Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Aug 1901, p. 4

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New Advertisements. Chan 0- Imperial Oil Go. Now govâ€"J C Aysr diCo 'ilicral. RICHMOND H ENSUS AND THE RACE CRY. â€"THE C The Toronto News says 2â€"“ The Globe is trying to spread the belief that the Conservative party has made the charge that there wasa 7‘ conspiracy to inflate the census re- turns of the Province of Quebec. No - such charge of course has been made, and The Globe‘s aim is simply to keep from dying out the race'fecling .whieh it did so much to provoke prior to the last elections." The Mail says 2â€"“ By the Toronto . Globe the Ontario Government is ad- ' vised to allow the census unfairness to pass without protest, and to perâ€" unit Ontario‘s representation in Par- liament to be reduced if Mr. Tarte .30 orders.” And again :â€"“ Obvious- . 'ly the figures are unfair. Of course i'evei‘ybody knows what the result of asich unfairness is. The decreases -hclp to cut down Ontario’s represen- tation in the Ottawa House. They field in the reduction of that strength \in Federal afl'airs which Messrs. Tart-e and Bourassa so much dislike.” This is a sample. It would be easy to fill a page with articles in ’ Conservative papers alleging the exâ€" istence of a conspiracy, headed by 'Tarte, to inflate the returns from Quebeoor unfairly to reduce the ‘x-representation of Ontario. The Mail now feels that it has the opportunity raise the race cry against Mr. ’Ross without having to consider Quebecâ€"Globe. .EAST YORK. For some time past it has been generally understood that it was the wish of Mr. John Richardson, M.P.P. for East York, not to seek re-eleetion at the close of the present term. Re- cently, however, strong pressure has been brought to bear on Mr. Rich- -ai‘dson from prominent Liberals in 'the Riding, and the result is that he has again consented to allow his name to go before the convention to .be held in the near future. We can *well understand that the present Member would willingly retire at .the end of this term, but he has no other wish or desire than to serve the best interests of his constituency, and if he receives the nomination he will doubtless again carry the Liberal banner to victory in East York. The Toronto World of Tuesday publishes a dcspatch from Montreal indicating that Hon. N. Clarke Wal- Jace is likely to blot out “the once powerful Conservative party in Quebec," and stating that Mr. Thos. Casgrain, Conservative M. P. for .Montmorency, is thinking seriously oi retiring from public life. Re- ferring to Mr. Casgrain the article concludes as follows :â€" “His friends say that Mr. Cas- gi‘ain feels that, while Hon. N. Clarke Wallace maintains what the member for Montmorcncy claims so aggressive an attitude toward the French and Catholic people of Canada, the position of the French Conservative ~ members is simply intolerable. It is now an open secret that, while Mr. Casgrain‘s personal relations with Mr. Wallace are most cordial, claims that it is unfair for the grand sovereign to place the French Con< scrvatives of Quebec Province in such an awkward position. Ile be. lieves, so it is rumored. that if Mr. Wallace does not change his tactics, ‘ every French-Canadian Conservative will have torctire from public life." â€"â€"â€"â€"- Cush takes no vacation. It will buy {his wool; :it Atkinson A: Switzcr‘s :- tlrupe nuts for 140.: shredded whole wln-ut, lira; Swiss food, 140.; goo ._.-oli_'oe. ground fresh, 150. lb. he . d . LADIES’ HOME JOURNAL. The Ladies‘ Home Journal for Sep- tember is the “ Special Auliimi’i I":ish- ion Nliiiiber" of that excellent, ming- Life Assurance Co. azinc. In addition to an lllill~|l.i| number of interesting stories and _ striking features, it devotes seven OF CANADA pages to H. complete setting forth of the styles-tithe in dresses. bodict‘S. hats and wraps. Thc most llllpiil'tdlll literary feature, perhaps, is the iniliul installation of" Miss Alcotl's Iii-tiers to Her ' Lo'nrie ’ "~ch ll‘l‘S which have never bcforc bccn pi intI-d. They :lll’ edited by “Laurie” himselfâ€"now grownup. There is El delightful dos- cription of a day in the woods with Ernest SCtUll‘Tllllnl[15011. and n jolly recital of “The (.‘ollcgc Scraps “'9 Got Into." by “A Graduate." The {ninth part of Miss 'J‘oinpkins’ “Alb ccn " brings that charming story near to its close, and Mr. Bok discusses the need forpuicntzil co-opi-i-ution in cd- Assures on all the modern plans. and in one (- the most lll‘uspcrtillfi null prryrennlve companies in existence. l‘reniiusis low, policies unconditional uud nonlorleitiiblo. Take n policy with the district agent. T. F. McMAHON. LIBERALOFFICE. RICHMOND “11.1. MONEYli MONEY: A Inigo amount of private funds to loan: on improvod fnriii property, Fivo per cant. i“, tars-s1. Easy trrins for ropnvrm-nt, No con: mission charged on loans. Apply to ucation in his editorial on “ The A. G. if. l.\WliENCF.,_ _ School Question Again" ThrN. a” i_ I‘rocliold Loan Building, Tor-into Clvs 0“ u Cats Thnl Draw Summer}... 0-1’0...lslr‘illlluIJierlll on Saturdays. “ Famous People as \Ve Do Not Know Them," and “ How it Village (banged its Name.“ combinc to make an l‘Xi'l'l- lcnt page, and :1 (lonblo pugc is devol- cd to photographs of " The Hand- somest Laces in America." " The New \Vcdding Stationery” is shown, also some of the photogguphs which Won prizes in The Journal's recent rural contest. In addition to the reg- Farm to Rent The west, half of lot 2. rom- of 3rd con. Vaughan. adjoining Maple. con- taining 101] acres. Brick dwelling and good outbuildings. etc. For further particulars apply H. A. NICHOLLS, to ul:i_r departments them are valuable 7-tf Richmond Hill. gl‘llclc's on “A Cleverly I’lunncd "â€" ‘ Iursl‘l'y,” “Plants \Vhich (inn be F f Raised in the House," and plans for ideal. $7000 house. By The Curtis _ Publishing Company, Philadelphia. “vest half 1,”; 35 mm. 2nd con. of One dollar a your: ten cents a copy. or less. Good house. bank barn, stables, shed, driving house and ()lhl'l' I outbuildings. Young orchard, all ' kindsof fruit. Good well and plenty of \Wltt‘l'. \Vell fenced. Land lllldt‘l‘i! a. good state of cultivation. App M ATTHElV MORTSON, Kgnf P.O. ‘ or to . JNO. THOMPSON. Thornhill P.() E FOR SALE E Agoodlooklug ' , horse and poor] 01- , lug bnruesa Is the worst kind of u oom- ’ blnutlou. Eureka‘ I Harness Oil not only makes tho harness nnd t e “_ horse look better but makes t e I , leather son and p1labln,putsltln con- dition to last twice no long as it ordinarily would. Sold everywhere In onusâ€"1H IluI. Made by IMPERIAL House and two acres of land with orchard just west of the tannery, Elgiu Mills. ‘ Apply on piemises. 3â€".) . ,7‘ SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS IJUBLIC NOTICE is horeby given that pursu- ant to authority of Orders in Council, the Red and White PINETIMUEB in the Joilowmq townships in the DISTRICT 0 i' «LGOMA. namely :â€"â€"The Townsrii s bl Lin .HAM (part), HART. CARTIER. LEVACK. JARVIs, ANDERSON. CHESLEY. --GILLMOR, \VEIbebt‘, ('on'ris and RUTHRRFU’RS) (part) and certain itrms between the PioEoN RIVER and the Annow li'VHH waters in the District of THUNDER BAY. “ill be (tiered for sale by Public Auction at the Parliament Buildings in the City of Toronto on TUESDAY. the SEVENTEENTH day of SFI’TEMBEB next. at the hour of ONE o'clock in the after- 1.1001). At the some time and place certain forfeited and abandoned berths in the Townships of DIGBr,SHunBoRM-z and LU'rrnawonTH in the District of HALIBCRTON and County of Vicâ€" TUBIA will be olfered for sale, the purchasers of these latter berths to have the right to cut all kinds of timber. is AUCTION 5 ": We can supply your needs “about ‘ Black Fence Wire. so 11 .. .......... .90 No. 8.96 pal 160 : Universal Food Cutter, $1.25 The Um Poorl Cutter will on raw or cooked men lard Ll) kindso! food. 1011.55 three cutting blusâ€" com, medium uni fine ; impossible to get out of order ad will lad a. lusting. Mode Sheets containing terms and conditions of Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and Concessions comprised in each Berth will be furnished on application, either personal or by letter. to the Department of Crown Lands. To- ronto, or the Crown Timber Agencies at OTTAâ€" WA. SAUM‘ STE. Mann; and Pour Alt’l‘BIIR. E. J. DAVIS. Commissioner Crown Lands. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto. June I. 1901. #0 be sold for 9350. we 0 .ro selling mom for 51.151. 1) you haven‘t one you mull have. 4'8 N. Râ€"No unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be paid for, raise to [lure Ensu. . The sixty-second annual meeting of the Gore Fire Insurance ()0. was held at Gait on the 28th of January, 1901. The total income from all sources was $131,928.60 and the disbursements amounted to $100,656,133 leaving $31,- 279.92 as the balance to the credit of the year's transactions. Out of this the directors have decided to make El, refund of 20 per cent. on all monies re- ceived from the members of the Conn puny. The total assets of the company amount to Sl33.823.11 of which $255,- 199.11 are in cash or cash items. The total liabilities amount to $58,009.20 leaving a balance of assets over all liabilities of $375,313.91. Rcsm-vo for reâ€"insurance other liabilities 858.009.20. Total assets available to pay lossrs $133,823.11. The amount of insurance in force 1 was $ l . The Gore isun up-to-dzitc HonicCoin- [ 3‘ pany and is noted for its broad policics l and liberal settlements. , Cull. write or phone J. T. Suigeon, ! Maple P. 0.. if noitding insurance. ' Exliluining the for“) of policy issued l i l by the Gore costs nothing. ‘ Gives a humid clem- steady white light â€"no dirty chimneys. no dis- agreeable until. I! you ~ want the bod who for memonoybuy Coal Oil. We outlook m Willow Butter Baskets. material - by an ex- pert wk‘uenm'il: j of rough railway nation Bwourlino if you need one. and all Corn Hooks, ~ 150. each. Reaping Books. 25 eta. each. You willnood one .40 out your corn. Meat Hooks, 50. per doz. 7 100 damn Meal Hooks. as illustrated. Male to i» sold for 9.30. dozen. We Vaughan, containing 100 acresmoic,‘ ly on the premises to 1 . Golden Light . Mathews. sand any amount y V i E‘â€" lililtllililiiliiw The Royal Visit to Canada. 1 The Closing Scenes of the War. The Return of the tinny. I" $35.?ng ’i. $551393: H.373 thfili ‘ :f ESE-3.. ligiti it An Opportunity fv-l' Lim‘zuu. Ili'nlil’lx' to K1 op Posted During this l’i-i iod of lfxriu-vnrri. THE BIGGEST VA LUIS “’j’ I: YEN (I. ."IiICED. Ry .‘l vr-iigv s¢I1i\’fill'l<)!‘5‘ (‘Illlllllliq ;i.rv-;iir:cnn-ni with that growl l";iinilv News . llllpl‘l' tbc Family Herald and \Vwkly Star (-l‘ Monti-i 'll We are t'llllllicll to offer ,0 new snhsâ€"wrilu‘rs the biggest \Illlil‘ r'\'(‘l' lu-nrd «f. The balance of this yrur pinniiscs llw most startling events, and every person clioiild iii'l'l) posit-d. IIt-re is tlit- opportunity. For lbc small Sllll-l of 80 cents We will sz-ncl you nut il January Isl, 1.002. 'I‘llla‘ I.iiil-‘.n.\l.. 'l'lii- l':-._inil\‘ Herald and \Vm-kly ‘mni .iinl thr Family llcrnld‘s two great prcmium pictures, “Christ in the Temple" and “ Home from the “for.” Is that not :i‘dollni-‘s worth? l‘iillll‘l' piclui-c :llnnc is worth double the inoncy. 'I‘bis ollci- is open only to June :lfllli us the supply of pictures is limit- ed and cannot he promised after [but dutc. To any of our present subscribois we oli'r-r lbo Fir-iin Herald and “Hie-kl); Mar unlil January Isl. 1902. lllCl‘r’ltiill‘; ibi- 1 up pictures for the small sum of 5%. _‘ l L ' iii 1 'i‘ U RE Ci) M W) HTS People talk about men requiring only the “ Creature Comfort.” That's all your horse requires, but you should see that he gets them. You will get just what is right if you buy your harness, ily nets, horse nets. and supplies from (Also. Ric Donald, RICHMOND HILL. muggy-m mm .. ‘mm __ :un- W. , ~ Cut and Wire Nails. Buying in unload lot: 1 enables us to sell you nails. atjust the price the or (ilnary dealer has to %y the wholesale man. 0 have a surplus stock of j three and halHuch nails we are offering for $9.75 I keg; 5 and 6-inch cut nails for .152 00 keg. This is away below “10/ regular price. Grain, £001; and Chaff Baskets. You'll find our 59- sortment large and rightly priced: HICKORY BASKETB- Hall' bushel slab. but shaped, the bee! buo- ket for gathenlng op plea. potatoes. etc. ROOFING MATERIAL. Rooting Pitch. Tuned Rooting Felt. various weights. Best Tan-ed Building Paper, 45c. roll'. Boat Plain Root- 7 in Paper.35c.roll. A to l of plain or tuned building paper con- bains 400 square feel. J - Are the handsomest. simplest. and the most economical raucee on the market today I! you are gomg to buys. range this season DUN’T spend your money unto! you have seen the splendid value W" can offer you intbis line. Stove Repairs. We can supply repairs (or alums! any make of stove. BUCKSAWS, C‘ A good snrviv ’ 300' able Bunkunn for 350. Still hotter lines ranging in price up to $1 each. A good hardwood raiding Saw- ‘ horse for 250. Lamp Chimneys, ,; 50. each. { , Medium or large size. In 3. 5 and 10 1b. Sizes. regulatiousmnw'ard pat tern. Special close out i Lantern Globes Ordinary or cold blast. 50. prices [or quantities. each. 4“)“ blender, 350, This very handy tool has been sold for ONE Di ILLAEL We are selling Cobbler’s Out- flt 490. ' 4 .Handy Harness You can be your own _' are selling “60.1w! doz. quart-I v. ' W. H EVV l 80 N 1 HOUSE PAINTER, l Glazier, Grainer and Paper-L ‘. Hanger. ‘ ' Calls from a distance promptly attended to. l RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL li' 159 l l l l, RUSSLL’S b ' them for l , cobbler with one of 356' , .r ouroutfltsstlilc. You 5 You can't afford to ‘ - , will saveita cost many be without one. i ‘ times over, , __~__,. . . MANURE FORKS, 600. ' ' “ ‘ ’ \‘u 2.33%.... Poultry Netting. ’--'-Q 5.21%” Our stock is complete in all l ‘_ _. ferrUle Fixes. Close out prices for quan- manu” titles. V‘ {or-k. regular 750,10: . AT THE King St. East, Toronto.

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