Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Aug 1901, p. 4

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'It is needless to say that disap- pointment will be felt over the cen- sus. The increase in the past ten years is little over half amillion‘ ‘V'vliilehmany predicted it would be a million. No doubt the party now in power at Ottawa would feel better satisfied if a large increase in popu- lation could be shown, but if this could be done the Conservatives would doubtless 'claim a share of credit, as the latter held the reins of office for half of the last decade. Therefore, from a political stand- point, honors are easy. The Mail and Empire and some other Conservative papers, by a sys- tem of reasoning difficult to under- stand, argue that the census in Quebec have been padded, while Ontario has not received credit for all its population. It is a pity that newsPapers like the Mail try to make out that the taking of the census is little else than a contest between Ontario and Quebec. If the Domin- ion authorities were inclined to un- fairly change the figures there might be a temptation to swell them, but it is difficult to see why an endeavor should be made to lessen the popula‘ =tion in any province. The Mail ‘makes itself ridiculous by calling up- on the Hon. G. W. Ross and the Provincial Government for a recount in Ontario, and concludes a lengthy‘ editorial by the following paragraph : “The Ontario Government is the constitutional guardian of the inter- ests of this province. It is its duty to protest firmly against the figures which cut down our provincial repre- sentation at the capital. The- people expect it to present reasons to show that our population has not withered as the census seeks to prove, and to demand that measures by taken to insure protection against the weakenv ing of our influence at Ottawa. The Ontario Government must convince the Ottawa Ministers that their inâ€" justice to Ontario will not'be tolerat- ed. It must insist that those Min- isters rectify the mistake. If need be an Ontario census should be taken at once. This admittedly will not discover the stuffing in Quebec, 511-- though it will expose the skimping in Ontario. It will not do absolute justice; but it will save us from some share of the contemplated loss. Poss sibly when the wrong to Ontario has been duly emphasized the further wrong originating in Quebec will be set right. Premier Ross must not permit the attack upon Ontario to pass unchallenged. The province looks to him to see that the wrongis rectified before it is too late.” Ricmrom) HILL. August 22. 1901 ’In- replying to some wart-man criti- cisms of the Dominion Labour Deâ€" partment, the Kingston Whig re- views the good work of the Depart- ment, and its claims for support on _1.uen of all parties, and especially on the workingmen. The following just tribute to the Hon. Mr. Mulock .will be appreciated by every one who knows his distinguished public services in Parliament and as a Min- ister of the Crown: 'Change- Imperial Oil Co New Advâ€"J C Ayer & Co 'bnngeâ€"{gn‘y Smith. 61:; 1; §£~fifia§ihqii the Mum @112 flib‘sml. :The credit for the reconciliation act and for the establishment; of the labor department is, as labor reformers are well aware, mainly due to Mr. Mu- iock, the PostmastervGeneml. He has never claimed that credit,.and would be loath to do so, but such is the fact. The Toronto Telegram, a strong Conservative journal, has de- scribed the Postmaster General ~_ as the best bead we have ever had of the post ofi‘ce department of Canada. --it-s ablest and most public spirited administrator. That he should, while engrossed with numerous reforms in “ A word 01‘ twoAfnr the minister to whose progressive ideas of govern- ment this country isigreatly indebted. fibubEéâ€"F- WSW“! THE MAIL’S REASONING. New Advertisements. HON. MR. MULOCK. that department, have worked out the practical and far-reaching rc- -forms~whieh are embraced in the “various provisions of the conciliation act, speaks volumes for his abilities and energy as a minister of the crown. It is not too much to say that Mr. Mulock is the author of the popular laborpelicy of the govern- ment. He was the- minister who had the sweating system investigated, re ported upon and eli‘cctually stamped out, in all government clothing con- tracts; who has had the fair wages schedule incorporated and enforced in every contract for work upon which Government money is expend- ed; who has had the alien labor law improved and properly administered ; and who prepared, and carried through successfully in Parliament, the necessary legislation for establish- ing the labor department and the Labor Gazette, and for promoting the amicable settlement of industrial dis- putes and differences. His record as a labor reformer has been quite equal to his record as Postmaster-General, and entitles him to the lasting grati~ tude of the people, irrespective of party. The working classes of Can- ada can never forget his splendid services on their behalf as a member of Sir Wilfrid Lauricr's progressive : dministration." 1f the Markham Sun is speaking for the eastern part of‘ Markham there should be little in the way of the township council assuming Centre street, directly east of Richmond Hill, as a. township road. This road is very convenient for our villagers and for those in the immediate vicin- ity in Markham. Tm; LIBEKRL ~i-s prepared to speak for the neighbor- hood east oi this village if the Sun is prepared to voice the sentiments of the rest of the township. Last week The Sun contained the following bearing on the subiect: “ The difficulty over Centre street is gradually but surely converging. At the last meeting of the Markham township council a petition signed by eighty-nine ratepayers was presented praying that the council finally take over Centre street. “ The council, so far, refuses to ac- knowledge responsibility, although ownership of the street has apparent- ly been established by practice. It has been openas a, highan {Ur fifty yea-rs, and has had smame labor and some money expended on it as aecasâ€" ion would require. “Councillor Sisley’s contention that it is a public highway within the measuring of the statute for which the council could be held for damages in case of accident to any one using it, would seem but the natural and proper conclusion. ' “ This request ofeightymine ofthe ratepayers will probably be the means of bringing the matter to a focus. The road will not be an ex- pensive one to keep up, and the ad- vantage of keeping it isaquite appar- ent from the strong support the petition received.” The official report of the Census Commissioners has at last been given out. According to this report Can- ada, four months ago, had a popula- tion of 5,338,883. The population shows an increase of 505,644 com-l pared with 1891. This is equivalent to a gain of about ten per cent, whereas the gain of the previous ten years was twelve per cent. Of the seven provinces Quebec exhibits the largest gain in population, having 132,439 more than in 1891. Mani- toba comes next with 93,958, and British Columbia third with 91,827. Ontario comes fourth with a gain of 53,657. New Brunswick shows a gain of 9,830, and Nova Scotia 8,720. .The Territories have increased by 78,201. Prince Edward Island is the onlv province showing a loss in population, this loss being 5,820. The-present population by provinces is as follows : Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,167,978 Quebec . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,620,974 Nova Scotia. . . . . . ._ . . 459,116 New Brunswick . . i , . 331,093 Manitoba. . . . . . , . . . . 246,464 Brttish Columbia. . . . . 190,000 N.W.T........... 145,000 Ripans Tabules: at drugglsts. Ed. Island CENTRE STREET. 2,167.978 1,620,974 459,116 331,093 246,464 190,000 145,000 103.258 House and {Mo acres 0! land with orchard. just we»: of the mummy, Elgin Mills. App‘y on premises. 3-5 or to ‘ The West half of Int 22, rear of 3rd con. Vaughan. adjoining Maple. con- mining IUD news. Brick dwelling and gum] nut-buildings; etc. For further particulars 9. ply to H. A. NICHOL 8,7 \Vest half lot 35, rear 2nd con. of Vaughan, containing 100 acres more 01- loss. Good house, bank barn, stables, shed, driving house and other outbuildings. Young orchard, all kinds of fruit. Good well and plenty of water. \Vell fenced. Land under a. good state of cultivation. Apply on the premises to MATTHE\V MORTSON, King P.O. 7-tf We can supply out noods at close an! prim Black Fence 'im. Nor 11 ............. 2.90 No.11, 2.9fiwmulbe. Universal Food Cutter, $1.25 & V lakes short roads. AXLE nd light loads. THE 0 6-51. JNO. THOMPSON. Thnrnhill P.O Farm. for Sale Meat Hooks, 50.136? 602. and. by Human“. on. 00. Farm to Rent Willow Butter Baskets. RUSSLL’S n Golden Light Coal Oil. FOR SALE “‘86” Everywhere. bed for everything that runs on wheels. BARB WIRE. nd light loads. ’ ' - a“? v“, “5".5 My" :‘StugfiRâ€"‘fz’ ' ; » . , , , WHAT YOES Wflfi‘f, WHEN YEW WAHT IT, WEE’LL FIND IT HERE. illuskated. Mada .0 b- sok'z for damn. We are setting 3560. par do; Gives I. Mnuhu clot! steady wmu lien! â€"â€"no dirty chimneys. no disr agrweabla small. I! you mun the bed value for memonoy buy Golden Light Coal Oil. Wemnolem 1006024“) 2.1mm“ Wm: Bonk-t. 25 eta. each. You wllzmmdooe .moui you: can. 1 I l I Richmond Hill. The Unhem} Food Cutter mli cm raw or choked man and all kinds of food. It has three cuuina halve»â€" coarwn. medium And flue ; inupoesibk' to cm m“ 0! order and will Jan! a. lifetime. Made {-0 ho nqld [01191.50ka Lye selling tfinm '102‘ $1315. I! you baron“: one you should have. 'orn Hooks, 15¢. each. Mas/.13 o! the has mantis] by an ox- ;ofl wozlunnn.wxl: M n by muounl 0! row): railway we. Esau." line it you need one. 159 King St. East, ‘Toronto. The bznlmwo of this year promises the most startling events, and every person should key-p pnstvd. Here is the opportunity. Fm- the sumll sum of 80 cents we will sr-nd yuu until January 1st. 1902, THE LIBERAL, The Family Herald and “'eekly Slur and the Family Herald’s two great. prmnimn pictures, “Christ in the Temple" and “ Home from the War." Is that not a dullux-‘s worth ? Eithvr picture alone is worth double the mam-y. This uf’ft-r is open only to June 30th as the supply of pictures is limit- ed and Cannot be pI-mnisod after that date. To any of our pr-esnnt subscrihms we ni’r'm- the Family Herald and Weekly Star until January lst. 1902, including the twnpi'ctu-ws for thv small sum of 50c. FAMOUS ACTIVE RANGES Are the lmn-Tsomest. simplest. and the moss economical range“ on the market. to day. It you are going to have. range this season DUN'T spend your money until you have men the uplandid vulu‘a we can offer -.ou in mi: Lino. We can supply repairs fin- ulmoah any make 01 stove. By :1 very sutfsfm-fm-y clubbing arrangmnvnt with that great F‘nmilV News paper the Family eruld and \Vee-kly Star of Montreal We are enabled to offer tn new subscribers the biggest value ever heard of. 5 HM YEAR SF EXEEWfiEfiR The Royal Visit to Canazia. The Closing Scenes of the War. The Return of the Army. SEEMS E}? WELD W {and}; Harness Mender, 35¢;o AwOppoHnnity fl '1' LIBERAL Rvndm-s to Keep Pasted During this Pt‘l‘iud nf Excivtumnnt .MANURE FORKS, 600. THE BIGGEST VALUE EVER OFFERED. Stove Repairs. HONEY CANS. A finit- c)u.a~ {our prong â€"- “rapped terrnle munth fork. regular 759.15“ 500‘ regulsfion stun 7 3rd pat- tern. SpeciBJ close cm prices (or quantifies In 3. 5 and 10 1b. Sim. 350 A goal Survir ’ able Btu-km“ "I" 3313. 5‘11! butte: hues ranging in price up to $1 each‘ A 006 hardwood fulding aw- uorso (or 250. BUCKSRWS, This var handy toolbar: eon sold for UNE D\-I.LAR. We Ire selling them for You can't aflord to be withoub one. 35c. Grain, Root and Chaff G’rco. DIcDonald, RICHMOND HILL. People talk about; men requiring only the “ Creature Cmnf'ort." That’s all your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just: what is right it"you buy your harness, flv nc‘ts, horse nets, and supplies from CREATURE ROOFING MATERIAL. , 97. Our stock is complete In 81.5 an sizes. Close cm. prices [or qq EfiE WEREST. tisies‘ Poultry Netting. Lamp Chimneys, 50. each. Ordinary or cold blast. 5c. Lantern Globes This is away below me regular price. Buying in cal-load low emu» rs us to sell you until: “jars :hu price fibe orâ€" dmmy dealer had to pay the whrlesale man. We have a. surplus stock of shree and half-inch nails we are ofiering for 82.75 keg; 5 and 6-inch cut nails [or 5200 keg. Mtdium or large size. Cut and Wire Nails. You‘ll find our u- sonmeut large and rightly priced. HICKORY BASKETS. Half bushel size. be“ ahapM, the best b.9- ket for gashen'ng |p~ pies. potatoes. etc Roofing Pinch, Tured Roofing Felt. various weighma. Best Tmed Building Paper. 45c. roll: Ber: Plain R001- ing Paper. 35c. roll. A roll of plain or “nod building paper con‘ tains 400 square feet. Cobbler's Out-i fit 490. You can be your own, cobblpr with one at our outfits at 49c. You will sava its cost. many times over. Baskets.

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