Mns Tabules cure flatulence. VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, RICHMOND HILL, DR. E. . T. McElroy, @112 @fihml EDITOR & Paorxmwoa. Thornhill, waterinary aflediml. “ANDâ€" 51mm”. J.STUBB; Prop COOK & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE : Freehold Loan Building. cm: Adelmde&Victoria , Streets, Toronto. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MGM, GRANT & SKEIENS East Toronto Office, Mr. Grant’s residence Woodbrldge, every evoning. Thomhill .eaeh Wednesday from 10 to 12. JAS. NEWT< )N ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN BIIIJLS THORNHILL Money to loan at 5 per cent. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, kc. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria. ' Streets, Toronto. HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. DAVID JA M ES M. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. LENNOX & MORm Barristers and solicitors. Money to loan on land and chattel mortgages 3t - lawest rates. Aurora nfliceâ€"Removed to the old post oflioJ, one (1001' west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the post otfice. ’1‘. HERBERT LENNOX, G. STV. MORGAN, Aurora. Newmarket SALEM onnm'r, 106 Wellington Place, Toronto. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of ntock eta. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R.Gould1ng, Newton Brook. agent for the above. License Auctioneers for the County otYork,ree spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nfluence. sales attv-nded on the shortest notice and .1 reasonube rates. P. 0. address King J. '1‘. Saigeon. Maple. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salesnttended to on shortest notice and at rea- sonablerates Patronagesolicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements, turniturestanding timber. etc. ,attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates . Patronageaolicited. P. 0. address M8919 Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontarm. All sales of farm stock. 619., at, tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable tatee. Mortgage and bailifi sales attended to. Residence, Stoufl‘ville. Ont A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept; at both places. Btu-rising, Solicitors, (20., 25 KING STREET WEST. TORONTO. Undertakers & Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Eve aacommodation to guests. Board,$1 not (121 0n the premises ofi the undersig‘ged, a. Well- bred Jersey Bull. Terms $1 00, ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. No Witnesses LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. O STOKES FOR SERVICE MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Es ! @fla‘gfig %%@E§39 46-h: 158 KING SIREET EAST. monox’ro Bckardt a: PI entice WRIGHT BROS, Saigeon a; McEwen. Stokes dz Blough. J. I). Readman, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1901. COMMISSIONER IN THE N. E. Smith. £21m. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." ’I‘. LVDFORD, Richmond Hill Telerhcne 2984 J. H. PRENTIGE Unionvme J. K. McEwen, Weston. N ewiuarket D BLO‘UQE ONT. The church at Belvoir is a handâ€" some structure of the Gothic style, and built in the shape on a cross and dedicated to St. Mary. In my opin- ion the sarcophogi, monuments, busts, tablets, etc., are in a. better state of preservation than those in VVest- minster Abbey. The supposition is that the inhabitants of Bottesfnrd did not take any part in the trouhk some times of Charles I., consequently the church and belongings remained in- tact from the ravages that caused so much wanton destruction duuiug that pe'lliod. ‘ The monuments are mostly of Ital- ian alabaster. No less than four Dukes are buried here, the others having been removed to the. mauso- leum at Belvoir Castle; the De Roos family is also interred in this church. It may be interesting to notice the Royal Coat of Arms over the archway at the chancel entrance. Upon en- quiry I learned it is not to Show that this church has been patronized by Royalty, but on account of the Earls Rutland dating back to the first Earl, who was by his mother grandson of the Duke of York, brother to Edward IV. marrying into the family. One of this Duke’s sons married 3, Vernon of Haddon in Derb shire from whom the present Duke escends. Henry 2nd Earl of Rutland was a Knight of the Garter in Edward IV. time and is said to be one of the Commissioners who compiled the Common Prayer. Edward 3rd_ Earl and“ his lady_ are shown in alabaster effigies, uner a. handsome scroll pediment. In the front of one of the pillars supporting the column is their only daughter in the attitude of devotion. She was married at the age of twelve to Wm. Cicale, a, predecessor of the Earl of Exeter. A John 4th Earl and his lady and chil- dren are enclosed in tombs covered by a. marble monument. The family crest is a bull’s head, which is taken from the mother’s side of the house. Roger 5th Earl married a daughter of Sir Philip Sidney; their tomb is handsomely carved. Above the whole is their coat of arms and a. human skull on which is an hour glass. He died in 1612 and left no issue. Francis 6th Earl and his wife rest under a, lofty arch. The monu- ment was put up to the memory of his first wife. The Whole of the stone may he said to form three tiers, four black marble pillars support the first, and on the side two pillars; at the head is the figure of the daughter and at the foot two sons; the top shows the coat of arms. helmet and chapean surmounted by the peacock. George 7th Earl is represented by an orator in Roman costume. John 8th Earl =married a dim liter of Lord Montague; died 1679fipwit on; issue." This monu-,_ ment is very fine and well preserved, and on account of the Duke taking no part in the troublesome times of Cromwell, doubtless the tomb was leijt untouched. Near the vault door on the north. side of the chancel is a. slab brou ht from Belvoir Priory. It, is inscri ed to Robert; De Ross and conveys the. followinil in part: Here lieth the heart_0f _ qbert De Ross, Whose_ body was buried at Kirkhdm under Em marble tomb! and his heart at Crox-, The pulpit ia‘bjghl carved, and dates?! 1631: 9n the way.) 3 pf the nave is a. Oorbal, showing the human face distorted. An animal on the right cheek with its teeth is tearing out the tongue, another the eyes, indicating hko hypqqxitgqs shpuldfieu sgrved._ 0n Mamet in the ‘chdmheym; the following can be seen : 0 under well the sudden fall, ‘, ou tlfiqnghpleas blooming virgins 3! ; Ye little think who read this stone, How soon my case will be your own. Bottsford in its day was noted for Witches, but the scene is changed. The chief occupation is, farming, but: the village is often the chasion of much stii‘ on account of visitors to the church. or en route to Belvoir Castle in the vicinity. The Grove, Old Dalbyi Leicestershire. The long-pending negotiations for the purchase of the controlling inter- est in the Metro olitan Railway by the Toronto Raifway Company are said to be at last completed, and an agreemth reached, although no official announcement is yet made. While President Mackenzie was out of the city yesterday, it is stated by those who are in a. position to know that such is the ease, and that the transfer Will soon be made. The ne- gotiations leading up to this deal have been going on for ,several years, and when it was thought that an agreement had been reached it was always declared that there was a hitch regarding the price. MISS E. E. GREEN’S LETTER. Metropolitan Purchase Across the Ocean. The Metropolitan will form an im- portant adjunct to the Toronto Rail- way in the capacity of a feeder run- ning through a rich farming section between the city limits and News market, a. distance of thirty miles. It It will nearly complete the contiol by Mr. Mackenzie of the ‘existing radial rallways touching Toronto. The ef- forts put forth by Mr. Mackenzie dur- ing the last session of the Legislature to secure the passing of the Metro- politan Railway bill lead most people to believe that he expected to secure control at an early date. and that when he did so he had some active plans for the promotion of its welfare. Whether this means ultimately the running of Metropolitan cars to the market over Toronto Railway tracks, : or by some other route, remains to be seen; but it is evident that acaess to the market for the Metro olitan cars will he one of Mr. Mac enzie’s first objects. it, is also robable that; further ex- tensions of t e Metropolitan will be carried out. Work has bpen com- menced on the new Schomherg & Aurora bmnch and it is understood that this is to be completed by Oct. 1, the firm of Mackenzie & Mann having recently been given the contract.â€":-, Monday’s Globe. ‘The recent rains have very much impaired the crops of Wheat and bar- ley, on account of which there is great distress among the farmers of this. ‘vicinity. Clark Bros. have been the first, to thresh this season, after having finish- ed repairing their barn which is a. very magnificent piece of workmanship. It was super-intended by Mr. Thos. Clark of Dollar. We are pleased to learn our esteem- ed townsman. Mr. David Hislop, is im- proving in health. Miss E. Mapes of Hamilton has been ayin V a, visit to her; parents. Mr. and rs. . Mapes. Miss Foster and friend. Miss Gil], of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs. C. ~Horner. Miss Amelia Henrick is spending the summer months in Muskoka. Mr. Geo. Monkmzm has been im- proving hls residence 011 Centre Ave. A There was quite a, number out to League on Wednesday evening. The meeting was led by Rev. Mr. Well- Wuod in absence of the president and instead of the usual League topic the Sunday-School lesson was taken up, wmch was made'quite interesting; the writer thinks this would be an improv- merit on_the old plan. .Mrfand Mrs. Chas. Oomisky have removed to Toronto Where they in~ tend to| Ijeside. Ghas, has sequreq a positior as. conductor on the street: railway. Mr. J. A. Leek of Locust Villa; has recently purchased a valuable horse, Lady Bates, as... has also Mr. Gordon Henricks‘of the same place lately be- come, the pqgsessor of a fast flying steed. No doubt they are preparing foglthe‘ gall £39 i1_‘_s. One of our prominent young citizens has Elli-chased a new Speight wagon Whic makes a great display driving through tbelcown.“ “Aurora. Council are assessing $750 for High School purposes for current year». Mr. ATHgl‘mikhy’s new barn is near- ing completion. It, will be a fine structure when finished. Miss Terry of Mt. Albert spent the pagt bwo_ yeeks at anust Villa: . Revs. Messrs. Wellwood and Mare of Richmond Hill made a number of gastoml calls among members and riends last week. Miss Minnie Leach has returned to Toronto after spending a few days With her father. Mr. Geo. Stewart of Aurora former- ly a resident of VVhitchurch died last week; aged 66 years, after an illness lusting seven years. Alexander conquered the World, we Gnnfine ourselves to Dry Goods and Groceries. Atkinson & Switzer. Fruit) jfn‘s,all sizes : powdered sugar, extra. Granulated sugar, St. Lawrence Yellow sugar, all best qualities. 20 lbs extra, Granulated sugar for $1. At- kinson Sc Switzer. Tempters for sluggish appetites :â€"â€"â€" Grape nuts, 15c.; Rulston’s Breakfast. Food, 15c., Swiss Food, 14c.; Shredded Wheat 15c. Atkinson & Switzel‘. As cheap as perfect quality war- rant/s; prunes 50., dates 60., rice 4a., corn starch 60.. best: Canada laundry starch 50,, ice castle salmon 2 cans for { Rev. F. O. Keam of Thornhill is spending a. few weeks in Muskoka to recuperate his health. During his absence the work of the circuit will be taken by Rev. Mr. Leach, jr. Empress Frederick, sister of King Enward VII, and mother of Emperor William of Gelmany, died Monday evening, August, 5. 255.7,, filiblfiy‘is’ £14,571, 7165?,” iafig’e 'tiii’éSc'. Atkinson & Switzer. News Notes. Headford for the ,A very practical article regarding Home and Family Life, by Professor Ellen M. Richards, a pears in the; -. September number of T e Delineator., The first sentence is “ The house is but the shell of the home, a shell meant to enclose and protect. not to crush it.” These few words give an idea. of the., breadth and sympathy with which a Professor Richards discusses the sub: ject. HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper» Hanger. w. HEWISON‘, PU BLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursu-. ant to authority of Orders in Council. the Red and White PINE TIMBER in the following townships in the DISTRICT OF ALGOMA. namely :â€"-The Townships of GRAHAM (party HART, CARTIER. LEVACK. JARVIS, ANDERSON, CHESLEY. GILLMDE, WHITMAN, CURTIE and RUTHERFORD (part) and certain areas between the PIGEON RIVER and the ARROW RIVER waters in the District of THUNDER BAY. will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Parliament Buildin s in the City of Toronto on TUE SDAY, the SE ENTEENTH day of SEPTEMBER next. at the hour of ONE o’clock in the after- noon. At the same time and place certain forfeited and abandoned berths in the Townships of DIGBY,SHERBORNE and LUTTERWORTH in the‘ District of HALIBURTDN and County of chs TOBIA will be offered for sale, the purchasers of these latter banks to have the right; to cut all kinds of timber. Sheets containing terms and conditions of Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and Concessions comprised in each Berth will be furnished on application, either personal or by letter, to the Department of Crown Lands, Tn- ronto, or the Crown Timber Agencies at. OTTA- WA. SAULT STE. MARIE and Four ARTHUR. E. J. DAVIS. Commissioner Crown Lands. Department of Croéfiifiids, Toronto, June 1. 1901. N.B.â€"â€"No unauthorized nubficatjgn, of this advertisement. will be [mid for, ' ‘ ‘ ‘ Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL “I was given up in die with quick consumption. I then began to use Ayer’s Cherry Pcctoral. 1 improved at once, and am now in perfect health.”+Chas. E. Hart- man, Gibbstown, N. Y. - It’s too risky, playing with you; cougl} The first thing you know it will be down deep in your lungs and the play will be over. Be- gin early with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and stop the cough. AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER‘ BERTHS Throe dun: 25c. one“? to: an own" cold; 50m. gnu min (or town-.houu- non. bud colds. «0.; 01.. mo“: economics! for chronic. ego. um toning on land. coughing [Single copies, 3 ctsm bu“ Ind'té he on land. 0- 4!“ Con No 6;}

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