Tuesday’s papers contained 2L report mi" the Board of Exni'niners for Part I, Junior Leaving Examinations. The results of the other Jnly examinations will he issued in about a week. The ï¬gure ï¬ve (5) indicates that the candi- .,,dates have'passed in the five subjects of the examination; the ï¬gure three (3) indicates that the candidates who are exempted from the cumposition and the geography have passed in the ~remaining three subjects of the - exam- ination. The following are lists of successful candidates for the High SCthOlS of {he County : Markhamâ€"(5) ‘G. Allison, D. D. Baker, J. H. Caster, G. M. Crawford, E. Forsythe, B. French, R. A. Har- rington, E. R. Hastings, W. T. Ken- nedy, A. M. Lapp, A. McKmmm, L.P. Morrison, 4N. Reesor, H. R. Stephen- son. (3) A. Aiton, M. E. Oarruthers, L. W. Fun-fur, M. Granger, Ella. M. ‘Harx-ingtqn. G. F. Todd. ' Wuoodbfidgeâ€"(5) C. W. Ellerby. W. D. McDonald, T. H. Peters, B. Witty. (3):}. McCrae, F. McKenzie. VVestonâ€"(En) Barrett; Baker, E. G. Bell, 0. L. Cowley, J. M. McMullen, J. B. McNaughton. (3) M Ackrow, L. L'oughe_ed.__ Newmal'kefâ€"(S) L.CI( lland,B.Lloyd, B. McCallum, R. A. MCUOI-dic, C. E. Phillips, J. L. Bannie, D. M. McKen- zie, S. Mahnnoy. (3) M. Mulroy, M. R. Marsh, J. HLSmrey. Richmond Hillâ€"(5m. J. Breakey,F. J. Graham E. G. Hun-is, H. D. Newâ€" tor‘i. " (3) E.Ԥ._L{{)yd. Auroraâ€"(5} I. Bx-zulnd,.E. Cairns, T. _A..Gmhum, O. L. Johnston, V‘V. H. Leg e,:.H. E. Rogers, J. Jenkins. (3) T. anlin, M. Not-man. The Sttlu)olâ€"I'(‘n(‘:tn Methodist :Chill'uh bender-going repairs. a. few Hours. My. Bipvair lives on 2nd of Markham, north-east of Elgin Mills. Vaughan Cnuucil will meet at VP]- flore next, Tuesday ,zmï¬ --Mm;kham Council :16 Uniuuville on the following day. A SOCIAL GATHERING. (Frnm Orilliu, News-Letter, July 31.) Mrs. Mulcahy gave :1 delightful “ At Home ’Lycbwrdny aftérnmm and (JV?!)- ing. Almut two hundred guests ï¬lled the spuciuus moms at, Glulmm-e Huce :md.sp(:1_1b‘n \‘qry pleasaut, time, Mis-s Falcunblu‘idlgv of i‘brf-(Vsrlixwtré, is the guest of Miss Mary Mulcnhy gm Glan- miI-e Place. 8 bars Happy Hmuesmtp‘for‘250.; 8 bars Cameo 50sz $3250.; ,6 lbs. Ran- goon 1-ine,fur‘25c:.; 8.1m: McIntosh \Vheat Flakes 1111' 25c. ALkiusou & 8wibzer. 'A sad accident which proved fatal happened to‘ljttle Alice, the three- yenrâ€"pld dunghter uf'al‘dr. Christopher anair, on Monday evening. The mother was engaged washing, and having set, a pail 0f scalding nwatver on the floor the child backed .into it, re~ ceix‘ing such injurigs that she died in Your wants Our concern. Atkinson JESWitzur. Boots and Shoesâ€"Our stock is Well 21554n-tqd,,up-t0-dnle in style, \Vnmen’s snlki leather boots. $1 ; lmys’ hard-t0- wearmut boots, $1.25 pair. Nzulghton 31-03., Elgiu Mills. Mr. D. U. Steeleflywner qf “ Clydes- Jlule Fm-m,â€_2nd con. MM‘khmn, has wanted his place for a term of years to Mr. Bentley. Auction sale of fresh milch cows, spl-iugers, young cattle. pigs and other effects at Hughes’ Hotel‘ 'i‘hm'nhill, on Thin-sduy, August 22. Terms four months. Sale aL one o’clock. Parties having stuck nr other articles for sale are requvsLed tn antel- the-1n with M1". Hughes, 01- eat/T. rm LIBERAL ofï¬ce, so that, they may appear in the bills m be printed early next week. Eckzu'dt & Prentice, auctioneers. Speciulw-ZI’J lbs. best, granulated sugar for :51 ; 2A lhs. gfflrd‘ llikflï¬â€˜ï¬â€˜l sugar for $1 ; un-n staH-h, 5(;. per package ; crystal starch, 5c. per ll). \Ve have a special blend of black tea. 50c. per 11). Try it. Nuughtou Bros†Elgin Mills. Below are a uumlwrmf Fairs in this county, and Llw dates when they will be llf‘ld : ‘ industrial, Tmmeo.Aug. 26 to Serpt. 7 ll ‘7 Noth Yufk, VNcévimrzix {721$} VVesum .....S(epb.>27 East York, Markham . . . . . . . Oct. 2-1: “budbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . Oct. 16 and 17 Two cows with their calves hm};ng [$117 at; SuigernL&.-‘-McEwen’s monthly .sule ut the. Palmer House yesterday. I‘he average priceof milch cows was The Inspector of the Gun-e Insurauoe Cnugpanx; was up yustexdqy and ad- just/ed the claim on Mr. Jas. Fraser's house, which was burde down on the 21st of Juiy. liiEwraI. Mr. \anter Eyer having purchased :1 new Boll & Sun Cutting Box is pre- pared to out en.silage and all kinds of feed. Patronagesnlicited. $45. 00. Tl-uc-ccmmmy lies in buying good things. Atkinson & Switzer. Begnlmmweting uf Court Richmond to-mux'ro'w eve-mug. RICHMOND HILL, August 8, 1901 JUNIOR LEAVING EXAMS i4()CAIJS. FATALL Y SCA LDED. mwsW“ r‘ 'm AUCTION SALE. FALL FAI B S. u _ _ The death of Mrs. limvison,_ relict of a tum] of years t0 the late Robert Hewrson, winch took place last Thursday morning, removes . from our midst our oldest citizen. De- having purchased ceased was born ()1! the, farm] (if mung Box is pre. father, the late “'illiam \Varren. Ill 3 and an kinds 0f the yt-ar1820, and was therefore in her I ‘â€" ‘ DEATH AND BURIAL. ' gated. also year at the time of her death. She resided ontheflfarm until her mar- riage when she and her husband re- moved to the centre of the village, and she spent her whole life in Richmond Hill. Although she lived to a. good old age she had been in delicate health for the past 30 years and during the last few years suffered;many‘severe attacks of illness. For the past ï¬ve years she had not been ahleAto attend church which she loved so \‘Vell, and where she had long been a consistent member. Of a family of nine children only three survive her, namely Mrs.N. Davis of Toronto and Mr. Warren Hewison and Mrs. Am}. ~H«nme..ef;.this village. The family ties were drawn very close. She lcwed her children and they leved her, and the sad though ~ ~ sweet expression of her countenance AIRS. was doubtless indicative that she keenâ€" .31. “f Fairs in this ‘ 1y felt the afflictions so often laid upon .5 Wm.“ they Wm ; her by the hand of death. The funer- ‘ ‘ 1 al took place to the village cemetery Aum 26 f0 Sr.th- 7 T .Saturdayafternoon,whenInanyfriends “.kgb. ‘ ï¬ept. 1749 LGcluding it large number from a dis- ' _ _ . I r . _ . Sept. 27 I tancc, paid their last mark of esteem n . I _ _ . . ' Oct 24‘ to one who was beloved by all. The H _ .0615. 15 and 17 ] funeral ceremony was conducted‘ by V “ma Rev. Mr. \Vellwood and Rev. Mr. ‘ 4 More, the former deliverin an apâ€" bALE: propriate addx ess on the sole-gm occas- I‘eSh _ln110h COWS. sion. Mr. VVellwood referred to her He. pigs alldpthel‘ cheerfulness, her christian faith and otel. 'l‘hornhlll, 0n rusiguzttion, and to the good example 22 Telms {9111‘ l which she left for others to follow. 3 o’clock. Pal‘tles ‘ Deep sympathy is felt for the survivâ€" l‘ HI'LiUlPS for sale ing children and near relatives in this ter the-1n with Mr. I the lust break in the fanlily circle. .11:u‘.ie.\1 “Ft-inn on sir calves brought cEwen’s monthly Iiouse yesterday. ? milch cows was he Gore Insurance yesteiday and ad- Mr. Jas. Fraser's lrned down on the best granulated gm rd; hair».:\wi suga 1- 5c. per package ; -r ll). \Ve have a k tea. 500. per 11). Bros, Eigin Mills. Miss E. W'OHWOOd of this village and Miss M. VVellwood of Dungannon have Ieturned. from a trip’ to ' the Pan- Americgn Exposition. ~ Mr. John Starth and Miss Lotty Startup have returned from a short visit; to Mr. :Startup’s brother in Pitts- ford, MonrobCQ. ' ~ ‘ - - The Misses Ella and Lizzie VVide- man of Gurmley are making avisit with their grandparents, Mrflund Mrs. J acob Eyei‘. r Mr. Torrance Brown of Toronto is having a couple of weeks holidays and is spending a few days here with the Misses Brown. - ‘ . Miss Muriel Sproulé of Schombere and Miss Etta Hostx-mvser of Toronto are the guests of the Misses Marsh at “ Elm’s Lea.†' M r. F. Reddibt of Barrie who was given a week’s holidays, spent part of the time at his home here. Mrs. \V. Matheson of King Creek and Mrs. J. H. Barry and daughter of Meaford are the guests of Mr. A. Maudie. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. Walker and Mnand Mrs. 0. Savage spent over Sunday with Mrs. John Coulter. Rev. and Mrs. Wellwood far-pose taking a trip through Huron “ ounty, starting next Monday. Mr. A. Braid of Windsor, accom- punied by his son Ross, paid a, visit; to his uncle, Mr. A. Moodie. "Miss Stella Pugsley of Asbury, is spending a wer 01- two with her cousin, Miss Idzt Glass. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wileyof Toron- tn came up yesterday and spent, the ilff Legnuuu in the village. -' Mr. amH Mrs. C. Piggott of Dave-n; port spent a couple of weeks with her cousin, Mrs. B, Hopper. Mr. Jus. Mchmghy. wife and baby are visiting with relatives in the vii- «lzlg‘e. Master Milton Wellwood has return- ed from a. visit. with relativgs at, Burk’s Falls. Dr. Mulfmtd Sislev, L. D. S.,nf Park- dale. spent . Sunday here with his father and mother. Mi§s Kitty .McLean of Hagen-man was Visiting with her sister, M rs. VVal- tean er last. week. ‘1 Hon. N. C. “7allace, M. P. for West, Ynl‘k, has gone to Muskgku forthe, beneï¬t. of his health. ’ Master Lonn Proctor of Barrie spent over Sunday in the village. Miss \Vuilnce of Craigvalerg visitâ€" ing M the Parsonage. Miss L. Francis uf Tomntn is making a visit with Mrs. B. anpur. See the lot of Ladios’ Bkmses, sizos only 32 and 34, regular prices 50 and 700., your choice for 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘ Extra Pickling Vinegar, Concotd Grape Vinegar, English Malt, Vinegar, Ulich- Vinegar. Try Concord Grape Vinegar fur table use and pickling. Atkinson & Switzer. Full particulars of the secnnd ex- cursion “vs-r the Metropolitan Rail- way to Bund Lake is given on an- other page. The date is August 14. and thvre will he concerts by the Queen‘s Own Band afternoon and ev- ening. Return tickets from Rich- nmnd Hill, includingentrance to Park, 2013611115, and (:urrespouding rates all along the line. Children under 12 years, half fare. Tickets good on all regular cars after 12 o’cluck nnon. Besides the pox-formers advertised on the pUStH‘S, tho Micldlebruok Childmn will appear in Scottish dances in full Highland costume. Tickets may be secured at THE LIBERAL Oflicv. SECOND EXCURSION. PERSONALS. Straved from the premises of the undersigm ed, Jot. 3rd 0011.\Vaugha.n. about the latter part of May a Red Heifer, 1 yea: old, free from 31mm. 1 " " _ » A‘uyparsoa giving Wong». ion leading to her grecoygry will be {imp [avg ed. - A large brick house and good outbuildings with ‘tWolvencres of mum-being part; 01 10L 21, 0011.3. Vaughan, in the village of Maple. Thu; is a. very desirable property on which is a. flowing Well. Willbe sold cheap. .. DONALD WATSON, A n‘: Dry hardwood and slabs delivered on shortest notlce. MICHAEL BRQS. : 4S-tf , .» Richmond PHIL Fare to the Park and ietvurn, including entrance to Park : Newnmrket, 25C. ; Aurora, 200. ; Rich- qnonds Hill, 200‘. ;7 Thornhill, 30c. . Lansing, 350. ; Toronto, 400. Children under 12 years, half rate. An admission fee to the Park of .100. will be charged parties not hold- ' in railway tickets. Tickets goo on all regular cars after 12 o’clock noon. Cars leave Toronto at. 1.30, 2.40, 4.00, 5.40 and 7. Special ‘cars will runs between Richmond Hill,Aurora, Newmmket and the Lake ev- ery hour after 2 o’clock. Last car will leave the Lake for points north and south at 9.30 sharp. Afternoon from 3 t0 5: Evening from 7.15 to 9.15. Humorous 8919's by VMr. T. E. Kyle; Cornet Salashy Toronto’s Favor- ite Col'netist, Mr. Chas. Savage ; and Scotch Dancing by the Middleln‘nuk Children in _~ full Highland Costume. Qsjeanys flwn Band Mr. J. F. Rnwland was one of the Payers in the Standard Bank base mll team 0n Tuesday, when they de- fmted The Tm'nnlu General Trusts by ‘16 to 4. The city papers speak of Mr. Rowland’s hume run as one of the fentux es of the game. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cameron and daughter Lotus, Miss Janet Nolan, Mrs. Macbeth. Mrs. Robinson, Mr. John Watson; Toronto, and Mr. Weir of Dresden spent over Toronto Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.New- ton. If it’s coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys- Eepsia, make your liver right. a§y to take, easy to. operate. Miss Flossv Startup of Toronto who has been spending H. few days with her cousin, FlOSSY Sbartup, is returning home~ accon’ipuuied by her little cousin Alice Startup, who intends spending a. few days in town. Mrs.McBeth,f0rn‘1erly of this village, who for the past sewn years carried on a Millinery establishment; in Dres- den, hgsmoved to Toronto and has Chatham Banner-Newsâ€"Reeve Sav- age of Richmond Hill and Mr. Charles Lawrence. of Blenheim spent Friday at "Happy Day’s Cottage†at, the Eau )lvith Mr. and Mrs. J .Bmckin and fam~ 1 y. upeth u siuiilai-Vblulvsiaéé; St. East. ‘ M. Teefy, Esq., postmaster, on Sat- urday last; attended the funeral Of the late Patrick Buvle, editor and publish- er of the Irishâ€"Canadian. Mr. Teefy was a member of the craft, over 60 years ago. Markham Economistâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Edward Glover, Mr. Jack Glover of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Frank Robin- son of Barrie were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Glover on Sunday. Ripans- Tabules cure némsea. flipans Tabules 19.1w,an t. laxaggye. Miss M. Harrison has hben appoint- ed teacher in the Langstnfl’ school at a salary of $275. Duties to commence after the present vacation. Miss Ebhvl Switzer went to Grimsby Park Saturday to spend a few months with her muther and sisters. While away she visited the Pam-American Expusititm at. Buffalo. Mrs. A. Maudie and Miss Isabel Moodie returned home Saturday after spendinga. very enjoyable month at St. Mary’s and Sea forth. TWQ GRANDCONCEBTS BUGKINGHAM’S DYE "vvâ€"mit'yéur’méuim'cié dr'benrd A beautiful brown or rich black 7 Then use 5.01:"- 0 052mm". QND LAKE,» Wednï¬sday, Aug. 14:. Estray Notice Y our Tongue GOD SAVE THE KING, FOR SALE By Metropuiit‘ FGR SALE ï¬fterncwz and Evening. 2~tf 25c. All drunk“. J A's. SHERMAN, Maple m£.l-I5LL A co. , NAOWA By-the ,éLH Railway. Ric-ï¬n) 0nd Hill. lskers r h fo w Ma'ple. JACOB EVER & SON May be. relied. upon-$0 go in the ï¬eld and give satisfaction where others fail; -=.Made.in the following sizes, 5, 6, 7 and 8 it. cut. V FOR SALE BY I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO l’ieme‘s Gbld'eu Medical bigcdx’i‘eryv Pierce’s Pe‘lebs 150 Williams’ Pink P1115, 33c.. 3 for 950 Elecbriu()il,5 bottles 101' 25c " Carter‘s Pilla. 2 battles for 25c Chase's Pills. 2 bottles for 25c Dodu's Kidney Pills, 30c ' Parmeele‘s Pills 150 Gaston-1a 250 Burdock Blood Bitters 690 Eczema. Ointment, 350 ' Mexican Fly Oi],for‘kee{pi.ng flies oHcattIemsed once a wgek You can save many by gigaljng with us. We want you for e. Q;one_aq3al1 33, large 65 _ 9.3?éscn ‘g’o‘nlqï¬c lgleu Medical isco'ver: BUGS AND MEDICINES. Atkinson & Switzer Sugars, Fruit J ars, Spices, Vinegars, J ar Rubbers everything needed for Preserving and Pick? ling, of these We keep only the best qualities & sell at prices usualâ€" 1y charged for inferior goofls. We have Steered Our Ship of Trade WHOLESALE AND ‘RE'I‘Alh DRUGGIS v 1,‘ , ..... : ,, M, [III/MI ml,“ ‘ "’“Wémwzclliï¬VW/é I '" ~ 1. "IT-7"?! W4.“ I I .1] A 4 A; u "Ingwyvyi m, BI‘CHMQND Splend~id3~f¢1;ac.lli»n.~e Oil, 30 centsa gal . D. DANIEL '86 CO. :éry_ w I Towelings, Table Lin~ ens, Table Oilcloths, Shirt- ings, Shirts, Apron Ginge hams, Prints, "Lawns, Mus- lins, &c. In these our val- ues are the very best. .Intoathe§harbor of suc. cess by selling what the cus- tomers 'want at the right prices. This is a general store. At this season of the year there areagood many thingstrhehousekeeps er wants. Aver’s Hn-ir vigour, GOG Hood’s Snrsapa-rilla. 650 Epsom Salts, 3011)., 10 lbs. for 253 Sumhur, 3c. 1b.,91ba. for 25c. Kendall’s Spuvin Cure. 750 Dodd’s Dyspepsia. Tnhiets. 350 lelett’s Lye 10c per Lin, 3 for 250] Vaseline. 50 “bottle Sammie. Water-white coal oil, equal to Ameri- can. we a gal ' Fowler’s Extract Wild Strawberry, 25° Beef,1rou and Wins_500 customer. Compare these prices SSTS. Opp. Clyde Hotel ‘ [' nu; WI)! .