Until further notice nu) Richmoga Hill Post Omce MORNING . . EVENING N, B.â€"Begistur a least ï¬fteen I! mentioned hours OFFICE Leavec P R C Leave Newmnrkqg 1 METROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Leave Rféiximqï¬dl'gill Leave mollm Sunday 'l [1. m. Wodue Roml iuia'eï¬ng TI Richmon‘ day 011‘ 9}"! ’M’otb ’I p. m. meetim CourtRichmond earth Friday Ivy Lodge. A 0 of each month "papal: 13mins C R T of' of each m W moml' Pub! Tuesd Binder Sixty cm. Church of I WANTED â€" TRUSTW Women to travel and a lxshed house of solid ï¬nal: 6780 a your and expenscg, flow PGINTS B‘u'oIéEe? ‘séit-aadres‘sed dress Manager. 355 Cu: POST OFFICE NOTICE l Eta-"nu ERIENCE no: 311i 96h} : four months MHNN. 8&0; Richmond Hill LAUEDRY Plow Point Mager’s Faundry, N Between Toronto Sciemm BY )ytoriun 0111 Sunday Sc sday eveulu an Catholic unduys m. 9 Emu a B Etl' Village iist'c Sund Sher TI 11 ‘émpemucoâ€"Mce nth rudeâ€"Meets ï¬rst NDERSON’S ‘0'] d (as taker :1: Mint yum Ior nglnndnSurvicea at 3p. m. eve {ma expepsc» g _ reqmyed GOIN( ‘rtuin' ( GOlNG 1 Hm nobme. undred allowed on wrought or cast iron. pen every night until 8.30. Lile west of Richmond Hill. owers repaired on the shortesï¬ y illustrated weekly‘ ny scientiï¬c ournnl. onths. $1. So c1 by 111 ‘éâ€"Met 4'11 U V\’â€"-N B -â€"Muet Blithe principal plows at n sketch and descfl aur opinion free w bly lamentable. Cox ant 0.1. Handbook 0! Enemy for securing r hrouuh Mun“ & C( out charge in the Caxtm Directory. ié'ï¬mewican. 361Broadway, 25 F St..Wa3hinmon. ttL W. MACE“, Prop 8135 AT 730 I’ M. TEEFY.I’0: :1 R and Newman NC ï¬rst Mor SOUTH 'ohâ€" Sarv and 10.3 ‘ra mustbe handed in tux-lierthan the above me- )1] Eâ€"Meots second and F TRADE MARKS :2â€. DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS GLO- ~10 a will 1 as folk Moots inuth so YEARS’ EXPERIENCE BTU. ading I .n'dtw ev ‘ORTBY 7 mm A_N_D ‘5 ï¬rst Wednesday vertise for old estab- inl standing. Salary 51.11 payable in cash. Give_referoncas and urged envelope. Ad- bldg..Chicago. 42â€"26 A M -â€"AIeets Mon IEHT Good Man: my b? wowed by closed M the JE MAXWELI .l and four th loomâ€"Open eninga day. Largest em Terma. $3 a newsdggnlerg ahi hamster on alter , tion may ether~ an maximum»; )1: Patents patents. :0. receive Lngs. Gauts‘ Work gum- l. 111..qu 11 prayer 'n'. D. C.’ 11]., an a. 111., 8..DJ YQrk Juy Evans Building, Patent take} out. through us receive special m THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely air by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & (Patent Attorneys.) The West half of lot 22, rear of 3rd con. Vau han. adjoining Maple, con- taining 1 0 acres. Brick dwelling and good outï¬mildings. etc. For ful'thm‘ particulars apply to II. A. l‘IICI;[(_)LLSL On \Vednes road south of prgof Cont. â€" Owner m; mg pmpert Enquir transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of The Ontario Voters‘ Lists Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at, Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and Municipal Elections; and that the said list was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce, at Maple, 011 the 14th day of August, 1901, and remains there for inspection. Vters’ Elder/ions; and that the said list; was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce, at Maple, 011 the 14th day of August, 1901, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have Ellie said errors corrected according to aw. OTICE is hereby given that I have tran‘smipted 91: delivpred to the N- n .«..,J n JAS. B. MCLEAN. Clerk of Vaughan Township Maple, August 14, 1901. 7-2 GUAL SEEM M 1901-1302. ' Elec ï¬rst, ville . and BEST SOFT COAL Also one of the best grades of made, for sale at $3 per cents per bbl» refunded sacks. Will be at the station to when Wednesday of ench week Wednesday and Thursday during Sept†Out. and N( Wednesday of each we the rest of the coal Coal delivered m; Bighmond E on the shortest notice. Terms cash on delivery. Nu order will be con' sidered binding until accopceu by us in wrluing. August 1,1901. Gm VUTERS’ LI OTICE is hereby iven tlmtl have transmitted or elivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of The Ontario Voters’ Lists Act the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant, to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised As- sessment Roll of the said Municxpality to be entitled to vote in the said Muni- cipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that the said list was ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce, at. Union- ville, on the 25th day of July, 1901, and remains there for inspection. the MUNICIPA TOWN SHIP BEST HARD COAL H. WINGEE & SON, Township of Mailman For threshing and other steam purposes at 25 cents per awn, at THURNHILL $TATEBN. aunt ï¬xavmmzmmts. MUNICIPALITY OF THE ï¬rm to Rent For household purposes FOUND lis W County of York. 1ountv of York iuy, August. 14, on side Richmond Hill, a \Vutel Kipnyin 111 {ffivmï¬liurrs apply to x. NICHOLLS, Richmond Hill OF VAUGHAN, ,ITY OF TH E the same by week' during m1 season. 1 Bill and Thornhill ST 1901. ux )0!) d to customers on during August; 0! each week )v.; and on Portland Cement bbl. Twenty for empty ‘xpenses HAL OF} to e miss 11x Can‘villo P O 11‘ of 3rd OFFICE ramp; ions rein xamine 1m T; I'OV CALL AND SEE ME PRESSING TICKET: A.].HUME GLUTEN MEAL SHORTS BRAN CORN CHOP BIBBY’S CALF MEAL, FLOUR, ETLL. Eï¬aéaï¬ï¬sé‘a & mm Lot 9.7. 3rd con.‘ Markham is for sale. The soil is clay loam. in a. good stats of cultivation. Wellâ€"watered with never-failing spring creek.\vell fen-zed and well drained. First-class stone house. good barn. woodshed, driving shed. pig- peu and hen house. Goodcrchurd and garden. Within quarter of a. mile of school and conven- ient to church, store, Post Ofï¬ce, &0. Appr to -Aw‘- n.~.â€".. w u:,1......_z um Every Accommodation for t1 elling‘ public. lis FARM fer enclusc selfâ€"ade‘esSed stamped dress Manager. 355 Caxton Bldg The proprietor of Sunnyside Herd of Holstein Cattle and Breeder of Im- proved Ghester white hogs, lot 32, 1513 con. Markham (Thornhill) has for sale some good young- stock. Thorough-bred bull and hog kept, June 6-2111 Thox-ougE-ln‘ed bulI and for service 011 the prgqigqg The undersigned runs his wagons t0 â€"EVERYâ€"â€" TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Earth Toronto Coal, Wood and Slabs at lowest price and delivered on shortest notice. HULSE HGTEL V U WANTED omen to ‘80 a your 3 canvas: SUNNYSIDE FARM Eiï¬im mg Parcels delivered or collected in any part of the city or may be left at the Commer- cial Hotel. J. Sheardown. 49-tf BIAlDIJE. THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. 'EO R‘€)NTO Eiilflï¬ii 9:!» [Nil 35 to ~17 Shaftesbury Ave. WASHINGTON, D. c. FOR, SALE 3611'»? CASE LY, Richmond Hill TICKETS, $1.00 EACH. Have for sale TRUSTWORTBY MEN AND wel and advertise for old samb- ‘solid ï¬nancial standing. Salarv iexpenses, all payable in cash. ; required. Give reference and dressed stamped egvelopo. Ad- .355 Caxton Bldg. Unicago. 42-96 Milling Co. D. G. GOODERHAM, J.11.SA Proprietor trav - Brace and 6 best .L ‘Ialls at It was thought last season shat Clevelar most reached perfection. The sprir ever, has ushered in several ne‘ ments. The most noticeal movement is probah Its chief feature is the saving of flu the rider by absorbing v1brationâ€"I up and down experienced on Call'qt THE LIBERAL OFFICE l logue. Make your selection as to f bar, pedals, saddle, tires, etc. N Dunlop tires. Old wheels take THE CUNFEDERATIUN On the Unconditional Accumulative Plan conditionâ€"Pay the premium. Extended an every policy. Rates and full information Pamphlets on application to P. G. Savage, Also Agent for the following Fire Insu WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE CO MERCANTILE NORWICH UNION IMPERIAL YORK Ml London Guarantee & Accident Co. 'The Registry C0. of North America. We make Insurance our Businefs. Claims promptly paid and business strictly attended too. P. G. SAVAGE, Richmand. Hill. C. MAE 106 and 16 Dnl‘» at fact< Agent 3‘ U. for Ri THE POLICY r‘m Accident Companies. KEN mond Hill and V lll‘IW 3 23.7] '1 dows ; Has for sale Screen Doors and Win- RICHMOND HARDWARE not) 1' LIFE ï¬SSUCIATm ED BY Oil able MM urance Companies 1011311101101 Hill 1311 contains bnt one and Cash Value on :ion will be sent in ge, District Agent. ic1mtv 5] nat thlv Att from 500 ;; Hay ] Meal W1 HILL how- STORE made the ( ladle tor ron trough in 0c. up ; Rakes, Wickless ten ‘eap‘ al-