Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1901, p. 4

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According to a number of Conserv. ative papers it is acrime m a Cab» inet Minister in the Ontario Govern- ment to enter into any business Ftransaction outside his own province. Some time ago the Hon. John Dry- »denl Minister of Agriculture, invest- ed in some shares of a Dakota ranch- ing company, and he is now called‘ upon to resign on the ground that: such a transaction is unpatriotic; We admit that the new venture is. .not good politics, but we cannot see why objection should be raised to- any man investing his money where he thinks it will be to the best ad-) vantage. Englishmen, for instance; invest their money in all parts of the world, and nothing is ever said about it. It speaks well for farmer John" Dryden that after many years in the Government this is the most serious charge that can be laid against him. Gallagher â€" Burns â€"â€" that the clerk .Knotify v.11 operators of traction engines J'that they will be held responsible for all damage to culverts and bridges .,caused by them passing over the same, and to have notices posted throughout -,tbe township to that effect. _ . Monev to loam M5 mar cam. interest on"first ;_~ mortgage farm property. _,,Ez)quire at Regular meeting ufi King Council awas htpld‘at chsgl‘ove’s Hotel, Bond >nglge, (3n Sabpfrdiay, July On nrlotion of Mr. Crossley the treas- v uter was instructed to pay the follow- ing accounts : ' ' " Davis, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V $9 20}. J. Campbell, culvert . . . . . , . . . . . . 4 00‘ S. J. Badger, guard rail V . . . . . . . 7 60‘ H. Humphreys, culvert . . . . . . . . 49 00 G. Hauley, repairs . 4 . . . . . , . . . . A . 4 ()0 John Blackburn, nails . , . . . . . . . . 25 Major Stephenson, bal. account; 1100; Garton Poitage. gravel . . . . . . . . 5 00 Estate of late 0. Patterson. . . . . . 7 44 A. B. Armstrong, services . . . . . . . 20 00 Jos. Billings, salary . . . . . . . . 29 00" Henry Storey, gravel . . . . . . . . . 2 60 P. S. Gibson, services . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Wm. Lloyd, timber . . . . . . . . . . . 16 77 :‘B. ‘Williams, re )airs . . . . . . . . . . . . ’7 25 I. B. Shaw, war on grader 9-60 J. W. Bothwell, repairs . , . . . . . 10 50 Law. Wellm:z repairs to pit}. . . ._ 2 Rogersâ€"Crossleyâ€"that B. McCabe abe appointed road overseer in Div. END. 3, in place of Alfred Gillham, deceased. ' The Saginaw Lumber Company, which has secured timber limits on ithe north shore of Lake Huron, are preparing to move their big mill 'from Saginaw City to the Canadian side. The Cleveland Lumber and ‘Sawing Company have already com- menced erecting a mill. They have purchased timber limits in the Town- «ship of Foster, on the north shore of Lake Huron. Both of these com- panies have been compelled to trans- fer their operations to the Canadian side owing to the prohibition of the exportation of sawlogs. They will give employment to about 200 men. ‘ ‘RICHMOND HILL. August 8, 1901 Members all prés’emf Reeve in the chair, Communications were read from The McDonald Manfig 00., A. S. Stahl, A. B. Armstrung, and E. W. Love. . BurnSâ€"fiGallzlgherâ€"that the sum of $125 be granted to gravel the sideroad between lots 5 and 6, in the 2nd and 3rd concessions. Minutes of last, meeting were read ang adopted. __ Couficfl adjourned to meet at Kettle- by on Saturday, August 31. Roget's â€" Orossley â€"â€" that the usual grant, of $20 be made to the King Tp. Ag‘riculmnztlfiocjety. r_ The claim of Mr. Robert VVhibe for damages to horse being injured on the Ruhliq highwqx, ‘an_d of~ M__r-. Robert Rogers â€"â€"â€" Gallfigher 'â€"‘that Hughes be advanced the sum on_ printing cgl1bx_‘act. ‘_ Dunning for sléigh damaged; wel‘é libi ell£e1~tglig€d._ _ y Humsâ€"G-aflagherâ€"thnt this council pay W. H. Proctor $50 on account; of plank for read pprposgs. ‘ Gallagl‘xerâ€"Bdms+that the Schom- berg & Aurora. Railway Company be asked to pay the sum sofa$10 to this council for expenses of onegmeeting- of this council held on March 16, re legis- lation for the same. New Admâ€"J G Ayer & Co Clerk’s Noticeâ€"C. H. Stiver. mangeâ€"Jerry Smith. Changeâ€"Atkinsona Bwitzer. Farm for Saleâ€"Matthew Mortson. Buy a. Homeâ€"Box 397. Bond Lakeâ€"Queen's Own Band. Change- Impt‘rial Oil Co. New Admâ€"J G Apt-4&5 pg @119 flihmfl. King Township Council Mane}! to Loan New Advertisements. ,TfiE LIBERAL DEFICE WummmmW%wm UnlmeFDwrlflumv/u of $45 On comnlying with conditions of certificates which will be given purchasers of one-way 510 tickets, passengers will be: returned to startmg pomt by same mute on or beforga Nov. 10th.19Ll, on payment of .1518. ' ' ,"I‘will cure dis 1‘s pf the “mind “'1 £1»u Sapphire Octoberâ€"October’s child is 5mm to grief But with «me! charm there comes relief If in it yuu but place belief â€"The Opal Novemberâ€"Vth first comes to this wurld belnw With drear November’s fog and snow ' Emblems of lovers true must Show ‘ â€"â€"A Topaz Decemberâ€"Success will bless what’u‘ you do You of Decembet’s birth, if you Place on your hand a stone of blue â€"A Turquoisv. Iker an excellent stock of rings (I: hand containing all of the v abuve stones. WILL BE. RUN From stations in Ontario East of Torontqjo Shar‘bot Lake and Kingston and Midland Division North of Toronto and Curdwell 20,000 Julyâ€"Anna those who in July are born N0 trouble shall Llwil- brow adorn, If they this gleaming gmn have worn â€"’.l‘lm Ruby Augustâ€"“men youth tn wdumnhood llasjrgruwn, The Augustâ€"born unloved and lone. Must live. unless tth wear this stone â€"A Moonstone. Septemberâ€".11" on your hand this stone "yen bind, ' You in b‘é‘uimillh‘l' horn will find ,"1‘will cure dis‘msvs pf the “mind “Th” Sapphire Harv Wantd Apply for pamphlet giving full particulars to your nearest Agent or to Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness {unguamabules curqmrpm liver. b law’s“! We 51-]- Isle FARM LABURERS’ EXCURSION. TICKETS ARE SECOND CLASS. Assistant General Passenger Agent 1 King St. East. Toronto. Birth Stones Practical "VVatchmaker. JERRY SMITH, AUGUQT 5th and 12th. :1.- H. ENGTMAN And p.11 stations North- wnat, West and South- west to that makes yo .horses glad. WINNIPEG YOR-KTON MOOSEJAW ESTMVAN In every town and village I . may be had, shame Mica‘ a Axle Grease --T0-- IN CANADIAN NORTHâ€" WE ST AND MAE .NITOBA FOR RUSSLL’S T‘Efia MARKET refund of 20 per cent. on all monies reâ€" ‘ ceived frnm the members of “the Com- pany. The tubal assets of themempany amount, to $433,823.11 of which $255,-> 199.11‘are in cash 01‘ cash ‘ituems. The; ’ae‘total 'li‘aibilitiES ammmt ‘80 $58,009.20 "leaving ,a balance of assets over all ‘ liajiliu‘es of $375,813.91. REGHMQEB HILL, r â€"ONâ€"â€" mm, 490mm 4, 19m The Next Sitting of Division Court for No.3,.00unty of York, will be held in the Court Room. RICHMOND HILL DIVISIQN - COURT. .Call, writer»? hr phone J. T. Saigeon, Maple-ii. (_)., if_negding ipsuyfmcg. 1 Etxhléirn{rig-Eliérflrfiliifof policy issued by the Gm-e costs nothing. THE - LIBERAL Tb?) 64:61:45,iéiibvfib-to-date.HonlaQom- Pafifvfland is noted for_lt>s*hroafl.polu:1es. and When” settlements. ' Th'o infidunt of insurance in ,force wa_s_‘$15,677,927.00. ,v‘.-V -_ Y, . "Reserve. fm' li-Eiixéumnce and all other liabilities $58.QQQ.ZO. TntéHééLiéfiJ-éilhble to pay losses $4§3,823,11. The tntul income f‘rum all sources_ was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,648,33 leaving $31,- 279.92 as the balance to :-the credit? (If the year’s transactkms. Out of this thaflirrectors have theide to make a The sixty-secnnfl annua‘l-‘meéting of the Gore Fire Insurance Co. was held at Galt. on the 28th of J anumy, 1901. Gare Insurance 60. A spiendid assortmoni ofvthe best maker: goods at specially close out prioel. Inva’uable to tho hrm- ' or at Ellis season of tho , year for protecfiing his ' cattle, horses ,and other domeutio animals frqm being driven wild by flies and othm' imacg'» Buy a. genuine Cyclone. none other new}! at good. ifFarmers’ Hardware House! PRESERYIN G KETTLES CYCLONE .VSPRLYERS. Subscribe for WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHEST IN HARDWARE AHD-HOUSEFURNISHINGS; Commencing at 10 a. m. T. F. MOMAHON C] 3. Steel Traps ‘ from 10 cents each up. Always room for more in It. The mosi auc- cassfu! trap on the market. We sell n for 15¢. Green Wire Screen 010111, for mak- ing and repairing your screen door: and win- dows, 90. yard. FLY TRAPS 150. each. CROWN mm», FRUIT Rubber Rings 5c.doz Extra glass tops and metal rings on hand. Pints 506. Quarts 600. } gal. 750. The old reusble Out of thisd 159 King St. East, Toronto. JARS 3mm}: doz. A strong. well-made 10 foot Binder Whip. reg. 500.11ne; our special price. 400. A nun; uuuuu and the quickest and most effective. in one found nnn‘ni‘ ......I.-...-_ an nmmmn nan - PARIS GREEN 1v. .. vnv y. PER LB. POTATO FORKS, 650.,(‘each 160 only a in. Flat Fuel. belt goods made- by one of Canada’s bgst makers, reg. 150N311“. We are selling epeoul at 100. Tommyon Ourpresent subscribers-weA-ofier the Famfl‘v Hemld and ae-kly‘ Star until January 1st. 1902, including the two pictures for the small sum of 500. Hay Forks. 3-3101: full size. 35 cents each : BEIIGIFFOl‘kfl. 46 can a each: Iscflmt not a ddlar‘s worth P Either picture alnne is worth double the money. This offer is open only to June 30th as the supply of picbux-es is Emit- ed and cannot he promised after that- date. For the small sum of 80 cents we will send you until January Isl], 1902, THE LIBERAL, The Family Herald and \Neekly Star and the Fumin Herald’s two great premium pictures, “Christ in the Temple" and “ Home from the War.” The bet}:ch 101’ Wis your 1Jr¢)rnises*she~most startlingevents, and every person Vshould keep posted. Here is the opportunity. ‘ By.a very satisfactory clubbing arrangement with that, great Family News paper the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal we are enabled to otfvr to new subscribers the biggest value ever heard of, fl $3le YEflR 0F EXCITEMENT. The Royal Visit to Canada; The Closing Scenes 'of the War. The Return of the Army. EgEEéTS BF WGRLB Wifii WEE Binder Whips, 400. each. FILE SPECIAL AT 100. An Opportunity for LIBERAL Readers to K: ep Posted During this Period of Excitement». THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. A ,thsn‘. , substantial, Ba; Truck, not quise tame Mm ouf. fér $1.35. Your cam! is no: «complete without one. ’ VWRENCHES. Bag Trucks at $17.3 I: FLAT Ypu'n find out prioeé right on Twine. win 130% lie persuaded into purchasing the unreliable Binder Twine which 201116 dealers wish to sell for the sc‘diskmal pro-{in Much they 122314;- more!) om. , (‘l udoly made from" low gruda fines. suc.‘ twine contains but» h‘aetion of- the qual ity, strength and uni form evenness o! tho- gplendfdly made ‘ WISE FARMERS Chemically put-q. isfibéiz. All kinds, amiable for all par} ones at mum A splendid fastcuhting Emofy Stone for 100. m wit ll] bpyers. from the plaiuost to tbg : MACHINE OIL ‘i We have a. rplr-ndjd line of Harvest Mitts. rangirg in price from 190. upwards. SCYTHE STONES, 50. each HARVEST MITTS, 19¢. pair CREATURE BARN DOOR HANGERS. «an. expensive. People talk about men requiring only the “ Creature Comfort.” That’s §ll your llorsegrequireg‘, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what; is right if you buy your harness, flv nets, horse nets, and supplies from G} 30. McDonald, RICHMOND HILL. v GRAIN CRADLES. Special value, $2.00 each Cradle Fingers, 150. each reeeeseeemeceececeel Quamy. not rice. should be the con- eidamtion. oor Machine Oil is dear as any price. You’ll be pleased with our axikmdid Oil B1esial rates by the ban-e . BASKETS, 2 FOR 50. POCKET KNIVES 00 M FORTS We are clearing a line of lunch or .33; ggthor- ing Baskets at E for 50 ' Fruit Baskets gt righfi prictm §?£REST. these lines. Locks, bolt:- right in a nd hinges. our prices You‘ll find

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