Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Aug 1901, p. 1

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1h:qu One of 3911-31 VALVES“ PALMER HOUS} RICHMO ND HILL“ Calls Telephone 33: Graduafie of the Qatar with diploma from th pental School. W111 visic J. H. SAND lie Office ‘ Denti's’st, (Successor to Dr. Cecil 'I Oddfelluw's Bldg, Toronto, c and Cudfieme Sbs.. 'l‘m-n VETERINARY SURGEON VOL. XXI V. Best LIBERAL PRINTING & RICHMOND Lute refident 11M Hospitals, Torunb DR. T. I “ E1113 gihmi ” Is PUBLISH‘EDEVEZ: Y THURSDAY MO 8 MlN Cr tom 1 to R p. m. Calls pr Diseases of horsemcnme ‘d animals treated by the moved methods. VETERINARY SURGEOI‘ RICHMOND HILL 11113 by day "I DU b‘ 1! Lu. Room 12, 12% V Ripaus '1‘31 Ripans 'T‘a“ Ripans 'TB' Gallanough &. Blah: VETERINARY SURGEt Thornhill. Hue Hours : p 115.; or. “leaf and Snails”: Toronto. and Umizhâ€"ge Sm... Tm-out ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill ( \Vednesdny. icezâ€"Next door south of School. $1 per annum, in advance. VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL. Ofllce Hoursâ€"8 RICHMOND DR. L. LAWRASON, BUSINESS mber Calla fitting toc lowest pm DR. E. J 3’) Lie-en flatter, E DENTIST 1‘. MGMAHOBK ' telephone fr Hill charged t T . McElm‘} An EDITOR 11‘ Pnormmc 368 for appointment. Wm 313 ctcrinm teu Tim rnhin, “‘AXDâ€" a: t I! i 6th; also replaLing ices. Good work. AT THE inn ictoria. St. Toronto Hi pr HIM lam PUBLISL‘HJG HDUS HILL, 0m. at We wanna, latest“. 3W1! Um Mile was and Surgeon 3E Rishmds ur St n1 Richmond r me. UBBS fig, Q‘s 'orouto iill every tu and Grace RSDN )1] )tter) sch. uh Qt, tat my apecf nflu‘ and . aonablarates rate for t (Ind m'lakers ¢\' Embammrs, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A large sjock of Funeral Furnishings Lic Gm SAL .. A... ' : 35:;- ' WR $8311 1" M: Barrister, Soficitor. Notary, 35c Suite 77 :md 78 Freolufld Lnan . ings, cor. Adelaide and Vinrn LEN NOX & MORGAN, ISSUER THURN :\ um: FDR SE Mr. G DAVID jA M ES “OR ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELQQ‘rIN 3111414513,?» HIGH C01 No Witness; .10 Z5 KI 1.qu ‘IBE ey to man at 5 per cent RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE On imam, 9n auccxoneers for the County of Yoxk. soId on consignment. General sales of $3., nrumptly attended to at reasonable G. lLGouldmg. Newton Brook, agent: above. ‘d Auctioneers for the County of York tended to on shorteanuoticeand at rem rates Patronage solicited. arm“: and :51 Barristers, Solicitors, etc )fi’l‘O OFFICE : Freolmld San; H COURT OF jUSTICE, 8cm r of Marriage Licenses. :eon, Maul S. N EVVTON able rates eaolicited Auctioneer for tbs Counties 01 York 10. All sales of farm stock. &c., at- on the shortest notice and reasonable urtqago and bailifi‘ sales attended‘ to. >, Stoufiviile. Out Auctieneers for the County 01 Yo: solicit your patronage and 11-h sales uttI-uded on the shortest I ‘sonaluerates. P.<Lress Kin KARI‘I'X‘ NEY TO LOAN AT ems-r .52; s; “Streets. Tun-686. I )k will be at Maple 011 Thlusday {fret-noon of each week. Stokes «s: 3.90th ck m. Auctionegrs for the C ntn Office, MI. Grant's rmidcuce oudbnlige. everv evening. Leach Wednesday from 10 to 12. } STRE-uT WEST. TORONTO nrri RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST ‘29, 1901 AR CleMXSSU)NER IN THE 11 Place, Toronto Ju to preouma Loan 8111 11'. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. â€"Removcd mum hm past nfluu. 3r west of the sun-wee to the Rank wthceâ€"wae Gum-s south of tho N. 1"). Smith, MARRIAGE LICENSES HILL ii] . \Vesbcn can a\' 1310:2910". u'tlt & Prentice )ifico, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. F. LAWRENCE & MACDONALD land and ti- lowesr. mto s, Soficitnrs £tual. Rea that In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials HIE RVI PUBLIQ address Maple :udo& Vic II-(mtn. {is SKEfiafi J .'H .' PRENTICR Unionvnle ’l‘elgrhcne 2984 Mon ty 0! York .re‘ an Build Ix av» market D BLOUGH ON. ’T‘ frien'de but}; Men-0p of Ann out, by change and Tn THURSDAY AND FRIDAYâ€"Equally good days. All departments0pm.:md entertainments as on previous (luvs. “7 EDNESDAYâ€"Farmers’ Dayâ€"Ext m. com etibions and exhibits in the vari- ous epartmentt‘, All buildings open from 8 a. m. till 10 p.111. A ll the horses and cattle will he paraded in the rings. Bare-back hurse riding compfitition ; dog show, poultry show, display of implements and machinery, wonderful electrica.‘ displays, fnrmers’ trot, etc. Full program in the even- mg. The mmmgets of the new shoe factory in Aurora expect to be in full operation by the middle of September. MONDAYâ€"‘Citizens and Labor Day ~All the special attractions and fea- tures will be presented afternoon and Weuing. All machinery, implements and processes of manufacture in full operatiun ; judging of carriage,Clydvs. dale and Shire horses; high jumping competitions. Rimming horse races, balloon ascensiuns, military displays, artillery practice. Music by l3th Batt. Band of Hamilton, the 7th Fusi- liers of London and other bands. In the evening there will be many extra special features; beautiful illumina- Lions, great entertainments and fire- works. Spectacle of the bombard- ment of the Tnku Forts, Sic. “flay v‘ w... xv.- La, L‘U- TUESDAYâ€"'LCunada. Old Boys' and Students’ Dayâ€"Every branch nf the Exhibition open; including the great- International Dog Show, judging of horses, butter-making and other comâ€" petitions. Entei‘taimnont in fl-nnt. of grand stand during the afternm‘n. In the evening concm‘ts by several hands. entertainment in front of grand stand. concluding with the naval and mili- tnry pyrotechnical spectacle, tlw hom- hm-dment of the Tnku Forts, extensive piflgramme of fine works, etc. The following is a synopsis of next Week’s programme for the Turunto In- dustrial Expgfiginn :h Cident occurred here last wee-k. \Vhen one of our enterprising young funn- ers was preparing («I take nm- of the fair sex for a. drive, his hnl'se becom- ing unmanageable the (“van was obliged to call a bait and x-vtum home to bring out the 01d reliable “Dark y. n Most of the farmers have finished harvesting, oxeeptinga few who are dilatm‘y. Mrs. Walter Mapes and two little daughters, Misses Beatrice and Hattie, of Cleveland, spent, :14 week with relu- livvs at, “ Fruit Hill Home.” Miss Fuster, our energetic young strlmn] teacher, has resumed her- work here training the young minds. va. MI. More took charge of the League meeting last \Voanvsday oven- iug" in place nf Rev. Mr. \Vellwnnd. who is absent making a visa, to his brother. . - ‘ h‘ '1 I" ' Mrs. V. Heuricks uf “ Hnnvy Locust, Farm." spent. a few Wt‘PkS in 'l‘nnmtu. Dame Rumor says that a scuruof nur young ladies are engaged this week finding partners for the cumng ewnt on \Vednesday. \Vbat might, have been :1 smious m:- Cident occurred here last wee-k. \Vhen one of our enterm-ising vmmg funn- ' “’0 are giad to report the recovery of MI. 0. Mam-s, \vlm has {we-n guilt-r~ ing from an attack of_I.-\ gl'iplw.» Il,_ YT v1 - Very impressNe sermons wme preached in the Methodist Church hvre on Sunday, in the morning by Rev. Mr. More and in the evening by Rs-\‘. Mr. \Vebster, who is Very ably filling Rev. M17. \Yellwund's place. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Elsnn of Tnâ€" mnm. are spending thrir hnlidays under the parental roof. A party wheeled through our town on Thursday 9n route for Lake \Vil- cox. No doubt, they spent a very pleasant dav. Mr. Fred Clzu'k h valuable beast; the $130, Dr. Wick're sad sistvr. Miss Mae, have returned to Tnmntn. after hav- ing spent the past few weeks at “Hill- crvsr. Lawn." Miss Gnndyvm‘ of Unimlville the guest of Miss Mary Monk“ Centre Ave. Mr. Giass of Elgin Mills. spent Sun- day at the “ Model Farm." Mr. and Mus. Juhn Leach have 11‘- muw-d from our midst, havng enjoy- cd a pleasant sojourn umnng us. Mr. Geo. Leek of ” Spring Hill Terrare,” spent the Sabbath at the lmxgm of Mr. Maiqprize, Mt, Alburt. \"alker, who was found dun ‘ommercial Hctel. Tux-out”, is death by a. violent blow f1 'Hapun in ms hzmds of sum 1 pexgous unknown. The Exhibttion Program COTC date of Bolton Fair ha d from Oct. 3 and 4 to M esday, Oct. 7 and 8. :1 the storm on Thux 0 Han can: in thenvig a had their Iuachiu: the lightning fluid. mix-’5 jury g‘epoylegl t} N ews N otes. rame‘ or Unmnvillv, was of Miss Mary Mnnkxmm of Headford { has purchased a the price paid 'us Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” M 1' Bnyl [C Friday night a of his constitue MP. and Mr spent Sunday Sanderson. Miss Maude Marsh left on Tu with a number uf friends to visi PeLu-AnLBricau. nit Mr One of the happier tendencies in the life of to~day is the increasing intiâ€" macy of people with woods and ani- mals, and fields and flowers. The opening article of Leslie’s Monthly for September is upon the art of phoLu- graphing birds. written and lieziuti- fully illustrated by Mr. A. H. Veri‘ill, who is himself past master of the art. Booker T. \Vushington, whose recent autobiography hids fair to become a classic, contributes an important pa- per on “ How \Vork is Done at; Tusk- egee." It tells the whole secret of his success. A third article, which will be read by many people with astonish- ment and by all with interest. isan impartial account of the \Yhipping Post as it- is in operation in Delaware tO-dily‘ The question of corporal pun‘ islnuenb can best, he debuted in this sole surviving pi-gmtice of a custom that was once universal, for the :u-gn- lnents in its defense. are powerful and deserve much consideration. Miss E. Lau with her hmt] A " ' ' ‘ "‘ J "“' fvilmvwmmtlymt-n. Ye humu- yom pntliutic endeavors to' strengthen the common Canadian sentiment in all the provinces, and to guard and promote thufreedmn and e-Ificimwy of British institutions.” As reliable as old 11mm black and hlnv dress sex just to hand at Atkinson a The \Vorld of Saturdn David McGee. 30 ywn-s chargv (1 with abducting L' of A. G. McIntyre, ago 1 home in 'I‘nmntu. The elatos they we“: in Ric Monday night. Mn Nuwlnuy Buttnn. born at But- tom'il'kA, 4th cun. Markham, celebrat- ed his 7th) birthday (m Monday. He was a. dvslmtch rider during the rc~ bullion of 1837. th” pl: he W; deny an I h: for :m Among the fa ported in the- L Sir Frvdvrivk dr-mvmzd ; Jun. ed; Samuel Rn sons. Montreal \th t, th 111 \\'h re 1‘ Methodist. ( Rev. Fnstm- Methodist C tuinm‘l cons the past \\‘H are friends I uni regist smned H‘Hnl the minislm Sig-wt Linw,-; he was (1111:: men Whu g“ lost his guld whh a mun; th” pnlicv st he was dis the bt'SL X for 300. 2a uma sons. Montreal, (hmvned: .Tl‘embiny, Quebec, dmwne Rickett, Br'lleVille, killed Tees, Wtreul, drowned; I Deegan, Ilull, committed sui M 1‘ Miss an out Miss Beula H1 .vitzel Sir \Vilfrill maim‘l whc any we; LESLIE’S MONTHLY ohu Riclnudson, M. P‘ Ul'k, was in the villa}: PERSONALS. his I‘I‘Y MM [1 met in thp (:i’ty Lewd at u but nws. ()n‘ thp 5 h Brydon loft Week to visit ‘5 he ‘HK Jhl’ll'lfh :1 M'Annm [nu-ch at Huquet and Mrs. (‘11:: We been speudmg :I, fe \x'msuu’ . have WM” e Ili( thin; s. C. \Vebster of Aurora, with Mr. ande-S. J. H. letulilk 1d called on 1 L1 :nti 31-31;!) or of ll't‘ ynuthut you enjoy find-will and the proâ€" n? all classes of your men. Ye hunm- yom vm-s to strengthen the “H.” sentiment in all the nun hm Itch um \Vhit bars I sun & r1 111-in HIM Burr, ‘thery Sdu Ht‘l 111' is making a. visit Dr. Lnngstnfi'. onald h 1 life - was 93¢ nunz'l's by presgntcd thP svcund night 9 svpnmte’d' for a. Szindvrsml cluimé \. couple of strange snme candy. He was arrested along spent, the night in hin flue n The 2mm ut m1, pnstot‘ of the t Ahmmte, and spd pastor of the Perth, have (Ib- noluriety during 19 gentlx-nwn who ) city nf Syracuse, now We will sell ;-, \Vine Vinegar [nppy Home snap Switzer. ‘ll wrung-(Ming. llll'cl] :uxtluu‘xtles huiel undet )9 svcund n Separated” f1 0f wont wife '1-emieruf 1m Indlr tel-mum. s escm‘te ie \Thipping in Delaware corporal pun. lbated in this of a custom {tic the f Llu ond.‘ It) :le duquhtol‘ 3, from her puptr also hmund Hill : Chas. suicide. the hm riu says that llsun iLu-ton it! n pnx‘ta nt numk m. The :n-ted to Lhe City with an ontunws ougmtu- mmuing prgynwn I‘m-onto, , drawn- md twu Uuptuin .; \Vm. Dmid those zmd anâ€" L Y Rev. and Mrs. \Vellwood have 1e- turned .fxom a visit with relatives in Hl‘u‘qn‘ County, and the former will take his reguléyli \Vél‘k-Bil _the circuir. next Sunday. : I Mr. Frank Sims, as a delggqte from Court, Richmond. N0. 7046, Is 19 Hum- il‘mn this wwk attending the bl-eu‘mul “looting of tho. High Court, Aliment. Order of Foresters. Sir \Vilfrid Laurier. Prime Ministm‘ of Ua‘nndn, passed through our village Tuosday evvning by spezial Metro ml- itzm car on his way to visit, I{<)1\,\._\,,'n:, Mldock, Postmustorfienel-al, who i'u now at; his country home in North York near Newnmrket. My Money to loan a urtgane farm pr Enquire at Money to Loan If your drug ist cannot supply you, send us one do at and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and ive the name of your nearest exgrfiss 0 re. Address, J. C. AY CO., Lowell, Mass. W. 11. SEA“?! Circulars glnjly mailed on request; Students enrolled last year. and no g1 auhmte nmvwg them now out of a. position, is the record 01 the Address Central Businass College [Single copies, 3 ct%.. $1.00 a bottle. All drums“. SEPTEMI SEPTEMBELW Il'l T0 KEON T0 H HUNDRED ».u:d Garrard Sts‘ THE LIBERAL OFFICE ER 3RD. ‘SSION OPENS .10. dozen teach- riters. and every 0d work. ma. interest (21 first KEITH, qu uil 1r inv CO!!! 9D

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