The ofï¬cial returns in regard to the work recently completed by the gensus commissioners have not been given out, but there is reason to be- lieve the population of Canada. is 5,400,000. This 'is about 600,000 over the returns made up in the, census of 1891. The returns are somewhat disappointing, as it was generally thought the ï¬gures would, run up to about 6,000,000. The. in- :crease between .1881 and .1891 was t1 wno possesses the other necessary qualiï¬cations to entitle him to be en- tered in the Voters’ Lists, shall have the right to apply to the Judge to have his name entered and inserted in the Voters’ Lists as entitled to vote at Municipal elections and elec- tions to the Legislative Assembly, but nothing in this sub-section con- tained shall'be construed to confer upon any person the right to vote who is not of the full age of twenty- one years.†latt tory of th changed 1 A great he lost Sir l“. B. Head’s Secretary : ‘ “ Government House, Dec. 13, 1837. ’SIR,â€"I have it in command to in- form you, that; His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor has thought proper to remove you from the post ofï¬ce at; this place. Mr. Berczv has too high sociated too much with Reformers †; second, that; “ he entertained opinions :favorable‘to an :elective Legislative Councilâ€; and third, that “ his son (between 10 and 11 years of age) read Maekenzie’s and O’Gradv's papers rather than others,†and ascrib- ed to him “ an opinion that the Lieu- tenant-Governor was a mere citizen,†etc., etc. The consequence was that ‘he received the following letter from Sir F. B. Head’s Secretary : ‘ “ Government House, been directc During the following nine years ‘he discharged the duties to the satis- faction of his superiors and the pub- ‘lic; but, in December, 1837, when the rebellion broke out, he was sur- prised to learn that charges were made against himâ€"ï¬rst, that “ he as- ’The improvement in postal facil- ities in Toronto is a marvel of prog- ress, when we consider its early com- mencement. Over seventy-ï¬ve years ago, when the population of the Town of York (Little York, as it was usually termed) was 1,336, as stated in the “ York Almanac †of 1823, the ‘postmaster was William Allen, Esq. (afterwards the Honorable W. A.), who was also Collector of Customs, Treasurer of the Home District, and inspector of Shop, Still and Tavern Licenses for the Home District. His assistant was Mr. James Scott How- ard from the year 1820 to 1828, when Mr. Allen resigned the ofï¬ce of post- iuaster and Mr." Howard was appoint- 'eceive TORONTO POST OFFICE SEVEN TY-FIVE YEARS AGO. RICHMOND HILL ice for the present. I have the honor to be, Although Mr. Howard made a )d defence, political feeling ran high, in those stirring times, to eive an impartial investigation. great injustice was perpetrated, lost the ofï¬ce, and Mr. Berczy ured it. Alas! poor Berczy! Such is a sketch of the early his- _v of the Toronto Post Ofï¬ce. How mged now, as well as in the whole ital serviceâ€"thanks to our present- \t the recent Ire, 1901. m appeals add Lise Eiihmtl. Act nastcrâ€"Genc New HOV-1 n the day to the Co wenty-om Adverti Povernor has move you from place. Mr. B l to take char; section 14 of Any one whv lOi etc James 500m: now 1820 to 1828, wher 1 the ofï¬ce of post )ward was appoint OUT 0D etc., etc., wit August by Judge and sements. )f‘ the Voters’ 10 will be of ears Within J OSEPH c Legis ot the, ‘1 8-8 3111‘- i011 1901 mind ~â€"'l‘he Sapphire Octoberâ€"October'schildis born to grief But with one churn: there :cmnes relief If in it you but place belief â€"â€"The Opal Novemberâ€"“Ibo ï¬rst comes to this world below With drear November’s fog _ and snow Emblems of lovers true must show â€"A Topaz Decemberâ€"Success will bless what‘er you do You of December’s birth. if you Place on yeur hand a. stone of'blue â€"-A Turquoise. I keep an excellent stock of rings on hand containing all of the Above stones. June hand Vâ€"Of Peal-l. Julyâ€"And those who in July are bum N0 trouble shall their brow adorn, If they this gleaming gem have worn â€"The Ruby Angustâ€"W’hen youth to womanhood 11st grown, The August-horn unloved Septeml May There is great rejoicing in Toron- to, and in fact all over the Bominion over the victory gained by the In- vader from the American Cadillac. The Canadian ya‘cht Won the second, third and fourth race and the Canada’s Cup will come back to T0- ronto. The Toronto World a few days ago published a report that W. J. Hill, M.P.P. for West York, was not to be the Liberal candidate at the next General Election, at the same time naming a couple ofother gentle- men, one of whom would be offered the nomination. The World also stated that a meeting of the Executive had been held at which the above was discussed. As‘ there has been no meeting of the Execuxdve. and as there is no likelihood of Mr. Hill re- tiring, the World’s article is CUDSidCl’~ ed very much out of place. But doubtless the wish is father of the thought. 508,000, which Was only a little less than the increase during the past ten years. The Province of Quebec has made considerable advance, but Ontario and the Maritime Provinces are somewhat disappointing. The oflicial report, however, is not yet published. wise. If always on he lies -â€"-. prilâ€"This sparkling ge: and fair, Each one in Ar wear JERRY SMITH. Practical ‘Vatahmakm'. 0am Keasans y You Should Insist on Having "ESE!!! Exï¬ï¬FéQHFSQQ ms Fox-n ll ‘J The August-horn unloved and lone Must live. unless they wear this stone â€"A Moonst onv. râ€"If on your hand this stone you bind. you in September ï¬nd Twill cure diseas mind ~â€"The in the M'nv hear ho wears (L ring uApprl bqr ru‘ll be a happy wife some lay, you take with you on life’s 'ough way â€"An Emerald. ; child may health and vault!) command [(1 all the ills of age with- ll'S {8350915 of sad repentance â€"A Diamond. flowery month of in April born must; a. r: 5.5 S @ï¬ï¬. n,both bright 1' hand there X Bloodstonr. r horn will a go the The Next Sitting of Division Courtinr N0. 3, County of York, will beheld in the Court Room. F3 Mi. 6mm 551338323211. Th:- uumnnt of insurance in force was $15,(577.927.00. Tho Gore isun np-to-date HomeCnm- pzmy and is nntt-d for its broad policies and liberal settlements. Call, write or phone J. T. Snigeon, Maple P. 0., if nee-ding insurance. Explaining tbegform of policy issued by [.110 Gme costs nothing. THE - LIBERAL Invaluable ‘0 the {urn- er M H.115 season of the year for protecting his ' ensue. horses and other domestic animals tram being érivep wild by flies and other hymns. Bug’s ganume Cyolenegnoae otharmmst he go . A splendid assortment of the ban makers goods at specially close out prices. EHQEEFQ PRESERYIN G KETTLES. ‘nl RICHM’OND Sill)s§01'ib0 for U33 LL’$ $5 CYCLONE SPRAYERS. a hnlun'co :s of $375,81 v9 for re- Lhilities $58 ixt | SSL [:ll income from all SOHH'DS 9234.6!) and the dislmrsements l to $1Ml,618,33 leaving $31,- ,lw balance to the credit nf s transactions. Om: of this ops have decided to make a 21) pm ennt. on all nllllllt‘S re-r In tho members of tln- Comâ€" )9 total assets of the company w $433,823.110f which $255,- in cash or cash items. The ilities amount to $58,009.24) lmlun'co of assets Over nll of $375,813.91. . fm' rel-insurance and all ilitis-s sets available to pay losscs E3§$Mflï¬â‚¬Â§ nencinz at 10 a. m. T. F. MCMAEON (7 r-nnd annual mos-ting ( Insurance ()0. was he] 28th of January. 1901. ncumo from all SOHH'O ) and the dishursement *\ Steel Traps from 10 cents W RES 4. 1%?! Always room for more in is. The most suc- oessful tn. 3» on the market. a sell it for 156. Green Wire Screen Clo‘h, for mak- ing and repairin your screen doors an win- dows. 90. sud. FLY TRAPS 150. each. HI I?" each up. Extra ghee hops and metal rings on hand. Iâ€"I- 9 WE “75‘ 159 St. East, Toronto. LERK A' strong. well-made 10 fooh Binder Whip. reg. 50c. line; our special price. 100. Chemicsnj . A and . gm the quxckesu and most effective. 1): one sealed packsges,20 CENTS PER 1 mmw ed a n POTATO FORKS, 650. 62101 LIBE' great 100 on] 8 in. Flat Files, hes; goods mï¬â€˜ one of anadu’s bgsh makers, reg. 150.‘ We Me selling spec-ml ab 1.30. should Hay Forks. 3-prong, full size. 35 cents each Barley Forks. 4.5 cents each. Bind’er Whips, 2100. each. FILE SPECIAL AT 100. 1‘1 IDV WRENGHES. A strong, subsianblud. Bag Trunk. not quite same W1: Is 011%, for 84.86. Your outfli is no: compleae whim on». 8 3.7303734 FLA FILE Trucks at $1.3 pH (II nilv H( :tnres. ‘ nl 1L] Ply'fnouth Twine. You'll ï¬nd ,our prices right: on Twine. 11y VJ! 1:“‘5 m; s tum 1311135 section 01 t , strength 111 avenue endidllm me which he ï¬ne-19!: *d ’01 ‘V 0 lulu} animus for all pun 0566 at rich} All :19 nteed )ound (ll that 06118155 83: me most n'tunity I] send ' A splendid mamcutting Emery Stone for 100. SCYTHE STONES9 50. each: ans ‘ :Pmont our 9- 16nd ban-e . )t mpk ail H‘U I] “ll mnaaa. l) f l’t m Ipply Fl Ill FFERED. uplies from '21) 011ald, 1) HILL. F605! fl“: 1nd QVCI'Y person :md \Veekly 111 sum of 50C. mf‘ort requiring nu Ely dvlod t right; if you om, horse 0 R requires m3. 1902 nhle the is limitâ€" War lfe \V K