Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Aug 1901, p. 1

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VOL. XXIV Office Hours : p. m USERA Remodellek One of the hotels on venience. Gravellers. or driving ; to or retun pass the do Best 'Oddfellow’s B1 and Cell Gfi‘icc :â€"Ne: Hospice. Dr. W. Eeeil Tm Telephone 3368 for Graduate of the UL with diploma from Dental School. W111 v Friday of each wee) from 1 to 3 p. m‘ CH. Diseases of horses.c ed animals treatea b; proved methods. TERMS 6] JOHN PALHEJ VETERINARY SURGEON Gallanaugh & Ric-hard VETERINARY SURGEONS, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond PALMER H! RICHMOND I Calls by day i J. H. SANDERSON, VETERINARY SURGEON RICHMOND HILL DR DENTISZ Cor. Bloor and Sputum Tm'onm. Roc 6‘ Ripaus \Vill be in OIfice Successor 1; VETERIN RICHMON AL} nber Cone DR. E. J. per annum, RIOHM IS PUBLI s pqrt 1mm; EDIT \V v“ . Hill ch Au 1 . McElm and night promptly at~ tended to. Wm mmt. arge 111D the l 11M ure 1m W RA U ,d to me AHON ARDS 1t: advance mi 11103 NTIST, hUUUI‘. Cs] N G 'ace I Is: at reaso Patronu Lic A la RICHMOND HILL & THURNH Undertakers & i Outnmo. All sale dad to on the shor- ea. Mortgage and‘ ‘ensed Auc lerates 16}? OT WRIGHT BROS, JGIN WID nto ( oodb nig RM Au yiUNl a tt r'j'L ELL 1.3L :1 eon & M1 HTY ,mg l‘fiRi P.0.n. smith. Essentials, U A. M E 1 Loan Build- nd Victoria ‘nto. nond Hill on mbnimers, THURNHILL a] Furnishings FUN Maple H0 tnotice and ram-mm ‘y of Yorl: . {)anfnon Lionvnle Q] . 10t01 :yof York m1 at rau- s of York k. &c., at- reasonable tendod to. eaidenca 'emsonn nle .013. agent namu ONT. of York York .re m ax‘ket ‘ 984 HILL, THURS ii ‘Lce .1 mtv : Buffalo Bill‘s Rough Elders Just outside the Exposition Grounds at Buffalo, opposite the East, Amherst Street entrance, adjoining Delaware Avenue, accessible by all lines of tmv- el. in the great open field, on Monday afternoon, Aug. 26, will be located Buffalo Bxll‘s famous Wild \Vest and Congxess of Rough Riders of the World. The fact that this great American exhibition is not. inside the inclosul'e in no way detracts from its import- ance in connection with the Pan- American Exposition; as one could no more harness or hamper Buffalo bill’s Rough Riders within the con- fines of limited space than he could American Exposition; as one. could no more harness or hamper Buffalo Bill’s Rough Riders Within the con- fines of limited space than he could hope to bridle Niagara. and turn the tide of the Falls. 701. VJ. F. (Jody (Buffalo Bill) is himself a typical American character, and his event exhibition has been the one distinct feature of world‘s fairs and expositions since 1885. At Earls Court in London, at Paris, and at the great VVorld’s Fair in Chicago, in fact at every fair and exposition the Wild “'est has been considered an absolute necessity in the way of furnishing Wholesome amusement, education and recreation on a gigantic scale. This year Messrs. Cody and Snlsbury have devised a. program particularly ap- propriate for the Pan-American sea- son, and the entire exhibition will be given on a plan of magnificence never before even contemplated, and to fit- tineg mark so impoxtant an epoch new chapters have been added to this great living, historical and dramatic story of civilization and evolution of the world’s mounted soldier. One of the lending attractions is the Battle of Tien-Tsin, or The Rescue at Pekin. showing the allied powers of the world in military uniform and action. In the reproduction of this conflict: in the Flowely Kingdmn, the scaling of the Walls of that Mongolian stronghold will he participated in by the Marines of Russia. Gal-many, France, England and United States Japanese solgiifeJ-s, as well mg. the Iii-1i- gal native soldiers now in the British service. The defence, of course, is the Chinese citizens and soldiers. The bright colored and fantastic uniforst of the diflerent forces engaged make this one of the grandest war spectacles ever witnessed. A score of other new features have, also been added to the W'ild \V'cst, iu- cluding a squad of Oom Paul‘s Boers, who will show their particular method of scouting, fighting and getting out of harm’s Way. A detachment of the famous Strathcoua Horse, Canada's crack regiment. fresh from the South African battlefields, will also appear daily in .the great . exhibiLiou. to- Vaughan Township Cnuncil meb Vellore on Tuesday, August, 13, 1 p._ m." getlier with avsquad uf North \Vest Mounted PoliCe. " Members present]: (reevo), J. N. Boyle Isaac Devins, D. C. L Minutes of last 1n adopted. .A communication was received from Wm. Dickinson, Thornhill, dated August 8, stating that his son fell through a. defective sidewalk in the. village of Thornhill, injuring him, and asking damages to the amount of $350. I)e\7ius--Bayle~1,hab the treasurer pay the following accounts: ijpwg B_1-o_s_., _1~_ec_eipt book . . . . . . $ 6 50 masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Adv. Court of Revision . . . . . . . . 2 50 Cards re dum ing rubbish . . . . , . ,50 100 forms for %.S.Inspector . . . . 75 100 forms for trustees . . . . . . . . . . '75 100 printed envelopes . . . . . . . . . . 50 50 Circulars re school ages . . . . . . . 75 200 co ies Voters’ Lists . . . . . . . . 75 00 Adv. oters’ List notice . . . . . . . 2 50 P. S. Gibson & Sons, makini 3 days’ survey, 8th con., e- tween lots 21 and 25, road deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 00 Description re road deviation . . 1 50 Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Longhouseâ€"Malloyâ€"that the breas- urer pay the following road accounts : \V. Mellish, culvert and spikes. .$13 04 88 Roht. Topper, gravel . . . . . . . . . . o D. Norton, tiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 40 R. Rumble, unloading lumber .. 4 09 G. Hugill, buildin culvert; . . . . . . 3 50 Mickle. Dyment ' Sou, car of lumber, less freight . . . . . . . . 172 35 J.H.Kirby, freight on car pine. . 25 65 E Langstafl‘, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 2 52 \V. Mellish, work on Howland’s bridge . . . . . ‘ . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 To T. F. McMahonâ€"â€" Printing instructions to path- masters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adv. re closing Yonge St . . . . . . Bills re closing Yonge St . . . . . . 150 copies auditors’ report . . . . . . 100 declarations to pathiuusters. 100 circulars re meeting path- land’s hrmge . . . . . . . . . . L. Curd, tightening r0 bridges . . . V . in Noa-Essantials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. Vaughan Council C‘érd, 7 material for How- 3rd work on Boyle, D. M. D. C. Lnnghousc last meeting l‘t Howlund's H. Kirby bl. Malloy. rem + \.. ,. .,.... .,§ 24 00 700 3.1K at in ~l l Kin J. W pipe . . . . . . . . . . A. Black, building 12 H. Sutton, drawing work on Brown' M. Humphrey, 17,5 delivered at KI freight . . . . . . . M. Humphrey, lS,( delivered at freight, bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.Bl:tck, repairing Fan-’3 bridge M. O’Rourke, work on Brown‘s ‘ bridge . l . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Kaiser, drawing plank . . . . . G. Miller, drawing posts and railing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . King township, building railing on townline, one half . . . . . . Yonge Street Amount; Wm.Chatterley,breaking 1 toise \qu. Chatterley. 15:; days’ work July and August; . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Ja ham, and addressed ndvisubili crusher t township Ale Deviné â€" Long] heard the deputnt in reference to I'm The report of pointed by the C1 to dividing S. tions was laid be :u hitrutm's cunfi iously taken by ' Boyle â€" Muilo \Veh'ster bé act in cmme pm-puses. Council day. Sept Military revh mntu, Quebec :1 cuslun of the vi and Cornwall. arbitration in 1' of J. T. Devigs with Ener Sc Buffn been : ceast who was said to he an estimable young lady was interred in the Aurora. cemetery Friday. That odd cpnt means a good deal of saving. Best dates, 60. lb. ; \‘eal loaf large size, 250. ; Clark’s pork and beans, 5c. ; powdered sugar, 2 11). for 15c. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. T. H. Legge drove into Sprox- ton’s Lake, 3rd con. \Vhipchurch, to let his horse have a drink, when the animal stumbled into a deep place and was drowned. Mr. Le ge jumped from the buggy and ma. 8 his Way safely to the shore. \Ve Were never he more favux-ahly di: quality of dry go than we are now Switzer. York B100): slight Here one finds new distinctively clea'ez; s bracing array of the most. wanted things Switzer. Mr. G ecu-g9 H. Douglas, accountant at the Imperial Bank brunch, corner of Queen and Yunge Streets. was drowned in u canoeiug accident on Sunday near Mattuwu. Thu! saving large beans, Our low prices are a. knockout argu- ment : Best; Canadian laundry starch 50. 1b.; best white gloss starch, 60.; Benson’s corn stat-ch, 50.; pure corn starch, 6c. Atkinson & Switzer. On Saturday afternoon Charles qu-ncomb. aged 18, and John Furn- comb aged 16, two sons of Rev. Canon Farncomb, and Easton Beacham, lost; their lives While bathing in the lake at Newcastle. The Farncomb family formerly lived at Newmarket. If consumers will make panson of our [fines for dry goods and grocerles as 5‘” “iv Miss Sadie Stephenson of Aurora. had an attack of appendicitis. Inldl‘lâ€" went an operation in u. Tomnto hus- piml, and died in a. few days. De- ceasud who was said to he an estimable young lady was interred in the Aurora. in Fox, 430 ft; {)f mili McClure, drawing “tetheml, putLin A meeting was he el-k Ramsden’s offiu .. Card, hemlock f1 bridge . . . . . . . . . . . Healing here every and Mr. E. H. S ssed the council lbilit-y of pure er to be used B1 zu'mer named Mills, fell from Strveb Friday f1 acture of the adjourned to meet on 10, an 1 p. m. ks, ppst bouséhold with th Longhou work on Ill) tppointecl arhit ion with York 1 reference to the s and others to l L11 7 guuc now. it they Will‘s Atkinson s Noses. ;s nnd nail iiling‘ ... . Halifax ( of the Du 000 ft Maple ailing [0 ft. in bur brid joiutl James Acey of t load of hay on and received a. skull. Leave on Mark sley, Councillor relative to the msng 21, rocL H 1m in 1901. - pI-epm‘cd nor sed to sell best 5 and groceries Atkinson and 11-bitrators Jouncil rel.- into two 1e council. Lesâ€"4m a] man’s best Atkinson 51'own’s iuty 21d in T0- 11 the (:0- Re of York Ll' ury all 10 both from tive l‘h ll) ()0 70 Lion of I \Viddifi Roche 1 hold a Prices hex be stylish, 1 Eight, burs 140. ; Fat-i extra prul 4c. lb. A1 A freight tr hour was den on the Owen U. P. R.. by d Engil man John very 1 Torbnto Jun€ wrecked. tam an store a gmnul coffee, W. HEWESO wvnmfl: )th Yo RESIDE (-vonin HOUSE PAINTER, azier, Grainer and. Paper- Hanger. 0f TIME A smoxe SCHOOL REGULAR FINE. EQUIPMENT \V m lls uneo ‘ rim lltBl’ [Single copies, 3 cts. innnn unusu, 14c. ; grape nuts, unes, 5c. 1h: : Rangoon Atkinson 86 b‘thzer. Central Business College tel that )I‘Yh :romry Ltherin 'X‘OID. a. “'11 S NCE, RICHMOND HILL s are not high ennu 1t they are mi hty ,‘nmfurt soap or 2 map for 25c. ; Swiss )1] UL TORONTO TAI 1- and W i n j u red. ion. Twe 55 While yd pure M( I). ; blue go to form ork Old Bt ’14( clmirm r. It 1 th th I'ILW . dis end‘ a. flame chu lil‘ LV’ nnm tance promptly 111 18C ht u mt 'm. McOaulv All belougt lve cars we: into nsw 11 and In re killed. NJ 0 mile m SUV ‘E)P( Lit ACHERS NI 011 )Il )sed boys Sheriff m {kin HH- the lb tuL 1nd. [i1]. 1nd tan

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