Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1901, p. 2

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NATURAL LEAF G- R. E m N w;- E sea... Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring Matter; is Dainty and Invigor- ating; is the only tea that suits fastidious palates and IS wholesome for the most delicate digestions. IT IS ALsovrigBRlTlsn PRODUCT Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, l'lixed, Uncolored Ceylon Green. Free samples sent. Address “SALADA,” Toronto. M.. J h ceipt of a good present income, but [he would inherit a considerable forâ€" ~ I tune on the death of his mother, Lady Solorth. He showed the un- suspecting host letters from his inoâ€" ther. in reply to his. He was his 'own master, he averred, and no acâ€" [nddents Where the unwary Pro' tion of his could in any way iinvaliâ€" prietors Are victimized by date his sucecssion to tlle maternal thousands. 1m esters. p All he asked was that no communâ€" QUitC TCCCDUY a SCHUOIUGD “311de icalion should be made to his friends into the saloon bar of a large public- by his flancee’s relatives. for at least house in “est Kcnsington, and asked I a week; as by then his plans for nmk- for tile landlord. ling things smooth at home would be Now it so happens that the lttlldâ€"Icoznplotcly developed. lord is (unfortunately for himself) a The young fellow was so frank, so most approachable person where agoodqooking, and, above all. so per- silk hat and a frock coat are conâ€"lfectly like to his OWn description of cerned. In this case a message soon himself. that father, (laughter. everyâ€" brought him to the connter. A niut- body believed in him. and would “it! drillk. and U10 Stranger. Whose-have trusted him to the full extent manners 11ml tone were beyond I‘Câ€"lof their individual pockets and good preach, produced a card. lopinions. "Old friend of yours, isn’t he? At', The day after the paternal inquisiâ€" least, he says he is." ‘tion, the 1101]. Mr. Didem went up to . Landlord looks at the card. lLondon, returning in the evening to ' "Bless me, yes! Known Jimniyllale dinner, and bringing with him a for years! Friend of his is friend of wonderful ring of Opals and diamonds mine!” [for his sweetheart. ‘5 Strangers satisfaction is evident. 0n the third day a letter having ,though not exuberant, and another come for him by the first. pest, he .mutual libation iS made to the asked to receive the proprietor. Pro- health of “Jimmy.” ducing out of the recently delivered Stranger then intimates that "Jim- envelope a letter with an inclosed my” had implied that the landlord cheque for £250, he made request for would oblige his friend, the stranger, his host’s open cheque in exchange should such an obligation ever be for his mother‘s crossed one. A moâ€" needed. Landlord professes warni’montary hesitation, andâ€"the exâ€" desirc to oblige stranger at any time - change was made. and to any extent in his power, on Next morning the gentleman again “Jimmy’s” recommendation. Strang- er then explains that he is a commer- cial traveller on a large scale. He is just come to reside in the neighâ€" . o borhood, and having often at the‘ end of the day as much as £150 or £200. he would be glad if the land- NEWS OF THE GOOD WORK IN lord would take charge of it for him THE OLD GULF OF ST' till the following morning. LAWRENCE COLONY' “Certainly! Certainly! Edie!”â€"~ to his daughterâ€""if this gentleman ever brings ally money 'over night and I’m out, put it in the safe." Another mutual drinkâ€"effusive thanksâ€"and the stranger departs. . _ Next evening he brings £150, ed 1t Tlue‘ which is duly received and locked upl Cape La Hune, Nfld., Aug. 19.â€" in the safe. Next morning it is with-i'l‘he most popular remedy down here drawn, as per agreement, the transâ€" this last few years is undoubtedly action being repeated some three or Dodd’s Kidney Pills. It is the only four times. lone of the host advertised which uni~ Then £150 is deposited, the strang- versally shows that it may be relied er mentioning on that occasion that‘upon. he proposes visiting Tattersall's on! Medicines for Heart Trouble have the following morning with the obâ€" been advertised before in Newfoundâ€" ject of buying a couple of horses. land but nobody placed any reliance “Knowing,” he says, "the landlordlin them. The trouble was that they to be a good judge of cattle,” he did not act at the root of the matâ€" asks that individual to accomrany'terâ€"the Kidneys. Dodd’s Kidney him, and give him the benefit of his.I‘ills are entirely different to any experience and knowledge. “Agreed!” lotlier treatment for Heart Trouble; and an appointment is made for outâ€" they act on the Kidneys first, and side Tattersall‘s. for that very reason are so successâ€" Next morning the pair meet, and fill. . proceed to the sale. Before bidding, Mr. Thomas Barter of Cape La. the stranger incidentally discovm‘SIIune had trouble with his heart for that he has but £15 upon him. "Has lyears, and could find nothing to the landlord his cheque-book with,help him. But his own words will him?" He has. "Would he writeibetter tell the story. him a cheque for the £150 he holdS' “For over six years.” writes Mr. in his safe?" "Of course he would.” Barter, “I had suffered intensely In less than five minutes the stranger'with palpitation of the heart and has the Othel"S cheque. had to give up work. I could not "Would the landlord watch the bidâ€".do anything at all until I saw in ding for ten minutes, while a friend;Dndd's Ahnanac that Dodd‘s Kidney is $0011 across the Way?" “He Pills would cure me. I then sent Would." ifor six boxes. I used five of them TONâ€"fifteenâ€"twellty DlilllllCSâ€"half'and am completely cured. I can do all hourlâ€"but no stranger. my work again now as well as ever Having some business of his own I could. I am not much of a writer to attend to, the landlord, still faith- but if you think this letter would [111 to "Jimmy's" recommendation, help any other person by being jumps into a cab for home. Arrived printed in any of your publications there his first inquiry is whether the you are at liberty to print it, for I Stranger has been the]? uni thoroughly grateful for Dodd's “Yes,” says his daughter. "he came Kidney I’ills.” about forty minutes ago, and reâ€" ceived back the 4:150 he deposited . . , with you last night." left for London, this time without At racing speed, Boniface makes X‘Ctummg- rm. his bank TOO 1atc_by 1m],- m, The cheque was wrongâ€"the Ilfllld- hour! The cheque has been cashed: lord's Ch(“1UP- l“”~ “'35 “Tongâ€"111 the and the mackerel as well as the 501130 that bk‘f‘wc I’ayme'm COUM_bC sprat, has been successfully landed. Stol‘llefI it had been C‘L‘hed- “_ho Sometimes the 1);le js nut ,1 gold- the thief was. or how he had obtainâ€" cn one. ed p05session of a cheque on Lady The proprietor of a flourishing- 110_ Soforth‘s bank. Was never '(llSCOYCl‘ tel at a certain flourishing wateringr 00- _A hue-mul-CI‘Y “‘15 I‘mgodv bun place was a widower with two nothing. came of it. for the rogue charming daughters. Both the had "GIUShCG mlO {11111 all} young ladies were well educated, and The SC‘IUCI “51$ if I‘WSIleO. 11101‘0 would have done credit to any social strange than the thing itself. HOW SOME LICENSED VICTU- ALLERS ARE SWINDLED l Dodd's Almanac the Means of Helping Mr. Thomas Barter Down Thereâ€"Read that Dodd’s I Kidney Pills Would Cure Heart Troubleâ€"Tried them and Prov- position. One morning. the young lady who Anyway, the younger attracted the.had be?“ 111': bf’litv to "draw ' the f1“ attention of a gentleman staying in ther. \ras mlssmg, and from that the house. she also lll'.\'ll g no Huanlday to this has never been heard of. It is known that she [led to 30111 the liking that way. _ Byâ€"alldâ€"by the father of the girl Ulla-{01‘ a letter. “llllm‘t {1319' ad' began to be uneasy, and. payillg‘hisidl‘t‘SS 01‘ Sigllu‘tlll'c. DOSIN 111 L011- guest a visit one morningr in hisldon. told the talc room. asked him his intentions as' _.â€"â€"-+- towards his daughter. It should be said that the guest' for he 250 had been staying at the hotel iorl ___.¢___. over a month, and had not onlyl Since 13â€"1-3 the whale fishmics [romptly settled has lulls, but ap- luwc {anon on fmm muhvoo to 8”: Peill‘k‘d to 1m“? l’lk‘lll.V 0f ready tltlu barrels of oil. and from 10.000,- “““‘9»‘" . _ 00011.». of whulct‘one to itiuxileltim, This was the desired opportunity, and the explanation asked for was! â€"‘+ at once and readily given. This arisâ€"l The British Sin. howitzer is the ‘tocl'utic admirer was. he said. alllcaviest gun used behind a team of .meulller of a well-known Northâ€"colan horses. It weighs 45cwt. The ordiâ€" ltry family. He was not only in reâ€" nary field gun weighs ascwt. a .ally was .earth swallowed in some cataclysm. AGRICULTURE FOR WOMEN. A course of instruction for we- men in agriculture and horticulture was opened recently in the School of Agriculture, Moscow, with the au- thority of the Russian Minister of Agriculture. The subjects included agriculture, stock-breeding, rural economy. book-keeping, dail'ying, beeâ€"keeping. gardening. and arhoriâ€" culture, theoretical and practical. The course of instruction lasted four months, and was, attended by fifty students, whose ages ranged from seventeen to fortyâ€"tire. and who were either engaged in agriculture or preâ€" paringr to teach in agricultural schools. .___‘lr__._ WI-TALTII IN WOOD MINES. A curious source of wealth is reâ€" ported by the l"rench Consul at llellgtze. ill Upper Tonkin. It lies in the wood mines. The Wood origin- a fine forest, which the Some of the trees are a yard in (lia- meter. They lie in a slanting direc- tion and in sandy soils, which cover them to a depth of about. eight yards The wood furnished by these timber mines is imperisllablc, and the Chin- ese gladly buy it for coffins. FRAGRANT- ill Fertile? In a handy Patent Box (new) a SOZODONT LIQUID - - 25c 2 Large LlQUlD and POWDER, 75c At all Stores. or by Mail for the price. THE WORLD’S DEATH RATE. The death rate of the world is1 sixtyâ€"seven and the birth rate sevâ€" enty a minute, and this seemingly light percentage of gain is sufficient to give a net increase in population each year of 1,200.000. 3,071 motor cars are registered in Paris alone; 2,443 in the rest of France. _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" I was cured of acute Bronchitis by MINARD’S LINIMEN'I‘. J. M. CAMPBELL. Bay of Islands. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. WM. DANIELS. Springhill, N. S. I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism by MINARD’S LINIMENT. GEORGE TINGLEY. Albert Co., N. B. HER DEFENCE OF HIM. Do you think your sister likes me, Tommy ? Yes, she stood up for you at din- ner. Stood up for me ! Was anybody saying anything against me ‘? . No, nothing much. Father said he thought you were rather a donkey, but sis got up and said you weren’t and told father he ought, to know better than to judge a man by his looks. $100 Reward. $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at cost one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that; is Catarrh. Hall's Qatari-h Curois the only positive cure now_ known to the medical fraternity. Ciltarrh hemp; a. cons- tltullonal disease, requires! a constitutional treatment. Hall's Cutarrb Cure is taken inter. nally. acting directly upon the blood and I mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des I troylng the foundation of the disease. and glvin the patient strepgth by building up the oenstfiution and usdsting nature in damp: its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers. that they offer one Hun- dred Dollars f‘or any oasis lthat it fade to cure. Send for list 0 testimon a. s. F. J. CHEN EYB: 00.. TOLEDO l Sold by druggials. 75c. Hall’s Flimin Pills are the best) Of the eight ladies who acted aSl trainâ€"bearers to the Queen when she was married, 38 years ago, all but one are still alive. Of these six are married. Mlnard’s Liniment [lures Distemper AN INCONVENIENT BOTTLE. An old farmer, who had been to the Metropolis, was describing to hisl friends the splendor of the hotel atl which he stayed. l Everything was perfect, lie said,| all but one thing. They kept the! light burning all night ill my bed- room. a thing I ain't used to. Well, said one wag, why didn’t you blow it out. Blow it out, said the farmer. How could I “.7 The thing was inside a. bottle ! lCALVERT’S Everybody knows that Tea is on of the mun to ~ turns at, a tbresfilng. When you] y in your suppl AT R N - for your threshing see that your grocer glvos you lUllEllA CEYlON lEA. Put up In lead Packages at 25, 30, 40, 60 and so cents. 0&0060907309379660006060OQOOOOogoaoeoeocooogo -o«e-N~o-ouono-voomuouono~9--o........9.....o..¢..o. i."¢n°np.n.u.u.n.u.'l.u°°u.~ PRENWING PRE§SE$. One Four Roller Campbell Press, front delivery, bed 43x56, $1200 $1100 One Four Roller Campbell Press, bed 37x52, . FOLDING- MACHINES. Two 7-col. quarto Brown Folding Machines, each . . . ghillllllg la it in SM. 3400 Type-Setting Machines; $550 Two Roger’s Typographs, in first.class order, each . . . Also Cutting Machine, Stones, Stands, Body and Display Type. All this Machinery is in First-Class Order. Easy Terms will be Given, or Special Discount for Cash. On account of adding a more 11 -to-dl\te Plant the above Machinery and Type will be disposcd'of at a. acrifioe. The Wilson Publishing can Tot, TORONTO, CANADA. 90009090000090$0999099603990Q09090Q900009000 best results SHIP all your if You War: BUTTER, mes, noun-av. APPLES]. other rnurrgvenu 113mm". ' ' I If u C . k The Dawson Commussmn Co. '“ solboii.s§f‘r0?§.ۤ.“ FINANCIAL FORMALDEIIYDE. new, ASBUT M‘ll . â€"S. , 'd ‘ couiitblfjlfrdit indiieyliou pm me m . Citizenâ€"we” You have been bm’g' For mewans, nucleus. runzsmue melanin. mg as counterfeit milk. “all 1...... p c... “S” PEERLESS- Ie Favorlto with Ontarlo Farmersâ€"over 20 Years before the Publlo. use that vou get It. Hardware. Drug and General Sterne cell It. Holds 11 Gold Madam. %9%§r% use Ml_oA AXLEVGREASE... WW mt. QDOmOOOOOOWOm. 0&000600099009090099 London’s 15,000 $450,000 a year. lulllllllll'S lllllfilillll CUElflllllel lll COWS. Australia has proportionately more churches than any other coun- try, the nllmber being 6,013, or 210 to every 100,000 people. England has 144 churches to every 100,000 people; Russia only 55 to the same number. HER OBSERVATION. Don’t the nights get longer pretty soon ? said the young man with vat-- cant eyes. I don’t know answered Miss Cay- lllillalll‘s Lillilllellt (lures Diphtheria my We seem, We, you began calling. Miss Smilax: There comes that Mr. Wooden again; he torments me 211- -â€"~ _ 7 , ..._____..-___ most. to death with his attentions. BUFFALO HOTKLSI Bulfmch: I know; he nexer did have SANANAN HOUSE; FOR GAflAn|ANs Ar any sense- CANADIAN rams nun mméan :Y A cANABlAN. The Hotel Bucklngham. The Marlborough, and The Lllllan. All up to-dato bu'ldln a; roof-zuden on the ‘ ‘ sills. slum ; room: um per my. ppla. F. B. no otol Buckingham, Bungle. R. Q. For Over Fifty Years 39. WmsLow’a Soo'runw SYRUP has been need by :‘dlioul of mothers for their children while teetblnl. Itloothea the child. softens the gums. allay: pain ounu wind colic. regulates the stmuacb and bowels. an ll the beat remedy for Diarrhea. Tweutrfive cent! 5 bottle. Sold by drugzists throughout the world. Be an." and llk for “ Mas. WINSLOW’B Soornma SYRUP." She: IIow expressive! Was not that lullaby beautifully rendered ? 01-1) ed; also Ladles'Wcar of all klnds. 1.10: Yaras. I expect that’s What and ouse lIangin sof ev ry description. G LD MEDALls DYE 5. made my leg go to sleep. Oh ! 0 ‘ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO'Y, Minard's Linimellt [lures Golds, ale Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa & Quebec. NO USE TO HIM. I'm thinking of giving you a slight increase in your wages, said the kindly employer. 0, don’t bother, replied the meek workman, indif‘ferently. What ! Don’t you want a raise ? What good would it do me 'I My wife would be sure to find it out. W. P. C. 1090 ENGINEIRB' SUPPLIEO. ‘\ Asbestos condo, Plpo coverlnx, i Lubrloatlng om, ' Bron-co, eta. GOMPOUND 00-. Limited, TORONTO. Bomlnlon Llne Steamshipl CARBOLIG | mamaraa..‘33l‘°mfi:s tow-n. . OINTMENT. ...L‘.lf°.i:2:‘.!3§‘§§§2l”.‘c“.‘."32..L‘l'.Ԥ3°'§3$:§‘°" no amidabipl. gpecial attention bu been lven to Second Saloon and Third-Clue momma tlon. P F“, a" Skin ailments. run of passage and all pmloulln. Ipply to my we . I . land of the Company. 0! J c culvert a Go , Henoheetar. Eng mama" “in” 00, 77 state an. Boston. D. Taming & Co.. lontrul and Portion.- Dougln Bro-.1 124 Adelnlde Stu] Tonoxro, 0n. METAL ROOFEB brass Instruments, Drums, Unlforma, Etc. EVERY TOWN BAN HAVE A BAND Lowest prices ever noted. Fine catalogue inllustmthns. maile free. Write us for any thing in Hualc or Musical Instruments. WHALEI ROYL‘E 85 00.. Limited, Toronto, Ont... and Winnipeg, Man where the most cautious may leave ' their money with implicit confidence ‘5:- tbat. it is not subject. to risk of an ; kind is provided by the Savings d - fr; partmeut of l THE cANAnA rsnmnurnr 53 AND WESTERN cANAnA MORTGAGE CORPORATION v Toronto street, Toronto. 2 Liberal rates of interest paid or : com oundedhulfivearly. Itls recog- ,_‘ nize as CANADA’S ‘ PREMIER COMPANY

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