BOOKS FOR FIRST FORM. «High Schools re-npen Tuesday, the 3541 of Se temher. All who expect to take up t 9 Work should be present at. the opening of the term so that they will receive the proper instructions. There mu be a. few other text books required, ut the list given below will he used in the Richmond Hill High School: High School Arithmetic. _1 If the sncccss of this excellent school may be measured by its annual enroll- ment, of over 700 students and this en- rollment is any evidence of the popuâ€" lnriby of the school bang upon the j._horoughness_of work, it; will be readi- ly conceded that this institution nc- cupies the foremost, position among the leading schools of our Dominion. Its circulars afford interesting reading matter, and are. mailed free to any one wiitingr for them. See card in this ,issu'e. .I bavenne \Vickless Oil Stove left )‘Vhich I will sell at, cost. 0. Mason. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. The following candidates have been sugcegsful a}: the recent examinations : Juï¬ior i‘lzltl'iélTlirl‘t-ï¬)“, Pan-t Loâ€"Vx’m Cameron, Roy Kit-by. Junior Laas'ingr; Breakey,Hm-ry Newtrm,Fred Graham, Ev_ertpn Lloyd,_ Genegieve Hun-is. Junior Lézu-'inig,ml’}ix3nv -i‘IV.Nâ€"â€".fjnisy Stevenson, Nellie Naughtou. Alex. Rgad, John Morgan. Mr. Geo. J. Barclay of Torontp will speak at the Disciples of Christ meetâ€" ing at Sherwood on Lord’s Day, Aug- ust, %, at. the hour of I'M-$0 a. In. His theme will be "How can I become and live a Christian.†All are curâ€" dially invited to amend. Real worth saves dollars and makes s:lt‘~‘fuctirm. “'0 offer ï¬xw Valvm'ia raisins, 7c. 11).; a ï¬ne blemlod colic-o, ground fresh, 15c. 11).; best Rauguon rice, 4c.; No. 1 pure corn starch, 60.. ; best Canada laundry starch, 5c. ; \Vhite Gloss starch, 6c. Atkinson A: Switzer. The Zinn E. Lutheran Church will hold its Harvest Home and Entertainâ€" ment on the 15Lh‘ and 17Lh (If Septvm- her. On the 15th a Hal-vest Home Sermon will be preached appropriate to the occasion. Mr. James K. Devlin one of the saved passengers on' the Victorian steamer which went down after strik- ing an iceberg “our Victoria, B. 0., on the 18th inst. was at. (me time a stu- dent at the High School here. Thirty- twu lives were lost. Guud points stick out. all over them â€"thuse overalls, shit-Ls, smacks, and Sucks in our stuck. “'9 have sold more this seasun than in any similar length of time before in our experi- encezmd neVM‘hnd better value that now. Atkinson & Switzer. All kinds of hardware fur builders at the lowvst p1'lC('. 0. Mason. As Thursday. August 29, has been roclaimr-d :L Civic Holiday fur the illnge of Richmond Hill, THE LIB- ERAL will be puhlisliml (H! \VUCIHG'Sdily next week, insLmid of Thursdny, the usual day. GEbIQ'RAL- BUSINESS CBELEGE. \Vo likv In seii goud gnmls and give gmld \‘flillc'S. and are not afraid to compare qualities and prim-s with the biggest slum-s in Tul'mitu. Atkinson & Switzor. Mr. J. N. McKendriuk. Inspector of the Gut-e File Insurance (Ennxpumy nf Gulf. was in the village Tuesday in company with Mr. J. T. Suigmn. They adjusted tlxu claim wf Mrs. John DOh- $011,:mdullowml her $464.66 for loss sustained in the wuvnt ï¬re. Mr. Mum-s Vanderbm‘gh drove to thz- city Tuesday with :L Inud of pro» duce, and while there was taken sud- denly ill. He was removed to the hos- pin but was able to return home yws- Sugarâ€"22 sugar for 35!. package: a ten. 30c. Hy, Mills. Mr. David McKenzie who served with (hr.- Nm-fulk Rifles (in. during the Ft'nizm Raid is applying ft 1- a. grant of hmd, 160 acre-s, and has received his papers fl‘nm the Crown Lands Depart- ment. Richmnnd Ludge mwts next Man. day pvt-Hing, 261i) inst. I have n 1200 lb. Farmers Scale to sell fur $15.00. All kinds 0? Public and High Svimnl books at Tum LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. A dis- count, of [mu pcl‘ cult. on sales ï¬fty cents and over. im'd If it isn't gnnd we Atkinson & Switzor. RICHMOND HILL, Regu‘Im- men-ting (:fC«-111-LI on Friday m eniug. \Vhon “'07 say so we’ll make it so. Atkinsuu & Switzc-‘r. E711: Eiéhaéa‘zsl.q Fitst Lut n y. IJ()( School Arithmetic. “ Algebra. ." English Gr; lbs. extra gm bust. gk-Ss shu'clL great, lmrguiu in Naughtuu Bros. 'Ua Geo ‘ook. Damn gl‘uphy‘ High h Grammar. ‘y of England and August :k. Inspector of UCL“ Cumpmny of Inge Tuesday in ‘. Suigvon. They Mrs. John DOb- 1m von't got it. zI-ann @ieklmmd nlated it. per J a pan Elgin 1901 -«. .. vnv Luck 1 housie to Niagara Falls will be made over the electric railway through a most charming counfry. and the route ; from Niagam Falls to the Pan-Ameri- ' Can is delightfully picturesque. Ex- cursiunists who go right, through will renqh the Exposnlion‘ Grounds at, 1.30 p: m. Those who wish 30 return to Richmond Hill the snnié day will hue J to reach the Exposition grounds at 4. reaching Toronto at. 9.30 p. m., but, the tickets will be good to return on :my regular boat or car on Frida or Saturday. Stenmhoats leave ort I Dullmusie for Toronto at 8 and, 11 tum. and 2 and 5 p. 11). A late Metrobdlitign cur will convey passengers north on ; the arrival of the boat Thursdn night. ! Tickets for round trip to iagara l Fulls‘ $1.35; children. 90 cents. Tick- 1ets from Toronto. $1.00; children, 75 - Cents. Return tickets fro?) Niagara. ‘. Falls to Pun-American, adu ts Tnguts. I Tickets may be secured at, Sandemunw 'drug store, Savage’s store, and LIBERAL Olï¬ce, or on the cats Thugs- dziy morning. Also at the n.w. cornm- o‘f Yonge and Front Sts. Thursday morning. ' Reeve Szivage, in compliance with a requisition of citizens, having pro- claimed Thursday. August 29, 8. Civic Holidayfm' the Village of Richmond Hill, a grand excursion under the aus- pices of the Fire Brigade will be run on that, day to Niagara. Falls and Buffalo. The excursxon will be zun over the Metropolitan Railway. and the Niarrai-a. St. Catharine-s and To- rontn avigation Co. 85min! cars will leave Richmond Hill at 6.15 Thurs- day. morning, stopping for passengers at Thm-nhill and other places south. Excursionisbs will be taken over the city cars in time for one of the Com- pzuiy’s handsome steamers which leave Yonge St. Wharf for ,Puz-b "Dalhousie alt 'S a. 111.“.Tbe trip from Port Dalâ€" Our spot. cash policy is the right nlicy. Here are cash quotations :â€" LG lbs. good sugar for $1; 16 lbs. of powdered sugar for $1; extra green Ceylon Lea, 25c. 1b.; ure Concord grape \‘inegzu', 50c. ga. Consumers ought; to test this vinegar; it. is ï¬ne. Atkinson & Switzer. taking down one of the buildings at Patterson, and on Friday after- noon last received a severe fall. He had just smvn off a heavy sill elev- en feet from the ground. and lacing his foot on the. part sum 0% went down with the stick of timber on rough ground. In the fall the large home in his left wrist was fractured. his face was bruised, and his leg and body were gashed with the cross-cut saw that went down with him. He was unconscious for some time, but was taken home shortly after the uc~ cident, and had the bone set and his wounds dressed. Although W'yc had a painful experience he was about the firstnmn seen in the street the next morning, although his friends could scarcely recognize him. Two years ago he had a thumb and a. leg broken. He will probably return to his school in a. couple of weeks. “patriotism†for their oirvrlir viilzigé and the Fire Brigade. \VRIST FRACTURED. Mr. \Vyc. Trench, Principal of the Unionville Public School, who has been spending his holidays at his home here, has been again unfortunate. He had heel! assisting L. Innes & Sons in taking support- frnm the Toronto Fair to help one in a foreign jurisdiction." The \Vnrld correspondent may be told that, Lhnse who wish to shuw their “ patriotism †to a Tux-onto institution will have plenty oppnrtunity during the two weeks it will he held. and at the saint:- time reserve a little nf the “NOT PATRIOTIC." The Richmond Hill correspondent in yesterday’s \Vorld had the. follow- ing in reference tn tho proposed ex- (5lllSliUll tn Buffalo: “The excursion is mm-ling with nppnsitinn on the ground Mutt it is no? patriotic tq he Mr. \antm- Eym', reprvst‘ntntive fur the [Moving ()nznpanvy, and Mr. Arthur Clnylun, manager, had an un- plnnsnnl. experiencwbtst Friday. They were driving in a ctn'ervd huggy in the lwighhnrhnnd uf Victm-iu Square when the-i1- :hurse- hvcmne frightened by a man who suddenly jlnn wd from behind a Light hwud fvnco. .‘he- horse plungwl into n (lituh. upset, the buggy. thxuw out the m‘cupnnts. and threw itselfdmvu. Mr. Eyvr hud his shoulder hurt. and Mr. Lilnytnn his head bruis- ed. The buggy WnS smashed and the (lush board considerably bent. The ucuident might have been "my serious. Big valuc s for greater selling's sake 3 Swim Fund. 140. ; Farinosn, 140. ; Jens- <-y (Hts, 140. ; Happy Home soap. 9 bars {01- 25c; Gamvu semp, 9 bars for 25¢. : big 1223c. harnf soup, 10c. ; beat, pickling vine-gar, 40c. gal. : hesbAmer- icrm safety coal oil, 90c. for 5 gallons. Atkinson 8: Switzer. livlmv are a m:th nf Fairs in this County. and the dates when they will be held : Industrial, Tumntn.Ang. 20 to Sept. 7 NUl‘lh ank, Newnuu-keb. . .Sept. 17-19 ‘VPSUJH . . . .n. .. . . . . .. . . . . .Sept. 27 Rust Yul-k. Markham . . . . .Oct. 2-4 ‘s’f‘mdln idgu. ». . . .. . . . . . Oct. 13 and" \Ve hereby ct-Hify that, the Gore Firu IInsuranchmnpany uf Galt, Ont" (In-Hugh (‘h‘vir agent, Mr. J. T. Saigeon (rC anlv, [mid (-ur "claim in full ‘im‘ Im-(liuu-ly on receipt uf proof mpel's. JAMES RAZER. FANNY FRAZER. I have. u ‘?u]] line hf duur Pullers. truckx‘, hinges 14H sizes.-fm- barns, that I willsell cheap. (3. Musun. FIREMEN’S EXCURSION CARD 0F THANKS FALL FAIRS. l.’ PSET. HOUSEEA IN TER, :Glaz‘ier,“G1_~_ainer and Paper- ' flanger. Mouev to loan at 5 per cent. interest on ï¬rst mortgage her property. Enquire at N. B.â€"No unauthorized publication 0! this advertisement Will be pqu tor, w. HEWISON, Sheets containing term. and conditions of Sale and in formauun as to areas and Lots and Concessions comprised in eat-h Began will be furnished on applicanion, either personal or by letter. to the Department 0( Crown Lands. Tn- Iouto. or the Crown fl‘iunmrxAgeucies an OTTA- WA. SAULT SILK Mum: and Pum- Aa'raun. ' E. J. DAVIS. Cmnmisaionez Crown Lands. Department of Crpi-n finâ€"hï¬avï¬n 7†Toronto. June 1, mm. At the same time and place certain forfeited and abandoned berths in the Townships of DIGBY.SEBnBon.\'1~: and Lunanwonrn in the District of HALIBUIVI‘DN and County of WC- man will be ofl’ered for sale. the purchasers of these latter hen.le to. lam-g the rigth-o wgut 8.)] kinds of timl'ior. ' ‘ namely :â€"The Town of GRAHAM (pm-c), HART. CARTIER. LEVACK. JARVIS, ANDERSON. CHESLEY. GILana, WHITMAN. CURTIS and RUTHERFORD (part) and certain areas between the Plum»: RIVER and the ARROW RIVER waters in the Dismict of Tawny; 8A2. will be cï¬ered for sale by Public Auctxon at the Parliament Buildings in the City of anonto an TUESDAY. the SBVEXTEEN'L‘H dav o! SP‘PTEMBER next. at the 11qu of ONE c'clock in the alter- noon. UBLIC NOTICE is horeby given that pursu- ant to authority of Orders in Council, the Red and White PINE TIMBER in the followmg towns‘hipBJp 15139 DISTRICT 70F ALGOMA. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Da visnn of Mil- waukee are spending a day or twu with Mr. P. G.‘Suvage. The fnrmeris‘ Treasurer of the Post Ofï¬ce Depart- ment fur the state of Wisconsin. Cnilsfl-om a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMQXD HILL Mrs. CI-usbie Davis of Ottawa. Miss‘; Harrington and Miss Vaucourtlnnd of St. Andrews spent Friday with Mrs. W'm. Shoppnrd on their way home from the Pan-American. , Messrs. J. H. and \V. Miss Gertrude Grant left on Mondé to attend the Toronto Normal, accol panied by Miss McMillan of Dunda who was her assistant teacher in F6 sex-ton Public School. Mr. \V. H. Pugsloy, Mr. J. Brown- lee and Mr. T. Ludfm-d spent/«few days ï¬shing on Lake Simcoe, and reâ€" turned hmm) Monday. Mrs. A. G. F. Lawrence and three children of Tux-(mm spent, Friday and Saturday with Mrs. John Duncan and†Messrs. J. H. and \V. A Sandman“ MI'.J.A.E Switzormwent to Grimshy Park Tuvsdny to slpvnd n few days with his falnily,:md will visit the Pan- Anwvican before his return. Miss Gem-git- Prior of CH spent, a few days with Mr \V. A. Sanderson. Miss F. M. Brown is attending the Normal School in Toronto. The term extends until Christmas. Mr. J. H. Brydon and Mr. Earle Newton drove to Llnydtmvn Sunday and spent the day with relatives. Mrs. Pl-nctor and Miss Kathleen Prucbnr have gone north for a. few days to "visit in Newnmrkeb and 8.11119. Mr. Frank Strum iul in passing the uminutiou Part I. Master Frank and Clan-ksnn McDon- nld are spending part of their holidays at, \Yexlm-d. Mrs. Shrppard and Mrs. Holmes of Torontu spent, yesterday afternoon with Mr. D. Boyle. Mrs. Mnn-isaud Miss Stella Morris are visiting friends at, Jarvis and Simone. Miss O’Brien of Le Buy. New York, is visiting her friend, Miss Pierson, at Mrs. Andxew Newton‘s. That’s what you need; somed, thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digestion. A ers Pills are liver pills. { hey cure con- stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. Audrzï¬g'flm, Miss Kyle and Miss Gertrude Ker of Toronto are guests of Mrs.G.VViley. Rev. J. A. ing of the ' Friday. Mrs. A. J. Campbell is spending a few days in tho city. Miss-Stvexding husgmle to the P. American. Sterling is Visiting in Toronto. Miss Brown is visiting relatives in Tomutn. Haney $9 Loan BUBKINGHAM'S DYE AUCTION SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS WIEtTVSu'x-‘nwzousmche or beard n buuulul brown or rich black 7 Then use Man. a! Mario Master Frank and Chu-ksnn Liver Pills PERSON ALS. befoe his return. xde Grant left on Monday Toronto Normal, accom-S ss McMillan 0f Dundas, assi_stzmt teacher- in Fes- Storey has been success- . Grant attended a. meet- Torunto Presbytery on THE LIBERAL OFFICE ’rinr of Cannington. Senior Leaving ex- '. ande rs; um *DEERINQ CORN BINDER 7; JACOB EYER &‘SGN FEED CUTTENG. ENSILAGE AND I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery 65c Pierce's PeJets 15c Williams' Pink P1116, 33e., 3 for 95c Electric 011,5 bottles for 250 Carter's Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Chase's Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Dodd's Kidney Pills. 30c Parmeele’s Pills 15c 093150113. 250 Burdock Blood Bitters 600 Eczema. Ointment, 350 Mexican Fly Oil,f0r keeping flies offcattlemsed once a week You can save money by dealing with us. We wan Ozone small 33, large 65 Pierce's Favorine Prescription 65c 11 n ,. . .- ‘. . _‘ DRUGS AND MEDICINES. The undersigned having purchased a complete outï¬t for Atkinson. £5 Swtzer Sugars, Fruit J ars, Spices, Vinegars, J ar Rubbers 8c everything needed for Preserving and Pickâ€" ling, of these we keep only the best qualities & sell at prieesusualâ€" 137 charged for inferior goods. We have Steered Our Ship of Trade WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGlSTS. RICHMOND HII Splendid Machine 01'], 30 cents a gal Ensilage Butter 8:. Blcwer, Axe prepared to do all kinds of . D. DANIEL & CO. Patronageâ€".Soï¬cited. 13-43611 & Sgnls Consisting of a Into the harbor of suc- cess by selling what the cus- tomers want at the right prices. This is a general store. At this season of the year there areagood many things the housekeep- er wants. Towelings, Table Liu~ ens, Table Oilcloths, Shirt- ings, Shirts, Apron Gingn hams, Prints, Lawns, Mus. iins, &c. In these our .va.l~ ues are Abe very best. STRAW CUTTING at you for a. customer. Comrage these prjgu H , _r‘__ . can. We a. gal Fowler’s Extract Wm] Strawberry, 25c Heath-on and Wine 500 Aver‘s Hair Vigour. 600 Hood‘s Sarsupnrilla. 650 Epsom Salts. 3c 1b., 10 lbs. for 25¢ Sulphur, 30. lb‘, 9 lbs. for 25¢. Kendall’s Spavin Cure. 750 Dodd's Dyspepsia. Tnbieta, 35c (‘nllett's Lye we par tin, 3 for 256! Vaseline, 5c abome ' ' ' Surnia VVnter-whita coal oil. equal t) Ameri- Opp. Clyde Hotel xv. .. , . .. H ‘H